8634 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 6 April 10, 2007 the team’s success, including players Justin S. RES. 145 For further information, please con- Abdelkader, Tim Crowder, Jeff Dunne, Tyler Whereas, on April 8, 2007, Zach Johnson, a tact Allyson Anderson or Gina Howells, Brandon Gentile, Ethan Graham, native Iowan, won the Masters Tournament Weinstock. Bobby Jarosz, Justin Johnston, Tim Ken- at the Augusta National Golf Club in Au- nedy, Kurt Kivisto, Chris Lawrence, Bryan COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND gusta, Georgia; TRANSPORTATION Lerg, Jeff Lerg, Zak McClellan, Jim Whereas, the Masters has been won by McKenzie, Steve Mnich, Chris Mueller, Mi- some of golf’s greatest champions, including Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask chael Ratchuk, Matt Schepke, Chris Byron Nelson, Sam Snead, Ben Hogan, Ar- unanimous consent that the Com- Snavely, Jay Sprague, Daniel Sturges, Nick nold Palmer, Gary Player, Jack Nicklaus, mittee on Commerce, Science, and Sucharski, Ryan Turek, Daniel Vukovic, and Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson, and many oth- Transportation be authorized to hold a Brandon Warner, Head Coach Rick Comley, ers; hearing during the session of the Sen- Assistant Coaches Tom Newton and Brian Whereas, Zach Johnson’s final round of ate on Tuesday, April 10, 2007, at 2:30 Renfrew, and Athletic Trainer Dave Carrier; three-under-par 69 for a total score of 289 was Whereas MSU Spartans’ Head Coach Rick p.m., in Room 253 of the Russell Senate two strokes better than that of any other Office Building. Comley, who was named a 2007 National competitor; Coach of the Year finalist, became the third Whereas, in a final day on which six dif- The hearing entitled ‘‘Voice over coach in college hockey history to win na- ferent players led, Zach Johnson showed Internet Protocol (VoIP) and the Fu- tional titles at two institutions, the first great skill, patience and will to withstand ture of 911 Services,’’ will examine cur- with Northern Michigan University, and has the challenge of the weather and the course; rent issues and future challenges re- recorded over 700 career victories, making Whereas, Zach Johnson is the first Iowan him the third winningest coach amongst ac- lated to the provision of enhanced 911 to win the Masters, and the first Iowan to tive coaches, and fifth winningest in NCAA (E911) services, and S. 428, the ‘‘IP-En- win a major championship in golf since Jack history; abled Voice Communications and Pub- Fleck’s playoff victory over Ben Hogan in Whereas at the Frozen Four Championship lic Safety Act of 2007.’’ the 1955 U.S. Open; and game in St. Louis, a record 19,432 people at- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Whereas, Zach Johnson has brought great tended and the enthusiasm shown by the objection, it is so ordered. people of Michigan and the student body of pride and honor to his family, friends, and f Michigan State University clearly dem- the citizens of Iowa with his victory: Now, onstrates Michigan’s strong support for the therefore, be it AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO Resolved, That the Senate congratulates MSU Hockey organization and the deter- MEET mined effort of all the team’s players; Zach Johnson on his outstanding accom- Whereas MSU Hockey’s third NCAA title plishment in winning the 2007 Masters golf COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND will be celebrated in East Lansing, Michigan tournament. TRANSPORTATION on Tuesday, April 10, 2007, and its members Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask f honored with a parade followed by a rally at unanimous consent that the Com- Munn Ice Arena; NOTICES OF HEARINGS/MEETINGS mittee on Commerce, Science, and Whereas the families and friends of the Transportation be authorized to hold a team have provided unwavering support and COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS have tirelessly cheered on their Spartans; hearing during the session of the Sen- Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I would ate on Tuesday, April 10, 2007, at 11 Whereas after many trials and tribulations like to announce that the Committee in the later part of the season, the Spartans a.m., in Room 253 of the Russell Senate rallied together with unrivaled team char- on Indian Affairs will meet on Thurs- Office Building. The purpose of the acter and focus to clinch the NCAA title; day, April 12, 2007, at 9:30 a.m. in Room hearing is to review the Federal Trade Whereas Michigan State University has al- 485 of the Russell Senate Office Build- Commission Reauthorization Act. ways stood as a center for excellence in both ing to conduct a business meeting to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without athletics and scholarship, under the current consider pending legislation, to be fol- objection, it is so ordered. leadership of University President Lou Anna lowed immediately by an oversight SUBCOMMITTEE ON READINESS AND K. Simon, and Athletic Director and re- hearing on Tribal Colleges and Univer- nowned former MSU Hockey coach Ron MANAGEMENT SUPPORT Mason; sities. Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask Whereas the MSU Spartans displayed un- Those wishing additional information unanimous consent that the Sub- paralleled team camaraderie and have shown may contact the Indian Affairs Com- committee on Readiness and Manage- their ability to unite both on and off the ice, mittee at 224–2251. ment Support be authorized to meet which led to hard-fought victories through- COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NATURAL during the session of the Senate on out the season; and RESOURCES Whereas the Spartan Men’s Hockey Team Tuesday, April 10, 2007, at 3 p.m., in demonstrated superior strength, skill, perse- Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I both closed and open sessions, to re- verance, and determination during the 2006- would like to announce for the infor- ceive testimony on overseas basing 2007 season and has made Michigan State mation of the Senate and the public plans, military installation, environ- University and the entire State of Michigan that a hearing has been scheduled be- mental and base closure programs in proud: Now, therefore, be it fore the Committee on Energy and Nat- review of the Defense authorization re- Resolved, That the Senate— ural Resources. quest for fiscal year 2008 and the future (1) congratulates the Michigan State Uni- The hearing will be held on Monday, versity Men’s Hockey Team on winning the years Defense program. 2007 National Collegiate Athletic Association April 16, 2007, at 2:30 p.m., in room SD– The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Championship and recognizes all the players, 366 of the Dirksen Senate Office Build- objection, it is so ordered. coaches, staff, fans, families, and others who ing. f were instrumental in this great achieve- The purpose of the hearing is to re- ment; and ceive testimony on S. 731, the National PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR (2) directs the Secretary of the Senate to Carbon Dioxide Storage Capacity As- Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution sessment Act of 2007 and S. 962, the De- unanimous consent that Nicole Knoll to Michigan State University and to the MSU Spartans Men’s Hockey Team for ap- partment of Energy Carbon Capture and Grant Gustafson of my staff be propriate display. and Storage Research, Development, granted floor privileges for the dura- and Demonstration Act of 2007. tion of today’s session. f Due to the limited available for the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without SENATE RESOLUTION 145—CON- hearing, witnesses may testify by invi- objection, it is so ordered. GRATULATING ZACH JOHNSON tation only. However, those wishing to Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, I ask ON HIS VICTORY IN THE 2007 submit written testimony for the hear- unanimous consent that Tyler Thomp- MASTERS GOLF TOURNAMENT ing record should send it to the Com- son, of my staff, be granted the privi- Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself and Mr. mittee on Energy and Natural leges of the floor for the remainder of HARKIN) submitted the following reso- Resources, U.S. Senate, Washing- the debate on S. 5 and S. 30. lution; which was considered and ton, DC 20510–6150, or by e-mail to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without agreed to: [email protected]. objection, it is so ordered. VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:41 Jun 29, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00086 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\S10AP7.REC S10AP7 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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