1 - North Lanarkshire Council DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PIa nn i n g Ap plica t io ns for consideration of Planning and Development Committee Committee Date : 30th October 1996 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with the permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 2 INDEX PAGE APPLICATION APPLICANT DEVELOPMENT / LOCUS 4 Nl96/0213/PL MR W. BRYCE ERECTION OF REAR EXTENTION 41 PORTREATH ROAD MOODIESBURN 7 Nl96/0046/PL ASTON RICHARDS LTD ERECTION OF 12 DWELLINGS SOUTH EAST OF MUIRFIELD ROAD CUMBERNAULD 13 N/96/0122/PL HORIZON HOUSING ERECTION OF RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION DEVELOPMENT ARCHWAYS SITE MAIN STREET KILSYTH 16 NI9610157 MERCURY ERECTION OF 22.5 METRE AERIAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER WITH 6 SECTOR ANTENNAE, 4MICROWAVE DISHES AND EQUIPMENT CABIN ENCLOSED IN A 12 X 8 METRE COMPOUND WITH SECURITY FENCING 20 N/96/0161MD EMPLOYMENT SERVICES ERECTION OF OFFICE BUILDING OFFICE ( JOB CENTRE ) 28 NI96/0167/PL SPIERS GUMLEY ERECTION OF TWO DWELLING CHARTERED SURVEYORS ( IN OUTLINE ) 32 Nl96/0182/PL MCFARLANE SMITH ERECTION OF 12 DWELLINGS DESIGN GARRELL AVE KILSYTH. 36 Cl961267 MR J REID RE-ROOFING OF TWO FLATTED DWELLING HOUSES 40 Cl961374 MORTGAGE ADVICE CHANGE OF USE FROM SHOP TO OFFICE 44 Cl961406 THE TRUSTEES PROPOSED ERECTION OF VIEWING MANSE PLACE AIRDRIE GALLERY TO BOWLING CLUB CLUBHOUSE 49 S/96/001960UT THE BENEFITS AGENCY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 190-196 ALEXANDER STREET WISHAW 54 S/96100353/FUL MOSS HOMES LTD ERECTION OF 53 DWELLINGHOUSES ADAMSON STREET MOSSEND BELLSHILL 65 S/96100362/OUT WIMPEY HOMES RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT BRANCHAL ROAD CAMBUSNETHAN WISHAW 76 SI96100404 SPOOK ERECTION OPERATION OF RETAIL MARKET FOR ONE ADDITIONAL DAY PER WEEK ( SUNDAY) FORMER AUCTION MARKET, LAND TO REAR OF CALEDONIAN ROAD WISHAW. 83 S/96/00416/FuL BOTTERILLS EXTENTION OF OPENING HOURS TO 24 CONVENIENCE STORES HOURS PER DAY INCLUDING HOT FOOD FACILITY, UNITS 5-8 VEWPARK SHOPPING CENTRE ,OLD EDINBURGH ROAD UDDINGSTON 91 S/96100421/FUL ASHLEY VITNERS LTD CHANGE OF USE FROM RETAIL (CLASS 1) TO HOT FOOD TAKE AWAY (CLASS 3) UNIT 1,VIEWPARK SHOPPING CENTRE VIEWPARK. 3 INDEX PAGE APPLICATION APPLICANT DEVELOPMENT / LOCUS 94 S/96/00442/NL W.H. MALCOLM LTD ALTERATIONS AND EXTENSION TO STORAGE WAREHOUSE, ERECTION OF NEW GATEHOUSE AND FORMATION OF PALLET STORAGE, BODDEN SQUARE, NEWHOUSE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NEWHOUSE. 97 S/96/00453/0UT DIRECTOR OF HOUSING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ( HOUSE PLOTS ) 48/50 LIBERTY ROAD BELLSHILL. 103 S/96/00454/0UT DIRECTOR OF HOUSING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ( HOUSE PLOTS ) 27/29 BABYLON ROAD BELLSHILL 109 S/96/00487/FuL ANN MCLARE PART CHANGE OF USE FROM WORKSHOP UNIT TO TEAROOM UNIT 2, MARKET ROAD,VIEWPARK UDDINGSTON 112 S/96/00503/0UT DAVID STEFFERD ERECTION OF DWELLING HOUSE LAND ADJACENT TO NO 3 CHURCH ROAD .BONKLE. 118 S/96/00512/FUL MR WATSON ERECTION OF SHED FOR NON FERROUS METALS AND SPARE PARTS 332 CAMBUSNETHAN STREET,WISHAW. 122 S/96/00516/FuL JAMES RAE ERECTION OF CONSERVATORY, 20 AIRBLES CRESCENT MOTHERWELL 127 S/96/00523iFUL RONNIE MCKEEVER CHANGE OF USE FROM OFFICE TO FITNESS CLUB 114 MANSE ROAD NEWMAINS. 132 SI96/00532/NL WILSON SUMMERS ERECTION OF DWELLINGHOUSE WITH INTEGRAL GARAGE, SITE ADJACENT TO NO 22 MOSSBANK ROAD WISHAW. 138 SI 9600549FUL JOHN BARR STORE BUILDING ADDED TO EXISTING PREMISES,48A CALEDONIAN ROAD WISHAW. 4 Application No: N/96/021 3/PL Date Registered: 1st. October- 1996 APPLICANT: Mr. W. Bryce Agent: DEVELOPMENT: Erection of rear extension LOCATION: 41 Portreath Road, Moodiesburn Estimated Cost: Ward No: 68 Grid Reference: NS 6993 7108 File Reference: N/96/02 13/PL Site History: Development Plan: Strathkelvin District (Southern Area) Local Plan 1983 Strathkelvin District Local Plan Finalised Draft 1995 Contrary to Development Plan: No CONSULTATIONS: Objection: No Objection: Conditions: No Reply: REPRESENTAT1 0 NS : Neighbours: Mr. S. Ross, 39 Portreath Road, Moodiesburn Section 23: COMMENTS: The application proposal involves the erection of a rear extension of dimensions 4.0 metres by 6.0 metres, incorporating two bedrooms. The extension incorporates a pitched tiled roof, and the external elevations match the materials used on the existing house. The letter of representation received contains a number of objections which can be summarised as follows:- 1. Increased shading of rear garden will result. 2. Extension will lead to visual intrusion reducing enjoyment of garden area. 3. The present lack of off-street parking within the property and resultant on-street parking will be exacerbated by the proposal. 4. Roof of extension will shed water into the neighbouring garden increasing risk of flooding and damage to propem. 5. Construction/ 5 -2- 5. Construction of the extension will lead to damage to roughcast on the neighbouring property leading to long term problems. Reference within the letter is also made to an ongoing boundary dispute which is not however a matter over which the Planning Authority have any locus. In the determining of any planning application the first point of reference is the development plan. In this instance the development control policies of the Southern Area Local Plan states that extensions should be successfully integrated with the existing property and in terms of scale should not dominate the existing building, neighbouring properties or the vicinity. It is considered that the extension as proposed is consistent with the above policies notwithstanding the representation received. In particular the depth of the extension is not considered to have an unacceptably detrimental impact either on the neighbouring property or garden area. Levels of on-street parking are unlikely to be exacerbated by the addition of two bedrooms to the property. With regard to the concerns that the extension will lead to flooding of the neighbouring property, the applicant has confirmed that the drainage connections are to be to the public mains not to a soakaway. Finally, concerns regarding any damage to roughcast on the neighbouring property is a civil legal matter over which the Planning Authority has no locus. However, the applicant has maintained a 150mm gap between the extension and the neighbouring property which should alleviate any concerns. Whilst all the representations have been carefully considered refusal is not justified. RECOMMENDATION: That the application be approved subject to the undernoted conditions:- (11 That the development to which this permission relates must be begun within five years of the date of this permission. Reason: To comply with Section 38 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1972. BACKGROUND PAPERS: Letter of representation from Mr. S. Ross dated 8th. October 1996. Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr. M. Thomson at 01236-722131 extension 2408. 7 Application No: N/96/0046/PL Date Registered: 21st. March 1996 APPLICANT: Aston Richards Ltd., 13 Parkfield Court, Parkfield Road, Coleshill Agent: Design 30, 30 Beechwood Crescent, Amington, Tamworth, Staffordshire S77 3JH DEVELOPMENT: Erection of 12 dwellings LOCATION: South East of Muirfield Road, Cumbernauld Estimated Cost: Ward No: 52 Grid Reference: 7648 7653 File Reference: Site History: See attached report. Development Plan: Residential in the Mainhead 6(1) Amendment and Cumbernauld Local Plan. Contrary to Development Plan: CONSULTATIONS: Objection: No Objection: The Coal Authority; West of Scotland Water; East of Scotland Water Conditions: NLC Transportation Manager No Reply: REPRESENTATIONS: Neighbours: None following Re-notification on 2nd. May 1996 Section 23: COMMENTS: This proposal is the culmination of lengthy discussions with the developer to achieve a satisfactory layout on a sloping site adjacent to an established residential area. I recommend that permission is granted subject to the undernoted conditions. RECOMMENDATION: Grant subject to the following conditions: 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1972. 2. That/ 8 -2- 2. That before development starts, a revised site layout plan shall be submitted to and approved by the planning authority and it shall allow for the following: the deletion of the footway immediately adjacent to Plot 8. the full specification of the 6m radii at the turning heads. the 12.5m dimension of the turning head being taken from the rear of the footway. Reason: In the interests of traffic safety at the locus and to ensure satisfactory traffic circulation within the site. 3. That before development starts a detailed structural specification for the culvert of the stream traversing the site shall be submitted to, and approved by the planning authority. Reason: These details have not been submitted. 4. That before development starts, full details and/or samples of the facing materials to be used on all external walls and roofs shall be submitted to, and approved by, the planning authority. Reason: To enable the planning authority to consider these aspects in detail. 5. That no electricity transforming, or switching equipment, gas governor, or sewage pumping station, shall be erected on any part of the site without the prior written consent of the planning authority. Reason: In order to protect the visual amenity of the surrounding area. 6. That the use of the garages hereby approved shall be restricted to private use incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse on the site, and no commercial activity shall be carried out in, or from,
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