Laboratoire Instrumental Européen European Instrumental Laboratory Lieu Laboratoire Instrumental Européen European Instrumental Laboratory

Laboratoire Instrumental Européen European Instrumental Laboratory Lieu Laboratoire Instrumental Européen European Instrumental Laboratory

lieu 2009 - 2011 Laboratoire Instrumental EUropéen European Instrumental Laboratory lieu Laboratoire Instrumental EUropéen European Instrumental Laboratory “The LIEU (Laboratoire Instrumental EUropéen), is dedicated to the diffusion of contemporary musical creation. Its purpose is the construction of a European network of partners united by a charter of quality and challenge. It favours creation, exchanges between groups, structures and European composers, as well as the circulation of works and artistes from all over the world. $ÀUVWWZR\HDUSURMHFWKDVEHHQODXQFKHGIRUZKLFKWKH7KpkWUH Dunois in Paris is the base. This small Parisian theatre receives each of the ensembles of LIEU in residence alongside the Ensemble Aleph, at the initiative of the network. All partner structures also receive, in turn, events organised by LIEU. Over two years, there have thus been VRPHÀIW\PXVLFLDQVLQYROYHGDQGPRUHWKDQZRUNVSUHPLHUHGLQ some thirty events in eight European countries (Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Latvia, the Netherlands, Portugal and Slovenia). 7KLV SURMHFW LV DLGHG E\ WKH (XURSHDQ &RPPLVVLRQ DV SDUW RI LWV &XOWXUHSURJUDPPHµ Summary LIEU - THE NETWORK ........................... 2 Map of the network ................................................... 4 ([FKDQJHH[SORUHeFKDQJHUH[SORUHU ................. 6 7KHPRUHWKHVWURQJHU6HUDVVHPEOHUSRXUPLHX[ exister ............................................................................ 8 7KHDLPVRIWKHQHWZRUN2EMHFWLIVGXUpVHDX ..... 10 $FWLRQV$FWLRQV ....................................................... 12 /,(8(9(176&$/(1'$5 .................... 16 LIEU ENSEMBLES ................................ 18 '(7$,/63(5&28175< ...................... 19 )LQODQG6XRPL ........................................................ 19 France ........................................................................ 23 *HUPDQ\'HXWVFKODQG .......................................... 41 *UHHFHƧnjnjǂDžǂ ...................................................... /DWYLD/DWYLMD ............................................................ 1HWKHUODQGV1HGHUODQG ........................................... Portugal ...................................................................... 6ORYHQLD6ORYHQLMD ..................................................... /,(8&20326(56 ............................. 80 &8/785(352*5$00( . 3+272&5(',76 /(*(1' . PARTNERS.......................................... 96 GERMANY NETHERLANDS *DXGHDPXV0XVLN:HHN (Amsterdam) ,QVRPQLR(QVHPEOH 8WUHFKW 0XVLF&HQWHU7KH1HWKHUODQGV 'DV1HXH(QVHPEOH +DQQRYHU (Amsterdam) 0XVLN1LHGHUVDFKVHQ FRANCE PORTUGAL &GPF 3DULV (QVHPEOH$OHSK 9LWU\VXU6HLQH )HVWLYDO([WHQVLRQ 0LVR0XVLF3RUWXJDO /H0RXOLQG·$QGp $QGp 0~VLFD9LYD)HVWLYDO /LVERQ /D0XVHHQ&LUFXLW $OIRUWYLOOH 6RQG·$UWH(OHFWULF(QVHPEOH /LVERQ 7KpkWUH'XQRLV 3DULV;,,, 4 FINLAND SLOVENIA 8XVLQWD(QVHPEOH +HOVLQNL LATVIA 6ORZLQGZLQGTXLQWHW /MXEOMDQD FRANCE 6ORZLQG)HVWLYDO /MXEOMDQD GREECE $OWHUD9HULWDV(QVHPEOH 5LJD /DWYLDQ&RPSRVHUV·8QLRQ /DWYLDQ0XVLF,QIRUPDWLRQ &HQWHU 5LJD 0D]VDODFD:RUNVKRS $ERXW $WKHQV &HQWUHIRU0XVLF&RPSRVLWLRQ and Performance (Athens) Working and thinking together in a European perspective has now become essential for artistic and professional teams, as identities can only manifest themselves through diversity. The audience should be encouraged to take a fresh look DWPXVLFDOFUHDWLRQVSHFWDWRUVVKRXOGQRWEHFRQVLGHUHG as mere consumers, but as active interlocutors. &RQWHPSRUDU\ FUHDWLRQ XVXDOO\ IRFXVHV RQ VHHNLQJ innovation. It draws its inspiration from the interactions between aesthetic, artistic, cultural, politic and social movements of our present-day world. The LIEU also aims at being a crossroads between disciplines and aesthetics, and a place of research on new tools WKDW DUH DYDLODEOH IRU FUHDWRUV HOHFWURQLFV LQIRUPDWLFV communication networks, instruments, and new media. These tools help to stimulate creation and explore new KRUL]RQV 7KH/,(8DLPVDWEHFRPLQJDQRUJDQL]DWLRQWREHUHFNRQHG ZLWKDQGDWKHOSLQJFRQWHPSRUDU\PXVLFWREHUHFRJQL]HG as an essential tool for the future. Gathering within multiculturalism will make it possible for us to make more rapid breakthroughs and to be more exacting, not only from a sheer musical point of view, but DOVRDVUHJDUGVRXUUHÁHFWLRQRQIXWXUH Exchange, explore )LQDOO\ WKH /,(8 DLPV DW GHPRFUDWL]LQJ WKH DFFHVV WR 6 culture. Travailler et penser ensemble de manière européenne Echanger, explorer est désormais essentiel pour les équipes artistiques et SURIHVVLRQQHOOHV FDU F·HVW j WUDYHUV OD GLYHUVLWp TXH OHV identités peuvent devenir perceptibles. Il faut changer et IDLUH pYROXHU OH UHJDUG GX SXEOLF YLV j YLV GH OD FUpDWLRQ PXVLFDOHRQQHGRLWSDVOHUpGXLUHDXU{OHGHFRQVRPPDWHXU mais le considérer comme un interlocuteur actif. La création contemporaine est habituellement consacrée j OD UHFKHUFKH GH O·LQQRYDWLRQ (OOH SXLVH VRQ LQVSLUDWLRQ GDQVO·LQWHUDFWLRQGHVPRXYHPHQWVHVWKpWLTXHVDUWLVWLTXHV culturels, politiques et sociaux du monde actuel. Le LIEU veut également un croisement entre les disciplines et les esthétiques et un espace de recherche sur les nouveaux RXWLOVTXLV·RIIUHQWDX[FUpDWHXUVpOHFWURQLTXHLQIRUPDWLTXH réseaux de communication, instruments, nouveaux médias. &HV RXWLOV DLGHQW j VWLPXOHU OD FUpDWLRQ HW j H[SORUHU GH QRXYHDX[KRUL]RQV /·REMHFWLIGX/,(8HVWG·DYRLUXQSRLGVVXSSOpPHQWDLUHPDLV DXVVL GH FRQWULEXHUj FH TXH OD PXVLTXH FRQWHPSRUDLQH soit plus et mieux reconnue comme outil indispensable SRXU O·DYHQLU 6H UDVVHPEOHU GDQV OH PXOWLFXOWXUDOLVPH QRXV SHUPHWWUD G·DYDQFHU SOXV YLWH HW GH PDQLqUH SOXV H[LJHDQWHQRQVHXOHPHQWG·XQSRLQWGHYXHPXVLFDOSXU PDLVpJDOHPHQWGDQVODUpÁH[LRQVXUVRQDYHQLU (QÀQOH/,(8DSRXUYRFDWLRQODGpPRFUDWLVDWLRQGHO·DFFqV jODPXVLTXHFRQWHPSRUDLQH The situation of contemporary music in Europe remains precarious and attracts very few people. The audience is mainly represented by composers, musicians or musicologists, who are all directly or indirectly concerned by contemporary music. In parallel, the earnings of composers and musicians are too low, and promotion, awareness and creation activities are too poor. There is, at the origin of this European observation, a set of FLUFXPVWDQFHVZKLFKDUHLQWULQVLFDOO\OLQNHGWRHDFKRWKHU *RYHUQPHQWV WHQG WR RQO\ EDFN XS KLJKDXGLHQFH structures, without questioning the way people see culture and society. &RQWHPSRUDU\ PXVLF RQO\ VXUYLYHV WKDQNV WR WDUJHWHG exceptional government funds, which expire at the end of HDFKSURMHFWZKLFKDUHVXEMHFWHGWRSROLWLFLDQVZKRKDYH the power to decide and which depend on the ups and downs of economic prosperity. )HZJHQHUDOSXEOLFVWUXFWXUHVKRVWFRQWHPSRUDU\PXVLF 7KHUH DUH IHZ SHGDJRJLFDO DFWLYLWLHV WRZDUG \RXQJ people. ,QWKHÀHOGRIPXVLFDOHGXFDWLRQDODUJHSRUWLRQRIWKH teaching staff does not have any genuine skills, or even any interest, in contemporary music. ,QWKHPHGLDWKHKXJHÁRZRISRSXODUFXOWXUHVXSSUHVVHG most opportunities for vanguard movements to get known. %\SXWWLQJWKHLUHIIRUWVUHÁHFWLRQVDQGUHVRXUFHVLQFRPPRQ The more the stronger WKH/,(8SDUWQHUVKRSHWKH\ZLOOÀQGPRUHLQQRYDWLYHDQG HIÀFLHQWVROXWLRQVWRWKHVHLVVXHVWKDQWKH\ZRXOGGRDOOE\ 8 themselves. La position de la musique contemporaine en Europe reste SUpFDLUHHWQ·DWWLUHTX·XQQRPEUHWUqVUHVWUHLQWG·XVDJHUVj O·pFKHOOHGHODFXOWXUH/HSXEOLFHVWHVVHQWLHOOHPHQWFRQVWLWXp Se rassembler pour mieux exister GHFRPSRVLWHXUVG·DUWLVWHVLQWHUSUqWHVRXGHPXVLFRORJXHV tous ayant un intérêt plus ou moins direct dans le champ de la musique contemporaine. En parallèle, on déplore un réel PDQTXHGHUpPXQpUDWLRQSRXUO·pFULWXUHGHV±XYUHVHWSRXU OHXUVLQWHUSUqWHVXQGpÀFLWGHSURPRWLRQGHVHQVLELOLVDWLRQ de créations, de diffusion et donc de reconnaissance... ,O\DjO·RULJLQHGHFHFRQVWDWHXURSpHQXQFHUWDLQQRPEUH GHFLUFRQVWDQFHVLQWULQVqTXHPHQWOLpHVOHVXQHDX[DXWUHV /HV (WDWV WHQGHQW j ÀQDQFHU XQLTXHPHQW OHV VWUXFWXUHV D\DQW GHV SURMHWV j ODUJH DXGLHQFH HW QH UHPHWWDQW SDV en cause le regard que porte le public sur la culture et la société. /DPXVLTXHFRQWHPSRUDLQHQHVXUYLWÀQDQFLqUHPHQWTXH JUkFHjGHVIRQGVSXEOLFVSRQFWXHOVFLEOpVH[SLUDQWDYHF FKDTXH SURMHW HW GRQW OH GpELW HVW VRXPLV DX[ FKRL[ GHV KRPPHV SROLWLTXHV HQ SODFH HW DX[ ÁX[ GH OD SURVSpULWp économique. ,O H[LVWH XQH YpULWDEOH GLIÀFXOWp G·DFFqV GH OD PXVLTXH contemporaine aux réseaux de diffusion destinés au grand public. 4XDQG HOOHV H[LVWHQW OHV DFWLYLWpV LQLWLpHV HQ IDYHXU GHV MHXQHV SRXU VHQVLELOLVHU j O·pFRXWH GH OD PXVLTXH QRXYHOOH sont ponctuelles et rares. 'DQV OH GRPDLQH GH O·pGXFDWLRQ PXVLFDOH XQH JUDQGH SDUWLH GX SHUVRQQHO SpGDJRJLTXH Q·D SDV GH YpULWDEOHV FRPSpWHQFHV RX PrPH G·LQWpUrW SRXU OD PXVLTXH contemporaine. 'DQVOHVPpGLDVO·LPPHQVHÁX[GHODFXOWXUHSRSXODLUHD supprimé la plupart des possibilités de visibilité des courants G·DYDQWJDUGH (Q PXWXDOLVDQW OHXUV UpÁH[LRQV HIIRUWV HW DFWLRQV OHV SDUWHQDLUHV GX /,(8 HVSqUHQW DLQVL UpSRQGUH j O·HQVHPEOH GHFHVSUREOpPDWLTXHVGHPDQLqUHSOXVHIÀFDFHTX·LOVQH pourraient le faire de façon isolée. 9 For creation %RRVWLQJ DQG IDFLOLWDWLQJ KLJK TXDOLW\ PXVLFDO FUHDWLRQ and its diffusion throughout Europe. 3XWWLQJHPSKDVLVRQUHVHDUFKDQGRQWKHWUDLQLQJRI\RXQJ people in contemporary instrumental and electronic music writing. 3URPRWLQJ \RXQJ FRPSRVHUV DQG UHIHUHQW FRPSRVHUV through the circulation of their works by encouraging concerts, as well as written and sound edition. For artists and professionals (QFRXUDJLQJ H[FKDQJHV EHWZHHQ (XURSHDQ VWUXFWXUHV involved in musical creation. 3URPRWLQJWKHPRELOLW\RIDUWLVWLFDQGSURIHVVLRQDOWHDPV and thus bringing a European added value to actions RUJDQL]HGLQHDFKWHUULWRU\ 'HYHORSLQJ D VXVWDLQDEOH SDUWQHUVKLS EHWZHHQ WKH members of the LIEU. For the audience $WWUDFWLQJQHZDXGLHQFHV 'HYHORSLQJ

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