The American Gradual 2020

The American Gradual 2020

Christmas: Midnight Mass Introit Dominus dixit (Mode 2) Psalm 2 ZtvtuiuvuuuvryvTv,vrtJuyvuizzzzzzztytvTRv.zzzzzzzzzzzz The Lord said to me, “You are my Son; ZtuiuvuuucmcdtuuuzzzzdtdrzzzzzzzzztyrvzzzuuizzzzzzuyuvTv/vzzzzrcctrzzzzzzzzzzzz this day have I be- got- ten you.” Ps. Why are ZrucJuvuyvuicivuiczzUc.czzutvtuvuczzuvuvKivutvJuzzzzzzzzzz the na- tions in an up- roar? Why do the peo-ples mut- ter emp- ZyrvtyTv/vFrvtrvruvuvuvuvhuvhuvuvuvuvuzzzzzzzzzzzz ty threats? Why do the kings of the earth rise up in re- volt ZuvuvJuvuyvuivivuivUv.vutvtuvuvuvuvuzzzzzzzzzzzzz and the princ- es plot to- geth- er: a- gainst the Lord and a- ZKivutvuvyrvtyTv/vFrvtrvruvuvuvuvuvuvuzzzzzzzz gainst his a- noint- ed? Ask of me and I will give you the ZuvuvuyvuivivuivuvUv.vutvtuvuvuvuvuvzzzzz na- tions for your in- her- i- tance: and all the ends of the ZJuvivutvuvyrvtyTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzz earth for your pos- ses- sion. Christmas: Midnight Mass Gradual Tecum principium (Mode 2 transposed) Psalm 110 XtzzzzzcwczzGtvtcctytrGtrtvTc,cuuKioiJucivJuutFrzyJuuiTc,z Prince-ly state has been yours from the day Xtz6zzhuvhuzzyiJuyuGttrz›HytrvretrGzttezFrtJuutrzGt¯zz6zJuiJuutyTc.ccGtzzzzzzzzz of your birth; in XrvuuvuoKiviJuutvutuvuuuczzfuftz6zzhuhizzJuiozJuuzKiiUc.czzuvuui the beau- ty of ho- li- ness have I XuvuyuiLouyJuuYcmzchihuziuGtvtvtuGtrtzJuutJuuyzGtuzFrrEc.ccever be- got- ten you, like dew XevrtvgtuytHyvrvtvutuzjiviuKioiuzLouzLopiJuutzdrdtz6zzhJuhizJuiOzzzmz from the womb of the morn- ing. XKzioiozzfuftz6zzUTcc/ccctvftfuvuiviovdodidudyzJutRzmzzzHyrtzJuuKioiOcmz The Lord said to my Xuo:piJuutrzGtutrzTcmciz9z:kpkozz:poiovOIv.viz9z:pozKiz9z:poivKiviozzzz Lord, “Sit at my XhohuzzLoiJuutzzJuutzzhJuuuuTcmcuiLoiuLoiuKitvTv.vtvrvtvuuivz right hand un- til I make XuvuyzJuizLouyJuuYvmvhihuxiuGtvtvtuzGtrtzJuutzJuuyzzGtuzFrrEc,czzzzzzzzz your en- e- mies XerzfGtuytHyrtvutuzjivjioJuyuIc,crtJuuoisJusyszGtz6zzUTv/vvvvzzzzzzzz your foot- stool Christmas: Midnight Mass Alleluia Dominus dixit (Mode 8) Psalm 2 BtyuvfufyzJuz8zLoivuLooovopoJuuYv,cjijozzzHyuzHytzzJuz8zLooizHyiJguizzzzzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia. BJuuYv/vovkozipovoivivio:ppouLoujKioIvmvouLo[pvLoviozzzzzzzz The Lord said to me, “You are my BuyzjKioiYzhzJu‰iuTzzHgyziJuyzzUYc.cgyuyizzzzzzzzzIcmcivouzkLozziyzJuz‰ziutzKiuyzzJhuoooz son; this day have I BLop[zOUvmvopkizpoKioYzzgJugyzzzgKigyzzzKiuyzzUTv,vyvutyhuhovoioJuizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz be- got- ten ByuYTvmvtuoJuyzTzJuz8zLoizzkzLoiuzzzKKjizzzyizzzzJuiytzHyuzYv,vLoozzJuyzJuizzHfyftzzzzzzzzzzzz you.” ByuYcmcLoozJuyuzzIzzJuuYv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Christmas: Midnight Mass Offertory Laetentur caeli (Mode 4) Psalm 96 ZrtzgHyczzyczzzzzzyuzKjivivtiJuyzKioKiuzzKiuYcc,cyvyiuiJuuzJutzzzzzzzzzz Let the heav’ns re- joice, and let ZyiuycoikLozzuozKiivtvtiJuyzJuiUTcmctczztuiyJuzzzcyzzzzzzzuuLozŸzpopLooi the earth be glad be- fore the face ZjijozŸz:piLovyvgyguz8zLooIv,vitvftfizJuyvyzKjizoKiuzKiuYv/vvzzzzzzzzzzz of the Lord when he comes. Christmas: Midnight Mass Communion In splendoribus (Mode 6) Psalm 110 BGtvevttevttvzytvtyzzzzzztvTv,vtvtyJuvuvJuvyxxxzzz In the beau- ty of ho- li- ness have I be- got- ten BgHyztyzTEv,vtuyvzzzzhuztuLoyvtyGtzzzcevetHgyguvGtzzzzzzztvftfyftvTv/zzzzzzz you like dew from the womb of the morn- ing. Ad libitum Psalm 110: 1 BtyvytvyuvuvhuvUvmvHyv‰zivuvgyvTv.vtvyuvuzzzzzzzzzzzz The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand: un- til I BuovyvGtvyvtevtvHyvTv/vvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz make your en- e- mies your foot-stool.” Christmas: Mass of the Day Introit Puer natus est (Mode 7) Isaiah 9 VeuvuiJuyvyyyvuyKivuvUvmveuvuiuvytrvyyuv A child is born for us; a son is giv- VyyvyuHyyveREv.vDevryvtuiovuyvYvmvyvuyiuvytzzzzz en to us; and the gov- ern- ment shall be up- VyyHyvyvdydrzytHytrcTRc.czzytvyvyiJuyvyyHyvyvyuGtzytrzTRc, on his shoul- der; and his Name shall be called VyivuveyvyyzHyrvdrdyzzzFrz5zzgyvsesrsevEv/veytvyuvuvuovzz “Mes-sen- ger of great coun- sel.” Ps. Sing to the Lord ViviuvUIv.vutvyuvuvuz8zkovJuvyvyyyvREv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz a new song: for he has done mar-ve- lous things. Christmas: Mass of the Day Gradual Viderunt omnes (Mode 5) Psalm 98 XevtuvhuiutzJuuJuoiUc,cuivutvutJuutzzJuutzJuyzzUTc,zzzzzzzzzzzzzz All the ends of the earth XuyvuyKiiuyJUTc,cevtvdtdrzGtz6zJuiuvuyvjijojpviuvuyUTc.zzzzzzzzzz have seen the sal- va- tion of our God. XGtvuyvuuuvtuzzzzzzzzrezzzzzzzzerGtuTEv,vetzhJuziouvfuft›z6zzJuyzFrz5zHytrz Shout with joy to the Lord all you XetzzhJuzzetzzJuu›zydFryDtzzdFrtzFrrEc/vevtrvruvuivzzJuvzzuviJuutzJuiz lands. The Lord has made known his vic- XgJugyzuiTEc,cftuuzIzzJuutzzJuizzJgugyzzuizTEc,cftf›fzyzzzryzzhJuzzyJuyuzTEc,cteGtrez XGtertzJuuKiz9zlpviuvuiUTc.cctvtivivuifJuftvGtvuvhuhiz9zz:pzzzzzz to ry; his righ- teous- ness has he o- XiviuvuiUTc.ctuzjizzuuGtvtvutJuurtEv,vGtvrvftuutz›zHyrzzzz pen- ly shown in the sight of the na- XwertRc,certuGdtdrzzDerzftzJuur›zyzzTEv/vvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tions. Christmas: Mass of the Day Alleluia Dies sanctificatus (Mode 2) <FrvtvuiczziuizzHyyTvmvhuiozjKizzzrtzzJutzzzzhJuyudFrzuuzzzzfuftz6zzUTzzzzzzz/ Al- le lu- ia. <tvtrzGtz6zJuivoKiiuivKjizzuuGtyTvmvtvtyvzzzzzztvGtuuzzKioJuztizzzzzz A hal- lowed day has dawned up- on <hJzuyrzzfGtutzzJuutzHyrcRc.vttrzzGttrzzTWvmvrtzJuuzztrzzJuuJuvzzzzuvuizzzzzz us. Come, you na- <UvmvuvuivJuvuviuyzUTc.vtvtuzjKivoKiiuivhiuuGtyTc,zz tions and wor- ship the Lord; for on this day <tvtyvGftvtvtvftzuuzzKioJutizzJuyrzzfGtutzzJuutzzHyrvRv,vuizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz a great light has de- scend- ed up- <hihuzoiLovovdododidzdJdudydrdzdzGtz6zUTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz on the earth. Christmas: Mass of the Day Offertory Tui sunt caeli (Mode 4) Psalm 89 CGtvrzfGtzrvtvftyuyzfGtytFrvyrGtyTvmvyrvryGtvyvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Yours are the hea- vens; the earth is CutzytzFdrduytczzzKgigugyzJuytvTv.vrvdruKiczzuczzzyuHyytvtuHyytcyyyzzzzzzzz yours al- so; you laid the foun- da- tion CrtDevrvyuRv,vrvyyJurHyyzHyrHyyzHytrzGHyizl:pvuicucvtuHyyzzzzzzzzzzzz of the world and all that is in CYTv.vhihuzzKiuzftfyz7zKiuizHyz7zKiuKivyvttYv,vdydrz5zgyvyyyKiuyrzzzzzzzzzzz it; righ- teous ness and jus- CJuytzFr5zyrcRv,vFrvrvtyvuiuvyuzfHyftzzzFrtzREv,cyyyzHyrzJuytzzzzz tice are the foun- da- tions of CuyizzJuuyzJuiuvtuHyuHyyTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz your throne. Christmas: Mass of the Day Communion Viderunt omnes (Mode 1) Psalm 98 BtHyytvervwevDevevtyuLooyvytvuyRvmvtvyuyvzzz All the ends of the earth have seen the sal- BhuzztuLoouyFrtvTvmvtezGtrwvvftfuzyuGtrtvsesrsEv/zvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzz va- tion of our God.. Ad libitum Psalm 98: 1, 2 BGtvyuvuvuovuvuyvYUv,vytvyuvuvuouvHyvtvtttz Sing to the Lord a new song: for he has done mar-ve- lous BEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz things. BGtvyuvhuvuovuvuvJuvuyvYUc.ccytvyuvuvuzzzzzzzuvuoJuzzzzz With his right hand and his ho- ly arm: he has won for him- self BvyvGtvtttvEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the vic- to- ry. Second Sunday After Christmas First Sunday After Christmas (Roman Rite) Introit Deus in loco sancto suo (Mode 5) Psalm 68 XuuivJuvuvuiJuuvtrzvtz6zzhuvtevsesrsevEv,vtrtzzzzzzzz God in his ho- ly hab- i- ta- tion, God, XtrtvutzJuuuKiccuvuoizJuuTc,ctuzjKivuviocivuiJuuvYTv,zz who gives a home to the sol- i- ta- ry, XuvitvhuzzyizzJuyuzGttvtrvt›zyGtezzFrevEv,verzz›zHytyzhJuvuHyyzzzzzz will give strength and pow- er to his XFrz5zz›zgyvsesrsevEv/vvevtvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvizzzzz peo- ple. Ps. Let God a- rise and let his en- e- mies be XivUv.vtvuvuvuvuvivyvuvTv/zzzzvvvvvvzzzzzzzz scat- tered: let those who hate him flee be- fore him. Second Sunday After Christmas First Sunday After Christmas (Roman rite) Gradual Unam petii (Mode 5) Psalm 27 MrrtvrrvrvrvtytyvtvrvrtRWcmvwtzFrtyvftzyzˆzutzz One thing have I asked of the Lord, one thing MFrrwzzzFdrdtdrvyiviyKiiYc.vyvyivivˆzuiozjKizzuyzJuuYvmvycˆzuzzzzzzz I seek: that I may dwell in the MyytyvtrvervdryˆzuYRc,cytyiHyyrtRzzzzz/vzzzFrvyvzzzjizoioKioHyry house of the Lord. To be- hold MKioHyryzKiyzˆzUzzzmzzzyizLoizzLkozzzioydrzzGDdtdrzFrrrzgygKiopIcmzzziczzioiczzzziuLopzzzzzzzzoizzz the fair beau- ty MiiviviuzLjojiz:poiuzIYc.viviviuozzKhihuoizzLopozzl:pzzio:popvpip[ of the Lord and to seek him MLkozziiHyuYc,cdrytrctgyvgyiuzgHyiiiviiYcmczzˆzKuyutzRzzHgyutzzdFrytzzzzzzzzzzzzczzzz in his tem- ple. MKjiziiizHyyryfGtyzGttRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Second Sunday After Christmas First Sunday After Christmas (Roman rite) Alleluia Gaudete justi (Mode 4) Psalm 33 BsesrtvrtvgyuyzFdrtyzhJuvuouHyyTvmvyuyzJhuzyGttezzHyuHyrzHytyzzvzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia. BGttRv/vvttzGtyvezgHyuyzJuz‰ziJuuzyURvmvtz6zzJuvzzzzyvuuyvuyuzzzzzzzzz Re- joice in the Lord, you BtyfGftfyzzszsDesrsevEv.vsettezzzzzttevertzyJuuYvmvyuvyvfuftzzdHydrzterzzz righ- teous. It is good for the just BgHyuzHyyyzHyyzHyrGtrtzsFrseztyzGftyTRvmcrvrz5zHyuvuytzzHgyvuouzHyyTcmzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz to sing prais- es. ByuHyuyJguyzGttezzzgHyguzzzdzHydrzzzfHyftzyzzGttRc/vvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzz Second Sunday After Christmas First Sunday After Christmas (Roman rite) Offertory In te speravi (Mode 2) Psalm 31 Zwvdrtyvtvfuftz6zzJhuhihUv,vuvuvuyrGtz6zJuytvtz6zJuyuzzzzc In you, O Lord, I have put my ZYTv.vtvuvuuuzjKijovhuhizutvtvtz6zJuytrzvtz6zJuiJuuYc.zzcuuzzzzz trust. I have said, “You are my God; my ZuiLoiovutuuzzGtrzfGtuuvtrvrytvftfyfTv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz times are in your hands. Second Sunday After Christmas First Sunday After Christmas (Roman Rite) Communion (Year A) Tolle puerum (Mode 7) Matthew 2 XrtvrvtuyzJuiviiuvytvyuvYv,vivuuzHyrvtz6zJuzzz Take the child and his mo- ther and go to XuvtuKiyvtyvFrvdrdtdrvRv.crvruvzzzzzyzzzzzzzzzuioizzzzzzHyzzzcuzLkokpzoiz the

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