Group Ownership Meredith Broadcasting Group, Meredith Corp., 1716 treas. KKAR(AM) Omaha, all NE. Locust St., Des Moines, IA (50309- 3023). (515) 284 -3331. Stns: 4 AM. WLYV(AM) Fort Wayne, IN; WLCM(AM) Ownership: John C. Mitchell. Fax: (515) 284 -2393. Executive: John Loughlin, pres, Charlotte (Lansing), WLQV(AM) Detroit and WSNL(AM) Broadcasting Group. Flint, all MI. The Mondosphere Broadcasting Group, 966 E. Essex Stns: 18 TV. KPHO -DT and KPHO -TV Phoenix, AZ; Dr., Fresno, CA (93720). (209) 434 -1715. Fax: (209) Midwest Communications Inc., Box 23333, Green Bay, 434 -2429. E -mail: mondocooemsn.com. Executive: Jon WJNX -TV Atlantic, GA; WOGX -TV Ocala, FL; WFSB(TV) WI (54305). (414) 435 -3771. Fax: (414) 455 -1155. Gary E. Horton, COO. and WFSB -DT Hartford, CT; WOFL(TV) and WOFL -DT Tesch, exec VP; Jeff McCarthy, VP opns. Orlando, FL; WGGL(TV) Atlanta, GA; WNEM -TV Bay City, Stns: 3 AM, 11 FM. KHIS(AM) -KSMJ(FM) Bakersfield, Stns: 6 AM, 11 FM. WTVB(AM) -WNWN -FM Coldwater KKDJ(FM) Delano. MI; KCTV(TV) Kansas City, MO; KWU -TV Henderson and WNWN(AM) -WFAT(FM) Portage, both MI; KKXX -FM Delano, KYNO(AM)- (Las Vegas), NV; WHNS(TV) Greenville, NC; WSMV(TV) WGEE(AM) -WIXX(FM) Green Bay, WNFL(AM) Green KJFX(FM) Fresno, KRAB(FM) Green Acres, KQJZ(FM) and WSMV -DT Nashville, TN; KPDX(TV) and KPDX -DT Bay, WOFM(FM) Mosinee, WNCY-FM Neenah -Menasha, Grover City, KSTT -FM Los Osos- Baywood Park, KSLY -FM Beaverton/Bend (All 100% owned.) and LPTV: KFXO -LP WROE(FM) Neenah -Menasha, WOZZ(FM) New London, San Luis Obispo, KXFM(FM) Santa Maria and KFRR(FM) Bend both OR. WRIG(AM) Schofield, WLTM(FM) Sturgeon Bay, Woodlake, all CA; WAOC(AM) St. Augustine and Ownership: Meredith Broadcasting is an operating WDEZ(FM) Wausau and WSAU(AM) -WIFC(FM) Wausau, WJQR(FM) St. Augustine Beach, both FL. group of Meredith Corp., Des Moines, IA, which publishes all WI, WIZD(FM) Rudolph, WI. Ownership: Clifford N. Burnstein, co -pros; Peter D. several magazines including Better Homes & Gardens. Ownership: D.E. Wright, 100 %. Mensch, co -pres. Successful Farming, Ladies Home Journal and consumer books. The Mid -West Family Broadcast Group, Box 253, Montrose Broadcasting Corp., Box 248, 9 Locust St., Madison, WI (53701). (608) 273 -1000. Fax: (608) 273- Montrose, PA (18801). (570) 278 -2811. Fax: (570) 278- Meridian Broadcasting Inc., 2824 Palm Beach Blvd., 3588 E -mail: [email protected]. Web Site: ww- 1442. E -mail: mail @wpel.org. Web Site: www.wpel.org. Fort Myers, FL (33916). (941) 337 -2346. Fax: (941) 332- w.madisonsource.com. William R. Walker, dir; Thomas A. Larry Souder, pros; Esther Depue, sec./treas. 0767. Joseph C. Schwartzel, pres. Walker, tress; Richard T. Record, dir. Stns: 2 AM, 3 FM. WPGM -AM -FM Danville, WPEL- Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. WNOG(AM), WARO(FM) and Stns: 8 AM, 15 FM. WGAY(AM)- WNNS(FM) Springfield AM-FM Montrose and WBGM(FM) New Berlin, all PA. (All WTLT(FM) Naples, FL. Loc mktg agreement: WINK - and WOLZ(FM) Taylorville, both IL; WCNF(FM) Benton 100% owned.) AM -FM and WTLQ(AM) Fort Myers, FL. Harbor, WYTZ(FM) Bridgman, WZTY(FM) Hartford, Ownership: No stock. Nonprofit, noncommercial Ownership: Joseph C. Schwartzel. 50 %; Meridian WSJM(AM) -WIRX(FM) St. Joseph and WGMY(AM)- licensee controlled by a bd of dir, none of whom own stock. Broadcasting Trust. 50%. WCSY-FM South Haven, all MI; KKLH(FM) Marshfield KOMG(FM) Ozark and KOSP(FM) Willard, all MO; WIZM- The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 820 N. LaSalle Metro Birch Enterprises Inc., 219 W. 5th Ave., Pine Bluff, AM-FM La Crosse, WKTY(AM) -WRQT(FM) La Crosse. Blvd., Chicago, IL (60610). (312) 329 -4301. Fax: (312) AR (71601). (870) 536-1199. WHIT(AM) Madison, WTDA(AM)- WMGN(FM) Madison, 329 -8980. Web Site: www.moody.edu. Joseph Stowell, Stns: 2 AM, 1 FM.. KDDA(AM) Dumas, KXFE(FM) WTDY(AM) Madison, WWOMFM Middleton and WJ- pres. Dumas and KPBA(AM) Pine Bluff, all AR. (All 100% JO(FM) Watertown, all WI. Stns: 6 AM, 25 FM. WMBV(FM) Dixons Mills, AL; owned.) Ownership: William R. Walker, Philip Fisher, Thomas M. WRMB(FM) Boynton Beach, WKES(FM) Lakeland, Kushak. WKZM(FM) Sarasota, and WSOR(FM) Naples, all FL; Metromedia CMR Inc., 211 Gordon, Verdun, PQ (H4G WAFS(AM) Atlanta, GA; WMBI -AM -FM Chicago, WDLM- 2R2). Canada. (514) 767 -9250. Fax: (514) 766 -9569. Midwest Radio Corp., 346 Main St., Winner, SD (57580). AM-FM East Moline and WJCG(FM) Monee, all IL; E -mail: q92 @g921m.com. Executives: Pierre Beland, pres; (605) 842 -3333. Fax: (605) 842 -3875. Scott Schramm, WGNR -AM -FM Anderson, WIWC(FM) Kokomo and Pierre Arcand, exec VP. pres. WHPL(FM West Lafayette, all IN; WJSO(FM) Pikeville, Stns: 3 FM. CFQR(FM) Montreal CIME(FM) St. Jerome Stns: 1 AM, 1 FM. KWYR -AM -FM Winner, SD. (All 100% KY; WGNB(FM) Zeeland, MI; WMBU(FM) Forest, MS; and CKOI -FM Verdun, all PQ. (All stns are located in owned.) KSPL(FM) Kalispell, MT; KMBN(FM) Las Cruces, NM; Canada.) WCRF(FM) Cleveland and WVMS(FM) Sandusky, both Midwestern Broadcasting Co., 314 E. Front St., OH; New FM Meadville and WVMN(FM) New Castle, both Metropolitan Radio Group Inc., 3801 Skillem Blvd., Traverse City, MI (49684). (616) 947 -7675. Fax: (616) PA; WMBW(FM) Chattanooga, WMKW(FM) Crossville, Flower Mound, TX (75028). (817) 430 -3548. (417) 581 929 -3988. WFCM -FM Murfreesboro and WFCM(AM) Smyrna, all TN; 5595. Fax: (417) 581 -5596. Executives: Gary L. Acker, Stns: 4 AM, 5 FM. WATZ-AM -FM Alpena, WBCM(FM) KMLW(FM) Moses Lake and KMBI -AM -FM Spokane, both pres/CEO; Mark L. Acker, sec. Boyne City, WKJF -AM -FM Cadillac, WCCW -AM -FM WA. Stns: 14 AM, 6 FM, 1 LPTV. KGHT(AM) Sheridan (Little Traverse City and WTCM -AM -FM Traverse City, all MI. (All Rock), AR; KNKN(FM) arid KRMX(AM) Pueblo, CO; 100% owned.) Morgan County Industries Inc., 129 College St., West Liberty, KY (41472). (606) 743 -3145. Fax: (606) 743 WOBS(AM) Jacksonville, WBRD(AM) Palmetto Ownership: Ross Biederman, 52.5 %; William Kiker -9557. Dr. C. C. pros. (Bradenton), Petersburg Estate, 16.25 %; William McClay, 15 %. Smith, SSarasota,allS FL; KJVC(FM)BMansfed Stns: 2AM, 3 FM. WCBJ(FM) Campton, WMOR -AM -FM KORI(FM) Mansfield, KIOU(AM) Shreveport and Mifflin County Broadcasting Co., 12 E. Market St., 2nd Morehead and WLKS -AM -FM West Liberty, all KY. (All KBSF(AM)-KTKC(FM) Springhill, all LA; WEW(AM) St. FI., Lewistown, PA (17044). (717) 248 -6757. Fax: (717) 100% owned.) Louis, MO; KTNZ(AM)- KBZD(FM) Amarillo and KIJN- 248 -6759. AM-FM TX; VA. Morris Communications Inc., 725 Broad St., Augusta, Farwell, both and WCKO(AM) Norfolk, Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. WLAK(FM) Huntingdon and GA (30901). (706) 724-0851. Fax: (706) 722 LPTV: KO8MA Springfield, MO. Note: Group has been WIEZ(AM) -WMRF -FM Lewistown, both PA. (All 100% -7125. Web approved to purchase WRXB(AM) St. Petersburg Beach, owned.) Site: www.morriscomm.com. Executives: W.S. Morris Ill, FL. chmn/CEO; Will S. Morris IV, pres; Peter D. Scheurmier, Ownership: Gary L. Acker. Miller Broadcasting Co., 603 F St., Eureka, CA (95501). VP bcstg. (707) 445-8104. Fax: (707) 445 -3906. Stns: 11 AM, 13 FM. KEAG(FM), KFQD(AM)- Meyer Communications Inc., Box 3676, Springfield, MO Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. KXGO(FM) Arcata, KAJK -FM KWHL(FM), KHAR(AM)-KBRJ(FM) and KMXS(FM) (65808). (417) 862 -3990. Fax: (417) 869 -7675. Web Site: Ferndale and KNCR(AM) Fortuna, all CA. (All 100% Anchorage, AK; KCLB -AM -FM Coachella, KKUU(FM) www.ktxrfm.com. Executive: Kenneth E. Meyer, pres. owned.) Indio, KCMJ(AM) Palm Springs, KNWZ(AM) Thousand Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. KTXR(FM) Springfield (98.3 %) and Palms, KXPS(AM) Thousand Palms and KYOR(FM) KWTO -AM -FM Springfield (100 %), both MO. Miller Media Group, Box 169, 918 East Park, Taylorville, Yucca Valley, all CA; WIBW -AM -FM Topeka, KS; KGNC- Ownership: Kenneth E. Meyer, 100%. IL (62568- 0169). (217) 824-3395. Fax: (217) 824 -3301. AM-FM Amarillo, TX; KXRO AM)- KDUX -FM Aberdeen, Randal J. Miller, pres. KWIQ -FM Moses Lake, KWIQ(AM) Moses Lake North, Mid Atlantic Network, Box 3300, Winchester, VA (22604). Stns: 1 AM, 5 PM. WKEI(AM) -WJRE(FM) Kewanee, KKRT(AM) -KKRV(FM) Wenatchee and KVYF(FM) Wilson (540) 667 -2224. Fax: (540) 722 -3295. WEGY(FM) Pana, WMKR(FM) Taylorville, WTIM -FM Creek, all WA. Stns: 3 AM, 6 FM. WAPP(FM) Berryville, WACL(FM) Taylorville and WRAN(FM) Tower Hill, all IL. Ownership: See also Cross -Ownership, Sect. A. Group Elkton, WFVA(AM)- WBQB(FM) Fredericksburg, WKCY- Ownership: Randal J. Miller owns 100% of WKEI(AM)- also owns the Kansas Agriculture Network, Topeka, KS; AM-FM Harrisonburg, WBPP(FM) Strasburg and WINC- WJRE(FM), 100% of WEGY -FM, 70% of WMKR(FM) and Kansas Information Network, Topeka, KS; and the Wildcat AM-FM Winchester, all VA. WTIM -FM, and 100% of WRAN(FM). Lawrence Travis Sports Network, Topeka, KS. Ownership: John P. Lewis, David P. Lewis, Howard P. owns 30% of WMKR(FM) and WTIM -FM. Note: Group Lewis. also owns the Hometown Illinois Radio Network, an ad- Morris Multi- Media, 27 Abercorn St., Savannah, GA hoc network of 50 radio stns that broadcasts state boys (31401). (912) 233 -1281. Fax: (912) 232 -4639. Executive: Mid -America Radio Group Inc., Box 1970, Martinsville, basketball tournaments, and reports from the Illinois State Charles H.
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