SDIP CONSULTATION DOCUMENT INTRODUCTION | 1 2020 LIVING WITH WATER IN BELFAST An Integrated Plan for Drainage and Wastewater Management in Greater Belfast PROTECT ENHANCE GROW LIVING WITH WATER IN BELFAST PROTECT ENHANCE GROW SDIP CONSULTATION DOCUMENT MINISTERIAL FOREWORD | 5 MINISTERIAL FOREWORD NICHOLA MALLON Water is an essential part of our daily How we treat wastewater is critical for our health It is important everyone has the opportunity to and wellbeing and to the economic prosperity of express their views and to articulate the importance lives and it is in all our interests to Belfast. The current underfunding of our wastewater of our water and wastewater infrastructure to their identify and deliver the best solutions to systems means that many of the sewerage networks sectors, and to the economy and environment here PROTECT against flooding, ENHANCE the and wastewater treatment works across Belfast are more generally. This consultation, which runs until at, or nearing, capacity, meaning future connections 29 January 2021, is an opportunity to have your say environment and GROW the economy. for new developments may not be accepted by in the future delivery of drainage and wastewater Northern Ireland Water. services in greater Belfast, and in how water can be As part of my commitment to a green and sustainable best used as an asset to improve the environment recovery and to delivering the commitments made Should this continue, there will be significant in which we live and work. Whilst this current plan by government in the New Decade, New Approach constraints on economic growth, likely increased focuses on the greater Belfast area, the principles deal, I am pleased to publish this Living With Water in pollution and damage to the environment, and an advocated in it will be rolled out across the North, Belfast consultation document – an integrated plan increased risk to the population’s health. informing future drainage investment. for drainage and wastewater management in greater Infrastructure is an integral part of the Programme Belfast. It aims to deliver a new, strategic, long term DEPARTMENT FOR for Government and I am committed to the approach to drainage and wastewater management important job of developing and investing in much INFRASTRUCTURE to protect from flooding, provide a cleaner and needed wastewater infrastructure. An already MINISTER greener environment and ensure that Belfast is open challenging funding position has been made for business and investment. worse by the financial impact of the Covid 19 crisis. In recent years, flooding has had devastating However, infrastructure is the key that unlocks our consequences for those living and working in affected opportunities for growth. This draft plan clearly areas, and the impact of climate change places even makes the case for investment that will provide a Water is an essential part of our daily lives it more pressure on our ageing infrastructure. 21st century wastewater system to serve the growing is in all our interests to identify and deliver population and allow for economic growth. the best solutions to PROTECT ag ain st This new approach will help protect communities flo o d in g , ENHANCE the environment and from flooding, enhance the environment through effective wastewater management and the provision GROW the economy. of blue/green infrastructure, and grow the economy by providing the necessary capacity in our sewer and wastewater treatment systems to allow development and to build the many new homes our citizens need. My department has been working creatively and collaboratively within government, and across the public sector, to identify sustainable solutions and new opportunities to collectively address a range of issues across a number of partner organisations for the benefit of all our citizens. This plan sets out how we will achieve this and create a thriving and resilient Belfast which is better protected and better prepared for the future. SDIP CONSULTATIONSDIP CONSULTATION DOCUMENT DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE INTRODUCTION SUMMARY | 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY THE LIVING WITH WATER PROGRAMME traditional “hard engineered” infrastructure, like 8 Since 2015, detailed surveys, engineering 10 The Northern Ireland Executive’s 2020 New sewers, pumping stations and upgrades to our studies, modelling and investment appraisals Decade New Approach document recognises 1 In 2014, when it became clear that the drainage wastewater treatment works. have been carried out to inform this Plan and the importance of investing in drainage and infrastructure across Belfast was unable to meet identify potential opportunities for integrated wastewater. The document states: the requirements expected of it, the Northern 4 Whilst the Department for Infrastructure solutions. This has found that around £1.4 Ireland Executive approved the development of (DfI) is leading this programme, there are billion is required to provide a modern and a Strategic Drainage Infrastructure Plan (SDIP) many partners1 from across central and local efficient drainage and wastewater system with for Belfast to: government who are working collaboratively the capacity needed to facilitate economic through the LWWP to develop integrated and growth. Whilst it will be a challenge to provide sustainable drainage solutions. • p ro te c t against flooding by managing the the investment needed to implement the Plan, The Executive will invest urgently in flow of water through a catchment from without it, flooding and pollution will intensify source to sea; 5 This consultation document helps to explain and future development of the area covered by wastewater infrastructure which is at the challenges involved, the opportunities for • e n h a n c e the environment through the Plan may be constrained. potential solutions and the scale of investment or nearing capacity in many places effective wastewater management and needed to deliver them. It also gives across Northern Ireland, including in the provision of enhanced blue/green 9 We all live with water so we all have a stake in consultees the opportunity to have their say on spaces to benefit local communities; and delivering a long term, integrated solution for Belfast, limiting growth. the problems faced and the Living With Water our drainage and wastewater management • g ro w the economy by providing the approach to trying to solve them. needs. The drainage of surface water and the necessary capacity in our drainage and effective treatment and management of sewage wastewater management systems to 6 Implementation of this Plan is central to the are essential for good public health, economic facilitate new development projects delivery of the Floods Directive, the Water growth and a healthy natural environment. It is including house building. Framework Directive, the United Nations also needed to support development of homes, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the schools, hospitals and businesses. 2 To develop and deliver this plan, an Regional Development Strategy (RDS) and the interdepartmental group, called the Living With Long Term Water Strategy (LTWS). In February Water Programme (LWWP), was established. 2020 the Northern Ireland Assembly declared a This consultation document, “Living With climate emergency. This Plan will help Belfast to Water in Belfast”, is the draft Strategic Drainage adapt to changing rainfall patterns and mitigate Infrastructure Plan for Belfast and is hereafter against increased greenhouse gas emissions. referred to as the Plan. 7 The policy, regulation and funding of drainage 3 Living With Water is a new approach to and wastewater management in Northern the provision of drainage and wastewater Ireland is currently provided by a number of infrastructure which promotes holistic and different organisations. This Plan coordinates integrated solutions that achieve mutiple and optimises the strategic planning of future benefits at reduced cost and disruption. drainage and wastewater related works in the For example, by using open spaces and greater Belfast area. watercourses to enhance the environment, which promotes recreational opportunities and by sustainably managing water to help reduce flood risk. This is commonly referred to as blue/green infrastructure. In addition to blue/green infrastructure it is recognised that significant investment is also required in more 1 Department for Infrastructure, Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA), Utility Regulator (UR), Belfast City Council, NI Water. SDIP CONSULTATIONSDIP CONSULTATION DOCUMENT DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE INTRODUCTION SUMMARY | 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND 15 Green spaces such as parks, pitches, golf ineffective planning decisions and historical THE CASE FOR CHANGE courses, fields and gardens have not land management practices. Policy and 11 As Belfast’s population and commerce continue traditionally been considered to be drainage procedural proposals to facilitate integrated 20 Much of the drainage and wastewater to grow and climate change produces more infrastructure. Yet, when these green spaces and sustainable drainage provision include the infrastructure serving the greater Belfast area intense rainfall events, the ageing drainage are developed and replaced with hard surfaces, use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), is in need of urgent upgrade and requires infrastructure will continue to come under the rainwater that was previously absorbed the roll out of Natural Flood Management significant levels of investment. NI Water has pressure. Due to constraints in
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