`PLAYED ALONG WITH SCHEME' sonnel was involved. NBC Offered 'Deal' to Ruin Russo said he was in con- stant contact with the DA's office while Townley, Phelan and Sheridan made repeated DA's Case, Russo Claims visits to attempt to persuade Star witness Perry R. Rus- the late David W. Ferrie and him to appear on last night's Richaid Townley of WDSU- program. so said today he "played Lee Harvey Oswald to kill TV at New Orleans and Sat- "Sheridan offered to set me President John F. Kennedy. urday Evening Post writer along" with a National Broad- up in California, protect my casting Co. team whose mem- Today, Russo said he had James Phelan. never made that statement. job and guarantee that Garri- bers told him they were out son would never get me ex- He identified the three per- HE SAID TOWNLEY told to wreck Dist. Atty. Jim Gar- tradited back to Louisiana," sons who contacted him on him the group had been rison's Kennedy death plot in- he said. behalf of NBC as Walter Sher- "working closely with the de- RUSSO SAID Sheridan vestigation. idan of the NBC news staff, See PROBE—Page 7 made the promises if the wit- Russo met the press in the ness would "side with NBC DA's office shortly before 2 and the defense." p. m. and told newsmen an Russo quoted Phelan as Continued from Front Page NBC representative offered to warning him that Garrison fense" and had been swapping would "leave me standing in "set me up in California" if the cold all alone and that I he cooperated with the net- information with Shaw's attor- neys. would be the only one who work's attack on Garrison. Russo indicated that Town- would get hurt. The -witness's press confer- ley threatened hi m with Garrison appeared briefly ence came in response to an wrecking his personal reputa- at the start of the news con- NBC special report last night tation unless he cooperated ference, but said he had with the NBC staff and its nohting more to say about which questioned the authen- NBC and its critical presenta- ticity of his evidence against program. "He said that Mr. Dymond tion. Clay L. Shaw. (defense lawyer F. Irvin Dy- EARLIER, HE charged that mond) was going to tear me NBC is using "the big lie" T H E PROGRAM. quoted apart on the stand, and that as its "main weapon" to de- Russo as saying he had not after the trial was over I stroy the Kennedy inquiry. told the truth when he ac- would be discredited in every- "There really should not be cused Shaw of conspiring with I one's eyes." much question left about where NBC's orders are com- HOWEVER, THE witness ing from," he declared. said he was told nothing The "would be held against me" NBC documentary, "The JFK Conspiracy: The if be cooperated in the anti- Case of Jim Garrison," de- Garrison program. clared that Garrison used tes- Russo said he was told by timony which "did not pass a members of the trio that both lie detector test" to hold Shaw NBC and the Central Intelli- for trial on charges that he gence Agency were "out to conspired to kill John F. Ken- wreck the Garrison investiga- nedy. tion." FURTHERMORE, THE net- Russo said the CIA was work commentary said Gar- mentioned "repeatedly" dur- rison ordered the polygraph ing his conversations with test and knew his witness did Sheridan. He quoted Sheridan not pass. as saying that a number of The DA jumped the gun on persons involved in the inves- NBC Saturday by filing an tigation were present or for- official complaint with the mer CIA employes. Federal Communications Com- GARRISON HAS charged mission "for activities inter- that Kennedy was murdered fering with the prosecution of by anti-Castro Latins who an open case." once worked for the CIA. He The network used Alvin said the powerful intelligence Beauboeuf, Dean A. Andrews service covered up the cir- Jr., convicted burglar John cumstances of Kennedy's "John the Baptist" Cancler, death because its former per- Saturday Evening Post writer James Phelan, Layton Patrick Martens, a Yale psychology j professor and a New York ' code expert in its attack on case. Times. Cancler several times the Garrison investigation. Beauboeuf's charge repeat- talked with reporters here NBC commentator Frank ed earlier charges which the who attempted to have him McGee summed up the pro- New Orleans police depart- sign a sworn statement back- gram by asserting: ment has said were not true. ing up his story. Cancler re- "We cannot say that the Asst. Police Supt. P. J. Tros- fused. murder of John F. Kennedy clair announced last week Phelan, the magazine writer did not happen the way Jim that an "intensive investiga- whose story in The Saturday Garrison says it did. We can- tion" by his department had Evening Post, kicked up a not say he does not have the cleared both Dets. Lynn Loi- small storm of controversy evidence to prove it. sel and Louis Ivon of the ac- last month, repeated the "We can say this: The case cusations that they attempt- charges he made in the ar- he has built against Clay Shaw ed to bribe or intimidate ticle. is 'based on testimony that did Beauboeuf. He said he was given con- not pass a lie detector test ANDREWS, A SUSPENDED flicting reports on Russo by Garrison ordered — Garrison DA's assistant in Jefferson the DA's office. Russo is the knew it. One prospective wit- Parish, said he could not iden- witness who testified in the ness admitted he was going tify Clay Shaw as the mys- preliminary hearing for Shaw. to lie." terious "Clay Bertrand." HE SAID HE overheard The DA, responding to ques- The hip-talking lawyer, Shaw, Ferrie and Oswald plot- tions this morning, said he wearing his inevitable sun- ting Kennedy's murder follow- did not watch the NBC pro- glasses, told the television ing a party at Ferrie's Loui- gram last night. audience: siana ave. pkwy. apartment "I had more important "I wouldn't know Clay' during September, 1963. things to do," he said, "and Shaw if I fell over him on the the program does not justify street dead." Ferrie, a one-time airline comment." ANDREWS TOLD THE pilot, died Feb. -22—five days He said he might have Warren Commission a man after the Garrison investiga- something further to say to- he knew as Bertrand asked tion became public. Oswald, day or tomorrow. him to represent Lee Harvey whom the Warren Commis- Meanwhile, the man who Oswald after the president sion holds responsible for was in charge of giving a lie was killed. Kennedy's murder, was shot detector test to star Garrison Garrison has charged that to death by Dallas nightclub witness Perry R. Russo said Bertrand and Shaw are the owner Jack Ruby two days Russo proved incapable of same man, and the Orleans after the President was killed. taking a polygraph examina- Parish Grand Jury has indict- Garrison has contended that tion. ed Andrews for refusing to Ruby was a party to the con- connect the two. LEONARD GURVICH, a spiracy. In formal pleadings, •partner in Gurvich Brothers Last night, however, NBC the DA has charged that commentator McGee said Detective Agency, said Russo Ruby and Oswald met with was "highly nervous" when a NBC knows who Clay Bert- Shaw at Baton Rouge during rand is and that he is not polygraph test was attempted the fall of 1963 to plot the Clay Shaw. The network several months ago. President's slaying. identified Bertrand as a homo- sexual and said it was with- PHELAN SAID AN original holding his real identity to report given Garrison by one The test was halted, Gur- of his assistants failed to note vich said, and he and Asst. save him embarrassment. McGee said the information any testimony about a con- DA Andrew Sciambra attempt- spiracy from Russo. He said ed to calm Russo by talking about Bertrand has been turned over to the U.S. Jus- Russo delivered his courtroom with him. story only after it was sug- "After this short pause," tice Department in Washing- gested to him under the in- the detective said, "a second ton. "JOHN THE BAPTIST" fluence of sodium pentathol. attempt was made and again Martens, another Ferrie the polygraph operator ad- Cancler said Garrison investi- gators Loisel and Ivon at- roommate under indictment vised he was unable to get for perjury in connection with specific readings." tempted to persuade him to enter Shaw's apartment on what Garrison claims was a Gurvich said he is not burglary of munitions at aware that any further at- Dauphine st. and place some- thing in it. Houma, said he was never tempts were made. aware that Ferrie had a room- Garrison contends Kennedy Gander, a convicted bur- glar serving time in Parish mate named Lee Harvey was murdered at Dallas in Oswald. 1963 by "Latin adventurers" Prison, said the attempt was and others who were angry made before Shaw was ar- He said James Lewallen of with Kennedy over his han- rested March 1, the same day New Orleans had roomed dling of the Bay of Pigs in- his home was searched by with Ferrie and on occasion vasion and the Cuban missile DA's men who seized five was called "Lew" or `Lee." crisis. boxes full of papers and per- The Martens statement was Beauboeuf, a former room- sonal belongings.
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