MONTHLY Election Courts UNJUST Aliran Monthly : Vol.33(5) Page 1 For Justice, Freedom & Solidarity PP3739/12/2012(031205) ISSN 0127 - 5127 RM4.00 2013:Vol.33No.5 COVER STORY Election Courts are worse than the Election Commission! Justice is not served when petitions are dismissed on technical grounds. by P Ramakrishnan es, the Election Courts YY are worse than the Elec- YYY tion Commission! The recent disappointing de- cisions of the Election Courts have proved that there is no hope for parliamentary democracy even in the judiciary. If the Barisan Nasional is a great let-down for democracy, the Elec- tion Commission is an even greater let-down for the electoral process. But shockingly, the Elec- tion Courts comparatively are far People lining up for post-election payouts off Jalan Sungai Dua (below) worse in that they cannot dis- and in Pulau Betong (above) in Penang. pense justice to the aggrieved party even if there was a glaring injustice. It is clear as daylight that the BN abused the electoral process by openly bribing voters through its many projects launched espe- cially during the period leading up to the GE 13 (including the campaign period itself) by dish- ing out goodies and cash induce- ments to win over the voters. Bil- lions of ringgit in cash or projects were dispensed freely giving an unfair disadvantage to the Oppo- Aliran Monthly : Vol.33(5) Page 2 EDITOR'S NOTE In our cover story, P Ramakrishnan says that Elec- tion Courts are worse than the Election Commis- CONTENTS sion – they are not serving the cause of justice when petitions are dismissed on technical grounds. Charles Hector finds these case dismissals shock- COVER STORY ••• Election Courts Are Worse Than ing – if cases are struck out on technicalities, then it •• Election Courts Are Worse Than The Election Commission! 222 just creates disaffection amongst those seeking jus- ••• Shocking Dismissals Of Election tice, he says. PetitionsPetitionsPetitions 666 Victims of domestic violence are also crying out for FEATURES justice and protection from further violence. Must ••• Protection From Domestic Violence: they wait for someone to be beaten to death or set on When Will It Be Taken Seriously? 999 fire before action is taken, asks Prema Devaraj. They ••• A Perverse Understanding Of Human Rights 121212 are not the only ones. Migrant workers too are often ••• What Holy Month? 141414 denied justice when they complain about their work- ••• Once We Were Beautiful 161616 ing conditions. Rani Rasiah looks at how one em- ••• Shocker In Court: Evidence With ployer presented evidence with ‘blanko’ at a Labour ‘Blanco’‘Blanco’‘Blanco’ 181818 Department hearing! ••• TPPA: No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk!Milk!Milk! 262626 The issue of trade justice looms large as negotia- ••• Coups And Junta Rule Must Be tions for the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement Condemned 282828 ••• Burma: Lest We Don't See, draw to a close. Ordinary Malaysians should take A Genocide Is In The Making 303030 the TPPA seriously as it appears to be heavily ••• Have You Signed Up For Our weighted in favour of multinational corporations. New E-Newsletter? 383838 Jeyakumar Devaraj analyses what’s at stake. At the ••• Jangan Pinda Undang-Undang international level, the coups and junta rule in Egypt Sesuka Hati! 404040 must be condemned, says Tommy Thomas. Bonojit Hussain looks at another nation under military rule REGULARS ••• Current Concerns 353535 – Burma – and says it is time for the country’s pro- democracy movement to speak out against targeted OTHERSOTHERSOTHERS attacks on Muslims there. ••• Ismail Hashim 191919 ••• When Questioning Becomes Finally, Francis Loh notes that Mahathir’s advice A CrimeCrimeA 252525 that laws should not be easily amended sounds a bit rich coming from someone with his undemocratic track record. Published by Persatuan Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN)(ALIRAN)(ALIRAN) Aliran is an organisation for ‘social democratic 103, Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, reform’. We advocate freedom, justice and Penang, Malaysia. solidarity; comment critically on social issues, offer analysis and alternative ideas keeping in mind Tel: (04) 658 5251 Fax: (04) 658 5197 the national and global picture based on universal Email: [email protected] human rights and spiritual values. We are listed Please indicate if it is a letter to the editor on the on the roster of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Founded in 1977, Aliran Homepage : http://www.aliran.com welcomes all Malaysians above 21 to be members. Contact the Hon. Secretary or visit our webpage. Printed by Konway Industries Sdn. Bhd. Plot 78, Lebuhraya Kampung Jawa, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang Aliran Monthly : Vol.33(5) Page 3 candidates and supporters filed petitions in the specially set up Election Courts seeking the courts’ assistance for justice. In an environment where everything is stacked against the ordinary citi- zens, courts are looked upon as dispensers of justice, the only hope for some remedy. However, this hope was so cru- elly dashed. These litigants went to court fully believing that there were triable issues involved for the courts to take a serious look into the matter. sition who were cash-strapped. The Election Commission, tasked But their petitions were dismissed with the duty to conduct free and - by what the lay person may per- Electoral process fair elections, did not live up to ceive to be on flimsy procedural perverted that responsibility. It failed to grounds. maintain a clean and honest elec- Voters were given bonus slips toral roll to ensure fairness in the Petitions dismissed on with the promise of cash pay- voting process. The indelible ink technical grounds ments if their respective BN can- that was meant to be used to pre- didates were elected. In this man- vent fraudulent voting turned out They were dismissed because they ner, those aligned with the BN to be a farce and a fiasco, thanks had failed to comply with several perverted the electoral process. to the EC. regulations in accordance with And there was evidence that this Rule 9 of the Election Petition was so because the Aliran team The EC never commented on the Rules 1954 and for failing to sat- has evidence to prove that this one-sided media coverage or the isfy regulation 15 of the Election happened. On 10-12 May, people twisted lies and false propaganda Petition Rules 1954. In one in- who had queued up for payments trotted out by the electronic me- stance, it was quoted that the pe- at a shoplot off Jalan Sungai Dua dia. It maintained its incredible titioner had failed to serve the in Penang told Aliran that cash silence over the BN’s excessive ex- documents personally! was given out to those who came penditure, sumptuous feasts with with the bonus slips. Payments free-flowing beer, and cash hand- Justice is not served when the pe- ranged from RM120 to RM200. outs. titions are dismissed on technical What was surprising was that grounds. It is preposterous that a this took place barely 100 metres The election corruption was so litigant’s right to justice should be from a police beat station. Conve- rampant that it was not possible dismissed because of the failings niently, the police personnel were to overlook or entirely ignore this of his or her counsel. The lawyer out on their ‘ronda’ at that time! electoral offence. It is a fact that concerned ought to know how to that this kind of inducement must file a petition but if for some rea- By all accounts, this was the dirti- have swung votes in favour of the son that petition is defective, why est election ever. State apparatus BN, especially in rural and remote deprive the litigant from having was fully utilised to promote the constituencies where poverty- the case heard? BN cause. Money from the na- stricken residents gratefully cast tional coffers was lavishly used their votes for the BN. Is it too difficult – isn’t it in the to influence voting patterns in It is because of these many wrongs inherent power of the court? - to favour of the BN. that the losing Pakatan Rakyat order the petition to be put right Aliran Monthly : Vol.33(5) Page 4 so that the substantive issues in the petition could be addressed by the court? Justice is not hinged on technicalities but on the question of right and wrong. Forfeiting the litigans’ right to be heard is a grave injustice. In do- ing so, isn’t the court perpetuat- ing a wrong and upholding an injustice? This is morally repul- sive! It is incredulous that the petitions for Machang and Selising con- stituencies were struck off appar- ently on grounds that could not be sustained. It is patently wrong to be done to the litigant, the High such abuses can be curbed. For to observe that the petitions were Court should use its discretion by this, senior judges from the bench not personally served on the re- referring the matter to the Federal should be specially appointed to spondents by the petitioner him- Court. This would allow real jus- hear these petitions so that they self. It is without merit. tice to be done to the petitioner and can differentiate the chaff from the would be fair to the public. grain. Any judge before elevation to the bench must have been a practis- Apart from this, the Election So far, the Election Court rulings ing lawyer. Surely, the judge must Courts have also awarded exor- have left many frustrated and dis- know that the filing of the case bitant costs to the respondents. illusioned with the courts. and the serving of documents to The costs awarded ranged from the respondents are entirely the RM30,000 to RM200,000! Many Let us be reminded by this obser- responsibility of the lawyer’s firm litigants who went to court in vation that can only come through - not that of the petitioner.
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