State of Cockburn Sound 2005 COCKBURN SOUND MANAGEMENT COUNCIL The role of the Cockburn Sound Management Council in implementing the State Environmental (Cockburn Sound) Policy 2005 State Environmental (Cockburn Sound) Policy 2005 Cockburn Sound Management Council Parliamentary Report (State of Cockburn Sound) Community Release This report was endorsed by the Cockburn Sound Management Council on 7 October 2005. Foreword On behalf of the Cockburn Sound Management environmental monitoring of Cockburn Sound and Council, I am pleased to present to the Minister for undertaken a variety of research projects on aspects the Environment the inaugural State of Cockburn such as seagrass distribution and health and the Sound report. This report has been prepared as part impacts of development within the Sound. A major of the implementation of the State Environmental achievement of the Council is its development of (Cockburn Sound) Policy 2005. The policy empowers the Environmental Management Plan for Cockburn the Cockburn Sound Management Council to report Sound and its Catchment which was launched by annually to the Minister for the Environment on the the Minister for the Environment in January 2005. state of the Sound and for the Minister to table that In addition, the Council has facilitated community report in Parliament. understanding of environmental issues by holding This report marks an important stage in the public forums and reporting to the community on development of the Council. Since its founding an annual basis. in 2000, the Council has made a significant contribution to the understanding of issues relating The Council has now begun to build upon this work to maintaining the health of the Sound in the context by extending its focus to the marine waters and the of its multiple and increasing uses and pressures. In catchment to the north of Cockburn Sound, into an particular, it has initiated a program of coordinated area known as Owen Anchorage. Professor Kateryna Longley Chair, Cockburn Sound Management Council October 2005 State of Cockburn Sound 2005 1 Contents Executive Summary 3 Setting the Scene 4 Key Achievements 5 Environmental Monitoring Program 7 Moving Forward 21 Annual Monitoring Programs 2004–05 22 References 24 2 State of Cockburn Sound 2005 Executive Summary The State Environmental (Cockburn Sound) LandCorp is proposing to address the issue of Policy 2005 was released in January 2005 by the phytoplankton biomass and poor water quality in Government of Western Australia. Jervoise Bay Harbours by amending its current Groundwater Recovery Program to better address The Cockburn Sound Management Council the removal of nitrogen from groundwater. The (CSMC) coordinates environmental planning and CSMC recommends the continuation of active management of Cockburn Sound and its catchment measures to reduce nitrogen in groundwater. and has an integral role in the implementation of the State Environmental Policy. The Department of Environment is currently reviewing the licence of premises involved In 2004–05, key achievements of the Council with the application and removal of organotin include the release of the Environmental compounds, including tributyltin, from marine Management Plan for Cockburn Sound and its vessels. Catchment, provision of advice on proposed developments such as the Perth Seawater The Department of Health and the City of Desalination Plant, the James Point Port and the Cockburn are investigating erecting signage to Kwinana Gas-Fired Power Station. The Council advise the public of the risks associated with eating held public meetings to assist in community potentially contaminated seafood collected from understanding of issues and to provide the Jervoise Bay Harbours. community with the opportunity to provide input Programs aimed at improving the water quality in to Councils work. Mangles Bay will continue to be implemented with The CSMC coordinated an Environmental Quality the aim of assisting in preventing further decline Monitoring Program (EQMP) for Cockburn Sound. of seagrass health. Based on the best available information and expert In the 2005–06 financial year the Council received advice, there appears to have been no significant additional funding from Government, for a three change in the overall health of Cockburn Sound year period, to implement the State Environmental since monitoring programs began in 2000. Policy and the Environmental Management Plan Report Cards for 2005 produced from data for Cockburn Sound. The Council will also extend collected as part of the EQMP during 2004–05 its work into Owen Anchorage. indicate that investigation and/or action is required The Council has commissioned studies for 2005–06 to be taken in relation to a number of parameters into Tributyltin and Groundwater contamination in monitored. Cockburn Sound and the Council will continue to The Department of Health is taking action in coordinate an environmental monitoring program relation to the levels of bacterial Enterococci for this kind of contamination. and thermotolerant faecal coliforms recorded at swimming beaches by undertaking an environmental sanitation survey. State of Cockburn Sound 2005 3 Setting the Scene Cockburn Sound, located some 20 kilometres south Cockburn Sound Management of the Perth–Fremantle area, is the most intensively used marine embayment in Western Australia. Its Council sheltered waters support diverse marine life and The Cockburn Sound Management Council was recreational and commercial activities. established in August 2000 in response to increasing A healthy Cockburn Sound marine ecosystem is a pressures on Cockburn Sound. Its purpose is to significant community asset, providing a range of coordinate environmental planning and management ecological (e.g. fish habitat, seagrass meadows) and of Cockburn Sound and its catchment. The CSMC is social values (e.g. swimming, fishing, aquaculture) chaired by an independent Chair and comprises 23 (DoE, 2005). members representing the general community (two members), Community Networking Incorporated, Recfishwest, Conservation Council, Cockburn State Environmental Policy for Powerboat Association, Kwinana Industries Council, Cockburn Sound WA Vegetable Growers Assoc, WA Fishing Industry Council, Department of Defence, CSIRO Marine, In response to increasing pressures on the Sound, the Department of Industry and Resources, Department Western Australian Government released the State of Conservation and Land Management, Department Environmental (Cockburn Sound) Policy 2005 which of Environment, Department of Fisheries, Fremantle outlines the environmental values, objectives and Ports, Department for Planning and Infrastructure, criteria for the management of Cockburn Sound and Water Corporation, South West Group, Rockingham its catchment. This policy was released in January City Council, Kwinana Town Council, and Cockburn 2005. City Council. Under the State Environmental Policy (SEP), envi- The CSMC is established as a sub-committee of the ronmental quality objectives have been established Water and Rivers Commission Board and receives for: administrative assistance and financial support from government through the Department of Environment ecosystem health (DoE). fishing and aquaculture recreation and aesthetics In 2005, the CSMC released its Environmental industrial water supply. Management Plan for Cockburn Sound and its Catchment. This document details a five-point Benchmarks, known as Environmental Quality plan of action towards implementing the SEP Criteria, have been developed for Cockburn Sound and coordinating the environmental planning and can be used to determine whether the environ- and management of Cockburn Sound and its mental values and objectives for Cockburn Sound catchment: are being protected. These criteria are outlined in a companion document titled Environmental Quality 1. Protecting the environmental values of Cockburn Criteria Reference Document for Cockburn Sound Sound. (2003–2004), Environmental Protection Authority 2. Facilitating multiple use of Cockburn Sound and (2005). its foreshore. This document provides two main types of 3. Integrating management of the land and marine Environmental Quality Criteria: Environmental environments. Quality Guidelines and Environmental Quality 4. Coordinating research and investigations. Standards. 5. Monitoring and reporting on performance. Under the SEP, the Cockburn Sound Management The CSMC produces annual Report Cards on the Council (CSMC) is required to report to the Minister health of Cockburn Sound. These Report Cards for the Environment on the state of Cockburn are derived by comparing monitoring data with Sound each year. This report is to include annual the environmental quality criteria, following the performance and monitoring reporting and is to be process defined in the Environmental Quality Criteria tabled in Parliament. Reference Document. 4 State of Cockburn Sound 2005 Key Achievements Environmental Management Plan Community Consultation In January 2005 the CSMC released its Environmental The CSMC held its annual Community Forums on Management Plan for Cockburn Sound and its 7 and 8 August 2005. During these meetings, the Catchment (EMP) after receiving endorsement from results of monitoring conducted during the 2004–05 the Minister for the Environment. This plan represents monitoring period were released in the form of annual the first coordinated approach to addressing the health Report Cards outlining the health of the Sound. The
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