Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1939-1940 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1939 Eastern Progress - 14 Dec 1939 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1939-40/5 '. • • ■ k\ |> THE EASTERN PROGRESS Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College VOLUME 18 RICHMOND, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1939 NUMBER 5 Johnson Feted By Excnange Club "Messiah" Soloists Tonight Combined Choruses Will Present At Burnam Hall Banquet With Handel's "Messiah" In Auditorium Donovan and Kennamer Speakers This Evening At Eight o'Clock Fotir Hundred Guests Progress Ranks Christmas Party Eighth Rendition Of Assemble For Formal Oratorio To Feature Farewell To Regent Second-Best In Scheduled For Three Hundred Voices Needy Children GENTLE RIDICULE KIP A Contest SAMS SOPRANO Keen Johnson, governor of College Newspaper Y's To Sponsor 30th By ORVILLE BYRNE Kentucky and regent of Eastern, For the eighth time Handel's was honored with a banquet given Receives Three Annual "Free Party" by the Richmond Exchange Club For Child Benefit "Messiah" comes to life at Eastern in the Burnam Hall cafeteria Certificates and Key when the combined choruses of Wednesday night, Dec. 6. Other Berea and Eastern interpret the guests of honor were Mrs. Keen DECEMBER 19 master's great oratorio in the Johnson, Miss Judith Johnson, the SPRING MEET Hiram Brock auditorium on Dec. governor's twelve-year-old daugh- 14. A previous rendition will be tre, critic and advisor; Senator The Eastern Progress received Eastern's thirtieth annual given at Bereft on Dec. 13, but and Mrs. O. F. Hume and Repre- the certificate of award as second- Christmas party sponsored by the due to the fact that the Berea ■\ sentative and Mrs. H. O. Porter. best college newspaper in Ken- Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. The invocation was given by the ^111 be given December 19, from auditorium offers limited accom- Rev. Frank N. Tinder, and music tucky, ranking a close second to three to five p. m. in the "Y" modations, the chorus will not be during the banquet was furnished the Kentucky Kernel of the Uni- room of Burnam Hall. complete. by the Madison and Model High versity of Kentucky, at the fall Schools' orchestra. This tradition began in 1910, Under the able direction of convention of the Kentucky Inter- when a group of Y. W. C. A. girls James E. Van Peursem, of the The toastmaster, Dr. L. G. Ken- gave a Christmas party for sev- namer, was Introduced by Mr. R. collegiate Press Association held Eastern Department of Music, a at Astern Kentucky State Teach- eral children on a nearby farm. Leon Elder, president of the Ex- Last year one hundred and five great master Messlahlc prophecy change Club. In his opening ad- ers College in Bowling Green, a children were entertained and this will be revived at a season when dress, Dr. Kennamer said that few weeks ago. the prodigal son in the Bible was year at least that many and may- Christian people are best suited feted on his return home, but that The cup award for the best be more will be invited. to accept and enjoy It. newspaper was presented to the Because finances and space will Richmond was sending her son editor from the Lexington univer- The soprano solos will be sung away with a banquet. "Of course, sity at the luncheon on Saturday, not allow a general invitation, only by Miss Blanche Sams, music In- we'll hope for better results this the children in greatest need are time," he said laughingly. Nov. 18, at which Mr. Lawrence structress at Eastern, with Mr. The keynote of the program Hager of Owensboro, former presi- invited. These children are se- Sherwood Kains taking the bari- dent of the Kentucky Press As- lected ,by Mr. John A. Kunkel, at- tone part. Mr. Franklyn Bens will was a spirit of gentle ridicule, sociation, was the guest speaker. sing the tenor role, and the alto and rarely have after dinner Second place went to Eastern and tendance officer for Richmond solos will be sung by Miss Miriam speeches been so concise, enter- third place was awarded to the schools. When they are invited Berg. taining,, and to' the point. Dr. H. L. College News, publication of Mur- by pairs of "Y" workers, they re- Donovan's address on "Johnson as ray State Teachers College. Miss There are ten people partici- a Public Official" brought forth Ruth Catlett and Miss Mary Agnes ceive cards which entitle them to pating this year who sang in the many interesting facts, but the Finneran attended as delegates of come to the party. first performance in 1932, and for most interesting was that our this institution. On Tuesday, December 19, a whom this represents the eighth - president missed his calling when bus will bring to Burnam Hall the year of singing In the Messiah at" he became a school teacher and a In addition to receiving the title Eastern. Also, in four cases, there and award as second-best news- less fortunate children, dressed in farmer. The amusing way in which anything from snow suits to sun are two generation of the same he enumerated the various cities paper, Miss Finneran of Eastern, families participating iri"the Mes- in Kentucky in which Governor received a gold K. I. P. A. press suits. Here they will be enter- siah this year, either in the orches- Johnson had lived convinced his key as award for top honors in FRANKLYN BENS MIRIAM BERG tained with movies, in technicolor, tra or in the chorus. They are audience that the world had lost the feature-writing section, and a shown by Dr. Rumbold. They will Mr. H. C. Barnes, Mr. Edwin a great train announcer. certificate of award for placing be fed milk, given every year by Barnes, Mr. David Barnes; Dr. In a more serious mood, Dr. third in sports-writing. The East- "Hanging Of The Librarv Staff Mr. Carter, head of the New and Mrs. Saul Hounchell, Mr. Paul Donovan told of the governor's ern Progress also received a cer- Stateland Farm, and cookies baked Hounchell; Dr. and Mrs. R. B. rapid rise in the political world— tificate -of award for third place and donated by the Home Eco- Clark, Miss Sara Clark, Miss Ger- faB-.ne.yer. held any other- office In the m«ke-iip dEv^'my- » Ifcrftups* Given In Annual Yule nomics Club. They will then be aldlne Clark; Prof. Samusl Walker, except that of lieutenant governor. The spring convention\of the seated around a-Christmas tree- and Miss Ruth Walker. and Santa Claus will enter. Each Dr. Donovan also emphasized the K. I. P. A. is scheduled at Eastern Party Sunday The pastoral symphony, to be point that we now have the best on April 12 and 13 of the second Burnam jSunday little girl will receive a doll, governor in 150 years of Kentucky semester. Approximately ten col- dressed by the Y. W. C. A. mem- played by the orchestra under Mr. history. leges of the association will send bers, and each little boy, a toy Van Peursem, requires a delicacy Mr. W. F. O'Donnell, superin- their representatives -to our cam- Y's Sponsor Annual Guests To -Represent truok.- Then each child will be and understanding of the work tendent of City School, the next pus at this time. given fruit, candy, a pair of socks, to which only accomplished mu- speaker lauded Mr. Johnson as a Highlights of the Bowling Green Christmas Program Books Or Characters and a bar of soap, usually badly sicians are able to rise. The Mes- citizen and a friend, and devoted convention as enjoyed by the rep- For Four o'Clock At Christmas Fest needed. siah's Hallelujah Chorus is one his speech mainly to the Gover- resentatives of this institution The unfortunate side of the of Handel's most magnificent nor's thoroughness in everything were the dinner at the Cave Hotel Christmas party is the children achievements, and win be sung he undertakes and his desire never this year in its proper place, about and a tour of Mammoth Cave on PROGRAM EXCHANGE GIFTS without invitations, who must be midway in the oratorio, with the to be a half-way citizen, but a Friday evening, and the informal turned away. It is necessary good governor and a loyal friend. Amen Chorus being used as the breakfast and luncheon which con- The Y. W. C. A. and Y. M, C. A. Sunday evening, December 17, sometimes for the campus police- finale for the first time here. The Governor Johnson's speech was cluded the program on Saturday. man to be stationed at Burnam a masterpiece of simplicity and Christmas vesper program, 'Hang- after the "hanging of the greens," dramatic bass solo, "The Trumpet Mr. Robert Pay, president of the ing of the Greens," will be given the library staff and student as- Hall to send away the uninvited Shall Sound," will also be sung sincerity .simplicity in thought association, presided at the busi- guests. and word, and sincerity in ap- ness meeting on Saturday morn- Sunday, December 17, at Burnam sistants will have a party. Invi- for the first time at Eastern, with Hall at four o'clock. tations with the spirit of Christ- This party, though sponsored by a trumpet and orchestra accom- preciation of the loyalty of his ing, at which time the judges of panlment. many friends. His speech was com- the contests at Eastern were se- The custom of,Hanging of the mas In them have already been the "Y's", is In reality given by pletely unassuming, totally devoid lected by the college representa- Greens in Burnam Hall began in sent.
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