Canning Backflip on decisionto remove three Times postboxes Communitynews.com.au Page 3 TUESDAY, JULY 17, 2018 Rivals united in goal TWO cross-town footballrivals will put their differences asidethis weekend when they play in the annual MND Cup. Report, page 21. Canning South Perth Football Club players Michel Jabbour, Aaron Carroll ,Troy Wilson and Joe Dunn with MND fundraiser Jodie Hulm. Picture: Martin Kennealey d484802 Bridging the gap JessicaNico in the growing population Councils fight for more sporting facilities in the south-eastern area of THECity of Canning has the Perth Metropolitan joined 10 other councils in area while delivering sus- anew campaign to create and City of Wanneroo sports facilities,” she said. turn two parcels of vacant “The campaign is criti- tainable outcomes as over- more majorsporting and Mayor Tracey Roberts said “We have lots of land land on Clifton Road into a caltothe City achieving all benefits of the project.” recreation facilities in the purpose behind the identified on government multi-sport hub supporting funding for the project,” he The GAPP campaign in- their areas. campaign was to give resi- plans that is waiting to be soccer, Australian rules said. “The demographic cludes the cities of Ar- The Growth Areas Perth dents in those areas access turned into high-quality football, rugby, diamond analysis highlights that the madale, Canning, Cock- and Peel (GAPP) campaign to high-quality facilities sports facilities.” sports, cycling and court Canning Vale site, if devel- burn, Gosnells, Kala- aims to lobby the Federal within the next six years. The City of Canning is sports. oped, will draw from a munda, Kwinana, Man- Government for acom- “Seventy five per cent of asking for $30m in Federal Canning Mayor Paul Ng broader population base, durah, Rockingham, Swan bined $350 million contri- Perth’s population growth funding for the proposed said the development whichlies outside of the and Wanneroo as well as bution to major sporting is occurring in the outer $114.7m Canning Vale Re- would be an opportunity to City of Canning jurisdic- the Shire of Serpentine-Jar- projects within the 11 local metropolitan communities gional Sports Complex as address the shortage of tion. rahdale. government areas. and yet these communities part of the campaign. sporting and recreational “The project will allevi- Visit www.gapp.org.au GAPP spokeswoman have very few major The development would space in the area. ate the lack of active space for more information. MASSIVE CLEARANCE SALE WESTERNAUSTRALIAN OWNED AND OPERATED ON FUJITSU feefeelltthhee DUCTED REVERSE CYCLE SYSTEMS ccomforomfortt mob. 0408 936755 ph. 9355 4000 Wall Hung Splits fax. 9355 4002 •84Briggs St,Welshpool Refrigerated TIMES www.livingcomfortair.com.au Ducted Reverse Cycle Systems [email protected] CANNING NEWS........................................3-12 Editor: Vanessa Schmitt 92371000 FEATURES ..................................14 Deputy Editor: Jessica Nico 9237 1000 WHAT’S ON ................................15 Reporter: Jaime Shurmer 9237 1494 REAL ESTATE..............................16 Photographer: Jon Hewson SERVICES................................17-18 Sales Manager:Tamika Cruickshank EMPLOYMENT............................19 Advertising Representatives: Jenny Membery, Andrew Clark CLASSIFIEDS ..............................20 Real Estate Representative SPORT..........................................21 Cynthia Vaughan DRIVE ....................................22-23 US Phone 9237 1000 PICKS Email canningtimes @communitynews.com.au Classifieds: 132013 CT Distribution: 9237 1630 Published by: Community Newspaper A E Gettingataste Culture at Curtin Group,34Stirling Street Perth 6000 New Carousel rooftopdining of- Sand mural installed at Curtin for and printed by Colourpress TOR’S ferings revealed. Page 5 Naidoc Week. Page 10 54 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA NT 6017. Editorial Director: Ken Burrowes CO EDI INSID Milestones SWANCARE resident Flo- rence Brousse De Gersigny has just celebrated her 100th birthday. Married and engaged in Mauritius to her husband Roger, the happy couple had six children and moved to Perth following the dev- astation of Cyclone Jenny guage of her hew home, but in 1962. has largely revertedto In her youth she enjoyed French in her latter years. tennis, mah-jongand read- Florence enjoys sharing ing and aquiet and happy memories of her place of life with her family. birth with her neighbour, Originally understand- 97-year-old Marie Lise De ing little English, Florence Marigny, who is also came to understand the lan- French Mauritian. Have amilestone birthday or anniversary? Tell us at [email protected]. TIMES CANNING Forlimited time only Rheem hasbeenAustralia’s premier waterheating brandfor over 75 years. 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Offer valid from 3rdJune to 31st August2018, claims to be received by 5:00pm(AWST)14th September2018. *Recommendedretailprice andsolar incentive AJ A- valueof$1,008 appliesto52D300/2NPT system in Zone 3and is correct as at 1st June 2018. *Recommendedretailprice andsolar incentive valueof$936 applies to 52C300/2NPT systeminZone3andiscorrect as at 1stJune2018. Incentive value is subject to 182 change and canonlybeclaimed after installation is completed.**Cashback($400) by customerredemptionand will be paid by Electronic Funds Transfer only.Pleaserefer to www.solar.rheem.com.au/promotionfor termsand conditions.Offer only available through Rheem SolarSpecialistsinWestern Australia. 2 July 17, 2018 www.communitynews.com.au NEWS 3 MP seeks word on the street CANNINGTON MLA Bill Johnston held astreet cor- ner meeting earlier this month to get public feed- back on the Kinlock Infill Development, which was attended by more than 40 Ferndale residents. Arepresentative of Housing Minister Peter Tinley also attended to out- line plans for the former Kinlock Primary School site. The Department of Com- munities is looking for a development manager to deliver the Kinlock Infill Development, which is ex- pected to be amedium den- sity development in Fern- daletooffer diverse and affordable living options on a4.1 ha site on the corner of Latham Road and Kinlock Avenue. Feedback from the meet- ing will be incorporated into the planning process and residents whocould not attend are encouraged to visit Mr Johnston’s Facebook page or website for information distributed to residents at the meeting. Residents can also email [email protected] City of CanningCouncillorJesse Jacobs at the Campbell Street postbox. Picture: Jon Hewson www.communitypix.com.au d484543 or call 9356 5011 with any questions or feedback. “We want to hear resi- dents’ opinions about the TIMES development so they canbe addressed in the final de- Keeping localsposted sign,” Mr Johnston said. CANNING The Request for Propos- al (RFP) from adeveloper is JamieShurmer No objections were re- open until August, with the Australia Post to retain boxes ceived during the original successful applicant or ap- AUSTRALIAPost has re- consultation process and plicants to be notified by versed its decisiontore- all three boxes had an alter- the end of the year, before move three postboxes from postboxes in his ward Irons, who agreed the deci- Railway Parade box had native within a2km radius. negotiations commence at Canning’s Mason ward, de- would now be retained. sion to get rid of the box just five items posted Cr Jacobs said he knew the beginning of 2019. spite one box getting just a Cr Jacobs had contacted should be reviewed. through it, and the Queens of 13 boxes earmarked for Ferndale resident Janet handful of items amonth. Australia Post when he He also raised the matter Park box on Treasure Road removal across several Vaughan thanked Mr John- In an article published first noticed asign tacked with the City of Canning’s received 11 items. southern suburbs. ston for his handling of the by the Canning Times on on to the postbox at 1Camp- acting chief executive and All had been listed for Brand MHR Madeline meeting that could have www communitynews.com. bell Street, East Canning- relevant directors. removal and had signs of King joined residents from been hostile given the au last week, an Australia ton, which was due for re- Two other boxes, one in them to notify residents. the local community and meeting was over acon- Post spokesman said post- moval on July 10 because of Queens Park near the shops Community consulta- successfullyfought to re- tested site. boxes must get an average low volume. and another near the old tion by Australia Post in- tain apostbox in Baldivis All inquiries relating to of 25 articles aday tobefi- He complained to Aus- Cannington train station, volves notification to the recently. the Kinlock project RFP nancially viable.
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