International Journal of Turbomachinery Propulsion and Power Article y Towards an Ultra-High-Speed Combustion Pyrometer Alberto Sposito, Dave Lowe and Gavin Sutton * National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Hampton Road, Teddington TW11 0LW, UK; [email protected] (A.S.); [email protected] (D.L.) * Correspondence: [email protected] This paper was presented at the 9th EVI-GTI International Gas Turbine Instrumentation Conference, Graz, y Austria on 20–21 November 2019. Received: 2 March 2020; Accepted: 10 December 2020; Published: 15 December 2020 Abstract: Measuring reliably the correct temperature of a sooty flame in an internal combustion engine is important to optimise its efficiency; however, conventional contact thermometers, such as thermocouples, are not adequate in this context, due to drift, temperature limitation ( 2100 K) and ≤ slow response time (~10 ms). In this paper, we report on the progress towards the development of a novel ultra-high-speed combustion pyrometer, based on collection of thermal radiation via an optical fibre, traceably calibrated to the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) over the temperature range T = (1073–2873) K, with residuals <1%, and capable of measuring at a sampling rate of 250 kHz. Keywords: combustion; temperature; pyrometer; optical sensor 1. Introduction Traceable, reliable measurement of combustion temperature is important because it can improve the understanding of the combustion process and provide a mechanism for the optimisation of engine power, fuel consumption and emissions [1]. These measurements are performed under highly dynamic conditions, with temperature changes of up to ~3300 K occurring on a millisecond timescale. Conventional temperature sensors based on contact thermometry (e.g., thermocouples) are inadequate in this context, due to their slow response time (~10 ms), temperature limitation ( 2100 K), drift and ≤ perturbation of the combustion process. To address this challenge, with particular reference to internal combustion and diesel engines, we are developing a novel ultra-high-speed combustion pyrometer, within the framework of the European joint research project DynPT—Development of measurement and calibration techniques for dynamic pressures and temperatures, part of the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) [2]. 2. System Design and Theoretical Model A schematic of the thermometer system design is shown in Figure1. It consists of: A sensor: a 2 m long gold-coated multi-mode (MM) step-index fibre, with 400 µm core diameter, • numerical aperture NA = 0.22, stainless-steel monocoil sheathing, a sub-miniature (SMA) connector on one end (hot front end) and a fibre-channel (FC) connector on the other end (cold back end)—for testing purposes, this was placed inside a ~1.7 m long stainless-steel tube (outer diameter: 20 mm, inner diameter: 16 mm), with the SMA connector protected by a recessed sapphire window; sensor and packaging can be tailored to the final application and installation requirements (e.g., addition of a collimating lens). An extension lead fibre: a lightly-armoured 10 m long MM step-index fibre patch-cord, with 600 µm • core diameter, NA = 0.22, dual acrylate coating, 3 mm diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sleeve and FC connectors on both ends—this connects the sensor (on the FC connector) to the interrogator. Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2020, 5, 31; doi:10.3390/ijtpp5040031 www.mdpi.com/journal/ijtpp Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2020, 5, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 15 Int.• J. Turbomach.An extension Propuls. lead Power fibre:2020 a, 5lightly-armoured, 31 10 m long MM step-index fibre patch-cord, with2 of600 16 µm core diameter, NA = 0.22, dual acrylate coating, 3 mm diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sleeve and FC connectors on both ends—this connects the sensor (on the FC connector) to the A passive optoelectronic interrogator, assembled in-house and consisting mainly of: • interrogator. • A passive optoelectronic interrogator, assembled in-house and consisting mainly of: a custom-made 1 3 mm2 step-index fibre coupler/splitter with 600 µm core diameter, × #o a custom-madeNA = 0.22 and 1 FC× 3 connectors mm2 step-index on all fibre ports; coupler/splitter with 600 µm core diameter, NA = 0.22three and photodetector FC connectors assemblies, on all ports; using off-the-shelf components, for measuring optical #o threethermal photodetector radiation at assemblies, 3 different wavelengths: using off-the-shelfλ1 = 850 components, nm, λ2 = 1050 for nm measuring and λ3 = 1300 optical nm; thermala power radiation supply at unit 3 different to power wavelengths: the photodetectors. λ1 = 850 nm, λ2 = 1050 nm and λ3 = 1300 nm; o a power supply unit to power the photodetectors. A# National Instrument (NI) data acquisition (DAQ) system, with maximum sampling rate • fAMAX National= 1 MHz, Instrument connected (NI) to data the optoelectronicacquisition (DAQ) interrogator system, with via BNC maximum cables sampling and to a Personalrate fMAX Computer= 1 MHz, (PC)connected via a USB to cable.the optoelectronic interrogator via BNC cables and to a Personal Computer (PC) via a USB cable. Figure 1. Schematic of the system. Fibres with large core diameterdiameter and large NANA werewere chosenchosen toto maximisemaximise collectioncollection of optical thermal radiation; the gold (Au) co coatingating allows the fibre fibre to withstand high temperatures, up to ~1000 K, although the core diameter ofof Au-coatedAu-coated fibresfibres isis limitedlimited toto 400400 µµm.m. The wavelengths of of the the photodetector photodetector assemblies assemblies were were chosen chosen based based on on previous previous experience experience to toavoid avoid spectral spectral features features (emission (emission and and absorption absorption lines) lines) from from the the combustion combustion by-products by-products and the components ofof the the pyrotechnic pyrotechnic charges charges (see figures (see below,figures taken below, from taken earlier from spectroscopic earlier spectroscopic experiments), asexperiments), well as to test as well the assumptionas to test the thatassumption the measured that the combustion measured combustion process behaves process like behaves a blackbody like a (emissivityblackbody (emissivity" = 1.0)—good ε = agreement1.0)—good amongstagreement the amongst temperatures the te estimatedmperatures at diestimatedfferent wavelengths at different canwavelengths be used to can confirm be used that to theconfirm blackbody that the condition blackbody is met. condition is met. Figure2 2aa showsshows thethe emissionemission spectrumspectrum capturedcaptured withwith aa SiSi spectrometer,spectrometer,where wherethe thefollowing following features werewere identified:identified: A. 589589 nm—Sodium nm—Sodium (Na) (Na) emission emission lines; lines; B. 619619 nm—CaOH nm—CaOH emission emission lines; lines; C. 693 nm—Potassium (K) emission lines; C. 693 nm—Potassium (K) emission lines; D. 767 nm—K emission and absorption lines; D. 767 nm—K emission and absorption lines; E. 960 nm—Uncertain of assignment. Int. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Power 2020, 5, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 15 Int.Int. J. Turbomach. J. Turbomach. Propuls. Propuls. Power Power 20202020, 5, 5x, FOR 31 PEER REVIEW 3 of3 of15 16 E. 960 nm—Uncertain of assignment. E. 960 nm—Uncertain of assignment. Figure 2. Pyrotechnic emission spectrum from (a) Si spectrometer, (b) InGaAs spectrometer, ~36 ms after ignition. The coloured vertical lines identify the chosen wavelength: 850 (blue line in (a)), 1050 FigureFigure 2. 2.PyrotechnicPyrotechnic emission emission spectrum spectrum from ((aa)) SiSi spectrometer, spectrometer, (b ()b InGaAs) InGaAs spectrometer, spectrometer, ~36 ~36 ms ms after (green line in (b)) and 1300 nm (red line in (b)). afterignition. ignition. The The coloured coloured vertical vertical lines lines identify iden thetify chosenthe chosen wavelength: wavelength: 850 (blue850 (blue line inline (a )),in 1050(a)), (green1050 (green line in (b)) and 1300 nm (red line in (b)). Figureline in (b2a)) andalso 1300 shows nm (redthe line blackbody in (b)). spectrum from a tungsten calibration lamp (with a temperatureFigureFigure 2a2 ofa also also3165 shows showsK) overlapped the the blackbody blackbody to the spectrum measur spectrum fromed spectrum. afrom tungsten a Thetungsten calibration agreement calibration lamp between (with lamp a the temperature (withshape ofa temperaturetheof 3165two spectra K) overlapped of 3165 suggests K) tooverlapped that the measuredthe blackbody to the spectrum. measur assumptioned The spectrum. agreement for a fireball The between agreement is a valid the shapebetween hypothesis. of the the two shape spectra of thesuggests twoFigure spectra that 2b the suggestsshows blackbody the that emission the assumption blackbody spectrum for assu a fireballcaptmptionured is for awith valid a fireball an hypothesis. InGaAs is a valid spectrometer, hypothesis. where the followingFigureFigure features 2b2b shows shows were the the identified: emission emission spectrum spectrum capt capturedured with with an an InGaAs InGaAs spectrometer, spectrometer, where where the the following features were identified: A.following 1104 nm—K features emission were identified: lines; A.B.A. 110411691104 nm—K nm—K nm—K emission emission emission lines; lines; lines; B.C.B. 1169Broad1169 nm—K OH nm—K absorption emission emission lines; in lines;the fibre; C. Broad OH absorption in the fibre; C.D. Broad1243 and OH 1252absorption nm—K in emission the
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