31714 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 101 / Friday, May 24, 2013 / Notices DEPARTMENT OF STATE year 2010 concerning gifts received from did not receive the relevant information foreign government sources. The to include them in earlier reports. [Public Notice 8331] compilation includes reports of both Publication of this listing in the Office of the Chief of Protocol; Gifts to tangible gifts and gifts of travel or travel Federal Register is required by Section Federal Employees from Foreign expenses of more than minimal value, 7342(f) of Title 5, United States Code, as Government Sources Reported to as defined by statute. Also, included are added by Section 515(a)(1) of the Employing Agencies in Calendar Year gifts received in previous years Foreign Relations Authorization Act, 2010 including one gift in 2003, two gifts in Fiscal Year 1978 (Pub. L. 95–105, 2005, one gift in 2006, five gifts in 2007, August 17, 1977, 91 Stat. 865). The Department of State submits the seven gifts in 2008, 72 gifts in 2009, and following comprehensive listing of the eleven gifts with unknown dates of Dated: May 3, 2013. statements which, as required by law, receipt. These latter gifts are being Patrick F. Kennedy, Federal employees filed with their reported in 2010 as the Office of the Under Secretary for Management, employing agencies during calendar Chief of Protocol, Department of State, Department of State. AGENCY: THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by The White House] Name and title of person ac- cepting the gift on behalf of Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Identity of foreign Circumstances justifying the Government., estimated value, and current donor and government acceptance U.S. Government. disposition or location The Honorable Barack Four books. Fiorentina Italian leather back- His Majesty Sultan Haji Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the gammon set, presented in a 17″ × 9″ presen- Hassanal Bolkiah embarrassment to donor United States. tation box. Baccarat crystal figurine, pre- Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah and U.S. Government. sented in a 7″ × 4.5″ red presentation box. ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Thinkashmir Scialli Charles black cashmere Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien shawl. Plush stuffed animal. Two framed Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, photo prints from the Providence Picture Sultan and Yang Di- Frame Company. 28″ × 23″ dark brown Pertuan of Brunei wicker basket with white and red-colored bow Darussalam. tied to handle. Three scented Persian can- dles in individual 5″ × 3″ white boxes. Rec’d—2/1/2009. Est. Value—$2,045.00. Disposition—Archives Foreign; Perishable items handled pursuant to U.S. Secret Serv- ice policy. The Honorable Barack 12.75″ × 7″ cylindrical ‘‘Franz Collection’’ vase His Excellency Hu Jintao, Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the featuring high relief blue iris leaves against a President of the People’s embarrassment to donor United States. cream color background. Rec’d—4/1/2009. Republic of China. and U.S. Government. Est. Value—$1,000.00. Disposition—Archives Foreign. The Honorable Barack 16.5″ × 12″ Pineider brown leather briefcase His Excellency Silvio Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the embossed with seal of the 2009 G8 Summit Berlusconi, Prime Minister embarrassment to donor United States. with a yellow dust bag and black handling of the Italian Republic. and U.S. Government. gloves. Navy silk tie. Plastic watch. Book, title: ‘‘L’Aquila: Saving an Art City.’’ Office supplies with 2009 G8 Summit seal. Book, title: ‘‘G8 Now’’. Rec’d—7/1/2009. Est. Value—$3,007.00. Disposition—Archives Foreign. The Honorable Barack Four bottles of tequila, presented in display The Honorable Dr. Alfonso Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the boxes. Wooden trunk containing a silver ark Petersen, Mayor of Guada- embarrassment to donor United States. with a decorative ceramic design on the front lajara, Jalisco, United Mexi- and U.S. Government. and silver bells on each side. Rec’d—8/9/ can States. 2009. Est. Value—$1,880.00. Disposition— Archives Foreign; Perishable Items Handled Pursuant to U.S. Secret Service Policy. The Honorable Barack 26″ × 32.5″ framed portrait of President His Excellency Asif Ali Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the Obama. Rec’d—9/30/2009. Est. Value— Zardari, President of the Is- embarrassment to donor United States. $1,200.00. Disposition—Archives Foreign. lamic Republic of Pakistan. and U.S. Government. The Honorable Barack 16″ × 23.75″ metal panel with cityscape view of His Excellency Lee Hsien Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the Singapore, presented in a wooden box with a Loong, Prime Minister of embarrassment to donor United States. plaque on the top that reads ‘‘APEC Singa- the Republic of Singapore. and U.S. Government. pore 2009.’’ 9.5″ × 6.75″ × 2.75″ bronze ab- stract sculpture in a braided motif inscribed, ‘‘From the 2009 APEC Conference in Singa- pore,’’ presented in a fitted wooden presen- tation box. Rec’d—11/1/2009. Est. Value— $9,000.00. Disposition—Archives Foreign. VerDate Mar<15>2010 22:13 May 23, 2013 Jkt 229001 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\24MYN2.SGM 24MYN2 mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES2 Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 101 / Friday, May 24, 2013 / Notices 31715 AGENCY: THE WHITE HOUSE—EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT—Continued [Report of Tangible Gifts Furnished by The White House] Name and title of person ac- cepting the gift on behalf of Gift, date of acceptance on behalf of the U.S. Identity of foreign Circumstances justifying the Government., estimated value, and current donor and government acceptance U.S. Government. disposition or location The Honorable Barack Three hardcover books. Two paperback books. His Majesty Sultan Haji Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the Mara Fine Silver silver-plated tea caddie. 64 Hassanal Bolkiah embarrassment to donor United States. oz. fluted silver-plated pitcher. 9″ Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah and U.S. Government. Cricklewood crystal oval vase. 24″ diameter ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji tin plated copper tray. 4.5″ bronze Sona ves- Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien sel with gold finish and a blackened-alu- Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, minum resting ring. Knit purple blanket with Sultan and Yang Di- orange and green fabric. 16″ × 24″ black tray Pertuan of Brunei Rec’d—12/28/2009 Est. Value—$1,758.00. Darussalam. Disposition—Archives Foreign. The Honorable Barack 8″ × 10″ Christolfe silver picture frame with a Her Excellency Houda Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the photograph of President Obama at a table Nonoo, Ambassador of the embarrassment to donor United States. with officials of the Kingdom of Bahrain. Kingdom of Bahrain to the and U.S. Government. Rec’d—1/3/2010. Est. Value—$430.00. Dis- United States. position—Archives Foreign. The Honorable Barack 6.25″ × 6.25″ silver plate engraved with royal His Majesty the King Juan Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the signature, in blue presentation box. Rec’d— Carlos and Her Majesty embarrassment to donor United States. 2/17/2010. Est. Value—$660.00. Disposi- Queen Sophia, King and and U.S. Government. tion—Archives Foreign. Queen of Spain. The Honorable Barack 30″ × 54″ multicolored Tibetan scroll depicting His Holiness the Dalai Lama Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the a Buddhist deity on a gold-colored inlay. 26″ embarrassment to donor United States. × 124″ white-patterned Tibetan shawl. 5.75″ and U.S. Government. × 7.5″ silver and cream-colored cardstock with written inscription. Rec’d—2/18/2010. Est. Value—$1,410.00. Disposition—Archives Foreign. The Honorable Barack Four piece metal sculpture of Don Quixote and His Excellency Mauricio Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the Sancho Panza on horses, by Alfredo Melara Funes and Mrs. Vanda embarrassment to donor United States. Farfan. Rec’d—3/8/2010. Est. Value— Pignato, President and and U.S. Government. $1,000.00. Disposition—Archives Foreign. Spouse of the Republic of El Salvador. The Honorable Barack Two first edition volumes of William Yates His Excellency Brian Cowen, Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the books, published in 1906 and 1907. Rec’d— Taoiseach of Ireland. embarrassment to donor United States. 3/16/2010. Est. Value—$357.00. Disposi- and U.S. Government. tion—Archives Foreign. The Honorable Barack Anthology of Irish poetry, signed by six Irish The Arts Council of Ireland ... Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the poets. Rec’d—3/17/2010. Est. Value— embarrassment to donor United States. $1,545.00. Disposition—Archives Foreign. and U.S. Government. The Honorable Barack 312″ × 117″ burgundy and red carpet with intri- His Excellency Hamid Karzai, Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the cate patterns and cream-colored fringe. President of the Islamic embarrassment to donor United States. Rec’d—3/28/2010. Est. Value—$2,000.00. Republic of Afghanistan. and U.S. Government. Disposition—Archives Foreign. The Honorable Barack Three bottles of 1961 Chateau Bages wine. His Excellency Nicolas Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the Two 9″ × 13″ leather folders with facsimile Sarkozy and Mrs. Carla embarrassment to donor United States. letters of credece presented by Benjamin Bruni-Sarkozy, President and U.S. Government. Franklin to Louis XVI, King of France, in and First Lady of the 1778 and facsimile letters from Benjamin French Republic. Franklin to Charles Gravier De Vergennes, dated 1781. Rec’d—3/30/2010. Est. Value— $2,150.00. Disposition—Archives Foreign; Perishable Items Handled Pursuant to U.S. Secret Service Policy. The Honorable Barack Two 4″ Imperial porcelain painted eggs with His Excellency Dmitry Non-acceptance would cause Obama, President of the porcelain bases, presented in yellow presen- Medvedev, President of the embarrassment to donor United States.
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