UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday March 30, 2021 Volume 67 Number 31 www.upenn.edu/almanac 2021 Lindback Awards for Distinguished Teaching Health Schools Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for New Director of Recreation and Intercollegiate Athletics Provost Wendell Pritchett and Executive Vice President Craig Carnaroli have announced and will co-chair an ad hoc advisory commit- tee to advise them on the appointment of a new Director of Recreation and Intercollegiate Ath- letics. Grace Calhoun, who has served as the T. Gibbs Kane, Jr. W’69 Director of Recreation and Intercollegiate Athletics since 2014, will leave Penn on April 19 to become Vice Presi- Amy Durham Angela Ellison Helen Salimah Meghani dent for Athletics and Recreation at Brown Uni- Giannakopoulos versity. Non-Health Schools The members of the committee are: • Mamta Accapadi, Vice Provost for University Life • Yash Bhargava, C’21, chair, Student Athlete Advisory Committee • Sean Burke, Associate General Counsel • Karin Corbett, Lois S. Leitner Head Coach, Women’s Lacrosse • Amalia Dache, associate professor, Graduate School of Education • Kelly Diaz, President, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly • James H. Greene, W’72, chair, Ath- Peter Fader David Meaney Melissa Sanchez Kevin Turner letics Board of Advisors • Trevor Lewis, Vice President for 2021 Provost’s Awards Budget Planning and Analysis For Distinguished PhD For Teaching Excellence by • Catherine O’Hern Lyons, C’86, Teaching and Mentoring Non-Standing Faculty member, Athletics Board of Advisors • Joann Mitchell, Senior Vice Presi- dent for Institutional Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer • Ray Priore, George A. Munger Head Coach, Football • Paul Schmidt, professor of biology; NCAA Faculty Athletics Represen- tative The work of the committee will be support- ed by Associate Provost Lynne Hunter, working with Daniel Parker of Parker Executive Search. Confidential nominations and applications can be sent to [email protected]. Chenoa Flippen Randall Kamien* Keith Hamilton Asuka Nakahara Lindback and Provost’s Teaching Awards Virtual Celebration INSIDE All members of the University community are invited to a virtual reception honoring the 2 Teaching Award Recipients; SEC Agenda; Excellence Through Diversity Fund; UC Coverage recipients of the 2020 and 2021 Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Awards for 3 Deaths; Of Record: Salary Guidelines for 2021- Distinguished Teaching, the Provost’s Award for Teaching Excellence by Non-Standing 2022; Health Communication Postdoctoral Fellow Call for Applications Faculty, and the Provost’s Award for Distinguished PhD Teaching and Mentoring on 4 2021 Models of Excellence Honorees 6 Honors & Other Things Monday, April 26 at 5 p.m. For Zoom access, please register for this event at: 8 April AT PENN Calendar https://pennprovostevents.wufoo.com/forms/k18yv5o10oiilrb/. 14 Human Resources April Programs 15 One Step Ahead tip; CrimeStats; 30x30 See page 2 for detailed information about recipients. Challenge; Penn Video Network Transitions to Streaming Model 16 Talk About Teaching and Learning *Photo courtesy of the Archives of the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach ALMANAC March 30, 2021 www.upenn.edu/almanac 1 The following agenda is published in accordance with the Faculty Senate Rules. Any member of SENATE From the Senate Office Teaching Awards Recipients the standing faculty may attend SEC meetings and observe. Questions may be directed to Patrick (See page 1 for photos and event information) Walsh, executive assistant to the Senate Office, either by telephone at (215) 898-6943 or by email Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award at [email protected] The following agenda is published in accordance with the Faculty Senate Rules. Any mem- ber of the standing faculty may attend SEC meetings and observe. Questions may be direct- for Distinguished Teaching ed to Patrick Walsh, executive assistant to the Senate Office, either by telephone at (215) Amy C. Durham, diplomate ACVP, associate 898-6943 or by email at professor of anatomic pathology, Penn Vet [email protected]. Angela M. Ellison, associate professor of pedi- atrics, Perelman School of Medicine Peter Fader, Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Profes- Faculty Senate Executive Committee Agenda sor of Marketing, Wharton Wednesday, April 7, 2021 Helen E. Giannakopoulos, associate professor, 3:00–3:50 p.m. EDT department of oral and maxillofacial sur- gery, Penn Dental 1. Finalize Meeting Minutes: David F. Meaney, Solomon R. Pollack Profes- a. SEC meeting, February 10, 2021 sor of Bioengineering, School of Engineer- b. Faculty Senate Meeting, March 17, 2021 ing and Applied Science c. SEC meeting, March 17, 2021 Salimah H. Meghani, professor of nursing and 2. Chair’s Report term chair of palliative care; associate direc- 3. Past Chair’s Report tor of the NewCourtland Center for Transi- 4. Moderated Internal Discussion tions and Health, Penn Nursing 5. New Business Melissa E. Sanchez, Donald T. Regan Professor 6. Adjourn and transition to BlueJeans Events for Faculty Senate Seminar: of English and Comparative Literature and Climate and Sustainability at Penn (4-5:30 p.m.) core faculty of Gender, Sexuality, and Wom- Registration: https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/register/wtzkqexa en’s Studies, School of Arts and Sciences All faculty and students are welcomed. Kevin T. Turner, professor and chair of me- chanical engineering and applied mechanics, School of Engineering and Applied Science Provost’s Award for Distinguished PhD Teaching and Mentoring (non-health schools) Chenoa Flippen, associate professor of sociol- Excellence Through Diversity Fund: Call for Proposals—April 30 ogy, School of Arts and Sciences Provost Wendell Pritchett and Vice Pro- • Projects that involve collaborations across Randall Kamien, Vicki and William Abrams vost for Faculty Laura Perna have announced disciplines and traditional boundaries of aca- Professor in the Natural Sciences and pro- this year’s call for proposals for the Excellence demic work fessor of physics and astronomy, School of Through Diversity Fund. The Fund provides re- Projects may include cross-school research, Arts & Sciences sources for innovative projects by Penn faculty conferences and events, large-scale faculty de- that advance diversity and inclusion. Penn fac- velopment work, and projects that assess the cli- Provost’s Award for Teaching ulty with the rank of assistant, associate, or full mate for diversity and inclusion at Penn. Priority Excellence by Non-Standing Faculty professor, in any track, are eligible to apply. Keith W. Hamilton, associate professor of clini- will be given to projects that address current is- cal medicine, division of infectious diseases; The Fund may support various types of proj- sues, promote notable collaborations, and foster ects, including: director of undergraduate medical education, new understandings of diversity and inclusion. department of medicine; co-director of inter- • Implementation of Schools’ strategic plans Proposals are due, by email, to the Office of nal medicine clerkship, Perelman School of to diversify and enhance the climate for faculty the Vice Provost for Faculty by 5 p.m. on April Medicine; director of antimicrobial steward- and student populations 30, 2021. ship, Hospital of the University of Pennsyl- • Research on topics related to diversity and For more information, please see the com- vania inclusion plete Call for Proposals. For questions, please Asuka Nakahara, practice professor of real es- • Projects that foster and support diversity on contact Lubna Mian at [email protected]. tate and associate director of the Zell/Lurie campus Real Estate Center, Wharton School University Council March Meeting Coverage The University Council’s Wednesday, March bara Hewitt, Executive Director of Penn Career ter’s inclusive and equitable teaching programs 24 meeting was held virtually. President Amy Services, who gave a presentation about the de- are available to a broad range of campus stake- Gutmann stated that the University has a stable partment’s remote services. holders. financial outlook given the circumstances. Pres- Dr. Hewitt said that Career Services’ fully re- Anne Papageorge, Vice President for Fa- ident Gutmann then introduced Trevor Lewis, mote operations include student appointments, cilities and Real Estate Services, presented the Vice President for Budget Planning and Analy- drop-ins, and document reviews; virtual work- FY2020 annual report on the Climate and Sus- sis, who gave a presentation on the University’s shops; various social media and newsletter com- tainability Action Plan 3.0. She reviewed prog- Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2021. munications; career fairs; employee-student in- ress being made on the seven initiatives of the Mr. Lewis discussed Penn’s pandemic re- terviews; and job and internship postings in a plan—academics, utilities and operations, physi- sponse, which has focused on the assessment wide range of fields. Dr. Hewitt reported that cal environment, waste minimization and recy- and mitigation of risks, implementation of po- 2020 undergraduate employment outcomes were cling, purchasing, transportation, and outreach lices to ensure health and safety, reduction of similar to the year prior with almost 74% finding and management. This year’s Climate Week will controllable expenses without adversely affect- full-time employment, compared to 77% in 2019. take place from September 20-26, 2021. ing the University’s mission, the provision of Forty-nine percent
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