THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF INDIANA UNIVERSITY-PUR DUE UNIVERSITY AT \ A f ARTMXT G U tM V' SAGAMORE Apt II, ISM VP nominee list New program tackles reduced to 100 pediatric transplants B yU V IN STEWART The vice presidential teerch i nominees to be submitted to IU prtsi dent John W. Ryan by the end of the state s only medical school W George II. chair of the "Transplants of many types of organs are ham to stay," Brown m ti miners have produced a list of more thm a year. "W e need to tram phyaow a for the than 100 nommation* and that dowers to Dr. Jacqueline A . O ’l future." Browo mentioned the need lor the nominees were completed last dinattng cardfofofiat for the program. psoas, but Friday. He said the committees are will Coordinating surgeon Dr John W for persunnai trainee in the process oi verifying the can­ care. Drug therapy so'prevent organ re didary of the nominees and will loon we do m the brat table iu t to present to Ryan. post be monitored tfoaefy, he mid. "W e would like very much to get everything done before students and The Med Center's pediatric lamliy leave for the sum mer." Pmnell cardiofogy-cardiac surgery prugram ■ said one oi the country's largest “ survival ia not as good." ha said. He added that due to the large number of nominations, including can didates inside and out of the IU system. Diver Cokey Smith, from Ann Arbor. Mich . eyes the water dur­ techniques are the sane for i each, over a long period of am t " the final list may be somewhat larger ing the preliminaries of the U S Indoor Dfvfng Chempionshipe Donor haarts for children are alao than the three to five candidates held in the Natatortum Photo by Tom Strattman “ it a big undertaking." ha said, "and harder to by, he said originally recommended by Ryan. "It In all rasas, acrordfog to the Medical would be great to get the list down to three or five candidates, but if not. then Housing ‘neglected’ says report we’ll work from th at." he said. There are two primary i Faculty groups at IUPU1 will have a Houdng for IUPUI students has The report called current on-campus three weeks for a letter to reach their chance to comment qn the finalised r neglected" for the last housing "inadequate" for a diverse country, and then another three weeks for survival. Brown said. One group list, Pmnell said, although the lot will 15 niiiers horn cardiomyopathy earned by be given to Ryan far a final decision, by the Student Housing Committee that policies be adapted to accom Specifically, the report blames the a virus infection The muedt » inef­ which will then be reviewed and voted recently. modate those students enrolled in "growing presence" of off-campus fective in pumping Mood," he laid upon by the IU Board of Trustees. The report states that the lack of an "unique programs" such at interna housing, the fuse-come, first-served The other group ia comprised of TJie search for a new vice president operational philosophy concerning stu tionai, graduate and health science housing policy, student and faculty children with "unrrpMmMe congenital comes at a time when the future role of dent housing contributes to the situs students confusion and a two-thrector ad IUPUI is being examined by both the bon "Existing circumstances," rather Bur dribs Carter, director of Interna ministration system, as four problem IU Task Force on University Organ its than a specific housing philosophy, tionai Student Services, said interna areas affecting IUPUI housing bon and the Indiana Higher Education characterise the student housing situs tionai students often apply too late So The committee, appointed by Vice bon on campus, it says. find on-campus housing " It amid take to o HOUSING. PngO la transplants on 10 so 12 adults tha year, fly hastflr about 20 Like mother, like daughter— queen for May each year, including By NANCY MERCHANT "S h e knows everything that's ahead However, the S4.000 scholarship The Med Center baa several active Wendy Barth has given the dty » m e," Wendy said. warded to Wendy win free up funds organ transplant programs, and ia a something to talk about. She is the first H ie judges for the pageant didn't leader in organ procurement. IUPUI student to be selected as 500 know who Wendy was. "W e were just Wendy said that her profesaon t Transplants performed at the center in­ Fesbval Queen and the first whose to be proud of her selection as Festival clude . kidneys, a bone marrow mother also held the title. Exactly 25 2 9 ." She alao Q* tuabon to any of the other coo be ‘Since I now have 1985 and cornea transplants. The media is excited about it. Two to study and may have i local disc jockeys who love to poke fun Wendy's mother and lather have led at Carmel houswives are now talking The vivacious junior is also trying about Wendy's chiktsood—being rais­ out fo the Colt's cheerleaders She has ed by a 500 Festival Queen made the first cut. "T h e y 're down to However, she said her mother never 100 girls," * e said. "N ow they will UNIVERSITY 2 A, 4A. 5A pushed her in any way. "T h is was the notes to go into choose 36.” OPNAON 3A very first pageant I've ever been in ," He wanted to raise a family in a FEATURE 1«A. 12A more normal atmosphere with his 500 Wendy explored the field Mm I A . 7 A . I A that Wendy has been Queen by working at t day care cs cent for her sister, a loved it," she said with a m ile, " I 1 1 A senior it Center Grove High School really loved i t " APARTMENT RUBE M R I her about the Wendy said, "T h e preawre she’s been Asked if she had ever been interested Wandy Barth VRl 18. Nr. 14 Student Commission to Brown at 264-277) or Sharon Grady. for The Monitor at help fund summer Jobs (617) 926-5090. Attocatfons to M p feed m u m job* throughout the University Division needs M r h m b t o made by the State Stud tutors for HELP program at 1 :1 8 p.m kt L I 103 No i 2 0 4 -6 2 4 6 Summer job. through the State Work^tudy program The Univanity Division HELP program ha* dx paid •re open to token* c o tte r Kudentt who received «n tutof poatnni available for mmmer temetter. Applicant THURSDAY_____________ SSA Q grant to attend m Indiana c o tte r the n u n be approved lor c otte r work-atudy by the Student The Uafvaratty WrlUng Canter wP aponaor a wotkfatop trom 11 am . to 1985-66 academic year. Uata of eligible itudenti are pro- noon on "Eaaay Emm Praparatton" In CA 4 2 7 . For mors tntormalton oak i cumulative G.P.A. of 2 .) or better. Far more The 1986 n rail Liaa Ruch, 264-2666. ljOOO poaitions in 6 ) counties, which it more than double I ol Raetsemnt sad Metal Management w6 have a what a n available in the fint two ' more in pork oook-ofl, ol 1 p.m. (judging at 2:30) kt kta area eouth of kta aohoot of Liaa Zay. 2)2-23)0 Campus Wheelchair Race Engineering mid Toohntori butdtoo Ptoh up rogiekaOon torme In ET 1202 For more kdonaaSon oaf Raymond Pm *. 2 6 4 -6 7 7 2 . Claycourt Tournament to rolls out on Wednesday towutdp w * havo a BMe atody on t u create parking problem The i ol Jaaua Horn 4 to 6 :1 6 p m kt BM RaaManoe Hal. Room 160. The oooung ol the National Qay court Tennis Tourna- ^ ^ 264-9907 or the B8U at 264-279. rot to IUPUI neat waak la The Wheelchair Race ruin are: ol lor the event. • There v c to be no more than 10 teamt confining oI The tournament, which run* from April 28 through May 2. coincide* with the w edtoi final m enu, marking the « Each participant muat uae hit/her end o l Spring Semewer O aten and April 29 and final ea­ be puthad off by r n * run April 30 through May 6 • Any participant who bin a IUPUI to trade views In “Fitness Day,” fair to world video conference be held, on east lawn A t many m 3 ) tfonal taaun and media rtapoMMky in a videoconference faculty amen their fitnoa levefa at IU P U I'. fourth «n aponsored by the Chnatian Science Monitor. nual Fttnen Day and Health Frir to be hdd May 22 IUPUI, along with other parhopabug tchoolt, will view an the can fawn ol the Union Building. Evaluation, will be made for weight and calorie cor throe mteraerinnel m et from 1 to 3:30 p-m in Lecture relation, rickic cett and thaiaaaemia screening, diabetes. H al, room 104. Tcati to detea atreae, heart attack ruk, oral health, According to Eari Foril. edhor-m-chfa* ol the Monitor. aual acui and drug, will abo be made. The event will be from 9.30 a jn to 3:30 pun. under The broadent n IUPUI w il be iottowed by a ditcunion a big tent on the Union Building lawn. For more infor­ lad by Jam n W.
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