Academic Publications: Aleppo

Academic Publications: Aleppo

Academic Publications: Aleppo Abu Shāla, Abd al-Majīd. 1967. “Al-Sinā’āt Al-Taqlīdiyya Fī Halab [Traditional Crafts of Aleppo].” Majallat Al-Imaran 20: 62–78. Al-Amilī, Husayn Mallī. 1968. Ta’rīkh Mashhad Al-Imām Al-Husayn Fī Halab [The History of the Tomb of Al-Imam Al-Husain in Aleppo]. Beirut: Matba’at al-Misri. Al-Bahnasi, Afif. 1980. “Aleppo.” In The Islamic City, edited by Robert Bertram Serjeant, 177– 82. Paris: UNESCO. ———. 1984. “Visite Archeologique de La Vieille Cite d’Alep.” Bulletin D’études Orientales 36: 203–11. Al-Hashimi, Muhammad Yahys. 1967. “Qal’at Halab Al-Atharyiyya [The Ancient Citadel of Aleppo].” Majallat Al-Imaran 20: 217–25. Al-Kawakibi, Sa’d Zaghlul. 1978. “Minbar Al-Masjid Al-Aqsā [The Minbar of the Aqsa Mosque].” Majallat ’Adiyat Halab 4: 31–67. Al-Mibrad, Yūsuf b. Ḥasan Ibn. 1943. Timār Al-Maqāṣid Fī Dikr Al-Masāǧid: Taḥqīq: Muḥammad As’ Ad Ṭalas [The Results of Intentions in the Accounts of Mosques]. Damascus: al- Ma’had al-faransī. Al-Tabbakh, Muhammad Raghib. 1932. “Minbar Al-Masjid Al-Aqsā [The Minbar of the Aqsa Mosque].” Majallat Al-’Adiyat al'Suriyya 2: 43–49. Aleppo Museum. 1969. Matḥaf Ḥalab [The Museum of Aleppo]. Aleppo: al-Mudīrīyah al- ʻĀmmah lil-Āthār wa-al-Matāḥif. Allen, Terry. 1983. “Some Pre-Mamluk Portions of the Courtyard Facades of the Great Mosque of Aleppo.” Bulletin D’études Orientales 35: 7–12. Amer, N. 1993. “Il Problema Della Modernizzazione Di Una Citta Di Grandi Tradizioni: Piani E Progetti per Aleppo Dagli Anni Della Dipendenza a Quelli Della Crescita Metropolitana”. Ph.D. diss., University of Rome “La Sapienza.” Anonymous. 1923. “La Citadelle d’Alep.” Syria 4: 180. ———. 1931. “Les Fouilles de La Citadelle d’Alep.” Revue Archéologique 1: 43–44, 66. ———. 1935. “Le Grillage D’une Ancienne Fenêtre de La Mosquée Saad d'Ansari.” Revue Archéologique Syrienne 4: 43–45. Aṣ-Ṣairafī, Faysal. 1951. “Tarmīmāt Qā’a Al-'Arsh Fī Qal'a Ḥalab [Repairs to the Throne-Room in the Citadel of Aleppo].” Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes 1: 258–59. Asadī, Khayr al-Dīn and Qalʻaʹjī, ʻAbd al-Fattāḥ Rawwās. 1984. Aḥyā’ Ḥalab Wa Aswāqahā [The Quarters and the Markets of Aleppo]. Damascus: Wizārat al-Thaqāfah wa-al-Irshād al- Qawmī. Baurain, Paul. 1930. Alep: Autrefois, Aujourd’hui. Alep À Travers L'histoire. Population et Cultes. La Ville. Les Ressources. La Vie Publique. La Vie Privé. Aleppo: Castoun. Bischof, Th Ludw Wilh. 1880. Tuḥaf Al-Anba’ Fī Ta'rīkh Ḥalab [The Marvelous Information in the History of Aleppo]. Beirut: n.p. ———. 1900. Tirage À Part: Kamal-Ad-Dîn. Histoire d’Alep Traduite Avec Des Notes Histoirques et Géographiques. Paris: Leroux. Boggs, Richard. 2010. Hammaming in the Sham: A Journey through the Turkish Baths of Damascus, Aleppo and Beyond. Reading: Garnet Publishing Ltd. Busquets, Joan. 2005. Aleppo: Rehabilitation of the Old City. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Cantacuzino, Sherban. 1980. “The Case of Aleppo.” In Islamic Cairo: Architectural Conservation and Urban Development of the Historic Centre, edited by Michael Meinecke, 78–79. London: ICCROM. ———. 1984. “Aleppo: Bab EI Faraj.” Mimar: Architecture in Development 12: 24-31. Carruthers, Douglas. 1918. “The Great Desert Caravan Route, Aleppo to Basra.” The Geographical Journal 52 (3): 157–84. Chevallier, Dominique. 1962. “Un Exemple de Résistance Technique de L’artisanat Syrien Aux XIXe et XXe Sièchles. Les Tissus Ikatés d'Alep et de Damas.” Syria 39: 300–324. ———. 1964. “Techniques et Société En Syrie. I. - Le Filage de La Soie et Du Coton À Alep et À Damas D’après A. Barthélemy et Qāsimī.” Bulletin D’études Orientales 18: 85–93. Collon, Dominique. 1981. “The Aleppo Workshop.” Ugarit-Forschungen 13: 33–43. Darrah, Eileen Eddy. 1981. “Ancient Aleppo, the Great Kingdom of Yamkhad and Its King, Yarimlim; the Textual Evidence”. San Jose State University. David, Jean-Claude. 1975. “Alep: Degradation et Tentatives Actuelles de Rédaptation Des Structures Urbaines Traditionnelles.” Bulletin D’études Orientales 28: 19–50. ———. 1979. “Les Quartiers Anciens Dans La Croissance Moderne de La Ville d’Alep.” In L’espace Social de La Ville Arabe, edited by Dominique Chevallier, 135–44. Paris: G.P. Maisonneuve et Larose. ———. 1983. Le Waqf Ipchir Pacha a Alep: Etudie d’Urbanisme Historique. Damascus: Institut Francais du Proche-Orient. ———. 2002. Alep. Paris: Flammarion. ———. 2008. “Aleppo: From the Ottoman Metropolis to the Syrian City.” In The City in the Islamic World, edited by Salma Khadra Jayyusi, Renata Holod, Attilio Petruccioli, and André Raymond. Leiden: Brill. David, Jean-Claude, and Thierry Boissiere. 2014. “La Destruction Du Patrimoine Culturel À Alep: Banalité D’un Fait de Guerre ?” Confluences Méditerranée 89 (2): 163–71. David, Jean Claude and Ḥarītānī, Maḥmūd. 2005. Al-Madīnah Al-Qadīmah Fī Ḥalab : Al- Tadahwur Wa-Muḥāwalāt Al-Iḥyāʼ [The Old City in Aleppo: The Deterioration and the Attempts of Revival]. Aleppo: Shuʻāʻ lil-Nashr wa-al-ʻUlūm. DGAM. 2000. First Report on Aleppo. Paris. ———. 2011. “Map of Aleppo 2011.” Duhman, Muhammad Ahmad. 1948. “Al-Madrasa Al-Zāhiriyya [The Zahiriyah Madrasa].” Majallat Al-Majma’ Al-'Ilmī Al-'Arabī Bi-Dimashq 23: 573–82. Dussaud, René. 1931. “Fouilles de M. Ploix de Rotrou Dans La Citadella d’Alep.” Syria 12 (1): 95–96. ———. 1934. “L’enceinte Fortifée d'Alep.” Syria 15: 300–301. Duyidri, Anwar. 1975. “Al-Bīmāristānāt Fī Halab [The Hospitals in Aleppo].” Majallat ‘Adiyat Halab 1: 129–46. Écochard, Michel. 1937. “Notes d’Archéologie Musulmane.” Bulletin D’études Orientales 8: 83–111. ———. 1943. La Restauration Des Monuments Islamiques En Syrie. Cambridge, MA: Aga Khan Trust for Culture. ———. 1950. “Note Sur Un Édifice Chrétien d’Alep.” Syria 27 (4): 270–83. Faris, Muhammad Kamil. 1975. “Al-Khatt Al-Kūfī Al-Muwarraq Fī Ma’ālim Halab Al- Athariyya [Foliated Kufic Inscriptions on the Monuments of Aleppo].” Majallat ’Adiyat Halab 1: 237–80. ———. 1977. “Ma’adhin Halab Wa-Tatawwuruhā Al-‘imrānī [The Minarets of Aleppo and Their Architectural Development.” Majallat ‘Adiyat Halab 3: 119–77. ———. 1978. “Mahārib Halab Turūzuha Al-Fanniyya Wa-Al-Mi’māriyya [The Mihrabs of Aleppo: Their Artistic and Architectural Styles.” Majallat ‘Adiyat Halab 4: 123–82. Gangler, Anette, Heinz Gaube, and Matthias Bückle. 1993. Ein Traditionelles Wohnviertel Im Nordosten Der Altstadt von Aleppo in Nordsyrien. Tubingen: Wasmuth. Garrood, William. 2008. “The Byzantine Conquest of Cilicia and the Hamdanids of Aleppo, 959-965.” Anatolian Studies 58: 127–40. Gonnella, Julia. 2006. “The Citadel of Aleppo: Recent Studies.” History of Warfare 35: 165–75. ———. 2009. The Citadel of Aleppo Description, History, Site Plan, and Visitor Tour. Geneva: Aga Khan Trust for Culture. ———. 2010. “Columns and Hieroglyphs: Magic Spolia in Medieval Islamic Architecture of Northern Syria.” Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Cultural of the Islamic World 27 (1): 103–20. Gonnella, Julia, Wahid Khayyata, and Kay Kholmeyer. 2005. Die Zitadelle von Aleppo Und Der Tempel Des Wettergottes. Munster: Rhema. Guyer, Samuel. 1914. “La Madrasa Al-Ḥalâwiyya À Alep.” Bulletin de l’Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 11: 217–31. Hadjar, Abdullah. 2000. Historical Monuments of Aleppo. Aleppo: Automobile and Touring Club of Syria. Ḥajjār, ʻAbd Allāh and Ziadeh, Nicola A. 2010. Maʻālim Ḥalab Al-Atharīyah [The Ancient Landmarks of Aleppo]. Aleppo: ʻAbd Allāh Ḥajjār. Hammad, Manar. 2004. Architectures Ayyoubides, Le Style Austère À Alep. Paris: Centre Culturel Arabe Syrien. Haritani, Mahmud. 1974. “Inshā’ Muthaf Al-Taqālid Al-Sha’biyya Bi-Halab [The Foundation of the Folklore Museum of Aleppo].” Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes 24: 157–60. Ḥarītānī, Maḥmūd. 2006. Ḥalab Wa-Al-Salṭanah Al-ʻUthmānīyah Khilāla Arbaʻmiʼat ʻām, 1516- 1916 [Aleppo and the Ottoman Rule during Four Hundred Years, 1516-1916]. Aleppo: Shuʻāʻ lil-Nashr wa-al-ʻUlūm. Hartmann, Richard. 1944. “Zur Geschichte Der Stadt Ḥaleb.” Orientalische Literaturzeitung 47: cols. 5–11. Hawkins, J. David. 2009. “Cilicia, The Amuq, and Aleppo: New Light in a Dark Age.” Near Eastern Archaeology 72 (4): 164–73. ———. 2011. “The Inscriptions of the Aleppo Temple.” Anatolian Studies 61: 35–54. Heidemann, Stefan. 1994. Das Aleppiner Kalifat (A. D. 1261). Von Untergang Des Kalifates in Bagdad Über Aleppo Zu Den Restaurationen in Kairo. Leiden: Brill. Herzfeld, Ernst. 1956. Matériaux Pour Un Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum. Deuxième Partie: Syrie Du Nord. Inscriptions et Monuments d’Alep. Le Caire: Imprimerie de l’Institut français d'Archéologie orientale. Ḥimṣī, Fāyiz. 1983. Ḥalab Al-Qadīmah [The Ancient Aleppo]. Damascus: al-Mudīrīyah al- ʻĀmmah lil-Āthār wa-al-Matāḥif. ʻUthmān, Najwá. 1992. Al-Handasah Al-Inshāʼīyah Fī Masājid Ḥalab [The Structural Engineering of the Mosques of Aleppo]. Aleppo: Jāmiʻat Ḥalab, Maʻhad al-Turāth al-ʻIlmī al-ʻArabī. Ibn Shaddād, Ḥalebi. Al-A’lāq Al-Khaṭīra Fī Umarā, Ash-Shām Wa'l-Jazīra [Serious Comments in the Accounts of the Princes of Syria and the Isle]. Leningrad: Academy of Sciences at Leningrad. Idlibī, Nāwfīṭūs. 2002. Kanāʼis Ḥalab Al-Qadīmah: Majmūʻat Maqālāt [The Ancient Churches of Aleppo: A Collection of Essays]. Aleppo: al-Maktabah al-Rūḥīyah. Jāsir, Lamyāʼ. 1999. Taṭawwur ʻimārat Al-Madāris Al-Atharīyah Fī Madīnat Ḥalab : Dirāsah Tahlīlīyah Li-Ahamm Al-Madāris Ḥattá Nihāyat Al-ʻahd Al-ʻUthmānī (516-1337 H./1122-1918 M [The Architectural Development of the Ancient Schools in the City of Aleppo: An analytical study of the Most Important Schools through the end of the Ottoman Period (516-1337 H/1122- 1918 M)]. n.p. ———. 2008. Dawr Al-Mutaṣawwifah Fī Madīnat Ḥalab : Al-Khānkāhāt Wa-Al-Rubaṭ Wa-Al- Zawāyā Wa-Al-Takāyā : Dirāsah Taḥlīlīyah Li-Taṭawwur ʻimārat Dawr Al-Mutaṣawwifah Fī Madīnat Ḥalab [The Homes of the Sufi in Aleppo: the Inns, the Guest Houses; the Hermitages and the Hospices : an Analytical Study of the Development of the Architecture of the Homes of the Sufi in Aleppo]. Aleppo: L. al-Jāsir.

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