Distribution BED BANK Today 4ty. H0 uday la Ws; lew te- 19,1*5 als*, tfs; tanwrrow aetr .M. t HONDA* ntowmrmtAt-ttr. m See weather, page 2. Dial SH I-0010 linud aiilj. Uondtr Unmgk maij. Second Cliu Pwlut 1 VOL. 84, NO. 212 Paid at Red (uk Ud at AddlUaul lulling Ofiicei. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Tavern Robbed, Flames Level Raritan 2 Held HOLMDEL—Two men charged with holding up the Red Roof Tavern, Rt. 34, early today and Inn, Keyport Landmark robbing a bartender of $50, were arrested several hours after the robbery in their car on the Gar- den State Pakway. Adjacent State Police said two men en- tered the bar shortly after mid- night, held up the bartender, took his wallet and money, struck him Building over the head and then fled. The two suspects were captured at 1:45 a.m. on the parkway by Troopers William O'Connor and Wrecked Frank Mara. The pair were identified as KEYPORT — Fire of un- Jack Sullivan, 22, of 239 Garfield Ct., Long Branch, and Burton T. ietermined origin early this Ullery, 23, of 786 Briar Ave., morning destroyed a land- PINNED UNDER BUS — Firemen use a wooden beam at Toms River. mark — the Raritan Inn — a lever to free George Denton from under wheel of a Police said Ullery has signed and an adjoining store and San Francisco but. Denton, 64, of San Francisco, who a statement admitting his part in apartments on Broad St. 1 he robbery but has refused to is lying on a blanket, was knocked down by the bus and mplicate Sullivan. They said Sul- Officials estimated damage at pinned for 10 minutes before rescuers were able to free livan has denied any part in near $100,000. him. He died five hours later in General Hospital. the robbery. Fire Chief Joseph Collins said the two buildings were ablaze (AP Wirephotol The pair will be arraigned be- fore Magistrate Seymour Klein by the time firemen reached the berg this morning on charges of scene early this morning. He aggravated assault and armed said he did not know how or Top Estimate Slightly where the fire started. robbery. According to police this is what He said several families living happened: in apartments above the store next to the inn had fled from Two men walked into the tav- the burning building and could SchoolAddition ern after midnight and ordered give no information as to how several glasses of beer. After it started. drinking the beer, one of the men allegedly Sullivan, pulled a re- The inn, a three-story wood volver out of his shirt and told and brick building, had been Bids'Favorable' the bartender, Gordon Thompson, condemned by the Borough Coun- 34, of Rt. 537, Colts Neck, "Thi MASS OF FLAMES — This was scene early today at the height of a fire which destroyed the Raritan Inn and cil. It was reported that a $50,- 000 mortgage on the building had MIDDLETOWN—The Board of 000 estimate for contingencies in is a holdup." adjacent store and apartments on Broad St. and First Ave., Keyport. Cause of the spectacular fire, which kept Education last night received low the original estimate, the bids kept the borough from razing the Police said the pair took a wal- base bids totaling $138,651 for received last night still came firemen busy for five hours, is unknown. The Inn, « landmark in Keyport, had been condemned. structure. let and $50 from Thompson and construction of a seven-room ad- in within the over-all estimate The building was owned by then ordered him into a back dition to the Bayview School, and could be considered favor- the Broad Brook Realty Corp. room. Leonardville Rd., Belford. able. The name of the owner of the There, they said, the othe K9 Police Original estimates of the cost Low Bids Tax Unit adjacent store — Babyland — and ef the project—made two years man, struck the bartender ove Lions to Sponsor S. J. Day Associates, Asbury the apartments could not be ago, set the construction cost at the head with a full whiskey bot- Plan Tabled learned. Park, was the low bidder in the tle and then tore the telephone J137.700. LONG BRANCH-Dogs were general construction category off the wall. Opens The Inn was reduced to the A spokesman for the architect, with a figure of $32,779. once the rage in this resort. first floor shell, while the stores Frederick A. Elsasser, Union, set Police charged that the pai PowerboatRegatta Park Steel & Iron Co., Bradley But they can't even get a job and apartments were gutted. the total cost of the project—in- fled the scene in Sullivan's car. today. cluding construction, architect's Beach, was low bidder for steel Chief Collins said the fire broke and iron at $1,696. The revolver has not been Hearings ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — The Lions Club Almost 30 years ago grey- out about 3:30 a.m. Men from lees, equipment and contingen- found as yet, police said. hound races drew thousands to William L. Towers submitted a will sponsor this borough's second annual power- 12 fire companies were still at ties—at $175,000. The pair were spotted on th TRENTON (AP) - The state the beachfront, until they were low bid of $22,805 ^or heating boat regatta to be held at the municipal yacht the scene at press time. He said that because of a 514,- parkway by troopers from the Tax Policy Commission opened held illegal. So the dogs were and ventilating work, and a low Approximately 200 firemen from Holmdel barracks, and appre- public hearings in its historic harbor Aug. 26. taken away. bid of $19,798 for plumbing work. companies in the borough. Union hended. study of New Jersey's finances Recently City Manager Rich- Red Bank electric submitted a today and was immediately The decision was made at a meeting of the Beach, Raritan and Matawan No Decision; Owner o[ the tavern Is Nor- ard J. Bowen has been study- low bid of $11,573 for electrica greeted by requests for almost club's trustees Monday night, Ing use of German shepherds Townships, Matawan Borough man Diletto, 9 Allen PI., Red g y q and Holmdel answered the alarm. work. $35$300 millioli n in new taxes. Last year's event, the first of i t s kind held as aids to the police depart- Bank. Officials reported that a debris Jurisdiction Other bidders were: A spokesmap n for the N. ment. He put the plan before Police said Ullery already is here, was conducted by the Chamber of Commerce. City Council last night but it fire had broken out in an ad- General construction: Suther Educatioi n Association asked for on probation as a result of a pri- Jerome A. Greenberg, chamber president, was turned down, 5 to 2. jacent lot yesterday afternoon but Is Questioned land-Backer, $83,897; Ricciard or conviction on a robbery about $150 million extra in state was qufckly extinguished. Building and Construction Co. school aid. Said yesterday that his group will give the contest Councilman Alexander Vine- charge. Chief Collins said there were SHREWSBURY — A question $96,449; Allen Brothers, $86,884 A spokesman for the N. J. "fullest co-operation." burg said it was more import- The pair are being held in the ant to spend money on recrea- ef jurisdiction has delayed a Civic Construction Co., $82,888 Manufacturers Association pro- no injuries reported. county jail pending arraignment Lions Club members DA. Caruso and Joseph court decision in a case involv. posed abolishing $106 million in tion for children than on dogs The blaie Is under Investiga- (See SCHOOL, Page 2) today. for policemen, specially, he ing a man whose car was struck personal property taxes on busi- Julian are In charge of the regatta, which will be tion. added, since the city has a low by a train at the White Rd. cross- ness and replacing it with an conducted under the auspices of t h e American crime rate. ing April 4. increased state corporation tax Power Boat Association and the Winding River Charles M. Van Leer, Jr., 21. and a sales tax if necessary. Councllwoman Lucy Wilson s«id she was "voting 'no' at of Reckless PL, Red Bank, the ,000 in Sewer A spokesman for the highway Boat Association of Red Bank and Millvillc. Write-in this time" so that study could driver of the car, yesterday users conference advocated about Arthur Hafner and Albert Bauer will represent be given the kind of dog which pleaded not guilty to careless $90 million a year more in added the two boat associations. might be used. She said an Candidates driving. highway construction. Payments Withheld According to Mr. Julian, the function of the unsuited dog would be a "lethal Magistrate Whitney Crowell re- They were to be joined by 15 MATAWAN - Borough Coun- the resignation of Mrs. Doris weapon." served decision after questions other witnesses, most of whom associations is to set up regulations, notify pros- Are Official cil last night withheld payments Olrich as violations clerk and Mr. Bowen had tentative ar- were raised over the local court's advocated an end to New Jer- from two sewer contractors to- municipal office clerk. In her pective contestants, and provide judges for the rangements to have two city FREEHOLD - Write-in candi- Jurisdiction. The accident hap- sey's traditional abstinence from taling $^,000 - $41,000 each con- letter, Mrs.
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