MARY C H E H E Y UBRARY ■.•V ?*»\ unnoiAT, n m u . u « f rAOB FOUBTinr 1 «B H i M y Not Pi •TM, tha property ownoro aaor by ffMooadod anmame oa tb« aoalag la Ordailicd Vacatioii Sch<>ok Betrothed Past Grand Chiefs A bout Town Heard Along Main Street board Bad rightfully demaaded h o a i g h t t that It not ba allowed. Tet 1 At the North^nd To Hold Gating “ 5 3 o 9 ilttm hpBtpr iEupttitui U pralb bava aaaa nothing In tha paper V rirtm «< HMdfBartara Oom* And on Some of ManchetUr*$ Side Streete, Too aboot thair proteating tha uaa of pwv.&lf. a. wm j gat tbo oamo property for travelliag The twenty aacond annual sea- cbecka Umtey •vnlng S:SO and __________________ O ty mf FfliRiB Cfcnrm abowa which to my simple mind ohm o f the Vacation Church School the Btata will hoM thair m m m I »KIO o'clpck at the mate Armory. -4 -(J ThU is the time of the year*in his life than ever can work off are far, more objectionable than a conducted Jolntty by the Second outiiia at tha eottafa t t U r. sad when those who wander away from the debt. theater. I gucaa my aensa of val- lOoagregatlmial and North Method­ oa PB#a U ) (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE ruUE CEMli Rav. Willard J. McLaughlin and M n. W. J. Banrao, Aadevar Laha. MANCHESTER, CONNn MONDAY, JUNE 2L » 4 < Main street for a visit in the uaa nuat be all wrong. ist churches, will be held this TOU LXTILe MO. 222 kia family moved Into the North j country may find themselves hav- Chief Albert Foy of the Man­ H m editorial writer In this pa­ season from July 13 to 80. accord­ ObuNT « 0 I ha aervad at 3 fc as. Methodlat paraooage at 70 Henry ing a happy Ume In overalls, chester Fire Department la sport­ per baa at tlmca gone into ecata- ing to aa aniMMinoement by the H m aftanosa wm ha tahan «p atraat ycaterday. handling a hoe. For Instance, ing a ahlny new 1948 automobile. Mea (and juatly ao) about the de- Rav. LelaiMI O. HunL pastor of tbs with apocta aad heatliia. Otaad we know a certain Middle turnpike The car was publicly diaplaycd lata hChtful terrace properly land- Second Cburch, -who is charged Horse’ Port of Convention Start Work acapod on East Center street and Taonla ettleasa a f tha atats have W. S.C S. groupe will hold their resident—and that location Is Thursday afternoon when a box wlUi organlxliv the achool this also been invited. birthday party at the alarm was aounded for the truck tha nice Imprcasion on strangera yaw. Defend or Attack Choice of Republican hardly out in the coiintry either, arriving in the town from the Bol­ Mra. fYaaeaa O. Bamm aad H n . South Methodtat church, Monday but dangeroua—and this resident fire at West Center end McKee The achool will be directed by Morcjrn Padtoam, nanhaia ad On Selecting aveolBg at 0:S0, when a pot luck streets. ton aide. Ha mentions the crjrtng Miaa Louisa Wrlsley, a aecond is casting eyes around for slaves. need for a proper sports park of Memorial Faai Oraad CSdato a t aun>er will be enjoyed. Each Ht has that aame steely look When the fire turned out to be yaar student at the Hartford tha atats. Mm. Horroa laalaasam group win have a part In the pro­ minor, many spectators took a few which tbo city can be proud, yet School of Rallglous Elducation. Congress’ Record; that waa lodged In the cornea of hia allenco haa been deafening on lor auprama altaraato to tho Ba* Of Nominee! gram -to follow. Simon Legree. He seeks labor. moments to view the chleTs new Miss Wrislay is a graduate of Wil­ . T’.. :- proBM Tomplo ■sariBa, Augsat a matter which must make an en­ lamette University, Sslem, Ore- Nominee Wide Open; This fnend. a gardener, is in a car. tirely dUfarent Impression on vla- 18 tai MilwMdwa^ Wlaeoaffa. Miaa Gertrude Herrmann'e piano pickle without cucumbers yet Being driven around town the In settlement hOuse work In Pltts- Itora arriving In the town from gon, and has two yean experience Democracy Starts Pick­ pupila win meet Monda>- morning above ground. Three times his past week has been an Engllah tha East Hartford direction. Thia Session Is Ended at idne o ’clock A the Oester, for seedlings have been destroyed, by type convertible as red aa any fire burgh before coming to Hartford. ing Potential Presi­ condition, in my opinion, needs the She wUI be assisted by a well an outing at Baizabeth Park. rain, then by rain and then by engine In either fire district. Soma use o f a pan more eloquent than Hartford. On the return from the rain an<i hall. His aching back remarks have been made that the mins In taking to task thoee re- qualUled group from the both RepnblicaiiB See One of dent to Lead Nation paiisiies. • First Session Ends park they u1 H aee a motion pic­ won’t take more, but he has s town waa going to purchaae the sponsible for Its existence. Supply Trains At Critical Moment ture. If it ahould rain again Mon­ tender regard for growing things, i car for one of the asai^nt chiefs. If thia place o f property is to A small registration fee adll be KNOFLA Beat Ever aa Demo­ day, it will be the next pleasant It la hit hobby. One of the fellowa who played a be uaed for aa amuaement center F. MeCkrtky charged for enrollment In the maa FhjrlBs FWMrty day. ____ big part In directing traffic at the school to help defer expenses in­ crats Take Up Tru­ By Balmaa Morin We have heard him complain let'a make it a good one. Why not Halt Because General Air of Gaafi* Main street fire last Tuesday eve­ volved in Its opentlon. Contri­ BROTHERS that every person passing offers a d ty owned race track for the use Rev. Joseph F. McCarthy, Order Mr. and Mrs. John Flaliartjr c t man’s Cry of One of Philadslpblm. June 31 — Un— Strange Bedfellows deuce Convention Will nia Heme Economice commlt- ning was seen looking the car over. of midget autos. Tha city officials of Saint Augustine, was ordained butions from. Interested. Individ­ 8 Rhnlock atraet aanounca tha aa- him free advice on how to raise bis uals will be welcomed. Genera] Contractor Democracy went to work today In tae of Bolton Grange will aerve a One thing aure, the car would be In Hartford have just refused the to the Holy Friesthood on June 8, gacement and coming matrtaga of Worst in History; stuff. It Is suggested that he natural In a fifemen’a parade. Enrollment will be limited to Of Deadlock PhUadcIphia. Name Next President; strawberry supper this evening keep extra tools handy, play use of Colts Park (their very nar­ at the National Shrine of the Im­ ihalr dMifhter, Mlia PhylUs Via- Jobbing and from S:S0 to 7:30 in the Commun­ , Maybe one of the little "chiefs” row minded paopla I gueaa) for maculate (inception in Washing­ chlhhren from 0ve yean to twelve harty, to Joseph MeVariah, Jr., aon Looking to Elections Tba buatnese at hand was sari- Unrertainty Remains dumb, and let these pitying per- ■ ^ _____ Indoslve. of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MeVariab. General Repairing ooa and toe men moat Immediately Adage Is Confirmed ity hall at Bolton Center, with an sons show him how to <te the job. ! * thia purpose en the inaUtence of ton, D.’ C. Americans Stop Them auction to foUow. John Lawlor, the edltora o f Tha Hartford Cou- McC!srthy is a graduato of of Ellington. Involved wer^ serious about IL They Among Rank-and-Fila In no time his garden will grow Can 4 0 33 Washington, June 21,— were aalectlng a potential pr local auctioneer will have a collec- rant Maybe tha promoter will set the Staten Island -Academy, New Th# wedding ceremony will taka —Word weary legiilatora to­ Rather Than Submit dent to lead the moat werful PhUadalphia, June 31—(FV—Tbaf- Luke appointed Gsmble. h«>w>' Delegates Regarding Uon o f Interesting articles for sale. up his races hare and the d ty can York, Villanova College, Vinaneva, Tree Lined Roa^s place Saturday, July 10, at 10 if Before 6 p. m. nation on earth at a critical mo­ Md adage that polities sometlmss sver. On toe understanding T„r,o* “tn'rr'.?/ make a deal to gat 80 per cent of Pennsylvania, and the Auguatinlan o’dock In St. Ma^s Episcopal day set about defending, or To Soviet Inapection „„ h. u. h .«.. .,,u. H. I Hazardous Today church. ment in history. I Brownell a-ould net stand In the Victor; Big States De* Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, V. F. the revenue and than one will have College, Washington, D. C. Ismbseting, the pre-conven­ makes strange bedfelloars found W„ win aerve a strawberry supper waves cheerily and la too busy Of Cargoes to Berlin Democracy was many things. : way. weeding to visit In the bouse. So youthful vxndals who are wont to pay taxes. Tha police can bsn Fr. McCarthy ih the son of Al­ tion record they finished unusual confirmation today ia the Gamble thus berame the second lay Any Commitments at the V. F. W. Home. Manchester to make their mark whenever and Rain laden foliage, extra heavy It wss compounded of live ele­ you go out to the garden.
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