1 I University To Charge oil awa Serving the UllirerJily of 10W6 and the People of 10U:4 City 1 Protesters Established in 1868 10 cents a copy Associated Pres! Lea~ Wire ana Wirep!loto Iowa City, Iowa S2%40-Thunday, Dectmber II, 19611 The University will press- charges against students who participated in the Dec . 10 confrontation at the University has been to unite Office or Career Counseling and Place­ in the so­ ment University Provost Philip Hubbard common struggle said Wednesday. Pastor Sees Plot outside attacker. "The University does not plan on on General Le· pl'essing civil charges against students strategy to bring a:(lng with the University 'charges," to its knees by H'lbbard said. Civil charges will be into the s ton e brought against nonstudent partiCipants party official reo To "Get Panthers" in the demonstration, according to Uni­ you get a chance versity attorney John Larson. general when you Hubbard had said last Friday that he Street-Gang Preacher Speaks Here country, tel I would seek both University and civil all right with liS charges against the demonstrators. By KAREN GOOD have given th order to 'Wipe 'em to go back to the The Dec. 10 incident occurred when. A 4li-year-()ld sawed-()f( ex·Marine who OJt,' .. Fry id. referring to the Panth­ ror us , we are group of abo u t 15 people - including has become the object of federal critic­ ers. several University ~tudents - attempted lS.n for hi lI'ork with Chicago black , We 're lookin for} u to m reh on the they make Is to remove a U.s. Department of Labor street ·gang the Blackstone Rangers, told Cllica 0 Court bou nd to go to Wa h­ by the giant bomb ) recruiter rrom the placement office, a capacity dudience of 900 at the Union ington, DC., to march on the Ju Uce saw scarring 'he where he was interviewing a student. WtdMsday night that he was convinced Dell8J1ment," F'ry °d in Thanh HOI The dcm~nstrators were protesting u.at there was a federal "conspira~y to .. But we don't gil'e much credibility seemed irrel· what they called the Labor Department's get the Black Pan:hcrs." edge ne w huts to th~ rdlue ts,"!-'r Ii a I d, " You'U ~u9p ort of General Electric Cor p . Thp R v. John Fry, pastor of the Fir t ttcnt thi~ incitlent ju .1 like you did when or a new rice m"nag'!ment in a strike against that Pre b : rlan ~hurch In Chicago , wa Medgar Ever' was killed in Birmingham Although provo company . here to peak on lhe killing of Chicago - with veiled yawns," Fry . ald. were concerned Hubbard sai~ tha! Larson and his stafl Black Panther leaders Fred Hampton were becom· have not completed the work necessary and Mark Clark on Dec. 4 when police Evers a promin nt civil rights work, for mos· to bring University charges against the rl1lded the Chicago Black Panther head­ er w.. kllltd by In unknown ....II.nt ings had not participants, but that he expected them qu;:r:er ~ in cearch of weapon . lit hil home In BirmIngham In 1"2_ social system. to h~ve the work finished and chargel Sevin other BI.ck Plnthlr ",e",bt", Fr) said he felt th reason the fed r­ /"~a nts filed by Friday. had been killea to be IN r. .,tested during the Inclcltnt .nd til government wa "coming doWll but life went on Charges will stem rrom the Code Ii Ire currently being h.ld in Cook County hard" on th Panther WI that th Pan­ has . Vietnam Own Attorney S'udent Life (General Conduct Regula­ Jail pending charges of .H,,,,pted ",ur­ th n; have "have freakrd out the minds one o[ the coun· tions 5a and 5bl which prohibit "Inten­ der of Chicago police. oC the leaders of th country. Th y're world Icast vul· Charles Manson, bearded leader of • tionally disrupting the orderly processel going back to th thing thl. country Hippie·style clan, holds a pencil and 01 the lJniversity or obstructing or deny­ Th incident ha h d nation wid reo air bom· percu_ ·ions. with many white liberals wa founded on - th things that w re pad of paper as he leaves a ~ourtroom ing access to services or facilities b, written into our constitution They're and bla~k conservatives calling for a fed­ Wedllesday affer telling the judge he those entitled to the use thereof." S:lymg 'Power to the People' .. most important ~ral investigation to d t rmine who wa wanted to act as his own attorney when The cases would be tried beford the "Federll offlci.l. C.n't ".nd to hi"', Museum of the Committee on Student Conduct. at fault Chicago tat's Attorn 'I ed­ Hanoi shows Ho he eo",es to trial on charqes of mur­ ward Hanrahan contends policemen at po~plt say th.t the won' enemy to thIs small straw suit­ dering actress Sharon Tate and six the scene were protecting them. Ive country Is tfIt ftdtrtl gov,rnment, Sure sanda Is and tunic, others. Manson also asked that he be Ice Skates Handy? anJ did not Iniliat any shooting . The th'ir ae.tion. Ire to cIt.troy the P.n­ he car- assisted in his defense by t"Vo orofes· Rev . John Fry of Chicago, who h.s Panthen say the po!ice began the hoot- therl." during long sional lawyers - Luke McKissack ... It's suppose to be cloudy 'oday with been criticized for his work with black ing . I At this point - near lh end of h War II. It is Lawrence Steinberg. Superior Court a good chance 01 drizzle or tight rain. Chicago str ..t-g.ng the BI.ckstone Fry told the audicnce Wednesday speech Fry's voice, whIch throughout of the national Judge William B. Keene denied both If expected highs in the 30s are reached Rangers, gets ready to speak to a ,,­ night that he W3 certain that the con­ most of the discourse was low, ~ame making do. requests, temporarily, a.!)d said he we won't have ice, but if they arell't .... Ready to Speak pacity audience at the Union Wednes­ Stlirpcy charges like those again t "Con· more \'Igorou. and emotional. would announce his decision on Dec. Tonight and Friday it is to be partly day night. spiracy 7" ml'mbers now being trJed in "You sec, 70 per cent of Chicago' that the ad­ Chkago could al.o b brought again t people, even if they know this Incident and SoViet mil­ 22. - AP Wirephoto ,loud y a nd co Ider. - Photo by Rick Green.walt ------ state official In Chicago and the F~d­ WII murder, ay to them Ives 'go get l saw on the eral Justice Dtpartmcnl. 'em baby.' Any time you can kilt black to do Member of the "Conspiracy 7" "e Panthers - KILL," h h ut d. -Senate Also Adds OEO Funls- curr,ntly beinll tried In Chicago on fed. "The.. are tfIt ..",. 70 per cent of EWS er,1 conspirlCy ehlrge. for ."eged dl.­ the people who applaud,d Mayor D.tty iurb'nclS during the Chicago I'" Chic­ for hi. effort. to eridic"e ChlCl90 of ago Democratic Convention. thoSt dirty, roHtn hippie. durin the don't need much • Fry - in an intrrvicw b Core the Chlclgo convtntlon. Tho ...re 'ha ..me get along on • Segregation Bid Denied CLIPS speech - said he had had no conneztion people who applauded Iv,n ",0;. the a little meal if with the Black Panthers but that he wa federal inv'stigltion of 8lnk.tont R.n. Ten meters 01 WASHINGTON IA'I - The Senate Wed· lhat would have required colleges and nomic Op'portunity its authorized $2.08 here to speak about the black commun­ ger I,tivitiu lilt year. And Ih' Black pair of shoes 3 nesday soundly defeated a Southern,led universities to take action to curb cam­ billion. The committee had approved Film Stirs Jury ity's general Dutrflllo t what i "happen­ P.ntherl of courlt art the biggest moth. than enough." drave to strip the government of. some pus disorders or lose rederal aid. appropriations o[ $1.6 billion. lrg in Chicago now " ers of the", .11." Fry shouted. 01 its ",ost potent school desegregation The Senate approach diff/~red from The committee·approved amendment CHICAGO t~ - A film of National Several tim. s during hi' balf·hour During the latt r part or Ih JlC' ch weapons. the House which last summer approved restricting use of federal funds to force Guard troops thrusting bayonets into the spttch the pepper-haired muscular whit, cani ter· were pa .. cd through the audi­ A leader of the Southern forces call­ an amendment barring federal aid ,0 school desegregation was known as the window oi a car driven by a middle­ pastelr referred to himself a, bllck and ence to coilect ball fund mon y for the ed the setback "tragic" and said it students engaging in disorders. Whitten amendment [or its Hou e spon­ aged woman viSibly stirred some mem­ to his audience - • predo",lnantly whit. seven persons currently In Jail. would hurt not only the South but the As approved by COlOlOi.tee, the ap­ sor - Rep. Jamie L. Whitten IO-Miss.l. bers of the jury Wednesday in the trial one - IS his e".my. i'ry ambled off the stage with raised propriations bill would have provided whol nation.
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