GENERAL ARTICLE Space and Time in Life and Science Vasant Natarajan, V Balakrishnan and N Mukunda Space and tim e are conceptsthatseem to be em - bedded in our very consciousness. A s we grow up, our `intuitive understanding' of these con- cepts seem s to grow as well. A nd yet the fact is that our understanding of space-tim e in the deepest scienti¯c sense is far from com plete, al- though w e have covered a considerable distance along the route. There m ay stillbe m any sur- prises aw aiting us on the road ahead. 1.It Began w ith G eom etry A ll of us have som e intuitive ideas about the natures (left) Vasant Natarajan is at the Department of Physics, of space and tim e in which we are em bedded. Space IISc. His research interests appears to be the stage on which all events, experi- are in high-resolution laser ences and phenom ena take place, w hile tim e is like a spectroscopy, optical background against w hich this happens. A llobjects,in- frequency measurement, and cluding ourselves,exist in space and change w ith tim e. use of laser-cooled atoms to search for time-reversal In this article, w e shalldescribe in sim ple and qualita- violation in the laws of tive term show ourunderstanding ofspace and tim e has physics. developed over the centuries,and w hat we have learnt about their properties. W e w illsee that m any strands (right) V Balakrishnan is at com e togetherin thisstory { notonly from m athem atics the Department of Physics, IIT- Madras, Chennai. His and physics,but also,in som e im portant respects,from research interests are in b iology. dynamical systems, stochastics and statistical physics. In one ofhis essays,SchrÄodinger1 saysthisabouttheem - inent philosopher Im m anuel K ant (1724{1804): \K an t (centre) N Mukunda is at the ... term ed space and tim e,as he knew them ,the form s Centre for High Energy ofour m entalintuition { space being the form ofexter- Physics, IISc, Bangalore. His interests are classical and n al, tim e that of intern al, intuition ." W e begin with quantum mechanics, this quotation both because it is so profound and be- theoretical optics and cause som e of K ant's other ideas w illappear later on. mathematical physics. A llofus have at least a prelim inary or com m on-sense RESONANCE September 2008 843 GENERAL ARTICLE 1 The great physicist Erwin understanding ofthe nature ofspace through oursenses, Schrödinger(1887–1961; Nobel m ainly sightand touch.2 W e see objectsarranged in var- PrizeinPhysics, 1933),whodis- iousw aysrelative to one another;w e touch them ifthey covered wave mechanics and was oneofthefoundersofquan- are nearby;w e develop a feeling for shape,distance,per- tum mechanics,wasalsoawon- spective;and so on. T hus,through direct sensory expe- derfullylucidwriter on manypro- riences, space seem s to have a de¯nite character, even found subjects. His famous though the idea ofspace by itselfisquite abstract. T im e, books include Science and Hu- on the other hand,is m ore subtle. W e cannot reach it manism, Expanding Universes, Statistical Thermodynamics, through our senses directly;w e can experience it and be What is Life?, Mind and Matter, aw are of its passage only internally through the m ind My View of the World, Space- in a non-sensory way. Because we cannot see or touch Time Structure, and Nature and tim e, extension in space seem s a little easier to grasp the Greeks. than duration in tim e. T hus,space hasto be abstracted from externalexperience,tim e from internalexperience. 2 It is an interesting fact that about 80% of our sensory input O ver and above this subtlety, space and tim e are re- comes from oureyes, andabout ally not sim ple concepts at all. A n obvious fundam ental 40% of our brain capacity is de- di®erence between the two is that space appears to be voted to processing visual infor- `controllable'{ in the sense that w e can m ove from one mation – we are very ‘visual’ point to another,w ith seem ingly arbitrary freedom . O n creatures. the other hand,tim e seem s to be som ething over w hich we have no control{ it just m arches inexorably on. W e are caught up in this m arch with no apparent choice. The old adage { `tim e and tide waitforno m an'{ cap- turesthisnotion perfectly. T hisalso m eansthatw e have m em oriesofw hathashappened up tillnow ,butno idea ofw hat the future holds (contrary to w hat soothsayers and horoscope-w riters m ight tellyou!) Let us begin with space. The word geom etry, as you know ,m eans `m easuring the earth (or land)'. T he ori- gins ofgeom etry go back severalm illennia to the great E gyptian civilization (see also B ox 1). G eom etry arose in ancient Egypt from the repeated need to survey and re-establish boundaries ofland holdings after the annual °oodsofthe riverN ile. H ere isa passage from the G reek traveller and historian H erodotus (482?{434? B C ): Keywords Space, time, geometry, relativ- \T he K ing m oreover (so they said) divided the coun try ity. am ong allthe Egyptians by giving each an equalsquare 844 RESONANCE September 2008 GENERAL ARTICLE Box 1. The O riginsofG eom etry Ancient Babylon and Egypt are well known as the civilizations in which the subject of geometry originated. However, there were other nodal centres as well. You are undoubt- edly familiar with some ofthe great and unique achievements ofancient Indian mathemat- ics, such as the invention ofthe decimal place-value system ofnumbers, negative numbers, and zero. It is important to note that these remarkable mathematical advances (which took place from about 500 AD onwards) were preceded by equally signi¯cant achieve- ments in the Indian sub-continent in even earlier times. In recent years, much new light has been shed on the scope and advanced nature of truly ancient Indian mathematics. It is being gradually recognized that ancient India (especially the Indus Valley Civilization) was in many respects (including mathematics) fully the peer of the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations. The historians ofscience J J O'Connor and E F Robertson (see http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/HistTopics/Indian mathematics.html) write, \... the study of mathematical astronomy in India goes back to at least the third mil- lennium BC and mathematics and geometry must have existed to support this study in ancient times." They go on to quote V G Childe in N ew Lighton the M ostAncientEast (Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd., London, 1952): \India confronts Egypt and Babylonia by the 3rd millennium with a thoroughly individual and independent civilization of her own, technically the peer of the rest." What is clear is that astronomy was a prime mo- tivating factor behind the development of geometry, trigonometry and related topics in ancient India. parcelofland,and m ade this his source ofrevenue,ap- pointing the paym entofa yearly tax.And any m an who was robbed by the river ofa partofhis land would com e to Sesostris and declare what had befallen him ;then the K ing would send m en to look into it and m easure the space by which the land was dim inished, so that there- after he shou ld pay the appointed tax in proportion to the loss. F rom this, to m y thinking, the G reeks learn ed the art ofm easuring land." Geometry was the So geom etry was the product ofpracticalhum an needs product of practical to m easure space,m uch as trade and com m erce led to human needs to arithm etic. Sim ilarly,the practicalneed to m easure tim e measure space, (for exam ple,to keep track ofdaily sunrises or the an- nual°oods) gave rise to clocks and calendars. H um an much as trade and scienti¯c and technological progress has required ever- commerce led to m ore accurate clocks. A brief history of tim ekeeping arithmetic. over the centuries is presented in B ox 2. RESONANCE September 2008 845 GENERAL ARTICLE Box 2. A B riefH istory ofTim ekeeping Timekeeping on earth by nature is as old as the planet itself, since all it requires is a periodic process. The periodic rotation and revolution of the earth give rise to daily and yearly cycles, which have been used by nature as a clock much before human beings evolved. Many living organisms including humans show daily (or diurnal) rhythms reg- ulated by the sun, and seasonal patterns that repeat every year. It is therefore natural that the earliest man-made clocks also relied on the sun. One example was the sundial, which consisted of a pointer and a calibrated plate on which the pointer cast a moving shadow. Ofcourse this worked only when the sun was shining. The need to tell the time even when the sun was not out, such as on an overcast day or at night, made it necessary to invent other kinds of clocks. The earliest all-weather clocks were water clocks, which were stone vessels with sloping sides that allowed water to drip at a constant rate from a small hole near the bottom. Markings on the inside surface indicated the passage of time as the water level reached them. Other clocks were used for measuring small intervals of time.
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