Through the years ofautomobile history, from veteran and vintage to the present day. Vintage Car Club of N.Z. (Inc.) Vol. XX, No. 92 FEBRUARY/MARCH '75 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE President : Mr N. C. Skevington (Canry) Club Captain : Mr A. D. Storer (Ca nty) IN THIS ISSUE Club Vic e-Captain : Mr M. H. Femer (Wgtn) Hon . Secretary: M r J. S. D. Wallis (Canty) President's Message 2 Club Re gistrar : R. W. Sarchett, 597 Madras Street. Christchurch 1. Phon e 66-5 11. Peninsula Peregrinations 3 Executive: Messrs N.A. Dewhurst (Auckland). L. 1. D. Over the Hill and Far Away 8 Priest (Hawkes Bay), L. B. Southward (Wellingto n), W. M. Birch (Wanganui), H.B. Roundl Veteran Rally 11 1974 North Otago Windsor Rally 14 CLUB OFFICE National Executive Report 16 Phoenix House. Early Days in Rotorua area 17 82 Here ford Street. Christchurch Telephone 74-003 Ariki Lodge 18 Hou rs 12-4 p.m. Otago 4th P.V. Tour 24 Book Reviews 26 CLUB CORRESPONDENC E So I bought this Alvis . .. 28 Club correspond ence, including members' changes of address. must be sent to 2nd Wigram Historic Cars Event 32 T he Vlntaue Car Club of N .Z. (Inc.) Branch Notes 35 r.o. Box 2546. Christchurch. Letters to Editor 38 All Beaded Wheels correspondence to P.D. Box IJ 140 Classified Ads 38 BEADED WHEELS EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Ch airman: Spencer Bamard CLOSING DATE Co m mittee: Gavin Rain. GeoII Ho ckle y. Bruce Pidgeon . C op v fo r A p ril/May issue clo ses March lOth Bob Scott, Paul Gie seler Material for publication is the resp onsibility of th is committee and should be forwarded to P.D. Box 13' 40. COVER PHOTO Christchurch, typed or neatl y printed . double spaced 1935 6 C ylind er sup er charged N.A. M.G . on one side of paper only . Ma g ne tt e belo ng ing to Te d Love rsid g e seen her e Reports of restorations. event s. road tests. historical at Wigram fo r th e 1st Hi sto ric Cars Evont in and technical articles welcome. No payment made to J an ua ry 1974 was a g a in a co mpe tito r in t his vee r's contributors. cven: , The opinions expre ssed in letters or articles in Beaded Wheels are the authors' own views a-id do not necessarilv expres s the polic y of the Vintage Car Club of N .Z. (Jnc ~) B.ad.d Whe.ls is the voice of the Vintage Car Move ­ ment in N.... Zealand and of the Clubs whose efforts are fostering and ever widening the interest of this PRODUCTION movement and form rallying po ints for that ever incre asing band of enthusiasts. The fascination of age Beaded Wheels is published bi-monthly by Purse Willis itself Or revulsion from the flashy mediocrity of the & Aiken Ltd. C hristchu rch for the Vin tage Car Club pres ent day is d raw ing an increasing number of motorists back to the indi vid uality, soli d worth, and functional of N.Z. Inc.. at its editorial orrice. P.D. Box 13140. elegance that was d emanded by a more d iscriminating Christchurch. gen era tion and it is to these t hat this magazine is Mailed free to all memb ers. Ann ual subscriptio n $2.00. dedlceted. Individual copies and back numbers 40c. Reg istered at Post Ollice Headq ua rt ers Welling to n ADVERTISING es a Mftge zine. Rate schedule available on request to Ad verti sing Manage r, P.D. Box 13140. Christchurch. Pho ne 67-346. any entrant in negotiat ing the course, and the average speeds set allowed for leisurely driving. 'From the President The evening prize giving function took the form of a dinner and dance, the major tr ophy being T he beginning of the year al­ T he property is about 70 mi les won by Don Rankine and his wa ys sees ma ny events being held fro m Christchur ch and we will be large Studebaker. H e put his suc­ and one of ma ny which is attract­ ba ck in the city by mid aftern oo n cess down to the old saying that ing much interest is the North in o rde r to connect with pla ne there is no substitute for cubic Islan d T our. This leaves fro m the serv ices. Duncan has collected inches. Wh ile in Wanganui I ho me of M r and Mrs L. B. ca rs for man y yea rs and whe n I stayed with Alb ert and Ruth Voss Southward on 9th February a nd visited Le slie Hills recently he and d o thank them for their tra vels through Palmerston North, told me he now has 60. The oldest hospitality. Taupo, Rot orua, Hamilton , Whi­ vehicle is the 1906 Alld ays and tianga, T auran ga, Wh ak atan e and Onions, wh ich has been in the NORM SKEVINGTON Gi sborne, terminatin g in H awkes family since new. Bay so that entrants can eithe r Late last yea r I visited the particip at e in o r watch the N a­ Tokor oa Sub Branch, stay ing in tio na l M ot or Cy cle Rall y, which Tirau with John and Je an Bayl y. I understand has attracted an This Sub Bra nch will po ssibly be entry exceeding 200. applying for Branch status. The It is ple asin g to note the interest sa me weekend I attended an after­ CRESTER being tak en by Branches in th is noon run and barbecue with the T our, with the opportunity for Waik ato Branch having the op­ Club members to meet . A uck land portunity of a ride in Bruce CAR Bran ch is a rra ngi ng for a run to Ca tchpole's newl y restored Cord. Wh itian ga on the weekend the Stayed overnight with Ch ris a nd T ou r stavs the re. I hope to go on M rs Wood, the following d ay SALES thi s ru n 'with Auckland members meeting a number of branch .. and then visit the Bay of Plenty members with Cha irma n John . 'and Gi sborn e Branches, be ing in White. H astings in tim e for the N ation al In mid Janua ry Ma rtin Fe rn er, 374 Worcester Street Mot or Cy cle Rally. Club Vice Captain and I tr avelled Ca nterbury Bran ch a re to hold to New Plym outh to attend the Christchurch later this year th eir 25th Annual 13th birthd ay party of the T ar­ Rally and th e committe e a ntici­ ana ki Bran ch . A mo st enjoyable pate running thi s over a three and well attended functi on and day wee kend. Branche s will be we do appreciate the hospit ali.ty Buying receiv ing further informat ion in shown us by Branches. Af ter the near future. The Dunedin­ staying the night in H awera with or Selling Br ighton run held recently marked Cha irma n Eric Terrell a nd Mrs the 21st anniversary of this event Terrell we were shown the K apuni Good Used Cars and an encouraging entry was re­ gas pla nt. ceived . many tr avelling a con­ After lunch we tr avelled to side ra ble d istance to att end . Wanganui with T aranaki Branch NOEL Easter this year is the time for members, having the use of a two rnaior events. one being the M odel A Ford owned by De s North Island Rall y at R ot orua M oore, he feeling tired after the BEECROFT a,nd the other the N ati on al previous evening's entertainment Veter an R all v at Timaru. and preferring to sleep in the F or .' the ; day fo llow ing the comfort of a Mark 9 Jaguar. We Member L.M.V.D.A. Ma rch E xecu tive Meeting in visited the Branch Clubrooms Membe r Vintage Car Christch urch I have been abl e to which have been extensively reno­ Club (N.Z.) a rra nge a visit to the historic vat ed and extend ed. The Burma Leslie Hills property of club R all y over the Burma R oad , was member Duncan Rutherford . It held . the first time for 10 yea rs. Telephone 891-115 is hoped th at a good number An inte resting drive of 90 miles After Hours 891-155 attendi ng the meet ing will avail incl uding about 18 mile s of gravel. themselves of thi s opportunity. No difficulty was experienced by PAG E TWO by Geoff Hockley Peninsula Pereg ri nations PART 6 Exercising "salesmanship" on the boss-he finally capitulates-I make my debut as a trialist-my high hopes take a last-minute nose-dive-a wrangle between two competitors upsets the applecart in the solo division-on to next season, and the most ambitious event yet is being organised. A " couple of seasons were to elapse before I realised my ambitions and made my debut as a full-blown trials pilot , and in the intervening time a couple of strenuous Banks Peninsula "endures" were held , which I will touch on briefly. The first, a "s idecars only " grind , was noticeable for the defeat of a large field of well-known trialists by a "dark horse" in the person of O.
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