14 VOLUMECA”” 93, NUMBER 3 nITYMICHIGAN - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, CHRONICLE1999 I-WTY CENTS 14 PAGES PLUS ONE SUPPLEMENT WeekendI stand-off ends in Decker man’s arrest A Sanilac County man was arrested hours after he alleg- Moriartey Road, west to Lamton Road and then north about edly threatened his wife with a gun and a knife in their Dccker a mile-and-a-half before entering a field on the west side of residence over the weekend. the road. Because the suspect was armed and stopped in a Sanilac County Sheriff’s deputies said the woman suffered field, Hall explained, the sheriff’s department’s Special Re- minor injuries during the incident, which was initially re- sponse Team was called to assist. ported Saturday at 2:50 a.m. when she called central dis- Special Response Team members along with the sheriff’s patch and reported her husband was holding hcr at gunpoint. department’s K-9 Unit tracked the suspect until just before Dispatchers kept the victim on thc phonc while sheriff’s dawn, but the search was called off due to concerns about department and state police units responded to the home in the deer hunting season and a large number of hunters in the Decker. area. Detective Sgt. David Hall said the suspect allegedly kept Later the same day, at about 11:40 a.m., the suspect was his wife at gunpoint, then later held a knife to her throat, observed back at his residence, and police responded to the When deputies and troopers arrivcd at thc: house, he fled in a scene, evacuating about 29 people from nearby residences vehicle, Hall said, adding the victim reported her husband during the stand-off. had a loaded gun with him. The suspect fled west on Snover Road to M-53, north to Please turn to page 5* TWO PEOPLE were injured - one of them critically - when 2 vehicles collided at Projects top. $1 ,million the intersection of Deckerville and Germania roads in Sanilac County’s Evergreen ter treatment plant. Township Saturday night. (photo by Eric Esckelson). Cass Citv, officials have B ~~ hefty capital improvcmcnt Computer and office equip- ment will cost another spending list for 2000. village eyeing ambitious 6-H -#.,A In Tuscola. Sanilac counties In all, the villagc expccts to spcnd rnorc than $1 million on projects ranging from capital improvement plan routine maintenance to street One killed, 2 hurt in crashes improvements to equipment Houghton Strcct, Sceger to purchases. West ($7,500);Maple Street, One person was killed and by a northbound vehicle at SANILAC CRASH Troo pc r s rc port cd Thc expenses, outlined in ’ Ilondincau was transportcd Third to Main ($12,100); 2 othcrs were injured in scpa- about 752 p.m. the village’s 5-year Capital Sherman Strcct, Garfield to rate traffic accidents in the The driver and passcnger in Michigan State Police by FlightCarc Helicopter to Improvement Program, arc troopers from the Sandusky St. Mary’s Medical Center, Main ($20,000), and area over the holiday week- the northbound vchicle were built into a proposed $3.57 Garfield Avenue, Oak to post reported 2 people in- Saginaw, whcrc she was end. hurt in the crash. The million spending plan for Woodland ($16,000). jured in an accident Saturday listed in critical condition. It Millington area residents’ 2000 that will be adopted by Another $265,300 will be afternoon in southeastern isn’t known whcthcr she was A Tuscola County woman names were not available, the village council next spent on infrastructure im- Evergreen Township. wearing a scat belt whcn the died in a 2-vehicle crash Fri- and deputies had no informa- month. provements it1 thc village’s 150 p.ni. accidcnt occurred. day night in Arbcla Town- tion regarding the extent of Capital improvement ex- industrial park. According to reports, Mark A passenger in he Ellis vc- ship. their injuries. Reports state . penditures next year will in- The projects inclyde pav- E. Ellis, 34, of Scottvillc, .hiclc, Lcr:i Ani1 Ellis, 26, a passengcr in the clude a number of strcct ing, construction of curb and Mich., was wcstbound on Scv t tv il le, wax tra ti sported to Shinabarger vchicle suffered prujccts estimated at a com- gutter and installation of a Tuscola County Sheriff’s Dcckerville Road whcn a Marlette Comtiiutiity Hospi- minor injuries. bincd $176,100, including 12-inch storm sewer along deputies reported D’na northbound vehicle appar- tal for treatment of minor in- $45,000 for construction and Schcll Strcct, Docrr Road to Daniel1 Shinabarger, 23, of Deputies were assisted at ently ran a stop sign at the juries. Two other passengcrs, curb and gutter on Hunt North Industrial Drive Millington, was killed &hen the scene by Millington Fire Germania Road intersection James Ellis, 4, and Emily K. Street, from Spruce Street ($136,000); installation of she pulled out of a driveway and Rescue personnel, and the vehicles collided. Grace Ellis, 6 nionths, were 450 fcct south. 36-inch storm sewer along on Belsay Road, south of Hudson’s Ambulance,Vassar Thc driver of the north- not injured. Troopers said all Roads schedulcd for paving North Industrial Drive to the Millington Road, and was Area Ambulance Service, bound vehicle was identified of the occupants werc wcar- are: West Street, Pine to Center “B” Drain attempting to turn south and the Millington Police as Gar01 J. Dondineau, 52, of ing seat bclts or were seated Church ($9,000); Rose ($1 OS,OOO), and installation when her vehicle was struck Department. Fraser. in child restraint heats. Strcct, Seeger to Ale of‘ 15-inch storm sewer along ($ I7,500 ); Ale Street, Main North Industrial Drive, from to Rostb i!<17,000); Maple Schcll Street to the 36-inch Street, Main to Church storm drain. ($4,500);Huron Street, Dale A major storm scwer Contract awarded for post to Virginia ($5,500); Hunt project is also planned for Street, Huron to Virginia Church Street, from Nestles projcct is not being funded ($13,500); Hunt Street, Vir- to Brooker, where 860 feet of Michigan State Police company’s estimated con- west corner of M-24 and ginia north 650 feet ($8,500); 36-inch storm sewer will be troopers in Caro should be struction time - 180 days - Deckerville Road. by county general fund mon- moved into their new post compared to the low bidders’ ies. “The county floated the next summcr. estimate of,340 days, Total cost of the project is bonds, but the state will pay Hoagland noted. He said estimated at $1.6 15 million, to lcasc the building,” he Welcome, The Tuscola County Board commissioners were also including architectural, legal said, adding the state’s pay- of Commissioners last week more familiar with J.R. and engineering few, site ments will cover both prin- Santa! awarded the contract for the Heineman, which con- work and other expenses. cipal and interest over a 15- $1.3 million project to J.R. structed an addition at the Hoagland emphasized thc year lcasc period. Heincman & Sons Inc., Tuscola County Jail. A HOST of youngsters Saginaw. gave Santa Clam a J.R. Heineman submitted Hoagland added construc- the second lowest among a tion should get underway U-W short of warm welcome when he dozen bids, according to soon. arrived in Cass City county Controller Micrhael “We’ve issued the bonds Hoagland, who said the bids and we’ll have the proceeds aboard a festive Detroit ranged from a low of from those bonds in about 3 Edison truck Friday $50,000r target $1,338,600 to a high of weeks,” hc said. “We’re on $1,656,795. a fast track now.” Tuscola County Unitcd Way if‘ county rcsidcnts don’t dig night. At left, Madison J.R. Heineman’s bid of Thc 7,500-square-foot Board members are hOPing a bit decpcr into thcir pock- Brinkman, 3, daughter $1,348,900 was selected, in building will be constructed for an ets. of Pam and Tom part, because of the on a 4-acre site at the south- present*but it wnn’t happen Officials in October launchcd thcir first campaign Brinkman, Cass City, since the Caro and Cass City anxiously awaits her It’s time to fine tune those United Way organizations turn to visit with the merged with the United Way Christmas wish lists, and of Tuscola County over the Jolly Old Elf inside his the Chronicle will once again be summer. The campaign of- house in the parking lot publishing “Letters to Santa” in our ficially cnded Nov. 15, but at the municipal build- it’s hoped contributions will annual holiday issue, Dec. 22. kecp coming overcthe next ing. Of course, Santa Claw has a lifetime sub- few weeks. The reorganized United ‘7 scription to the Chronicle, so be assured the Way Board set this year’s Jolly Old Elf will get his copy of the paper. in4 goal at $50,000. -fplenty of time for his trip across the world on “Right now, wc’re about 80 Christmas Eve. And don’t w&y, Santa assures percent,” United Way Presi- dent Ken Spencer said of the us that he and the etves had all of their Y2K bugs progress in meeting the worked out months ago. $50,000 goal. Spencer indicated response urry, kids. Finish those fetters to Santa and mait to the United Way’s mailing rn Soon to the Cass City cle, P.O. Box 115, has been weak in wmc areas 50 Main S.,Cass City, 726, Momanddad of the county, largely because some communities are not by the Chronic anyhe and drop used to the mail campaign.
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