COVID-19 Cases Reach 1,01139

COVID-19 Cases Reach 1,01139

K K M (""!" $!'" "!% !!' %%! !! #" ! M Y #!" #!"& " $" "%$ & # &""% Y C C JAMMU, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 , 2020 VOL. 36 | NO.139 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] | | Price : Rs. 2.00 COVID-19 cases reach 1,01,139; Govt issues fresh list of districts classified as Red, Orange, Green death toll touches 3,163 Classification of districts will be reviewed periodically keeping in view any further developments %B;7./.;1.::B.;1 .@5:6? %4 %*'(!5 .;1 <;2 2.05 6; 65.? .;1 )29.;4.;.$3A52 3.A.96A62@ D6A5 23320A 3?<: ".F 6@5AD.? %<<;05 .;1 )52 ;B:/2? <3 0<?<;.C6?B@ ".5.?.@5A?.A<[email protected] '.7<B?616@[email protected]/22; )52 .::B .;1 0.@2@0?<@@21A52<;29.85:.?86; 12.A5@ B7.?.A 0<:2@ @20<;1 )52<?12?D.@6@@B21/F =BA6;?22;0.A24<?F)52 A520<B;A?F<;)[email protected] D6A5 12.A5@ 3<99<D21 /F .@5:6?<C2?;:2;AA<1.F 5623(20?2A.?FD5<[email protected]@< <[email protected] 12.A5 A<99 1B2 A< A52 6;320A6<; ".15F. %?.12@5 .A ,2@A 6@@B21 A52 3?2@5 09.@@6360. 05.6?:.;<3(.;[email protected] <C2?;:2;A<3;16.C6126A@ A<B0521 .00<?16;4 A< A52 2;4.9 .A 2956 .A A6<;<316@A?60A@6;<?12?A< 21 A5.A .99 A52 16@A?60A@ <3 $?12?#< " *;6<;2.9A5"6;6@A?FA<A.9<3 '.7.@A5.;.A *AA.?%[email protected] 6:=92:2;AA529<081<D; .@5:6? =?<C6;02 2E02=A 1.A21 5.@ 12.A5@.;1 $+ ).:69#.1B.A .;1;15?. 3?<: ".F .;12?/.9 .;1 .;16=<?. .BA5<?6G21 (A.A2@ *) 0.@2@D2?2?2=<?A216;A520<B;A?F %?.12@5 .A )52 12.A5 A<99 )[email protected] ; .; <?12? 6@ .?2 96@A21 .@ '21 G<;2@ <C2?;:2;A@ A< 1296;2.A2 6;A52=.@A 5<B?@@6;02=:<; ?2.0521 2.056; .?;.A.8..;1 @B21 /F (A.A2 E20BA6C2 D5692.@ .A5B.(.:/..;1 16@A?60A@ 6;A< '21 $?.;42 "<;[email protected])52A<A.9;B:/2? %B;7./.;1 6;)29.;4.;. <::6AA22(52.121/F '.:/.;16@A?60A@<3.::B .;1?22;0.A24<?F.3A2?A.8 <30<?<;.C6?B@0.@2@5.@?6@2;A< .::B.;1 .@5:6?5.@?2 5623 (20?2A.?F +' %?<C6;025.C2/22;1209.?21 6;4 6;A< 0<;@612?.A6<; =. 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