Case Histories of Induced and Triggered Seismicity A. McGarr US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, USA David Simpson The IRIS Consortium L. Seeber Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 1. Introduction (Simpson, 1986). Accordingly, we review case histories exemplary of a broad spectrum of causative mechanisms and The study of anthropogenic seismicity began when earthquakes ranging from obvious to speculative in the correlation between were first felt in Johannesburg in 1894 (McDonald, 1982); by earthquakes and specific human activities. Hopefully, by sur- 1908 these events had been attributed to the Witwatersrand gold veying a representative cross section of such earthquakes we production, which had commenced in 1886 (Cook et al., 1965). can gain general insights. To this end, it is important to Mine seismicity began to be recognized in Europe in about the establish the similarities and differences in the mechanisms same era. The first seismological observatory for monitoring responsible for the various types of stimulated earthquakes. these phenomena was established in Bochum in the Ruhr coal Thus, progress in understanding one type of artificial earth- basin, Germany, in 1908 and the first seismic network was quake can be of use in understanding other types and perhaps installed in the Upper Silesia coal basin, Poland, in the late interactions between natural earthquakes as well (see Harris, 1920s (Gibowicz and Kijko, 1994). 1998; Chapter 73 by Harris). Since then, many other types of induced and triggered The mechanisms that have been invoked to account for earthquakes have been either recognized or, at least hypothe- anthropogenic seismicity include changes in the state of stress, sized. Seismicity associated with petroleum production pore pressure changes, volume changes, and applied forces or became apparent in the early 1920s, with reservoir impound- loads. These mechanisms, of course, are not all independent. ment in the late 1930s, with high-pressure liquid injection at Often, for a particular case, the analysis of several mechanisms depth in the mid-1960s, and with natural gas production in can provide different perspectives regarding the resulting the late 1960s. Currently debated is the possible connection seismicity. Ideally, if we understand these mechanisms well between major petroleum or natural gas production and large enough and we also know the background crustal state (tectonic earthquakes at midcrustal depths. setting), then we can forecast both where triggered seismicity As used here, the adjective "induced" describes seismicity will occur and the maximum likely earthquake magnitude. resulting from an activity that causes a stress change that is Figure l a,b introduces the types of seismicity reviewed comparable in magnitude to the ambient shear stress acting on here starting with mining-induced earthquakes, for which a fault to cause slip, whereas "triggered" is used if the stress cause and effect are established, and ending with large- change is only a small fraction of the ambient level (e.g., magnitude seismicity at midcrustal depth whose association Bossu, 1996; McGarr and Simpson, 1997). By "stimulated" with shallow-level hydrocarbon production is only spec- we refer generally to seismicity either triggered or induced by ulative. In general, triggering is a plausible explanation for human activities. As will be seen, most of the case histories earthquakes if the corresponding perturbation can be shown to reviewed here entail triggered rather than induced seismicity. have shifted a fault toward failure at a time that can account Our assumption is that a wide variety of examples of for the onset of seismicity. This task is easier where natural stimulated seismicity can provide independent perspectives seismicity is low and a chance correlation in time and space regarding the essential problem of the causes of earthquakes between a possible trigger and seismicity is unlikely. INTERNATIONALHANDBOOK OF EARTHQUAKEAND ENGINEERINGSEISMOLOGY, VOLUME81A ISBN: 0-12-440652-1 Copyright ~ 2002 by the Int'l Assoc. Seismol. & Phys. Earth's Interior, Committee on Education. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 647 648 McGarr et al. Quarry Reservoir (e.g., Brace and Kohlstedt, 1980) are based on stick-slip ~VaTer~'L~ -" .,__. Table/ +A~r ~ "A friction experiments as extrapolated to conditions anticipated ./~' II /Compliant&,~,~,,~,~~,,.,~................................. X at depth in the crust. That is, if the upper seismogenic permeable ~ii~ii~iiiiii~i;i ~ii~ ,~ +~ f ~~----~ ~\layer ~ ~ ~ ~~L.~ crust is pervasively faulted then frictional sliding across these faults [Byerlee's (1978) law] will limit the strength of the crust. (a) The strength of a fault, or the shear stress 7- required for Fluid Fluid failure, can be expressed as injection extraction +Ap I+r" I = + -p) (]) 4, tttf where 7-o is the cohesion, # is the coefficient of friction, a,, is the normal stress across the fault and p is the pore pressure within the fault zone. Laboratory measurements of # are generally in the range 0.6-1.0 (Byerlee, 1978; Dieterich, 1979). Thus, for a given state of stress, the strength of a fault would depend on its orientation, pore pressure, and cohesive strength. In estimating ii~iii~Uiii!lii~iii!iiii crustal strength it is often assumed that (1) faults exist in the crust that are optimally oriented for failure, (2) the water table is Flow...../ 0 x confinedto at the surface (hydrostatic pore pressure), and (3) the cohesive porous and strength can be neglected. permeable layer 2.2 Stress and Pore Pressure Changes Required to Cause Earthquakes (b) Triggered or induced seismicity occurs when the mechanical state of the seismogenic crust is sufficiently perturbed to cause FIGURE 1 (a) Schematic view of seismicity stimulated by quarry, a fault to fail. As indicated by Eqn. (1), failure can occur either deep mining, and reservoir impoundment. For each case, the impor- because the stress -i- loading the fault increases or the strength tant mechanisms for causing seismicity are indicated. Quarries and of the fault is reduced due to a decrease in the normal stress or, deep-level mining cause the water table to be depressed because of pumping operations to prevent flooding. (b) Schematic view of or an increase in the pore pressure p. seismicity stimulated by liquid injection at depth, which can raise the Figure 2 shows a ternary diagram in which these three pore pressure on faults in the environs, and earthquakes caused by the components (o-,, 7- and p) form a field in which can be placed exploitation of major oil and gas fields. Oil or gas production reduces different types of induced and triggered seismicity, depending the pore pressure within the reservoir, causing contraction and on the dominant cause. In some cases, the isolation of a single induced stress changes in the environs. These stress changes can mechanism is simple (e.g., increases in pore pressure cause result in a variety of focal mechanisms as indicated. On a larger injection-related seismicity). In others (e.g., reservoir trigger- scale, production can change the crustal loading substantially ing) the relationship is more complex. More than one para- resulting in major earthquakes at midcrustal depths. A thrust faulting meter may be involved (shear stress and pore pressure) or earthquake tends to thicken the crust so as to offset the vertical parameters may be coupled (e.g., stress and pore pressure). force imbalance due to production. While care should be taken not to oversimplify what is often a complex process, this figure can help as a reference in 2. General Considerations the following discussion to identify the dominant factors influencing failure. For a number of the case histories to be discussed here, the 2.1 Ambient State of Stress and stress changes required to trigger seismicity, as well as the Pore Pressure corresponding seismic stress drops (of the order of 1 MPa), are In situ stress measurements made in a variety of tectonic small fractions of the shear stress acting to cause fault slip settings, both active and inactive, indicate, almost invariably, (e.g., McGarr and Simpson, 1997); indeed, numerous studies, that the ambient state of stress in the continental crust is some of which are reviewed here, lead to the conclusion that quite close to the depth-dependent strength of the crust esti- stress changes as small as 0.01 MPa [Eq. (1)] may trigger mated from laboratory experiments (e.g., Zoback and Healy, earthquakes. This general observation is consistent with the 1984; Brudy et al., 1997). Moreover, these same investiga- idea that the crustal state of deviatoric stress tends to be tions reveal that the ambient pore pressure is nearly always nearly as high as the crustal strength (e.g., Zoback and Harjes, close to hydrostatic. Laboratory estimates of crustal strength 1997; Grasso and Sornette, 1998). The exception to this Case Histories of Induced and Triggered Seismicity 649 impounded reservoirs) that, in fact, result in little or no detected seismicity. This issue is returned to later. 2.4 Triggered Seismicity in Stable Continental Regions and in Tectonically Active Regions Even though deformation rates in stable continental regions within the plates are so low that they cannot yet be measured with the current ~ 10- lo geodetic resolution (Argus and Gordon, 1996), earthquakes nonetheless occur there which suggests that deformation rates are finite and perhaps coherent over large regions of the continents (Sbar and Sykes, 1973). Faults that A{~n A~ can be associated with this seismicity tend to be small and to FIGURE 2 A simplified classification of three of the mechanisms have little accumulated displacement (Adams et al., 1991; controlling stimulated seismicity [see Eq. (1)]. Surface quarries, deep Crone et al., 1992; Machette et al., 1993; Seeber et al., 1996). mines and regional earthquakes cause increases in seismicity pri- Geologically, they do not stand out from many other faults marily through modifications to the elastic stress field. Increased pore scattered over these stable regions.
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