Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for New Journal of Chemistry. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2019 Supporting Information for Thorough Utilization of Rice Husk: Metabolite Extracts for Silver Nanocomposite Biosynthesis and Residues for Silica nanomaterials Fabrication Chun Song,*a1 Fang Ye,a1 Sijie Liu,*b Fangfang Li,b Yuxiong Huang,c Rong Ji,d Lijuan Zhao*d aInstitute of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, College of Environmental Sciences, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu, 611130, China bSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 1037 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430074, China cShenzhen Environmental Science and New Energy Technology Engineering Laboratory, Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute, Shenzhen 518055, China dState Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210023, China *Corresponding author. Email address: [email protected] (C. Song); [email protected] (S. Liu); [email protected] (L. Zhao) 1 C.S. and F.Y. contributed equally to this manuscript, considered as co-first authors. 1 Table S1 340 low molecular weight metabolites were identified and quantified in RH extracts Metabolites Qua Metabolites Qua Metabolites Qua Metabolites Qua Metabolites Qua nt nt nt nt nt Mas Mas Mas Mas Mas s s s s s (-)- 169 4- 267 citric acid 147 kyotorphin 263 palatinitol 259 Dihydrocarveol Hydroxybenzoic acid 1,2- 227 4- 233 citrulline 256 lactic acid 117 palmitic acid 132 Cyclohexanedion hydroxybutyrate e 1,5- 125 4- 249 coniferyl 235 Lactobionic 259 p-Anisic acid 209 Anhydroglucitol hydroxycinnami alcohol Acid c acid 10- 227 4- 267 Coprostan-3- 267 lactulose 232 p- 121 Hydroxydecanoi Hydroxymandeli one benzoquinone c acid c acid 11-beta- 199 4- 223 creatine degr 147 L-Allothreonine 73 Pelargonic 187 prostaglandin-F- Hydroxymandel acid 2-alpha onitrile 1-Hydroxy-2- 227 4- 249 Cumic Acid 221 L-dopa 218 Phenyl beta- 225 naphthoic acid Hydroxymethyl- D- 3- glucopyranos methoxyphenox ide yacetic acid 1- 281 4- 152 cuminic 207 leucine 158 phenylacetald 137 Hydroxyanthraqu HYDROXYPY alcohol ehyde inone RIDINE 1-Kestose 217 4- 267 cycloleucine 156 Leucrose 204 Phenylacetic 91 methylumbellife acid rone 1- 213 4-nitrocatechol 194 Cysteinylglyci 176 Levoglucosan 217 phenylalanine 192 Methyladenosine ne 1- 258 4-nitrophenol 196 cytidine 240 L-glutamic acid 84 Phenylphosp 213 Methylhydantoin horic acid 1-Monopalmitin 239 4-oxo-1H- 225 D-(glycerol 1- 299 L-homoserine 263 phosphate 267 quinoline-2- phosphate) carboxylic acid 2,3- 147 4-Vinylphenol 192 D-alanyl-D- 83 linoleic acid 67 phosphomyci 84 Dimethylsuccinic dimer alanine n acid 2,4- 202 5,6- 171 D-Altrose 205 linolenic acid 240 Phytanic acid 159 diaminobutyric dihydrouracil acid 2,6- 184 5- 173 D-Arabitol 217 L-Malic acid 174 Phytol 213 Diaminopimelic Aminoimidazole acid -4-carboxamide 20alpha- 201 5-Aminovaleric 174 Dehydroascor 173 Lumazine 249 picolinic acid 180 Hydroxycholeste acid bic Acid rol 22- 173 5-aminovaleric 105 D- 179 lysine 174 pimelic acid 199 Ketocholesterol acid lactam erythronolacto ne 24,25- 174 5- 218 D-erythro- 191 Lyxonic acid, 231 Pipecolinic 156 dihydrolanosterol Hydroxyindole- sphingosine 1,4-lactone acid 3-acetic acid 2-Amino-1- 174 5- 263 D-galacturonic 334 Lyxose 103 proline 142 phenylethanol hydroxytryptoph acid an 2-amino-2- 146 5- 349 D-Glyceric 189 Maleamate 244 prostaglandin 199 methylpropane- Methoxyindole- acid A2 1,3-diol 3-acetic acid 2 2-Amino-2- 259 5- 174 dibenzofuran 56 maleic acid 245 Prostaglandin 225 norbornanecarbo Methoxytryptam E2 xylic acid ine 2- 130 5- 267 Digalacturonic 204 Maleimide 154 putrescine 174 aminoethanethiol Methylresorcino acid l 2'- 207 6- 188 Dihydroxyacet 174 malonic acid 173 pyrogallol 239 deoxyadenosine Aminopenicillan one ic acid 2'-Deoxycytidine 160 6-deoxy-D- 117 Dithioerythrito 263 maltose 204 Pyruvic acid 174 5'-triphosphate glucose l degr prod 2-Deoxy-D- 142 6-hydroxy 261 DL- 132 maltotriose 204 quinic acid 255 galactose caproic acid dihydrosphing osine 2-deoxy-D- 172 6-hydroxy 187 dl-p- 314 mannitol 205 resveratrol 225 glucose caproic acid Hydroxypheny dimer llactic acid 2- 117 6-hydroxy 228 D-Talose 160 Melatonin 232 ribose 103 Deoxyerythritol caproic acid trimer 2'- 281 6- 299 Elaidic acid 226 Melezitose 267 ribulose-5- 227 deoxyguanosine phosphogluconic phosphate acid 2-Deoxytetronic 233 8-Aminocaprylic 213 epsilon- 170 Menthone 82 Saccharic 333 acid acid Caprolactam acid 2-Deoxyuridine 169 Abietic Acid 185 Ergosterol 210 methionine 128 scopoletin 183 sulfoxide 2-Furoic Acid 125 acetanilide 199 Erythrose 205 methyl 185 Sedoheptulos 204 dodecanoate e 2-hydroxy-3- 259 Acetol 219 Ethanolamine 174 methyl 87 serine 132 isopropylbutaned octanoate ioic acid 2- 227 Acetophenone 138 farnesol 123 Methyl 241 Sinapyl 210 Hydroxybiphenyl Phosphate alcohol 2- 131 Acetylsalicylic 121 ferulic acid 249 methyl trans- 131 Sophorose 204 hydroxybutanoic Acid cinnamate acid 2- 152 Aconitic Acid 229 formononetin 174 Methyl yellow 121 sorbitol 132 hydroxypyridine 2- 247 adenine 264 fructose 225 Methyl-beta-D- 204 sorbose 84 Hydroxyvaleric galactopyranosi acid de 2-ketoadipate 100 adenosine 230 fucose 160 Methylmalonic 86 stearic acid 132 acid 2-ketobutyric 84 Adipamide 255 fumaric acid 245 Mono(2- 221 succinate 89 acid ethylhexyl)phth semialdehyde alate 2-keto-isovaleric 186 adipic acid 275 Galactinol 204 Monoolein 201 succinic acid 247 acid 2-Ketovaleric 89 ADRENOSTER 226 Galactonic 217 myo-inositol 267 sucrose 229 acid ONE acid 2- 259 alanine 116 Gallic acid 281 Myristic Acid 195 sulfuric acid 259 methylfumarate 2-Methylglutaric 123 Alizarin 180 Gentiobiose 204 N-(2- 232 Synephrine 267 Acid hydroxyethyl)- iminodiacetic acid 3,4- 267 Allantoic acid 259 gentisic acid 223 N-Acetyl-beta- 84 Tagatose 263 Dihydroxyphenyl D- glycol mannosamine 3,4- 240 allose 249 Glucoheptonic 259 N-Acetyl-D- 202 tartaric acid 219 Dihydroxypyridi acid galactosamine ne 3,5- 223 alpha-D- 98 gluconic acid 205 N-Acetylisatin 233 Tartronic acid 102 Dihydroxyphenyl glucosamine 1- glycine phosphate 3,6-Anhydro-D- 231 alpha- 183 Gluconic 160 N-Acetyl-L- 288 terephthalic 221 galactose ketoisocaproic lactone glutamic acid acid 3 acid 3- 102 Aminooxyacetic 235 glucose 244 N-Acetyl-L- 228 Tetradecanoi 199 Aminoisobutyric acid leucine c acid, methyl acid ester 3-hydroxy-3- 199 Aniline-o- 182 Glucose-1- 217 N-Acetyl-N- 58 Threitol 267 methylglutaric sulfonic acid phosphate formyl-5- acid methoxykynure namine 3- 222 asparagine 159 glucose-6- 314 N- 202 Threonic acid 220 Hydroxyanthrani phosphate Acetyltryptopha lic acid n 3-hydroxybenzyl 179 aspartic acid 232 glucuronic 160 N-alpha-Acetyl- 257 threonine 219 alcohol acid L-ornithine 3-hydroxybutyric 191 Atrazine-2- 242 glutamic acid 246 naringenin 267 thymidine 259 acid hydroxy 3-hydroxy-L- 230 azelaic acid 201 glutamine 155 N- 246 thymine 255 proline Carbamylgluta mate 3- 131 benzoic acid 179 Glutaric Acid 263 N-formyl-L- 233 toluenesulfon 229 Hydroxynorvalin methionine ic acid e 3- 233 Benzoylformic 104 glycerol 205 Nicotianamine 249 trans-4- 263 Hydroxypalmitic acid hydroxy-L- acid proline 3- 245 beta-Alanine 248 glycine 174 nicotinic acid 180 trehalose 191 hydroxyphenylac etic acid 3- 219 beta- 204 glycocyamine 263 Nicotinoylglyci 106 trehalose-6- 227 Hydroxypropioni Mannosylglycer ne phosphate c acid ate 3- 152 biotin 242 glycolic acid 147 N-Methyl-DL- 130 tryptophan 202 Hydroxypyridine alanine 3-Methylamino- 86 butyraldehyde 145 gly-pro 174 N-Methyl-L- 70 tyramine 239 1,2-propanediol glutamic acid 3-Phenyllactic 193 caprylic acid 201 guaiacol 181 N- 144 tyrosine 226 acid methyltryptoph an 4,2',4'- 222 carbamoyl- 257 Guanidinosucc 235 noradrenaline 235 uracil 241 trihydroxychalco aspartic acid inic acid ne 4',5-dihyrroxy-7- 232 Carbazole 255 guanine 352 Norleucine 86 uridine 217 methoxyisoflavo ne 4-Acetylbutyric 114 Carnitine 159 guanosine 245 O-acetylserine 102 valine 144 acid 4-aminobutyric 174 cellobiose 249 Hesperitin 209 octanal 226 vanillin 223 acid 4-Androsten- 267 Cetadiol 253 indole-3- 202 oleic acid 117 Vanillylmand 297 11beta-ol-3,17- acetamide elic acid dione 4-Androsten-19- 263 cholesterol 136 Indolelactate 259 ornithine 244 xanthine 267 ol-3,17-dione 4-Androstene- 169 cholic acid 67 inosine 259 O- 128 xylitol 117 3,17-dione Succinylhomos erine 4-Cholesten-3- 222 cis-gondoic acid 267 isocitric acid 245 oxalic acid 147 xylose 234 one 4-hydroxy-3- 267 Citraconic acid 259 Isoleucine 158 oxamic acid 190 palatinitol 259 methoxybenzoic acid; 4- 223 Citraconic acid 89 Isomaltose 160 oxoproline 156 palmitic acid 132 hydroxybenzalde degr1 hyde 4.
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