rHE NOLA EXPRESS STERN Vol. 1, No. 24 Feb 28 - March 13 150 ESTATE THE FOURTH ESTATE electric circuitry, Media, by altering the environment, evoke in us an extension of unique ratios of sense perceptions. The extension of any one sense alters the way we think and act— the the way we perceive the world. When . central these P' ratios nervous change, system men chane. • ti Harold Weisberg Rt 8 Frederick Md 21701 in this issue SAMPLE Who owns radio &TV in New Orleans p.2 La. State Police Radio System p.3 Joint Legislative Committee Un-American Activities SNIFFING OUT SUBVERSION The Air is not yours- It belongs to The Rich and In 1914 life on Direction Island was peaceful. The war in.Etrope was on but it did not effect Direction Island except for the fact that the island was a relay station on a cable from Europe to Australia. The On Nov 9, 19/4 ken from the German communication now is on the TV has no right to intrude into the cruiser, EMDEN, tried to cut the screen, and this is I think controlled,: private affairs or American citizens cables kinglin Britain to Australia. and I believe you can'teay a He was fired. Before they could do so; the Aus- country has freedom orepeech if their tralian creaser -SYDNEY, interrupted.-:, main medium of speech is not free." The Germans were tryingto emulate ,("The Air Belongis to the People IMAM and WWL-TV - CBS Affiliate. the British. ,Within 3 days of Petei-Seeger Interview, The Speciatcr, her entry into the wat,'Britain-tad FebA8, 1969) WWL started in 1922 and is the oldest out all 5 of Germany's Cables to the radio station in New Orleans. It is outside world. By 1939 the Germans, WDSU-AM and WDSU-FM and WDSU-TV - NBC now, and has been since its beginning, learning the lesson,llad begun to Affiliate. owned by the Society of Jesus (the build the world's most ambitious Jesuits) broadcasting system. Outside Berlin, WDSU was the first TV station in La. Dr Goebbels erected a battery of The radio station had been in being -short wave transmitters that broadcast since at least 1929. It was possible daily entertainment and news and for WDSU to expand into TV thru the argument in fourteen languages. influx of Stern family capital. The (from Freedom of Information, by Sterns bought WDSU in 1948 and still Herman Bucker) own it thru the loyal Street Corp. The lesson is the importance of Stern money comes primarily from Sears thru Loyola University. 'In communications. InfOrtation that we & Roebuck. Edgar Stern Jr's mother, 1955 the Jesuits were in competition:: do not get does not exist. The means Edith, was a Rosenwald. with the Tisee-PiceYnne by which we get information is the Corp, owner of WITS radio, and James A media. The media .identify and define Stophenjiirminghem:ib2gs:Orowd tells Noe & Co, owner of New Orleans WNOE our environnent. 'Thosi who control' the story of Julius Rosenwaldwho went radio and KNOE radio and KNOE TTin the media control our view' f the ' to Chicago-at'a tender age and bought Monroe, La, for Channel 4 TV. Each of world. Their world is c_ orld. :a mail order house, Sears & Roebuck. the applicants submitted a brief to The lesson is the importance of Stern money comes primarily from Sears thru Loyola University. In eehathicatiOns. Information that we & Roebuck. Edgar Stern Jr'S mother, 1955 the Jesuits were in competition do not get does not exist. The means Edith, was a Rosenwald. with the Tines!!Picayune.Pdblishing by which we get information is the Corp, owner of WTF8 radio, and James A media. The media identify and.define •Stephen. Birminghamjn_CurCrowd tells Noe & Co, owner of New Orleans WNOE our envirminent: Those who control' the story of Julius Rosenwald who went radio and KNOE radio and ImE.TIVin- the media control'emr, Viewof:thq :- -to Chicageat'a tender age and bought' Monroe, La, for Channel 4 TV. Each of world. Their world is our world. a mail. order house„Seare& Roebuck. the applicants submitted a brief to When Julius Rosenwald needed money to the FCC. The FCC examiner, Elizabeth The men who control the media in r -expand he went to See his cousin, C Smith, proposed that the FCC reject. Orleans are not a typical Arose! HenrrGoldmani. of GoldmaniSachs•& Co Loyola and Noe. She said that Noe & section of the people.. They are the (New:York investment banking). He Co should be rejected because the com- corporate rich. As you will see of asked for 5 million dollars and it pass lackeiproof "tbat,it has avail- those who actually live in New Orleans, was suggested that he make a public able funds necessari to construct and they do not limit their contrel to .offering'of Sears stock - and make operateAte proposed TV station." the medii. They are in all sectors., 10 million dollars?, He did. Edgar B of the environment. Stern Jr, an heir, now owns approx In her opinion on Loyola the'examiner 339,623 shareS worth $20,396,249. said, "Loyola has a distinct and If we want to change the world we definite relationship" with other must take control away from those who radio stations elsewhere in the are now defining our environment; that country licensed to corporations is, we must make another environment controlled by the Society of Jesus. possible. We must get to the media. She said WWL was "one of the most important and powerful AM radio "I feel very strongly that the fight facilities in the nation." for freedom of speech in America during the next decade is going to be to free In their TV history the Sterns have the screen and. free the air -- in had little trouble with the. Federal =flyways we enjoy more freedom of Communications Commission (FCC).- In Loyola speech than most of the world but this 1951 the FCC renewed WDSU's license Advisory very freedom of speech that we have is with a warning that they cannot censor Committee possible- becaUse the' air is so unfree. the content of political speeches. In • Let me explain. It's a little bit like the 1949-50 campaign, Alvin A Cobb was • JOHN LEGIER the Army where the officers will tell refused time by WDSU. Cobb, a candb;.!=. The examiner recommended that the the enlisted men "yea can bitch all date for mayor, was considered a firm station be granted to the Times- you want, you can sit around and segregationist and the Sterns are Picaymne Publishing Corporation. gripe, for as long as you are in the commonly known as liberals. But, lest barracks, but once you leave the we think the Sterns stray too far to In '56 the FCC reversed the examiner barracks and line up and answer roll the "left," in 1956 Heiman Liveright, •- and granted the channel to WWL. WWL, call, then you keep your lip butt- program director for WDSU was. subpoenaed TV has been operating since 157. oned." And it's a little bit that way, by the Congressional. Subcommittee on we are told you can say anything you Internal Security. - Liveright•was In January .'58 the Times-Picayune want almost, as long as it's on immediately "relieved of his duties." • Publishing Corp asked the U S Court print and we can afford to pay the Jerk Senator James Eastland presided: of Appeals in Washington DC to reverse': printer, which isn't completely true, at the hearing. Liveright did not take . 'the FCC grant of Channel 4 to LOYOla. but darn near true. This is possible the 5th amendment.but refused to •• . They did hat. In Oct 58 the Times only because the big medium of answer on the grounds that Congress • Picayune bought the New -Orleans Item (owned by David (Tommy) Stern) and merged the States and the LA. STATE POLICE Item. Then they sold the radio RitionWITS which they had made a Hcommittment" to the U S -Dept of RADIO SYSTEM Justice to sell when the merger took place. The dates are interesting be- cause it would seem that the Times- Picayune decided to sell WTPS after FIGURE I it could notget a TV licenaeon- LA. STATE POLICE Picayune stockholders apparently pre- ferred to control only two-thirds of 391111 BAND the newspapers and part of the radio . 250 WATT STATION and TV in New Orleans rather than all A 60 WATTS OR LESS the newspapers (assuming the Justice • EMERGENCY POWER AVAILABLE Dept would not let them have a news- paper monopoly as well as a TV station). They settled for the newspaper mono.% poly and gave up the radio station when they couldn't get the TV channel. Four years later the major Times- Picayune stockholders were the heirs of Leonard.K Nicholson: Jerry Nichol- son, Mrs Yorke P Nicholson, Mrs Eleanor Nicholson Corbin and Mrs Elisabeth Nicholson Fischer. In '62. they sold out to Sam Newhouse. Present System The communication system of the Division of State Police is cnrrently. WVDE-TV - ABC Affiliate. maintained on a 24-hour basis, with communication facilities in each troop office and substation. The central communications center is located at ifi-Arr. +Um :4-mmmmls 4Arm +U. 7Nr Tit Eleanor Nicholson Carbinand Mrs 1•111114, Elisabeth Nicholson Fischer. In '62' they sold out to Sam Newhouse. Present System The communication system of the Division of State Police is currently WVUE-TV - ABC Affiliate. maintained on a 24-hour basis, with communication facilities in each troop After the struggle for Channel 4 the office and substation.
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