A THEN ITE A Library 'rhe Boston Letter from Athenteum No. 82 AUGUST Beacon Street Irregular Stnkes Agazn! Summer (zssue and readtng ltst) delayed tlus year, but does col'ne tn. ND what was summerlike about June of 198 5? Seriously, your editor apologi1cs for this inconvenient delay, but must plead preoccupation wtth pressing fam­ ily responsibilities. It is grattfying, however, to be told by Rodney Arm­ strong that quite a number of our readers have been clamonng (qutetly, of cou r ~e ) for the appearance of this issue. It's always pleasant to have one's small efforts ap­ preciated; and we trust that the extensive read1ng list offered here will be almost as useful in late summer as 1ts predecessors have proved in earber appearances. Before moving on to other topics, it seems appropriate to note that ITEMS 1s an irregular (not an annual, certainly not a quarterly) publication. Our original inten­ tion was to produce two or three issues tn most years; but our director's ANNUAL REPORT ts such a splendidly omnivorous devourer of MATERIA ATHENJEICA that we find ourself with a perennially impovenshed pen! But then, who could wtsh to lose a paragraph of that delightful Southern Baroque prose? At Home Readers will have observed the inevitably somewhat messy commencement of certain renovations on the first floor. The replacement, with insulated triple-layered glass, of the last of the 19 r 4 casements on the Granary stde of the budding should add considerably to fuel savings and security as well as wtnter warmth and summer coolness. The appearance of these windows will be unchanged. The refurbishing of upholstery, slipcovers, curtains, etc., a certain amount of painting, and perhaps the debut of a newly acqutred onental carpet or two, wdl, over the next month or so, enhance the aesthettcs of thts most vtstted area of the Athenreum. And Abroad On 9 October, a group of Athenreum readers depart for Portugal and Spatn, ac­ companied by Rodney Armstrong, hts wife, Kathanne, and Norman Tucker of the staff. Arriving in Lisbon IO October, the travellers will also visit in Portugal: Estoril, Sintra, Obidos, Busaco, and Coimbra. Emphasis will be upon the art and architec­ ture of Portugal, with a specially guided lecture tour of the world famous collection of the late Calouste Gulbenkian. In Spain, the group will visit: Seville, Segovia, To­ ledo, Granada and Madrid. Dr. Tucker will present a slide presentation on Thurs­ day, I 2 September, at 3:30 p.m. on highlights of this forthcoming trip. One or two spaces are sull available for interested members. We also wish to announce the Athenceum's tour to Holland, Belgium, Paris and Normandy, 26 April-I 5 ~ay I986. Peter Lauritzen, distinguished art historian and lecturer, who has accompanied us on past tours, will be present for the Dutch and Belgian portions of the trip. Art, architecture, gardens and flowers, not to mention food, will be emphasized. The brochure concerning this late Spring tour should go to members shortly after Labor Day. Exhibition Catalogues & Grants Two catalogues are in preparation for upcoming exhibitions in the Athenceum Gallery. The first, to accompany an exhibition entitled THE LAST EDWARDIANS: AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF VIOLET TREFUSIS AND ALICE KEPPEL, will be available tn November. (The exhibition will be open from 4 November through 6 December, I 98 5 .) This catalogue, with essays by John Phillips, Peter Quennell, and Lorna Sage, will be copiously illustrated with rare photographs by Cecil Beaton and others of Edward VII, Alice Keppel (his last mistress) and other Edwardian contem­ poraries, and also of Violet Trefusis and her contemporaries, such as Vita Sackville­ West, Raymond Mortimer, Osbert Sitwell, Colette, Harold Nicolson, etc. The cata­ logue as a whole will give a lively and fascinating look at two of the most interesting mothers and daughters of the first half of the twentieth century, with side glances into the world of the British aristocracy and the world of international society. Vi­ olet had elegant villas in France and Florence, and there will be many exterior and Interior pictures of both of these. This catalogue is funded in part by a grant from the Florence J. Gould Foundation, Inc. The second catalogue will record an exhibition entitled A CONTINENTAL EYE: THE ART AND ARCHITECTURE OF ARTHUR ROTCH (I85o-I894). Arthur Rotch, scton of the whaling Rotches of New Bedford and Nantucket, was a promi­ nent archttect tn Boston during the I 88os. As artist, architect, teacher and philan­ thropi t, he made important contributions to the development of American archi­ tecture. The catalogue wtll examine these contributions for the first time, and place them in histoncal context. The exhibition will focus on watercolor sketches made by Rotch as he traveled tn Europe and North Africa, r 874-r 88o, and will be open from ro December through 24 January, 1986. This project is funded, in part, by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. Other grants awarded or completed during the past year have included the eighth succe stve grant from the National Endowment for the Arts for the cataloguing of pnnt , photograph and works of art on paper. The current grant will aid in theca- taloguing of 194 photograph albums containing travel photographs, vie\\ s of home" and places VISited and portraits 1ncludtng a large number of officers and heroes of the Civil War. October, 1984 saw the completion of another Nattonal Fndov. rncnt supported proJect, the publtcatton of THE BOSTON ATHENJEUl¥1 C OLl FC ­ TION: PRE-TWENTIETH CENTURY A!v1ERICAN AND EUROPEAN PAINT­ ING AND SCULPTURE. This catalogue, complied and wntten by Jonathan P. Hardtng and Harry L. Katz, prov1des a conCise account of over three hundred patnt­ ings and sculptures tn the Athenreum's permanent collect1on. The catalogue in­ cluded biographies of each artist and documents the provenance, exhtbition records and publt~hed references pertatning to each work. Over half of the patnttngs and sculptures are illustrated tn black and whtte. Coptes of the catalogue are avatlable through the Athenreum's Records Office at a cost of thirty dollars. Another proJect which has recetved NEA support ts a full-scale exhtbttton cen­ tered around American sculptor, john Frazee, examtntng hts career as a sculptor and in architecture. The exhibit will have a catalogue which will be a biographical and art histoncal study. This project IS one being done tn cooperation wtth the Nattonal Portratt Gallery, Washington, where the exhibttion will open dunng r 986 before coming to the Athenreum. Grants have provided for the conservation treatment of important paintings in the Athenreum collectton during the past year. Wtth support from the National Endowment, two European works recetved treatment: Luca Giordano's APOLLO FLAYING MARSYAS and FLOWERS AND FRUIT by Peter Boel. The Athenreum's portrait of James Perkins by Gilbert Stuart and that of John Adams by Gilbert Stuart Newton after Gilbert Stuart also recetved conservation treatment with a grant from the Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities. Gallery Exhzbitions 10 September-r8 October: an exhibition of photography by Jerry N. Uelsmann. Opening reception, Tuesday, September ro, 5:30 to 7:)o p.m. On Thursday, Oc­ tober 17, at 6:oop.m., Mr. Uelsmann will discuss his work as a surrealist photog­ rapher. 21-26 October: an exhibition of pnnts and photographs (1755-1900) of the ctty of Athens from the collection of Dr. Nicholas Catsimpoolas. The Boston Athenreum and the Consulate of Greece in Boston tnvite you to a reception celebrattng the r soth anniversary of Athens as the capt tal of modern Greece, Tuesday, October 22, 5: 30 to 7:30p.m. 4 November-6 December: THE LAST EDWARDIANS: AN ILLUSTRATED HIS­ TORY OF VIOLET TREFUSIS AND ALICE KEPPEL. Opentng receptton, Wedne day, November 6, 5:30 to 7:30p.m. (see also Other Events, November 7, 8, 13, and 21 ). This exhibition \vill travel to the Henry 1\.fornson Flagler Mu­ seum, Whitehall !vfanston, Palm Beach, Flonda. (Catalogue) 10 December-24 Januar} (1986): A CONTINENTAL EYE: THE ART AND AR­ CHITECTURE OF ARTHUR ROTCH (1850-1894). Archttectural watercolors painted during his travels in Europe and North Africa. Opening reception, Tues­ day, October Io, 5:30 to 7:30p.m. (Catalogue) Io February-15 March: FOUR BOSTON ARCHITECTS: HENRY NICHOLS COBB, PETER FORBES, GRAHAM GUND, AND MARY OTIS STEVENS. Opening reception, Monday, February I o, 5 to 7 p.m. Each architect will give a talk (see Other Events). 20 March-I6 May: DRAWINGS AND WATERCOLORS BY CHARLES BURCH­ FIELD. Opening reception, Thursday, March 20, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. (see also Other Events). Under a grant from the New England Foundation for the Arts, this exhibition will travel to three New England museums. Other Exhibitions I9 September-19 October (Second Floor, Long Room): An exhibition of material from the archives of King's Chapel and the Athenreum's King's Chapel Collection celebrating THE EVE OF THE KING'S CHAPEL TERCENTENARY (see also Other Events, September 24 and October 8). There will be, no doubt (other) other exhibitions; but, at present, we lack the neces­ sary information to list them. (Editor's note). Other Events I 8 September at 5:3 o p.m.: BOOK PARTY. The Boston Athenreum, Suffolk Univer­ sity, The Museum of Afro-American History, and the National Park Service invite you to a celebration of BLACK WRITERS IN NEW ENGLAND, by Edward Clark. This book derives from the Collection of Afro-American Literature, a joint project of Suffolk University and The Museum of Afro-American History in co­ operation with the Boston African American National Historic Site, a component of the National Park Service.
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