PROPOSED MIDLAND METRO (BIRMINGHAM CITY CENTRE EXTENSION LAND ACQUISITION AND VARIATION) ORDER COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTORY PROCEDURES - Transport and Works Act 1992 Winckworth Sherwood LLP 19.11.14 PROPOSED MIDLAND METRO (BIRMINGHAM CITY CENTRE EXTENSION LAND ACQUISITION AND VARIATION) ORDER COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTORY PROCEDURES —Transport and Works Act 1992 Process Date Application submitted to Secretary of State for Transport 4 December 2013 (Application acknowledged by TWAO Unit 6 December 2013) 1 Notice of Application — Birmingham Mail 29 November and 6 December The notice gave details of the application for the Order 2013 under the Transport and Works Act 1992. London Gazette 4 December 2013 (Hard copies sent to the TWAO Unit 18 December 2013) 2 Land Owner Notices — 4 December 2013 Rule 15 of the Transport and Works Act Order 3 Site Notice — 4 December 2013 For the Transport and Works Act Application. (Erected and monitored for 49 days as sworn by Peter Gibbard of Ardent Management Limited in his affidavit) 4 Affidavits swearing compliance with Rules Submitted to TWAO Unit 18 December 2013 5 Notice of Public Inquiry. Birmingham Mail 4 November 2014 (Hard copies issued to TWAO Unit &Programme Officer 14 November 2014) 11152/22/071114105015.d ocx VN 2 110714 13-48-00 MINGHANt MAIL, FRfDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2013 ~ s= ,,, .. - ie Transport and Works Act 1992 ie Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) VY e. ngland and Wales) Rules 2006 ie Midland Metro (Birmingham City Centre Extension ind Acquisition and Var~af~on) Order IOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AN QRDER /est Midlands PassengerTransport Executive ("Centro' of Centro House, 16 Summer Lane, Birtningham, 19 35D is apPlying to the Secretary of State For Transport under section 6 of the Transport and Works Act 392 for the above-mentioned Ordx under section 1 of that Act. ne drak Order would revive powers of compulsory acquisition for the purposes of the works authorised ~1 y the Midland Meho (Birmingham City Centre Extension, etc) Order 2005 (51 2005/1794)("the 2005 )rde~, which expfired in 2010, and would alw authorise a variation, of approximately 100 metres, of fie alignment of the tramway authorised by the 2005 Order within Paradise Circus Queensway in the ~I entre of Birmingham, to integrate with changes to the highway proposed as part of the redevelopment of ~radise Circus. The drak Order would confer on CenVo powea to acquire land compulsorily for purposes FREE onnected with, or ancillary to, the consvudion of the tramw~ along the realigned route. These TEXT MESSAGES OASIS ~SENSATIO.N• provisions include powers to acquire land or rights over land, to extinguish private rights, and to use land from women wanting AL C/C Massage. emporarily. It would also confer powers enabling Centro ro carry out such works as may be necessary or discreet ADULT FUN! xpedient in rnnnection with the co~sVuction of the Uamway and to operate'and use the vamway once Parking. Staff rqd 0121 Ca I 108444 484030 :onstructed. These include provisions relating to street works and to the temporary stopping up of streeu 773 9292. Nith '' -onsent of the highway authority, powers to discharge water, construct temporary tramwa s, for full details ;un ~ investigate I'and and carry out safeguarding works ro buildings as well as powers to erect ira~c Discretion assured! ACOCKS GREEN >igns __ .. charge fares. The drak Order would also confer powers (including powes to acquire land) +is ORIENTAL enabling Centro to carry out a minor adJ'ustment to the 2005 scheme outside the Paradise Circus area. DUDLEY Park Road Provisions of the Railway Clauses Cdnsolidation Act 1845 (c.20), New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 iV1EN (c.22), Midland Metro Act 1989 (c.xvj, Midland Metro (Penalty Fares) Ad 1991 (c.ii), Midland Metro Act li4~'ANT.EC~ 07876277579 mob 1992 (c.vii) and Midland Metro (No. 2) Act 7992 (c.viii) are incorporated to the extent specified in the CHINA TOWN. Chi- draft Order. The draft Order also wntains protective provisions for relevant statutory undertakers. Ai2E YOU fi.00FCING nese massage . only The application is to be made subject to an environmental impact as3essment and contains a statement FOit li~T GIRLS? 07448 277430 10 - 10pm that a direction for deemed planning applied permission is bEing for. Da YC3i! have spare time 7days A copy of the application, and of all plans and other documents submitted with it, may be inspected free to meet sexy aacal women of charge from 4 December 2013 to 22 January 2014 at the following paces and times: for No Fees Adult Fun? **NEW ORIENTAL** HerE at the ,~ Discreet. All areas 8 ayes. massage in Birmingham FIacE Times City Centre H/H 07782 we judge ad: 305079 The Wolfson Centre for Archival Research Monday loam - Spm OC 0~2t151VB. Level4 Tuesday loam-Spm *BLUE ICE* open Library of Birmingham Wednesday loam-Spm 10-Spm www.blueice- **LEGGI BLONDE**. they look gQ Centenary Square Thursday loam = Spm giris.co.uk staff r'qd Acocks G reen5 days Mo- Broad Street Friday t0am-Spm '0781 826501 8 Fri 11-8 07955872902 Birmingham SaNrday t0am-4pm 61 2ND _ THE STUDIO* city Telephone PERSHORE RD .centre www.eroticstu- Cenho House Monday to Friday 930am -4.45pm Sakura Massage 9.30am dios.co.uk discreet 16 Summer Lane till 1 am 07766 216598 Birmingham 01212331019 B19 3SD NEW ORIENTAL INDIAN &SPANISH Copies of the documents may be obtained from the iWA Support Officer, West Midlands Passenger young escort. 10-lam. beauty,Edgb~ston Mon- Transport Executive at Centro House, 16 Summer Lane, Birmingham, 819 3SD (telephone no. 0121 214 07738627879.free park- Sat07426059597 1. L. 7214, or email to metro~centro.org.uk). A charge for the documents may be payable. Copies of the ing documents can also be viewed and downloaded free from the project website www.centro.org.uWme[ro. NEW CHINESE MAS- BE SEDUCED St~n- A• 'actions to, or other representations about, the proposals in the application should be sent to the S i of State for Transport do Transport and Works Ad Orders Unit, General Counsel's Office, SAGE 5 ways b'ham ning babe .Seductive Keeping a~ DeNa~ ~ment for Transport, Zone 1/18, Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road, London SWt P 4DR, 7 0-1 am-07788607929 Massage 07949430497 e-malt [email protected]. M objection or other rePre"sentation MUST (i) be received free parking standards by the Secretary of State on or before 22 January 2014, (ii) be writing (whether made in sent by Post or AISHAH beautiful Ara- email), (iii) state the grounds of the objection or other representation, (iv) indicate who is making the SUPER HOT ARABI- objection or other representation, and (v) give an address to which correspondence relating to the objection AN and Asian Cocktail. bian Lady. No rush mas- or other representation may be sent. (If you are sending your ob1'ection or other representation by e-mail, In / fJut Calls 11 am till. re- sage. 0754 37 37 371 please provide a postal address.)the Secretaryof State may make complete copies of the objxtions and aliy late 07050184667 ". other repGesentations _~,' .3 public, including any personal information in them, and will copy them to the ~ ~~. ~ applicant fa the order. MISTRESS CARLA Winckworth Sherwood LLP Domination & ~ more, Fully Equipped Dungeon On behalf of West Midlands PassengerTr~nsport Executive, applicant for the Order. 07779 557 962 Date 29 November 2013 =x»~ r SOLIHULL MATURE, wnckworth Sherwood LLP, Solicitors and Parliamentary Agents, Minerva House, 5 Montague Close, London, SEt 986. attractive therapist 10-6 Mon-Fri 07804061557 BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL (A453 COLLEGE ROAD,KINGSTAN~IryG) LOVELY LISA mature ~men~uwr reoHismoN of ~rt~RoucH ma~ic~ Mo.Ti~a~os~ private Hockley +visits aRo~ zo7 a 07979962870 '~ Notice is hereby given mat Birmingham City Council have made an Order the effect of which will he tn: Phase One - Prohibtt any vehicle from proceeding in any directlon ttirough or stopping wiGiin the Junctlon of A453 COLLEGE ROAD, BRACKENBURY ROAD and ROAD. DOVEDALE .w~ The diversion route far vehicles affected by The dosure will 6e signed via BLACK LACE OF Hawthorn Road, 84138 Kingstanding.Road, B4149 Kings Road,A452 Chester R Road, 64531 G2velly Lane, 64537 Station Road, SfwR Heath fload and Perry BIRMINGHAM for all Common Road. occasions 07972880949 ~d) Phase Two— Prohibft any.vehide from proceeding in a generally southerly new comers welcome direction or stopping along A453 COLLEGE ROAD (SOUTHBOUND), between Its junctions with A452 Chester Road and Hawthorn Roads Perry Common Road. a The diversion route for vehicles affec~d by the closure will be signed viaA452 Rt9 Chester Road,84531 Station Raad,Short Heath Road and Perty Common Road. The Order will came iirto operation an 2nd December 2013 and will remain In force for a period of FOUR WEEKS or u~l the works are completed whichever is the earlier. It is anticipated the provlsio~ of the Order will apply tetween B.00pm and 6.00am only. (A45 fAVENTAY ROAD (FAS'f80UND},SHELOUN) (TEMPOHAHY P80HIBfiION OF THROUGH TRAFFlC)(Na. 71314709) OflUER 2073 •• • -- •- ~--~.• _^^~* R~.,.,~~..n~m r.~v ~.romcil have made an Order the THE LONDON GAZETTE WEDNESDAY 4 DECEMBER 2013 23947 ~-~~. c and wihin six weeks of the date nn which the Order wxs made, make roads adjacent to High Street EIS, typically for 10 metres from their ;. EN I application for the purpose to the High Court. junctions with High Street E15. Dated 4 December 2013 7. Copies of the Orders, which will come into force on 9 December or of 2013, and documents giving more detailed particulars David B.
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