Second Pfobation... ... 1-nVacation VOLUME09, NO.10, PHILLIPS ACADEMY, ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 14NOVIEMBER 14. 1974, ~Alumni Banquet Will Honor FormerDean Benedict_ -.Six. Retiring Faculty Me bers .Dies After Loi~g llness The New England Andover faculty members; H admaster an By CHARLES ELSON direldor of the Harvard Alumni Alumni Association will hold its Mrs. Theodore Sizer; Mr. and Mrs' G. Grenville Benedict, who Association and from 1926 to'1930 annual dinner meeting on Thurs- Fred Harrison; Vict r Henningsen served as Phillips Academy's Dean was an assistant dean in charge of day, 'Nd~ember 21, to honor six III,, Mr. and Mrs. Rc bert Hulburd; of Students for twenyfu er recolrds at Harvard. faculty members whowill retire in Mr. and Mrs. Pe e McKee; Mr. de MoayiRheIsn When asked of his feelinks. June. The dinner will be held at 7:00 and Mrs. Richard heahan; Mr. Hospital after a long illness. He. aboiit Mr. Benedict, William F. pmn at the Harvard Club in Boston. and Mrs.- Frederic Stott and Miss C. was buried in the PA lemetary on Graham, Associate Dean of the RIethrink Faculty Jane sullivan. Wdedyatron cdm ad H-a ey The retiring faculty m~embers Wensa feno.Aaem ad H.wsavr include:-In- Sellars Physical Education Re qius ~~~~~~~~~~~InPebruary of 1933 he came to kind, thoughtful person whose first -structor Franik DiClemente; English OfAndover as an English. teacher, and feelings were toward Phillips InstructorsN. JosephPositio R. W. Dodge, The ~~~~~~~~~tenyears later was named Dean of Academy. He gave much advice to Ppnroseand j-Iart D I~~~~~~~~~~~ Students a post he held until his people and was a champion of the Hal~~~~~~~~~owe~~~~~~~~lTop~~~~~~~~~~~retiretnt in 17. From 194. underdog. Personally - he was a ' -A.ittLaaeefte andMath Mirror Group'Staff -1965 he also erved as -a- college. great help to the young faculty InstrtoRihr S. Pieetes TasnekdenoMaetthSllr G. Grenvrille Buectserved as counsellor. - .-- when they arrived at Andover." Careers, ~~~~~~~~Deanof'Stu'dent4 for 24 years Mr. Benedict ad served as A 'native of Providence, Rhode ' Careen ~~~resigned his post as esident of The 'Island,, Mr. -Benedict attended he Mr. DiClemente, a graduate of MirrGopl ognzto oses Brown School there and was Springfield Colg an nhs3t opsdo h~Pblications: TheSize r Appoints B unnel11 D irector graduated fromp Harvard in 1923. year with the PAathletic depart. MIRROR, a trry magazine;:ercie i 'atr erca ment, will be succeeded by Physical EIDOLONS, a pho ography jour- ~ ~CHrivd is933.-- der- a Education Itructor Christopher nal; and C(NOSU E, a featur a Dr um m er Sesston . fe rdainfo avr 'Gurry as Varsity Soccer Coachii. magazine. I hetutEnlsfrn193o Mr. Ddge' was q. graduate of- The original prpose of The -:. - *h agh nlshfoI 93t Rutgers University. Harvard Uini- Mirror roup, Preident was to ;JI istory Instructor James Bun-196athGlanCutySol versity. and received his MA'1 at provide financi al e iciency and- a fifill has beeb appointed to head in Baltioe -. Colubiaan his P.D. atpolkc focus for the three publica- Phillips Academy's Summer Ses- ~-M.Bndc eundt Dickinson College. He is entering tions. Under the exis ng agreement, sion. H-is appointment was 'announ- rydneterhsrtrmn n his 20th year as an English the profits of each ublication, are cod by Dr. Sizer at the last faculty -sre sapr-ieavsrt h Inistructor. Well-known author Mr oldit o nfn. meig Rhode Island School of Design. Leavitt has been with the English However, the r ee magazines Mr. Bunnell will hold theFrmOtbr16toAil97 Department, for 37 years.- and has have recently dec ded to offer position of Trips Director for thishewsaprtimmmbrote hedmany posts including PHIL- separate' subsesipi ns inta Of coming summer as he has in the Brw nvriyBadof Ad' is- * LIPIANAdvisor, I adhering to their orginal pla ofpast and will assume the director- __-nti aafyh iie -He graduated from Yale with his selling all three for e an rof shp rmEgih fsrco ee number of prep schools throughout. or frombargain English price It~~NewEnglanrinteriewMere-ndi- - ship. 'A.B. and is ,currently Head of the of ten dollars. dith Price, current director, in theNeEnlditrewgcai- Righteous Jazz Band. A participant Because the mn common bond summer of 1976. The basic formatdte framsin in the 1936:Olympic Track Meet, of The Mirror Gru appears to b e of the session lrmantesae n, recent years he devoted Mr. Hallowell graduated, iriioi.tt -0 t 4 amA consiuhdWllrmantherabln tm t o Briisunda- Harvarwithan* NB. andis Administrator, puise rmer, okngf~ .cnierableatiton'thAm~eli British cqntinh is 0o~thear ithethe grul theiroinaof hodite Prim arily the respo~sibility of, boys aMi girls to study for-a yei"-t', ' graduate of PA and Yraleitede hediecorisfoovesemte''anPEngligh junior high school. Yalean former for, Sellars. workings of the session. He i - He enjoyed being with young Varsity Football Coach, will be 'CYNOSURE Ritor Kim Patton responsible for. coordinating each of pol n nhs5t niesr succeeded by Assistant Commons elaborated on the rmons for the the 'various departments.', and 'Hrar eot entd M Manager Thomas Pool. Finally, Mr. decision. "Our con, rn was for the oraHaeril,$is etranmn. ' - urdf oniun ontact ih ote, nM Pwter, apointein 938,is fomer ntersts of the corn unity as well as and tudent activities. During the ygI Chairman of the Math Department, for the interests o the individual wnetedrcoisbytotisOf Mr. Bunnell was particularly polgiemmuhlasr.I and Excusing Officer. He graduated' maaie.TewrGopi o uinger the dic~or butht he plni xeln n bcue~ ~~s seems to me that almost without from the University of Pennslai, dominated by an itorial policy. It the program for the following eXPerience with the Sifmnmer Ss- exetothysudbtrtan' Uhiversity of, WisconsiA and earned asavr feilfam.su ersnn' -*,they look -and let it go at that" an A.B. and A.M. at irinceton.- 'MIRROR Co-E itor Janie Bar- Meit.Pcehs el te__________________ OdierGuestsnett added, "W support each~lpsto's'' fdrcorfrteps'w t i1 All Phillips Academy Alumni other, and It's mo efficient: The, oiino ietrfrtl atto, " asv aai and Abbot Mluiitise in this are treasureres office ts mad because smes i ~eeesrwsJry~T have been invited to the-,diinner tbFt las en oster, currqnt director of the A dm issions'O ffj crs Travel T .4 meetinX Other gussrqiAndover different accounts from all teCmlenay Schools Project . incluethewivesOf the 'ftiig organizations i hschool Mr. Price fees that the appointment A l n a ~ R c ut STI Un ergoing Evaluation;- h is ego h ana He hopes to attract these people alumni recruiting trips began this '"by stirring up interest not only in week in Chicago and Atlanita.. our very loyal. and hard-working Compre ~~~~nsive ~Report Pejiding eriestaele ~Ciaoo'alumrni representatives but also in - I ~~~~~~~~~Mondayand went on to Atlanta on the balance oIf the aluriini today to' PA's Short Te Inttts(T)students will carry out-similar tasks, Wednesday 'in what Director f be on the prowl for outstanding and are undergoing this week what Jerry and an examination of the program Admissions Joshua Miner termed "a deserving young people." However,, Foster, the pro ram director, is also being undertaken through relatively massive recruiting safari, he warned -hat "we should be termed one of thi most extensive the use of photographs, videotape, ' ,Msilfold Ppiem ca~eful not to stir up interest to evaluations ever conducted at and magdazine-articles. The purposes and intents f -which We can't respond.") Phillips Academy.' Principals from Review Board these trips are "manifold" accord-' Chicago Trip participating schoo s, various And- Once completed, the reports will ing to Donal Rollings, Teaching, The Chicago junket has been over faculty and students, and be evaluated by. the review board, FellowV in- Administration and arranged by Donald Riillings. Its V students in the prog am will compil chaired bl Meridan Bennett, PA Spanish. These include "'alumni coordination has been plagued by reports stemmin from direct '45. The board is made up of dinners, interviews, and the reestab- -organizational difficulties - the large' observtionswhic ill ten be prestigious members of foundations 'ihetocnats" - number of PA alumni gracing the "' submitted to a view board for and educational associations. Their Adinissi6ns Director Miner ex- Windy City have never before been ~ ,analysis. overall review will not only consider plained further. "In Chicago and involved in such affairs. AAA trantthe cognitive growth of the students Atlanta, the Alumni -Office hopes to Interviews' -were -held on both The money for this evaluation involved in STI, but how their have contacted interest alumni and Monday and Tuesday mornings was supplied fro a gift to the various ,attitudes - be it toward spoken to them on the PA~ program followed by visits to local youth- Complementary chools Project private schools, adultsor their own as it exists today. The Alur~ini Office 'oriented , organizations in the Ten PAstudenstraeled ( E~St (CSP) from the bbot Academy families - were altered by their STI hopes to make first-han#l contact afternoon. Math Instructor Richard on ovebe5t, ~ Asocatin.It flt in by' experience. - ihcniae n'parej~ts as well' Pieters joined the PA entourage , 7 cover of darkneuu they aighned a funding the study oman outside ",,We look at ourselves as being as iincipals and guiiancp counsel- -Tuesday night at the alumni dinner. superblyexecuted ~ *fsource, the evalu tin would be involved in experim%'t and innova-' ers,' and 'other orginizahons that PEA'S radio stion. After iagging more objective in i operaticin, and tion," Foster explained. "Part of our deal directly with youth '~ The administrator 'traveled to the dihcje y, the PA u~udt would not drain th CSP's treasury. responsiblity is that we always must. Despite the fact tb~t ~esho Atlanta Wedneiday morning.
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