1 http://bsfnet. org Bengali Society of Florida BSF ABHIJAN | VOLUME 21 | 2012 Volume 21 | 2012 2 Editor Dr. Chirajyoti Deb COVER PAGE Srirupa Das ARTICLE COLLECTION Chirajyoti Deb, Pratyush Nag,Ajay Chakraborty, Paramita Chakraborty, Debleena Ghose, Debajyoti Ghose MAGAZINE DESIGN AND PRESENTATION Chirajyoti Deb, Ajay Chakraborty, Debajyoti Ghose EDITORS AND COMPOSERS Paramita Chakrabarty, Ajay Chakrabarty Debleena Ghosh, Tandra and Soumya Chakrabarty ADVERTISEMENT COLLECTION Udita Jahagirdar, Renu Das, Deblina Rudra, Pradip Gupta, Debojyoti Ghosh, Soumya Chakraborty SOFTWARE Bornosoft Free Edition WEB ADDRESS http://bsfnet. org PRINTER GR Marketing/Graphic Design, 5911 Benjamin Center Dr. Tampa, FL 33634. Tel 813-886-4500 . DISCLAIMER The executive committee of the Bengali Society of Florida and the editors of this magazine will not hold any responsibility now or in the future regarding the authenticity or accuracy of any matters published in this issue of Abhijan. The contents published are the opinion of the author(s) and in no way reflect that of the Bengali Society. 3 sUcIpº sÚpadkIy icrejYait edb 7 President’s message Trishna Pati, PhD 8 Vbar …eseC iPer Apraijta Ÿdb 9 oSlpuºI (nbduàgar nbrœepr pãTm rœp) Ÿgapal ray 11 jYaÇ» duUàga caeÆÅyI d¹ 13 nana kTa nk™elS muKuFI 14 duàga pUja bar maesr Ÿtera paàbn nIla muKuFI 15 ba„la gaen narI kæpna das 16 pãTm Ÿpãmpº subIr Ÿga÷amI 18 By„kr dIGa subIr Ÿga÷amI 20 রেবতী অনুপ মজুমদাে 22 vBudadaij klYaNIeyxu, ic¹r²n Ÿdb 25 Durga Murti Hathi Bagan Nobopoli Courtesy 26 2012 Chandrabhanu Ghiri ectnar AnuBeb ŸdbejYait ŸGax 27 du† pãjnM suipãya Ÿsn§Ð 28 myna parimta cº¡bàtI 29 Ÿkmn VC,pâiTbI stIBUxn cº¡bàtI 3 0 inmǽN sÉYa nag 30 V†siº¡emr baiF ATba keTapkTn kajir puNYeSåak daS§Ð 31 Ÿgalaepr seªg kana†Hir paàT imº 33 cÆÅibÆdu ÷edSmuk™l saƒtra 34 Vmra Baela ViC .... Ÿtamra? haW suk™mar braF 35 4 ŸHer Ÿgel tuim iöBú! Ajy cº¡bàtI 36 …'ik ka¸ - ŸBgaes bªg ŸdbZanI §Ð 37 ribfak™r piricit SaÇ»nu imº 38 Vmar SHr ŸmOimta cYaFaàjI 42 Summer Savouries Udita Jahagirdar 43 Memories of another day Anuradha Goswami 45 Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose: the Debasish Chanda 47 beginning of invisible radio waves The Advent of Kash Subhashis Mitra 49 Running a Marathon by Ashis Maity Ashis Maity 54 Summer Road Trip- “America the Soumya Chakrabarti 60 Beautiful” Culture and traditional values conflicts Renu Das, MD 70 with seeking mental health treatment. A Girl with a Red Dot and Brown Eyes Dr. Sulakshana Sen 73 A Grandfather’s musings… Prabhat Kumar Chakraborty 79 Reflections of Life: Taking the Best of Bikash R. Pati 80 Both Worlds Cancer Detection with Laser: An Chirajyoti Deb 84 Interview with Dr. Kunal Mitra, the Inventor An Optimistic Life is a Happy Life Rupa Bagchee 87 A Summer's Spell Adrija Das 89 My GAILSF Story Neel Maity 90 5 Down the Ages Niharika Maity 95 Submitted Children’s Art Ishika Nag, Molly Bagchee, 100 Anoushka Chakrabarty Without Anything Ananya Chakrabarty 101 raÊa baÊa nIla muKuiF, tÆÅa cº¡bà¹I 102 My 30 Minutes Bengali Ranna Trishna Pati 103 Children’s Art Various Children 106 6 Courtesy of artist Sri Sudhi Ranjan Mukherjee. Faculty, Patha Bhavan, Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, West Bengal, India 7 sÚpadkIy Srt tpen pãBat ÷pen ik jain pran ik ŸZ cay| ba˜ailr kaeC vtur raja ik bàxa, bsÇ» na Sr‡| … iney tàk ibtàk Vr nanan Zui¹¡ AZui¹¡r ban b†ey Ÿdwya ŸZet paer| Vj Ÿs sebr meDY na igeyw bla Zay ŸZ Vpamr ba˜ailr mn …Kn Sretr bÆdnay bYó»| Vr Ÿs† bÆdnar saiml H'ey† pãbaesr ba-ail Ÿdr …kjn iHeseb Vmaek bYó» ŸreKeC sÚpãit …† piºka sÚpadnar kaj| ŸPçairhar Ÿbªgil Ÿsasa†iFr SardIy piºka ,"AiBZan ' pãkaSnar …ŸHn §r›daiyetÔ …† Vmar iÃtIy bCr| "Ÿtamar ptaka Zaer daw taer biHbaer dawSkit'-Vpatt nanan ibpi¹r maeJ piºka pãkaSnar kajiF suòuBaeb kret pair …†Fuk™† Vmar cawya| kaelr Zaºay w maºay …† …kbCerr maeJ† Vmaedr Aenekr jIben† GeF ŸgeC ŸbS ikCu ŸZag ibeyag| "jnM mrN ŸKlay Ÿmara imil tƒar † Ÿmlay/…† duWK sueKr jIbn Ÿmaedr tar † ŸKlar AªgI'| tbu pãitidenr sUàZ wfar meta† pãitbaerr …† pUeja piºka| jIbn …igey celeC tar inejr inyem| "cil Ÿga cil Ÿga Za† Ÿga cel'| Ÿs† clar CÆd Ÿk Der† Vim piºkaiFek smâÁ krar daib iney Haijr H'eyiC Vmaedr pirict bÉ™baÉb …r kaeC| blabaûlY ŸlKa, Cib †tYaid ŸjagaR kraet Vmay saHaZY k'ereCn Aenek†| Vim kát¯ w DnY taedr kaeC Zara taedr VtMIy ÷jnedr kaC ŸTek ŸlKa s„gãH ker piºkaiFek smâÁ kret sHayta kereC| Vim ibnIt Vmar Ÿs† sb pirictjenedr kaeC Zara Kub † km smy sImar mŸDY Vmar …kbar AnueraeD† taedr ŸlKa ideyeCn, iÃr›i¹¡ na ker| teb ArlYae¸abasIr kaC ŸTek …bar w Vmar VSanurœp s„KYar ŸlKa Ÿplam na| VSa krb perr bCr Vera ŸbiS s„KYay ŸlKa pab| piºka pãkaS tKn † saàTk Heb ZKn skelr ŸlKa w Cib ÷tWýPšàt Baeb Aenk ŸbiS ker jma pReb| …bar Vis Vmar ibeSx kát¯ta ÷Ikaerr palay| Zaedr inrls saHaZY w sHayta CaRa …† piºka pãkaS sÝb Ht na tƒara Heln parimta cº¡bàtI w Ajy cº¡btI, ŸdblIna ŸGax w ŸdbejYait ŸGax, tÆÅa cº¡bàtI w ŸsOmY cº¡bàtI| … CaRaw pãitinyt nana rkm Baeb pãtYQ w peraQ sHeZaigtay seªg ŸTekeCn A„ìman bagcI, ŸdbZanI §Ð w pãdIp §Ð, AinÆdY pal …b„ sda HasYmyI Vmaedr ŸpãisehÆF tâxa pit| Vr ŸZ kTaiF na blel† ny piºka pãkaSnar KƒuiFnaiF kaej Apraijta w puº dIÐdIp …r …kaÇ» sHayta| prbaesr bYó» jIben piºka pãkaeSr kaej VSanurœp smy Ÿdwya Ÿgl na, ta† Bul º›iF Aenk † ŸTek Ÿgl| … jnY Vim maàjnapãaàTI| "SrtbaNIr bINa baej kmldel'-Sretr VkaeS,bataes tar † sur| VtMIy ÷jn ,bÉ™ ipãyjn skel …† suer saiml ŸHan,Bal Tak™n ,suóù Tak™n …† pãaàTna kir| sbŸSex ŸCaF bR sklek ZTaóùaen SardIyar SãÁa,Baelabasa w ìeB¬Ca jainey ŸSx kriC| nmôar| icrejYait edb 8 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE On behalf of the BSF Executive Committee, let me take this opportunity to wish all of you and your families a very Happy Durga Puja 2012. It has been my utmost pleasure and honor to serve our community as the President of Bengali Society of Florida (BSF). I welcome you all to this year’s Durga Puja and hope you will have a wonderful two day celebration filled with joy and happiness. The essence of Durga Puja is manifested in the collective display of passions of Bengali spirit. It epitomizes the joy of celebration, the pride in artistic expressions, and supremely, our devotion towards worshiping of the goddess Durga. It is an event to be present and feel the closeness of our community; it is to desire and make a serious effort to sustain and pass on our rich culture to the next generation. The present executive team will be finishing its two year term at the end of this year. We had a successful two year term and I am grateful to each and every member for their enormous support, goodwill and active participation. I wholeheartedly thank my executive team for their constant support and dedication in fulfilling the goals, which we set forth at the beginning of our term. I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on some of the significant accomplishments during our term: Unity: One of our foremost goals was to bring the community together. We tried our best to reach out to every group of Bengalis, young and old, and encouraged everyone to participate in all our events to showcase their talents in our cultural programs. Kids are the future of our community. So our efforts were to continually involve them, through solo and group performances, “sit and draw” and poster competitions and other volunteer activities such as serving food, decoration, and being the program’s Master of Ceremony. A small community like ours can only become stronger if we all stand together as one Bengali community, irrespective of our personal differences. Inclusion: With our tremendous team effort and collective enthusiasm and commitment, we were able to promote inclusion by considering the opinions of our members. We encouraged our members to fully participate and have a say so that everyone’s voices are heard. Transparency: We continued with the individual and corporate sponsorships. Budget cuts were instituted wherever possible without compromising the quality of our events that enabled us to bring good overseas artists and provide free events such as 2012 Holi picnic and Laxmi Puja to our members. In fact, I am happy to say that last year’s Durga Puja had surplus funds of five thousand dollars. We tried our best to effectively manage BSF financial accounts by making sure the accounts are maintained and audited as per our by laws. The success of our organization bodes well not only for the present but also for the future. I would like to thank you once again for the opportunity to work with you and hope we can make BSF even more successful in the coming years. In advance, I congratulate the in-coming committee members. See you all on Laxmi Puja and Kali Puja. Wishing you and yours a very happy Durga Puja and Subho Bijoya! Sincerely, Trishna Pati, Ph.D President, Bengali Society of Florida 9 Vbar …eseC iPer Apraijta Ÿdb idgÇ»ibó»ât ŸQt,SsY Bra| nbIn pãaeNr bàNeSaBa| Vseb bel† ibdaygaTar Vgmin gan| ta† skl biàNl Ÿs maiFr buek kàm£aÇ» bâÁa …k| ˆdasI nyn| ˆ‡sebr meDY …† Hairey iPer pawyar ˆ‡sb bes VeC Vnmen| …elaeTela ŸkSraiS| sUàZ naem ÎSareda‡sb| Aó»acel| nIrb Ÿs sƒaeJ SUnYdâiñ bâÁar SãaÇ» dunyn| nIlpaR SaiRKain tueleC maTay| Bulal Ÿk pran tar ikesr mayay| Ger ny, paer ny - idkcº¡bal ŸSx ibekelr nrm Velay ŸBaerr iSˆilJrar subas ŸZn taer hak Ÿdy sÉYa skal| ikesr Ÿs VmǽN! VkaeS bataes| liltraegr sur Jer tar …eseC Sr‡| Vbar …eseC iPer| oSSebr sMâitiFek iSˆiltlay| Sretr Velaet suÆdr Ves| maiFr iGer| sMâitr patay patay tar kƒaca ŸkaljueR tar † HaisraiS| bâÁar duecaeK ìDu beH jlDara, …ik mayar ŸKla ŸH bsuÉra! ŸdHKain skaelr iSˆil P™elr gÉ ŸmeK Ves| Diriºmaeyr Ÿkael| Ÿs …ekbaer ntun| Sretr maeJ …† iSìBab † taek Barmu¹¡ ŸmeGr Vij ik Ÿtamar mDur mUrit meta Baisey
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