Invertebrate Zoology, 2020, 17(2): 154–161 © INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY, 2020 Ants of the extinct genus Cataglyphoides Dlussky, 2008 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae) from the late Eocene European ambers Alexander G. Radchenko1, Mykola R. Khomych2 1 Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, B. Khmelnitskogo str., 15, Kiev-30, 01030, Ukraine. E-mail: [email protected] 2 Vil. Voronky, Volodymerets Distr., Rivne Prov., 34330 Ukraine. ABSTRACT. A new species from the fossil ant genus Cataglyphoides Dlussky, 2008, C. dlusskyi sp.n., is described from the Rovno amber (Ukraine). A new record of C. constrictus (Mayr, 1868) from the Baltic amber (age of both ambers is late Eocene, Priabonian, 33.9–37.2 Ma) and additional diagnostic features of this species are provided. C. dlusskyi resembles C. constrictus but well differs from the latter mainly by the absence of standing hairs on the body, absence of the longitudinal carina on the clypeus, by position of the eyes and the much shorter genae and by character of the standing pilosity on the appendages (C. dlusskyi has very fine and short whitish subdecumbent to suberect hairs, but C. constrictus has coarse brownish bristles). C. dlusskyi differs from C. intermedius Dlussky, 2008 first of all by the shape of petiolar scale and mesosoma, and by the longer antennal scape. A Key for identification of all known Cataglyphoides species is compiled. How to cite this article: Radchenko A.G., Khomych M.R. 2020. Ants of the extinct genus Cataglyphoides Dlussky, 2008 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae) from the late Eocene European ambers // Invert. Zool. Vol.17. No.2. P.154–161. doi: 10.15298/invertzool.17.2.05 KEY WORDS. Cataglyphoides dlusskyi sp.n., C. constrictus, C. intermedius, Rovno amber, fossils, taxonomy, tribe Formicini, evolution. Муравьи вымершего рода Cataglyphoides Dlussky, 2008 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae) из позднеэоценовых янтарей Европы А.Г. Радченко1, М.Р. Хомич2 1 Институт зоологии им. И.И. Шмальгаузена НАН Украины, ул. Б. Хмельницкого, 15, Киев, 01030, Украина. E-mail: [email protected] 2 С. Воронки, Владимерецкий р-н, Ровенская обл.,34330 Украина. РЕЗЮМЕ. Описан новый вид из ископаемого рода муравьев Cataglyphoides Dlussky, 2008, C. dlusskyi sp.n., из ровенского янтаря (Украина). Приведена новая находка C. constrictus (Mayr, 1868) из балтийского янтаря и добавлены данные к его диагнозу. Возраст обоих янтарей – поздний эоцен, приабон, 33.9–37.2 Ma. C. dlusskyi внешне сходен с C. constrictus, но хорошо отличается от последнего отсутствием отстоящих волосков на теле, отсутствием продольного срединного киля на наличнике, местом расположения глаз и намного более короткими щеками, характером отстоящего опушения на ногах и скапусе антенн (у C. dlusskyi очень нежные и короткие Ants of the extinct genus Cataglyphoides 155 беловатые полуприлежащие или полуотстоящие волоски, а у C. constrictus грубые коричневатые отстоящие щетинки). C. dlusskyi отличается от C. intermedius Dlussky, 2008, прежде всего, формой петиолюса и мезосомы, а также более коротким скапусом антенн. Составлена определительная таблица видов Cataglyphoides. Как цитировать эту статью: Radchenko A.G., Khomych M.R. 2020. Ants of the extinct genus Cataglyphoides Dlussky, 2008 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae) from the late Eocene European ambers // Invert. Zool. Vol.17. No.2. P.154–161. doi: 10.15298/ invertzool.17.2.05 КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА. Cataglyphoides dlusskyi sp.n., C. constrictus, C. intermedius, ископаемые, таксономия, триба Formicini, эволюция. Introduction Material and methods Mayr (1868) described from the Baltic am- We examined two workers from two pieces ber a new extinct species, Camponotus con- of amber, belonging to the genus Cataglyphoid- strictus. Later on it was transferred to Formica es: one worker of C. constrictus (Mayr, 1868) Linnaeus, 1758 by Wheeler (1915) and then — from the Baltic amber, and one worker (the to Cataglyphis Foerster, 1850 by Dlussky holotype) of C. dlusskyi sp.n. from the Rovno (1967). At last, Dlussky (2008) established a amber. The first one is deposited in the private new extinct genus Cataglyphoides and desig- collection of Mr. Carsten Gröhn (CCG); this nated C. constrictus as the type species of this collection will be separately deposited in the genus. Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut des Uni- Cataglyphoides belongs to the tribe Formi- versität Hamburg (GPIH; now — Centrum of cini of the subfamily Formicinae and morpho- Natural History, CeNak), and the holotype spec- logically resembles the extant genus Catagly- imen of C. dlusskyi is deposited in the Schmal- phis. Particularly, Cataglyphoides species have hausen Institute of Zoology of NAS of Ukraine, long and slender body and appendages, long 6- Kiev (SIZK); the photographs of two specimens segmented maxillary and 4-segmented labial of C. constrictus taken by G.M. Dlussky in 2007 palps, long apical mandibular tooth that ca. were also used; these specimens with Nos. 04170 twice as long as the preapical one, petiole is and 04173 are preserved in the collection of nodiform or with wide subrectangular scale. Geowissenschaftlichen Zentrum der Georg- Nevertheless, Cataglyphoides differs from Cat- August-Universität Göttingen Germany (GZG. aglyphis by the lack of psammophore and rela- BST) (for details see Dlussky, 2008). tively shorter, not slit-like propodeal spiracles The holotype specimen of C. dlusskyi sp.n. (Dlussky, 2008). was fossilized in the large piece of amber weigh- Till now, two fossil species from the Baltic ing after primary treatment ca. 210 g together amber were attributed to Cataglyphoides: C. with 11 specimens of Dolichopodidae, four constrictus and C. intermedius Dlussky, 2008. Sciaridae, one Phoridae (Diptera), two Hy- Recently we found one specimen from the Rovno menoptera, one Lepidoptera, one Isoptera and amber that we describe below as a new species, two Acari. C. dlusskyi sp.n. Additionally, we found one The original photographs were taken with more specimen of C. constrictus from the Baltic Leica Z16 APO microscope equipped with Le- amber and provided some additions to its mor- ica DFC 450 camera and processed by LAS phology, as well as measurements and photo- Core software. graphs. At last, we compiled a Key for identifi- Not all features of the examined specimens cation of all knows species of this genus. were properly visible and measurable, hence we 156 A.G. Radchenko, M.R. Khomych measured only visible details (accurate to 0.01 DESCRIPTION. Worker. Total length ca. mm), particularly: CL — length of the clypeus, 8.65 mm. Head ca. 1.2 times as long as broad, measured medially between it anterior and pos- with slightly convex sides, widely rounded but terior margins; FSL-1…FSL-11 — length of the well marked occipital corners, and almost funicular segments from 1 to 11; FSW-1…FSW- straight occipital margin. Eyes of moderate size, 11 — width of the funicular segments from 1 to oval, convex, situate only a little behind 11; GL — length of the genae, measured from midlength of sides of head, so that maximum the anterior margin of the eyes to the articulation diameter of eye somewhat longer than genae. with the mandible; HL — maximum length of Ocelli distinct but quite small, forming equilat- the head in dorsal view, measured in a straight eral triangle. Frontal carinae slightly divergent, line from the anteriormost point of clypeus to rather short, reaching at most level of midlength the mid-point of occipital margin; HTL — max- of eyes. Frontal triangle distinct. Frons with imum length of the hind tibia; HW — maximum longitudinal carina, reaching frontal ocellus. width of the head in dorsal view behind (above) Clypeus long, 0.33 of head length, without me- the eyes; MdL — length of the mandible, mea- dian longitudinal carina, its surface somewhat sured from its tip to articulation with the head; depressed laterally, anterior margin gradually ML — diagonal length of the mesosoma in widely rounded. Mandibles long, ca. 0.6 times lateral view from the anterior margin of the neck as head length, with eight sharp unequal teeth, shield to the posterior margin of the metapleu- apical tooth ca. twice as long as preapical one. ron; OL — maximum diameter of the eye; PnW — Maxillary and labial palps obscured in holotype width of the pronotum in dorsal view; PL — specimen. Antennae inserted close to posterior maximum length of the petiole, measured from clypeal margin. Antennal scapes longer than the posterodorsal margin of the petiole to the head, surpassing occipital margin for half of its articulation with the propodeum; PH — maxi- length; they very smoothly curved at base and mum height of the petiole in profile, measured somewhat expanded at tips. Antennae without from the uppermost point of the petiolar node apical club, first funicular segment is longest, perpendicularly to the virtual line between the subsequent segments gradually decreasing in tip of subpetiolar process and posteroventral length, preapical one is shortest, but apical points of petiole; SL — maximum length of the segment subequal to third one; at the same time, scape measured in a straight line from its apex to they increasing in width starting from eighth the articulation with condylar bulb. one, and apical segment is widest (for more Approximate total length is calculated as details see measurements and ratios, below). the sum of HL + ML + PL + length of the gaster. Mesosoma long, low and slender, pronotum For simplicity, we give ratios of various moderately convex, mesonotum somewhat flat-
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