2020 State Contest Projects

2020 State Contest Projects

JUNIOR GROUP DOCUMENTARY HEAT 1 Entry # Last Name First Name Project Title URL Contest ID Breaking the Barrier of 000 Flight: Two Brothers and a https://youtu.be/khN1sr9z4uA Dhar Aditya Dream 54-7AD000J Herrmann Ken 54-7KH000J Likes Brady “Mr. Watson Come Here”: 13-7BL001J 001 https://youtu.be/FRp4oXugX8Y Welte Jacob Telephone Breaks 13-7JW001J MacAlpine Loyola A Polio Breakthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ 01-7LM002J 002 Knepel Mia Barriers Broken Through tgRdBA1ZA 01-7MK002J Miller Sam Andrew Higgins designs the https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-- 37-7SM003J 003 Sturtz Elan Higgins Boat for the United 19h3bHyg 37-7ES003J Henderson Abby Breaking Barriers in 54-7AH004J 004 https://youtu.be/yBRZqMLf2cM Corn Elsa Hollywood: Ida Lupino, 54-7EC004J Nardis Sophia Chemical Warfare in World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl- 33-7SN006J 006 Goin Rena War 1 tytleuRs 33-7RG006J Archuleta Paradise Chicano Student walkout https://docs.google.com/presentation 09-7PA007J 007 Castro Neviah 1968 /d/13ftBCQC_AXwO4zWxNKDTzBbM 09-7NC007J Djama Farah https://www.wevideo.com/view/16072 28-7FD023J 023 The Voyager Program Brayton Jeremiah 00235 28-7JB023J JUNIOR GROUP DOCUMENTARY HEAT 2 Entry # Last Name First Name Project Title URL Contest ID Breaking the Sound Barrier: https://youtu.be/8qbX4 005 Higinbotham Roy “The Invisible Brick Wall” p56-vY 13-7RH005J Pasquin Liam 13-7LP005J Hughes Alex 13-7AH005J Grant Sydney 17-7SG008J Claudette Colvin: Breaking https://youtu.be/N_txive 008 Fulton Gracie 17-7GF008J Barriers and Changing History OYU4 Van Huisen Madison 17-7MV008J Hieb Michaela https://youtu.be/ub-Z- 64-7MH009J 009 Commedia Dell'arte Lepire Mila 0bGwAw 64-7ML009J Hilgenfeld Kallie https://youtu.be/48XaJ 06-7KH010J 010 Cracking the Hemp Barrier Polson Zoey p423vc 06-7ZP010J Voskuil Anika Crossing a Border of Racism https://www.youtube.co 39-7AV011J 011 Fasick Mia and Injustice: The Mexican m/watch?v=rmr9aa2gq 39-7MF011J Ciguenas Daniela 33-7DC012J Merta Anysa Holocaust is the Survival of the https://youtu.be/9HcWC 33-7AM012J 012 Compton Bailey Human Spirit eHXZcY 33-7BC012J Aparicio Nicole 33-7NA012J Shepherd Nora https://www.youtube.co 23-7NS013J 013 Hope is Never Silent Powell Ray m/watch?v=owR_TVw3 23-7RP013J Fernandes Emily https://www.youtube.co 40-7EF014J Jazz Musicians: The Accents In 014 Cadwell Thipalada m/watch?v=lSfMKgOkQ 40-7TC014J Society Weisbart Jackson Cg&feature=youtu.be 40-7JW014J Sauter Ryan 35-7RS022J Dierlam Elizabeth The Understanding of the https://youtu.be/5ZIe3z 35-7ED022J 022 Porter Hayden Autistic Mind Hm7cg 35-7HP022J Clay Thomas 35-7TC022J JUNIOR GROUP DOCUMENTARY HEAT 3 Entry # Last Name First Name Project Title URL Contest ID Logan Liza Kathryn Bigelow: https://www.youtube.com/wa 07-7LL015J 015 Taylor Jane Directing a Hollywood tch?v=ikQZUm5Dhg4&featur 07-7JT015J Russell Emma Marjorie Perry Breaking 55-7ER016J 016 https://youtu.be/CPRwifftQbI Sias Shea the Barriers of a 55-7SS016J Miller John Star Wars: A new Era of https://www.youtube.com/wa 06-7JM017J 017 Fry Jack Filmmaking tch?v=jPUl_4oSYGg&t=0s 06-7JF017J Schmitz Caleb The 1960 Paralympics: https://www.youtube.com/wa 37-7CS018J 018 Abramson Lev The Person First, The tch?v=fxlxWx5wNjc 37-7LA018J Lake Adam 39-7AL019J The Effect of The Sandel Josephine https://www.youtube.com/wa 39-7JS019J 019 Stonewall Riots on Thomas Amelia tch?v=DsT3_dD6nqo 39-7AT019J LGBTQ+ rights Sieja Lindsay 39-7LS019J Mehta Mahi https://www.youtube.com/wa 10-7MM020J 020 The Fight For Feminism Upadhyay Akshita tch?v=ZeIHF6UKdjM 10-7AU020J Vezeau Caydence The first successful https://www.youtube.com/wa 32-7CV021J 021 Brittain Alyssa vaccine: The smallpox tch?v=KnHyF62W8TI 32-7AB021J Watson Ashley W.A.S.P.s: Breaking 13-7AW024J https://youtu.be/h7UAqtsaq0 024 Schmitz Nick Barriers by Flying in a 13-7NS024J U McClure Caleb Man's World 13-7CM024J JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL DOCUMENTARY HEAT 1 Entry # Last Name First Name Project Title URL Contest ID "Shattered Perceptions": Tuskegee 027 Sanchez Joshua Airmen Break Racial Barriers https://youtu.be/kAs6MSIvfdE 13-3JS027J 51 Years Ago a Computer Crash https://www.youtube.com/watc 028 Kerwin James Changed the World h?v=FG5KQe8Bcp8 60-3JK028J https://www.youtube.com/watc 029 Roudakov Katya Animals in Space h?v=ScqygR1a8hU 10-3KR029J Benjamin Tallmadge and the https://www.youtube.com/watc 030 Tallmadge Kayla Culper Spy Ring h?v=iQAtOQ00wTY&t=18s 20-3KT030J https://www.youtube.com/watc 031 Anderson Victoria Breaking Barriers-Stonewall Riots h?v=-svJV4tNuH4 33-3VA031J https://www.youtube.com/watc 032 Perschon Maryn Breaking the Glass Ceiling h?v=hDpsJIZagPU 40-3MP032J Breaking the Silence: You Ain't 033 Bloomfield Rachel Heard Nothin' Yet!" https://youtu.be/lVbZI1mbHPQ 53-3RB033J https://www.youtube.com/watc Breaking the Sound Barrier: History h?v=Fa41gp4NiT8&feature=yo 034 Rodd Katja of the Talking Film utu.be 54-3KR034J JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL DOCUMENTARY HEAT 2 Entry # Last Name First Name Project Title URL Contest ID The Berlin Wall: The Rise and Rapid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v 051 Green Joe Fall of the Cold War’s Greatest Symbol =rI400HGko1I 40-3JG051J The Deacons for Defense and Justice: 052 Safiulla Deena Changing Both Mindsets and the Law https://youtu.be/4aR4SO8YKqg 10-3DS052J 053 Hakim Sedra The Life and Ideas of Mary Shelley https://youtu.be/HuDLTv7Qe2Y 64-3SH053J https://www.youtube.com/wat 054 Barton Laurel The Ludlow Coal Mining Strike ch?v=TQO1SRwgb0k 19-3LB054J The Ludlow Massacre: Breaking 055 Grubb Pete Through Socio-Economic Barriers https://youtu.be/dOiXghsOdEE 26-3PG055J https://www.youtube.com/watch?v 057 Martinez Santiago The Space Race =RZfM6PKBZl0&feature=youtu.be 09-3SM057J 058 Trujillo Daniel Tito Puente and the Rise of Latin Jazz https://youtu.be/-qkNxERbIa4 16-3DT058J War Captured Through Photography: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v Overcoming Ignorance,Gender, and =K5J8DP8NOcw&feature=youtu.b 059 Davidoff Lily Photography Barriers in Vietnam e 54-3LD059J "Nothing Stays These Couriers": Breaking Communication Barriers in the 025 Andrews Liam USPS https://youtu.be/UM0TRA9C0tQ 13-3LA025J JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL DOCUMENTARY HEAT 3 Entry # Last Name First Name Project Title URL Contest ID How the Black Panther Party Established Racial https://youtu.be/HTu85aH0U 041 Roberts Trinity Pride in the 1960’s vU 18-3TR041J How the Pearl Street Mall Broke Down Barriers in https://www.youtube.com/wa 042 Brandt Benjamin Urban Planning tch?v=dfMRwwolVnE 45-3BB042J Living a Life of Secrecy: The Untold Stories of the https://youtu.be/6VtY6rtMVT 045 Burton Renee Barrier Breaking Women in Cryptology Y 17-3RB045J https://youtu.be/- 046 Nolt Collin Mileva Maric: The Genius Behind Einstein EIFfUHUZzc 59-3CN046J https://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=D3XxODKSb2M&feat 047 Aggeler Bryn Rogers Killed Judgement With Kindness ure=youtu.be 23-3BA047J https://www.youtube.com/wa 048 Hargrove Harper Shatter The Silence tch?v=b7wYkg3zijs 39-3HH048J The Attack on Pearl Harbor - Breaking Barriers in https://youtu.be/hp4qV5B38 050 Edgar Avery History a4 41-3AE050J https://drive.google.com/ope n?id=14KHFloHmW24NYEB 056 Hernandez Diego The NBA's Racial Barrier wBKFANfgU8INhHDyo 09-3DH056J "Peaking Behind the Iron Curtain": U-2 Spy Planes 026 Lane Ryan Break Barriers During the Cold War https://youtu.be/_Q-xSlzeS4I 13-3RL026J JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL DOCUMENTARY HEAT 4 Entry # Last Name First Name Project Title URL Contest ID 035 Balderas Mia Brown Berets: Breaking Barriers in Chicano Education https://youtu.be/TDki27c1mqg 18-3MB035J 036 Grossman Madeline Cans: Smasing the Barrier of Starvation One Meal at a Time https://youtu.be/pK1_rQhyNnw 06-3MG036J 037 Brainard Alyssa Code Name: Earhart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s17znURUuN0&t=6s35-3AB037J 038 Baer Natalie Ed White- First American To Spacewalk https://youtu.be/3mIdoBv608E 02-3NB038J 039 Henson Cambria Fighting Segregation on the Playing Field https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlmDgTTqEdE&feature=youtu.be22-3CH039J 040 Aleong Alexander Fred Korematsu: from a Japanese American perspective https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwnPTB4vJ8U39-3AA040J 043 LeClaire Kiana Jesse Owens: Shattering Sports Barriers and Shifting Views ofhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAURysYa8ZE&t=4s the Racial Hierarchy 17-3KL043J 049 Montoya Tayden The Apollo 11 Mission https://youtu.be/ld7Up6-_-e0 09-3TM049J JUNIOR GROUP WEBSITE HEAT 1 Entry # Last Name First Name Project Title URL Contest ID Sinha Layla 23-6LS252J Althea Gibson the Jackie https://site.nhd.org/7876785 252 Magar Sarisma 23-6SM252J Robinson of tennis 8/home Cannon Allison 23-6AC252J Milliken Fiona 13-6FM254J Billie Jean the Tennis Queen: https://site.nhd.org/6809794 254 Otero Araceli 13-6AO254J Breaking Barriers on the Court 3/home Kaman Addison 13-6AK254J Ayotte Tyler Blitzkrieg: The Lightning https://sites.google.com/s/1 66-6TA255J 255 Kirkpatrick Adam Breakthrough WiiLme5j0TmPtJ8fvvFP2Gej 66-6AK255J Stults Owen https://site.nhd.org/0970538 57-6OS256J 256 Breaking barriers in D-day Oberrick Jackson 0 57-6JO256J Johns Destin 06-6DJ257J Breaking down Racial Barriers in https://site.nhd.org/2322511 257 Rix Connor 06-6CR257J college Basketball 7/home Johnson Caleb 06-6CJ257J Morton Kai The Woman Who Won the Medal 61-6KM273J 273 http://site.nhd.org/84185432 Lester Kevin of Honor 61-6KL273J O'Connor Chloe Kennedy's Mental Health Vision: https://site.nhd.org/1564209 16-6CO266J 266 Lacert Peyton For Better or Worse? 6/home 16-6PL266J Gamez Silerio Jennifer https://site.nhd.org/7192862 38-6JG259J 259 Brown v. Board of Education Yilmaz Nihal 6/home 38-6NY259J JUNIOR GROUP WEBSITE HEAT 2

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