Public Document Pack Date of Tuesday, 26th February, 2019 meeting Time 6.30 pm Venue Astley Room - Castle House Contact Geoff Durham Castle House Barracks Road Newcastle-under-Lyme Staffordshire ST5 1BL PLEASE NOTE EARLIER START TIME Planning Committee AGENDA PART 1 – OPEN AGENDA 1 APOLOGIES 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive Declarations of Interest from Members on items included on the agenda. 3 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) (Pages 5 - 12) To consider the minutes of the previous meeting(s). 4 APPLICATION FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT - FORMER (Pages 13 - 24) BENNETT ARMS, LONDON ROAD, CHESTERTON. MR ANDREW GREEN. 18/00371/FUL 5 APPLICATION FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT - CROFT FARM, (Pages 25 - 38) STONE ROAD, HILL CHORLTON. DAVID JAMES DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED. 18/00507/OUT 6 APPLICATION FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT - NORTH BOUND (Pages 39 - 50) KEELE MOTORWAY SERVICE AREA. WELCOME BREAK. 18/00537/FUL 7 APPLICATION FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT - CRACKLEY (Pages 51 - 58) GATES FARM, LEYCETT LANE, SILVERDALE. MR DACEY. 18/00733/FUL 8 APPLICATION FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT - LAND AT BIRCH (Pages 59 - 64) HOUSE ROAD, CHESTERTON. ASPIRE HOUSING. 17/01033/FUL 9 REQUEST FOR VARIATION TO SECTION 106 AGREEMENT - (Pages 65 - 66) LEA COURT, NEW ROAD, MADELEY. HOUSING AND CARE 21. 08/00555/FUL Contacting the Council: Switchboard 01782 717717 . Text 07800 140048 Email [email protected]. www.newcastle-staffs.gov.uk 10 APPLICATION FOR MINOR DEVELOPMENT - BROUGHTON (Pages 67 - 74) ARMS, NEWCASTLE ROAD, BALTERLEY. THE BROUGHTON PROPCO LTD. (MR RICHARD COLCLOUGH). 18/00846/FUL 11 APPLICATION FOR MINOR DEVELOPMENT - THE OLD HALL (Pages 75 - 82) FARM, MAIN ROAD, BETLEY. MR AND MRS MCDOWELL. 18/00927/FUL & 18/00929/FUL 12 APPLICATION FOR MINOR DEVELOPMENT - 8-10 HIGH (Pages 83 - 94) STREET, NEWCASTLE. PRACTICAL CONSTRUCTION LIMITED. 18/00774/FUL 13 APPLICATION FOR MINOR DEVELOPMENT - BARN 2, MOSS (Pages 95 - 102) HOUSE FARM, EARDLEYEND ROAD, BIGNALL END. MS A TOSEVA AND MR R MANDAIR. 18/00937/FUL 14 APPLICATION FOR MINOR DEVELOPMENT - SITE AT LOOMER (Pages 103 - 110) ROAD, CHESTERTON. MR HU (HHL DEVELOPMENT LTD). 18/00967/FUL 15 APPLICATION FOR OTHER DEVELOPMENT - LAND (Pages 111 - 116) ADJACENT TO A525, KEELE GOLF COURSE, KEELE ROAD, KEELE. NEWCASTLE BOROUGH COUNCIL. 19/00010/DEEM3 16 APPLICATION FOR OTHER DEVELOPMENT - LAND OFF (Pages 117 - 122) TALKE ROAD, NORTH OF PARKHOUSE ROUNDABOUT (ADJACENT BREWERS FAYRE). NEWCASTLE BOROUGH COUNCIL. 19/00012/DEEM3 17 LAND AT DODDLESPOOL, BETLEY. 17/00186/207C2 - (Pages 123 - 124) ENFORCEMENT UPDATE 18 5 BOGGS COTTAGE, KEELE, 14/00036/207C3 - (Pages 125 - 126) ENFORCEMENT UPDATE 19 QUARTERLY REPORT ON PROGRESS ON ENFORCEMENT (Pages 127 - 132) CASES WHERE ENFORCEMENT ACTION HAS BEEN AUTHORISED 20 OPEN ENFORCEMENT CASES (Pages 133 - 134) 21 REPORT ON DECISION RECEIVED WITH RESPECT TO AN APPEAL AGAINST THE COUNCIL'S DECISION TO REFUSE TO GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION FOR CHANGE OF USE OF A COMMUNAL AREA INTO A ONE BEDROOM SELF CONTAINED FLAT AT 1 WADE COURT, MARKET STREET, KIDSGROVE - 18/00393/FUL AND THE SEEKING OF CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS PUBLIC OPEN SPACE FOR DEVELOPMENTS OF TEN UNITS AND UNDER Report to follow 22 MAKING OF THE LOGGERHEADS NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Report to follow. 23 URGENT BUSINESS To consider any business which is urgent within the meaning of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act, 1972 Members: Councillors S. Burgess, Mrs J Cooper, A. Fear (Chair), H. Maxfield, P. Northcott, S. Pickup, B. Proctor, M. Reddish (Vice-Chair), S Tagg, G White, G Williams and J Williams Members of the Council: If you identify any personal training/development requirements from any of the items included in this agenda or through issues raised during the meeting, please bring them to the attention of the Democratic Services Officer at the close of the meeting. Meeting Quorums :- 16+= 5 Members; 10-15=4 Members; 5-9=3 Members; 5 or less = 2 Members. Officers will be in attendance prior to the meeting for informal discussions on agenda items. NOTE: THERE ARE NO FIRE DRILLS PLANNED FOR THIS EVENING SO IF THE FIRE ALARM DOES SOUND, PLEASE LEAVE THE BUILDING IMMEDIATELY THROUGH THE FIRE EXIT DOORS. ON EXITING THE BUILDING, PLEASE ASSEMBLE AT THE FRONT OF THE BUILDING BY THE STATUE OF QUEEN VICTORIA. DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BUILDING UNTIL ADVISED TO DO SO. This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 Planning Committee - 29/01/19 PLANNING COMMITTEE Tuesday, 29th January, 2019 Time of Commencement: 7.00 pm Present:- Councillor Andrew Fear – in the Chair Councillors S. Burgess, Mrs J Cooper, H. Maxfield, P. Northcott, M. Reddish, S Tagg, G White, G Williams and J Williams Officers Geoff Durham - Mayor's Secretary / Member Support Officer, Jennet Hough - Landscape Officer, Rachel Killeen - Senior Planning Officer, Elaine Moulton - Development Management Team Manager and Trevor Vernon -Solicitor 1. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Councillors’ Pickup and Proctor. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest stated. 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on £ January, 2019 be agreed as a correct record. 4. APPLICATION FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT - CROFT FARM, STONE ROAD, HILL CHORLTON. DAVID JAMES DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED. 18/00507/OUT Resolved: That a decision on the application be deferred but only until the 26th February, to enable the applicant to attempt to demonstrate the provision of acceptable visibility splays that overcome the objection of the Highway Authority. 5. APPLICATION FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT - 10 POPLAR AVENUE, CROSS HEATH. 18/00692/OUT. MR GEZ WILARD Resolved: That the application be refused for the following reasons: (i) Given the limited size of the site and the number of apartments that are proposed, the proposed development and associated bin storage facilities would have a cramped appearance that would be out of keeping with and visually harmful to Poplar Avenue. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy CSP1 of the Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent Core 1 Page 5 Planning Committee - 29/01/19 Spatial Strategy 2006-2026, Policies R3 and R12 of the Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent Urban Design Supplementary Planning Document, and the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework (2018). (ii) The development is likely to lead to the loss of, or damage to, visually significant mature trees which will be detrimental to the appearance of the area contrary to Policy N12 of the Newcastle under Lyme Local Plan and the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework (2018). (iii) The proposed development, given the limited size of the site and the number of apartments that are proposed, would be of a scale that would result in an unacceptable overbearing impact on, and loss of privacy to, the occupants of the adjoining properties. In addition the requirements to provide sufficient bin storage space for the number of units proposed and the disturbance associated with collection of the waste and recycling material would further negatively impact upon and the amenity of neighbouring properties. The proposal would therefore be contrary to the aims and objectives of Policy CSP1 of the Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent Core Spatial Strategy 2006-2026 and the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework (2018). (iv) Without an appropriate secured financial contribution relating to public open space the additional demands upon open space arising from the additional dwellings as proposed would not be suitably addressed. As such the development would be contrary to policies on the provision of open space for residential development, contrary to Policies CSP5 and CSP10 of the Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent Core Spatial Strategy 2006-2026, saved Policy IM1 of the Newcastle-under- Lyme Local Plan 2011, Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council Supplementary Planning Document on Development Contributions (2007), the Newcastle-under-Lyme Open Space Strategy (March 2017), and the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework (2018). 6. APPLICATION FOR MAJOR DEVELOPMENT - CHATTERLEY VALLEY DEVELOPMENT SITE, PEACOCK HAY ROAD. HARWORTH GROUP PLC. 18/00736/OUT Resolved: (A) That, subject to (a) Further comments of Stoke on Trent City Council being received by no later than 12th February which justify, in the view of the Head of Planning, seeking improvements to junctions within that Council’s administrative area, the attachment of appropriate conditions or obligations such as are necessary to secure such works, (b) Should Highways England not withdraw their holding objection within 1month of the date of Committee and as such there remains a Direction requiring the Local Planning Page 6 2 Planning Committee - 29/01/19 Authority if it is minded to approve the application to consult with the Secretary of State for Transport, that consultation is then undertaken, and a Direction under Article 31 of the Development Management Procedure Order is not then served directing the Council to refuse the application, and (c) Subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 obligation by 29th March 2019 to secure a Travel Plan monitoring fee of £11,325 and a payment of £5,000 for amendments to the existing Travel Regulation Order. The application be permitted subject to the undermentioned condtions: (i) Time limit for implementation of earthworks, the submission of application/s for approval of reserved matters and commencement of development. Such periods to be set to recognise the need for greater periods of time than would normally apply. (ii) No development to commence until a suitable assessment of the needs of walkers, cyclists and horse riders has been carried out and appropriate amendments to the off-site highway works at the A500 Talke roundabout as identified in the assessment have been agreed and implemented. (iii) No development to commence until a Sustainable Drainage Strategy has been submitted and agreed, which is to be fully implemented.
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