![321 Abranches, Sérgio Henrique Hudson De, 160, 162N. 6 Abrúcio](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Index Abranches, Sérgio Henrique Hudson de, Arrow, Kenneth, 225–26 160, 162n. 6 Asia, economic crisis in, 2, 267 Abrúcio, Fernando, 31 Avelino Filho, George, 79n. 4 Acción Democratica, 217; rigidity of, Azeredo, Eduardo, 220n. 33, 280 286 administrative reform, 2, 277 Bacha, Edmar, 262–63 agrarian reform, 37, 252–54; and logroll Bahia: and concentration, 102; debt with port reform, 254 µnance in, 132; leftist presence in, Aguiar, Ubiratan, 248n. 25, 249 118; MDB and ARENA in, 130; politi- Alagoas, and gains under Collor, 177, cal families of, 21; pork barrel use of 179 schools in, 132; roots of ACM’s power Alckmin Filho, Geraldo, 45–47 in, 129–33; scattered-dominant distri- Aldrich, John, 11, 143n. 11 butions in, 50–51; and social match, Aleluia, José Carlos, 244 91 Alencar, Marcello, 220n. 33 Bahia, versus Maranhão and Ceará: Allison, Graham, 7 candidates per seat, 122; competition, Alves, Aluízio, 261n. 45 119; and concentration, 93; economic Alves, João, 56, 59–61, 229 differences, 117–33; occupational Amapá, José Sarney as Senator from, backgrounds of politicians, 119–20; 118 traditional strength of right, 130 Ames, Barry, 7n. 8, 20n. 42, 54n. 16, bailiwicks, and change over time, 99 69n. 33, 72n. 37, 109n. 2, 123n. 30, Banck, Geert, 24 126n. 33, 169n. 16, 176, 181n. 37 Bank of Brazil, 256 Amin, Espiridião, as PPR candidate, 184 Barbacena, 171n. 20 Amorim Neto, Octávio, 5n. 2, 15n. 19, Barbalho, Jader, 174n. 26 159n. 1, 160–62, 165n. 9, 268n. 1 Barbosa, Vivaldo, 263n. 52 Anderson, Perry, 2 Barelli, Walter, 255 Andrada, 171n. 20 Baron, David, 11n. 11 Andrade, Cleriston, 131 Barros e Silva, Fernando, 189n. 7 Andrade, Gutierrez, 243 Barros, Hélio, 127n. 34 Aragão, Murilo de, 113n. 10 Bartolini, Stefano, 51n. 12 ARENA (National Renovating Alliance), Basinger, Scott, 13n. 15 as indicator of right-wing ideology, 29, Bates, Robert, 289 148, 207 Bawn, Kathleen, 13n. 15 Argentina: federalism in, compared to Beck, Paul Allen, 69n. 32 Brazil, 23; party unity in, 190 Benevides, Maria Victória, 5n. 2 321 322 Index Bezerra, Adauto, 126 “dwarfs,” 56n. 19; and scattered-domi- Bezerra, Humberto, 127 nant vote distributions, 57–61 Bezerra, Marcos Otávio, 24n. 34, 79n. 4 Bueno, Cunha, 49 Bezerra, Orlando, 129 Bezerra family: banking interests of, 126; cabinet, coalescence rate of, 161 as colonels in Ceará, 118 cabinet appointments, as a strategy, 160; Bias Fortes, 171n. 20 in 1946–64, 160–61 Bickers, Kenneth, 24n. 33, 169n. 15 cabinet formation: and importance of in- bidding reform, 37, 242–46 termediaries, 186; and irrational strate- Bolivia, mixed electoral system in, 285 gies, 185 Bonµm, Washington, 116n. 17, 128n. 35, Cabral, Bernardo, 295, 296 129 Cacciamali, Maria Cristina, 5 Borba, Aécio de, 127n. 34 Cafeteira, Epitácio, 125 Bornhausen, Jorge, 194, 255, 262n. 48, Calheiros, Renildo, 248n. 25, 250 263 Cals, Cezar, 127 Bowler, Shaun, 85n. 15, 204n. 14 Cals family, 118 Braga, Ney, 112 campaign strategy: barriers to entry, Brazil, and comparative politics, 288–92; 79; budget amendments as indicator future agenda of, 290; methodological of, 84; business candidates, 82, 83; implications, 289; substantive implica- career trajectory, 81, 86; challengers tions, 288 vs. incumbents, 82; community Britto, Antônio, 181n. 38, 182, 260–61 identiµcation, 79; cost vs. distance to Brizola, Leonel: and control of Rio voter, 80; electoral insecurity, 86; Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro, 29, local candidates, 81; matching 68; and Darcy Ribeiro, 250n. 28 municipalities, 86; politicized groups budget amendments: in Bahia, 90; and as targets, 78; retirements, 92; social concentration, 93; and distance from match, 91 center of vote, 90; and domination, 89, Campos, Roberto, 239 93; and electoral results, 93–96; and candidates per seat: Maranhão versus electoral weakness, 89; and local Bahia and Ceará, 122; Paraná versus politicians, 91; and party fragmenta- Santa Catarina, 115 tion, 89; and political families, 93; in Canet, Jayme, 112 Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, 89; Canon, David, 69n. 31 sources of, 294; and vulnerability, 89 Cardoso Alves, Roberto, 158 budget committee amendment success: Cardoso, Newton, 163 and clustering, 233; as distributive Cardoso, Ruth, 133 mechanism, 229; and dominance, 233; career paths, Maranhão versus Bahia domination of pork-barrel considera- versus Ceará, 119 tions, 228; and electoral conditions, Carey, John, 6n. 6, 13, 52n. 13, 159 232; and fragmentation, 233; as func- Carvalho, Joaquim de, 238 tion of economic conditions, 231; and Carvalho, Jose Murilo de, 19, 24n. 34, party, 232; model of amendment ap- 171n. 20 proval, 230–35 Castelo, João, 124–25 budget scandal of 1993, 56–61; and Ceará: and colonels, 118; dominance in, adoption of mixed district and PR 67; and election of 1986, 128; and fall electoral system, 60–61; and the of colonels, 126–29; and indústria da Index 323 sêca, 125–26; null and blank voting in, structure, social action, and education, 66–67 235; purposes of, in distributional and Centrão, 295 informational perspectives, 227 Chappell, Henry, 280 concentrated-dominant distributions, Chaves, Aureliano, 176 44–47 Chaves, Leite, 113 concentrated-shared municipalities, Chiarelli, Carlos, 249 47–48 Chile, and open-list proportional repre- concentration: and campaign behavior, sentation pre-1973, 42 85; deµned, 44, 99–196; explained at Chubb, Judith, 26 individual level, 104–6 Cleary, David, 123–24 Congress: and database and scales, Cliff, Andrew, 44, 293 295–99; from 1946–64, 5; issue scales, coalitions, theoretical instability of 140, 143; and power of states and mu- versus empirical stability of, 225 nicipalities, 31; and role of ideas, 28; Coase, Ronald, 8 and veto players, 28; and weakness on Coelho, Nilo, 132 national issues, 5 Cohen, Youssef, 6n. 6, 28n. 40 CONTAG (Confederation of Agricultural college of leaders: and agrarian reform, Workers), 253 252–54; and bidding reform, 242–46; convênios, importance of, 168 cases compared, 264–66; and choice COPEI, rigidity of, 286 of cases, 240–41; and committees, Coppedge, Michael, 6n. 6, 206, 283n. 26 240; deµned, 239; and Law of coronelismo, in Ceará, 118 Directives and Bases in Education, Correa, Maurício, 255 246–52; and macroeconomic stabi- corruption, and spatial patterns of voting, lization, 256–64; and ministerial 56–61 reorganization, 239, 254–56; and Covas, Mário, 220n. 33 party issues, 266; and polemical Cox, Gary, 9n. 10, 11n. 11, 12, 77, 140n. issues, 266; and Social Emergency 3, 155, 204, 268n. 1 Fund, 259–64; and unidimensional Crisp, Brian, 6n. 6, 286 issues, 266 Cruzado plan, 125, 172n. 23, 261 Collor de Mello, Fernando, 237; cabinet of, 163–64; cabinet strategy of, 140, Da Costa, Lustosa, 127 175–80; crisis strategy of, 25n. 35, Dalton, Russell, 69n. 32 179; early anti-party strategy of, 176; Denemark, David, 285 emergency measures of, 144, 153; De Souza, Josias, 5, 180n. 34, 182 grant strategy of, 66, 175–80; legisla- Devescovi, Regina Balieiro, 240 tive success of, 191–94; mature strat- D’Hondt formula, 42n. 1 egy of, 177–78; and Santa Catarina DIAP, 63 vote, 111; and state targets, 177; and Dias, Álvaro, 113 use of local machines, 5, 176 Diaz-Cayeros, Alberto, 280n. 15, 282 Collor de Mello, Pedro, 179 Dimenstein, Gilberto, 5, 180n. 34, 182 Collor de Mello, Rosane, 177n. 30 dobradinhas, 43, 82 Colombia, patronage in compared to dominance: and campaign behavior, 85; Brazil, 25n. 35 and change over time, 99–106; committees: distributional versus infor- deµned, 44; explained at individual mational model in agriculture, infra- level, 104–6; Maranhão, versus Bahia 324 Index dominance: and campaign ness of, 22; in North and Center-West, behavior (continued) 21; pendular pattern of, 21; in South, and Ceará, 119; Paraná versus Santa 21; in Southeast, 21; and state powers, Catarina, 109 18–23; and Tiebout mechanism, 22 Donovan, Todd, 85n. 15 Feldmann, Fábio, 48 Dornelles, Francisco, 259 Ferejohn, John, 108n. 1, 169n. 15 Dos Santos, Wanderley Guilherme, 5n. 2, Fernandes, Florestan, 248 6n. 6, 28n. 40 Fernando Henrique Cardoso: achieve- Durval, João, 131 ments and failures of, 2, 118; cabinet Duverger, Maurice, 285 appointments of, 165–67; electoral backing of, 2, 5; failures of, 3; legisla- Eckstein, Harry, 33 tive success of, 195; and links to education: and disinterest of executive, ACM, 133; and move to Finance Min- 249; and disinterest of politicians, 246; istry, 258; and plan for mixed pension and in×uence of congressional out- system, 195; prospects of in 1995, 1; liers, 248; and in×uence of teachers, and Santa Catarina vote, 111 247; and Law of Directives and Bases, Fett, Patrick, 191n. 11 37, 246–52; as pork in Bahia, 131 Figueiredo, Argelina, 6n. 4, 144n. 13, electoral data sources, 294 189, 190, 206 electoral outcomes: and career path, 96; Figueiredo, João, 127 and social match, 96 Finland, and open-list proportional repre- electoral success, and dominance, 95 sentation, 42 electoral systems, mixed types in Bolivia, Fiuza, Ricardo, 194 Venezuela, Russia, Italy, and Japan, Flanagan, Scott C., 69n. 32 285 Fleischer, David, 29, 166n. 11, 238n. 11 Eliseo, Octávio, 247–48 Fleury, Luis Antônio, ministerial reorga- emergency decrees, 4; description of nization of, 255 decrees utilized in analysis, 299 Fontenele, Maria Luiza, 128 Emperor João III, 19 Fortaleza, and election of 1982, 128 encaminhamento, deµned, 209 Franco, Gustavo, 256n. 39 Estado Novo, 20 Franco, Itamar, 229; cabinet of, 164–65; evangélicos: as a faction, 147; and grants strategy of, 180–85; legislative scattered-shared distribution, 48–49 success of, 195; ministerial reform of, Evans, Peter B., 8 5, 37; and reorganization, 240; stabi- lization policy of, 37; strategy of in Farias, Paulo Cesar, 164n. 7 1994, 182 Farrell, David, 204n. 14 Franzese, Robert John, 13n. 15 Fausto, Boris, 54 Freire, Osvaldo Nunes, 124 federalism in Brazil: causes of, 19; com- Freire, Roberto, 259 pared to other democracies, 23; com- Freire, Vitorino, 123, 124 pared with Mexico, 20; and end of monarchy, 20; in Estado Novo, 20; and Garman, Christopher, 282 local interests, 22–23; and malappor- Geddes, Barbara, 6n.
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