THE CADIZ RECORD The Hometown Newspaper for Trigg County since 1881 PRINTED WITH > 1SOYINK 5 0 CENTS VOL. 1 1 2 NO. 3 4 COPYRIGHT © 1 9 9 3 , THE CADIZ RECORD, CADIZ, KENTUCKY AUGUST 25, 1993 Ex-city attorney, secretary indicted Former City Attorney Ken­ make required disposition over Both Kennedy, 49, and Mar­ ningham signed a summons for required payment or disposi­ failure to communicate to a neth H. Kennedy and his secre­ $300, a Class D felony. Mar­ shall, 42, will be arraigned on both to appear in court. Nei­ tion. client, failure to represent his tary, Sheila Marshall, each shall also was charged with Sept. 9 in Trigg County Circuit ther Kennedy nor Marshall has Kennedy was suspended from client’s interests, failure to were indicted by the Trigg one count of theft by deception Court, where they are to enter been arrested. practicing law by the Kentucky have a contingency contract in County Grand Jury on theft over $300, a Class D felony. pleas, said Ovey. Pre-trial The charges against both Supreme Court, effective July 1, writing and signed by all par­ charges relating to his private The indictments were an­ conferences will be scheduled Kennedy and Marshall stem stemming from three incidents ties, failure to attend a legal practice. nounced during a press confer­ for 30 days after the arraign­ from allegedly accepting ap­ involving his private practice. matter entrusted to him, and Both were charged with one ence on Aug. 23 by Common­ ment. proximately $2,000 from a He was charged by the Ken­ count of theft by failure to wealth Attorney G.L. Ovey. Trigg Circuit Judge Bill Cun­ client and failing to make the tucky Bar Association with See Kennedy, Page A-3 Write-in l | < * 4 < i VmML campaign I l i i ........1:.....i: to elect PVA MATT SANDERS "This is a unique situation," Editor said Babbage. "But, we hope Trigg Countians will elect that civic spirit would be their next property valuation enough that some good people administrator through a write- would step up. I feel we can find in campaign. someone in a county of 11,000 The office has been the source people." of concern for several months Currently, only two Trigg since sitting PVA, Berlin Countians — Moore and one Moore, Jr., was elected judge- unidentified man -- have executive in the May primary passed the Kentucky Revenue and no one filed as a candidate Cabinet test that PVA candi­ for PVA. dates are required to pass the Secretary of State Bob Bab­ October before an election year. bage was in Cadiz on Aug. 18 to It was said at the meeting that discuss the procedure for the the unidentified individual write-in campaign on the Nov. was the only Trigg Countian out 2 election and an Attorney Gen­ of four passing the test last eral's Opinion regarding the vacancy of the office. See Babbage, Page A-16 First candidate files BATTLING THE BLAZE - Members of the Trigg-Lyon Volunteer Fire Road, was destroyed in the blaze. According to fire department papers for office Department attempt to keep an August 22 barn fire from spreading to officials, the barn housed 2.2 acres of tobacco. Damage was a nearby tobacco crop. The barn, owned by Elmo Jones, 987 Hurricane estimated at $12,000. Michael Williamson of Will said several other individuals Jackson Road is the first Trigg have inquired about the posi­ Countian to file as a write-in tion or picked up papers for fil­ candidate for the office of ing as a write-in candidate. As Library expansion plans continue property valuation of press time, no one else has administrator. filed. Write-in candidates SCOTT BROWN proved early next year. come from a grant from the maximum. The board will sub­ "I have been interested in the have until 10 days prior to the Staff Writer The board would provide Kentucky Department of Li­ mit the application for the office and believe I will do a November election to file their The Trigg County Library about $234,000 of its own braries and Archives. Accord­ grant in January. good service for the people of papers with the county clerk. Board voted at their August 17 money, which includes $34,000 ing to Regional Librarian Linda The board discussed several Trigg County, if I was given the Williamson currently is on meeting to set aside nearly used to buy property adjacent to Pate, $400,000 is made avail­ of the priorities for expansion opportunity," said Williamson, medical leave from his job as a $500,000 for expansion and re­ the library where the expan­ able to the grant applicants, that will be submitted to Gam- a native Trigg Countian, who supervisor with the West Ken­ modeling of the 19 year-old fa­ sion will occur. who must match 50 percent of filed papers on Aug. 23. tucky Corrections Complex in cility if a state grant is ap­ The rest of the funds could the grant up to the $400,000 See Library, Page A-7 County Clerk Wanda Thomas Eddyville. A year later, Linton woman still missing SCOTT BROWN still as baffled now as he was Staff Writer Jast year. It has been one year since a "We have no new informa­ Linton woman was reported tion on the case," said Clark, missing by family members, and who added that he has never authorities still have no idea had a case like this before. of her whereabouts. "We have no motive or rea­ Dezzie Taylor, 92, 7130 Lin­ son for why she is missing. ton Road, has not been seen There were no signs of foul since August 24, 1992 when her play, and nothing was taken sister, Belvie Boyce, and her from the home," said Clark. husband Ray, stopped in to An intensive search was held check on her, which was a for Taylor in the Linton area, daily occurrance. Dezzie Taylor which included nearby Lake The next day, Taylor was Barkley and the thick wooded discovered missing by a home A year has passed since her area near her home. A Ken- health worker making her disappearance, and Trigg DEZZIE’S HOME - The home of Dezzie Taylor remains empty one year after her disappearance in Linton. weekly visit. County Sheriff Randy Clark is See Dezzie, Page A-16 Authorities continue to search for clues in the case, which has turned up nothing over the past 12 months. Three Sections • 38 Pages O p in io n ...........................................................................A-2, A-3 O b itu a rie s .............................. A-4 Trigg Grand Jury One doggone S o c ie ty .......................................................................A-10 - A-14 returns indictments good singer S p o r ts ..................................................................................... B-1 - B-3 A g ric u ltu re ..............................................................................B-4 - B-5 Page A-3 Page A-8 TV L istin g s, E n te rta in m e n t....................................B-7 - B-10 Classifieds ............................................................... B-13 -B -1 5 W ildcat F o o tb a ll................................................................... C-1 - C-6 __________________________________i — ......... .................................■ , • - 1 ^^^h^Cadi^Rccord^Wednesday^ugus^5^^93^ OPINION Hot off the presses Just the Other Day In all the years I have worked for ones) and we went to the Mayfield Mes­ By Billy Rawls newspapers, I've gotten use to telephone senger to lay out and print an eight-page calls at all hours of the night. News def­ newspaper to report our own tragedy. Sandbags gained notoriety in initely is not an 8-to-5 job. Whoever said "hot off the presses" prob­ defense of our country against But, it was 12 years ago that I received M att ably did not have this in mind. floods. Someone wondered one call the definitely hit home. The fire was the only news in that pa­ Sanders where all of the bags came On Aug. 29,1981, 1 was news editor for per. Big photos (big, big photos to make from, and I remembered the the Murray Ledger & Times. At 2:50 a.m., up for a lifftited amount of copy), my story endless supply of them that a call from our circulation manager woke about the fire, a story about how every­ defended our nation against me up. one pitched in to put out this edition, and warfare. Our government surely "Got your camera? The newspaper's on hours earlier was the newsroom. So much a pledge from the publisher that the has a huge store of them some­ fire." for trying to save my camera. newspaper would continue to be printed. where. Several things went through my head. For the next four hours, there were a lot By the next June, we were in a new Could the building be saved? How much of photos taken (we burned about 10 rolls building at a new location. Here is a tale of vindictive irony in World War II that damage would there be to the equipment? of film, pun intended). I interviewed the The in-between time was, at times, as concerns the lowly sandbag. Would we have an edition that day? fire chief, the assistant fire chief (who rough as watching the building burn. We Why did I leave my camera on my desk? was first on the scene) and the fire mar­ rented a small vacant store across the 'Me'an' my army buddies once took a dim view of sandbags When I asked how bad the fire was, he shal. I guess it was an occupational reac­ street.
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