Are In Business Tell Them So Through The Times ^iuiinHiuiitM*»*«ruiuiiin»niunninmiiuntmuuvuiiisiiuitiiiiiuioiin'jiiinii(n ~ VOL. LXV. No. 46 ”OCEAN_GROVE, NEW: JERSEY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1940 F O U R C E N T S Warns of Freezing A. D. Clark Feted at TWO GROVE POLICEMEN FLEE Armistice Day Celebrated At Shore With Parade, WHEN SKUNK GOES ON SPREE A s Winter Comes Patrolmen William Herbert Memorial Exercises Conducted at Churches, Parks Given to Women*s Club Board and Raymond Anderson will Automobile Club Sees Danger take anything within reason in jn Neglect of Minor, Yet Club Member Honored After the line ..of duty, but when a Important, Items; Important Moulton Named by Thousands In Line of March at Asbury Park, . skunk makes his . appearance, . P oints’ Given Eighteen Years Service To Ocean Grove that’s an entirely different Educational Group m a t t e r . *7. As a poetical'theifteT frost, may Include Soldiers From Forts Hancock and Unit; Mrs'. Paul J. Strassburger Hostess ; The two policemen Were at be all right on pumpkins, the Key­ Dr. Onsville J. Moulton, super­ Monmouth, Company G , Formerly of the booth'ati the Main avenue stone Automobile Club observes, vising; principal of the Neptune but frosty mornings can play ha­ A! tea to the executive board of gates Sunday morning, when Township. school system, was nam­ Asbury Park; Wreaths Placed By Groups voc with motor cars not: yet con­ ed to the office of vice; president the' Ocean Grove Woman’s club and Union Thanksgiving tiie animal was .noticed calmly ditioned for cold-weather driving. of the New Jersey Education as­ in honpr of M rs. Alfred D. Clark walking up the path to the en­ The shore section celebrated Ar* j tK p ^ o o k rff^ ^ ^ ^ . trance to v Ocean Grove. Both In a bulletin just issued, the sociation at a session of the 86th was given Wednesday pfternoon by Service On Thursday misticc Day with appropriate cere. - a bri6f prayer and Club gives advice on how to nvoid annual convention held in Atlantic [ .Mrs.' Paul J. Strassburger at the men,. in great haste, immedia- . ..: tely entered. the booth and many of the hardships encountered City Friday, Saturday, Sunday and monies to mark the day on which, j devotional -service at St. Paul’s latter’s home on Pilgrim Pathway. Instead of tho regular midweek and closed all windows; and th e : ; by car owners in freezing tempera­ Monday. Neptune schools .. were twenty-two years ago, the end of church, following the ringing of .The hostess was assisted in the service at St. Paul’s church, on door tightly until the lone tures. Five important points are osed-M onday-a-fuIl-day-and-tweri- the church bell at 10:30 and then at ’{serving' by Mrs. Alice W. Engel, Wednesday. Rev. John Pemberton, 7£hlT fii:st World W ar came to an black-and white striped bomber, stressed, as follows: 7 ty-five members of the faculty at­ eleven. All over the. shorc :citizens ■ M :: W m rc. Magee 7T m d ~ M r g r E . jr., pastor; has’ announced a Union 7 end: had passed. The animal con- • “First, make sure the battery is tended; the Convention. 7 ... Thousands . of . .soldiers ■ of past, stood at attention briefly .in ob-. L. Bernhart, while two past presi­ Thanksgiving service for Thursday ' tinned • towards, the Neptune fully charged. Very few .motor­ Other officers of the association wars . and soldiers of the p r e s e n t ! scrvance of the. two minutes fol- dents of the-club; Mrs. Bernice K, morning at 10 a. m. The Bradley high school building, needless ists know that a battery showing elected at the session were Miss prenarednes.s program inarched j lowing the hour, given over to the • Broome and Mrs. Harold '■ Bills, Beach Methodist church and: the to say, unmolested. only one-quarter charge will freeze Lelia I. Brown, Newark, who was ■ pbared. The hostess’ apartment W est Grove Methodist church will with members of ci vic organizar memory . of those wl)o died in the made president, succeeding Dn •was beautifully decorated -with unite with, the St. Paul’s congre­ Heretofore Ocean Grove has at 13 degrees above zero. 'At half­ tions, firemen and municipal offic- j last war. , 1 ; charge; it will freeze at zero, but Wiiliarn Fidler, Audubon; Dcrwood inis' in a parade Monday , afternoon . The parade in Asbury Park, crysanthemums. gation for the service. Y.. boasted'of having, rabbits, pos­ J. Tew, Camden, who was named ' The occasion was. to do honor to The preacher at the union ser­ sum, and-wild ducks within its it is good for 58 below, when fully in Asbury Park, following w reath- which was watched by crowds along secretary for the coming year, and placing ceremonies at the many the line of march, was made up of onp who had served the dub for vice will be the Rev. Herbert; J. boundaries,; but this is . the charged, . Lena M. Porreca, Hackensack, representatives of almost . every: gighteen years in many official Belting, pastor of . the Bradley first, and' two patrolmen hope “Second, it is well 'to. change memorial monuments and ceme­ tr e a s u r e r . civic, fraternal arid niunicipal or­ ; capacities, having joined the club Beach church. the last, tim e a skunk had been 7 from heavy to a lighter oih Even teries along the shore section. Fire An All-State orchestra, compos-; ganization along the shore, Was .one ycar after it was founded., Mrs. Other services at St. Paul’s, s ig h te d . a strong battery will> have diffi­ horns and church bells sounded the ed of nearly 500 students from the undei';the direction of Albert Heim- 'Clark retired from the executive church will proceed, on schedule, culty in turning over a motor bogg­ hour at eleven o’clock in obser­ state high schdls, gave a concert roth, of the Asbury Park Ameri­ board last May. with the Bible .school meeting at ed down in heavy oil. Your dealer vance of the time the 1918 armis- HAMILTON GROUP IN SCHOOL at the Sunday meeting. Early can Legion.- In the parade were' . ' ; Th« honored guest was present­ 9:30 Sunday morning, and the knows the correct grade for your American songs, folk, songs, hymns members of Company G, 114th in­ ed with a corsnge of orchids and a regular preaching services at 10:45 . .. r . .77 7; -7 ,7 :-,-7". 7 ' - and operatice and classical numb­ fantry, made up o f: youths from, gift from her friendB and co-work­ i». m., and 7:15 p. m. The theme . Chur<* Congregation Meeting In “Third, make sure the gas line Gov. Moore Asked ers composed the program. -7; the shore- section 'of Monmouth ers in the club, for the morning device by Rev. I , Summermield Building and carburetor are clear. Tcachcrs at the convention were county recently .called up by Pre­ : <Mrs. Bills was chairman of the Pemberton will be “Our First Lino .1 Members of the .Hamilton Meth- “Fourth, check the ignition and To Lead Pageant addressed' by several: state. educa­ sident Roosevelt, The company : prqgram , assisted by Mrs. Dorothy of Defense,” and in the evening' he i odist ohurch congregation m etyes- spark plugs.' ' -7... -7 r" .7 tors, including Stephen Gilhuly, re­ Asbury Park Board of Trade was a fdrmer part of the New Jer­ W interstella, A quartette of Mrs. will speak.'on “ B. C. or A. D.?” terday at'the Summerfield school -Fifth, use anti-freeze mixture in tired member of the Newark school sey national guard, with headquar­ ! jplark’s favorite poeriis were read The Epwprth League service' at i House for their annual - roll call the' radiator. Thirty per cent 1 o f Asks. State Head to Officiate faculty, of Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean ters in Asbury Park. Also in the ’ by iMrs.. Harold Bills.- They were 6:30 p. m., will be under the lead services. The school authorities against freezing at two -degrees at Christmas Parade; Affair G ro v e. parade were army contingents from ? “Barter" by Teasdale, “A Crown, ership of Raymond Thomas, 0f were among the many groups of­ below zero; a like percentage of The session was opened Friday Planned for. December. 4. 7 Forts Hancock and Monmouth, and of Bells,” by Hare; “Leaf Burning" L a k e w o o d . fering the church their facilities wood alcohol arid glycerine will with a welcome address by! Thom­ members of the Naval personnel by , Eaton and “Italian Rose” by after- the church edifice was. com: give protection at five, degrtes, be Governor A- Harry Moore has j of thc Air station at Lakehurflt. as , D. 'Taggart, jr.,' mayor of A t­ D a ly . plctely. destroyed by fire last week. low; 50 per cent of glycerin alone been,.invited to lead the gigantic County jj0y S(.out troops, led by It is planned to hold the most of lantic City and a greeting by . M rs. Theresa • McClintock, con­ Red Cross Officer will protect at zero, Christmas pageant-parade . that, Sool|t Executive ElmeBt: M.7Blan- 7 7 the church’s services and affairs at Charles H. Elliot, New Jersey Com­ tralto, sang two groups of songs, “While keeping the car in shape wil be held in Asbury Park 011 Lcltai-tl, Sea-Scout Commissioner L. thc school. ' ‘-. • missioner . of Education. 7 accompanied at the piano, by Mrs. Speaks Before Club for cold weather, it is advisable to Wednesday, DMember 4, ^cording | Vnnce,Jeffcr.s and Scbut.
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