THE tfULTON COUNTY NEWS. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. obliged to retire. Another half an BOXING EXHIBITION GIVEN FOR SOLDIERS STAR ATHLETES FOR hour, and tlin heroic pair would have hem safe. But they bad not died 111 TWO HOLD OFF )ASTHMA DIRECTORS IN ARMY vain. Tho company that they had With held at bay carried back to the Ger-mn- n lines a story of American hero- GUN COMPANY ism that will do much to convince the mmmm Y. M. C. A. Takes Four of Prom- Bocho that the men from across the OR HONEY REFUNDED ASK ANY DRUGGIST inence for Work in France. sea are going to decide the war. The Yanks Caught In Pocket Fight bullets and the trees near where the sacrifice of these two lives will save' by Yan- enemy had been were scarred others. No other Glcnns They Are Crowd It, Princeton Crack; Until Last Bullet Is kee fire. It had been the hottest kind Y. M. C. A. mnn They called on the toilet soap Sulphur Sullivan, Olymplo Runner; Dun. Gone. of a fight and tho Americans had been to help bury these two heroes. It was un- is as eff- bar, Weil-Know- n Bowler and winning against tho terrible odds not his first experience ns a member Dwlght, Yale Coach. til a shell burst right on them and of a burial party because he had been icient in Soap killed both. nt the front all through the big push. clearing BOCHE SHELL GETS THEM Whether It was a Boche shell or As he aided In the burlul he could not com- - prominence have the Four athletes of one of our own, nobody ever will help wishing that of all the thousands plexlon of blemishes. The sulphur been recruited by natlonnl Just the know. Both sides hnd been firing Into engaged In that battlo these two might war council of the Y. M. C. A. to go to part wood. Whatever the and Huns thnt of the have been spared. France as directors In the army schools Caught Between Barrage source of the shell, It had done Its Purifies of athletics. They are: Kdwln Crowdls, .They. Fight In Manner to Make (All DlllllM.) . work quickly and thoroughly, for the "Hun" Streets Renamed. oldtlme Princeton football star; J. P. One Proud to Be of men were badly torn. Death prob- Contains 30 Pure Sulphur. St. Louis. St. Louis Is still busy Sullivan, Olympic runner; Alexander Same Race. ably come Instantaneously. They NO'S HA WMrttr Drs, list w Imrn.so, had clearing away evidence of Germany. I Dunbar, one of the best-know- bowlers had gone while tho Joy but tie. was of which recently were ordered In the country, and B. II. Dwlght, Ynle still upon them. Streets By E. A. BATCH ELOR. to new names, to replace former baseball couch and tennis player. T told take Tori. Tho Y. M. C. A. man Death Not In Vain. German ones Kaiser, Knnpsteln. PATENTS by pro In eyes nnd FrKssK! Edwin Crowdls Is a preacher tho etory with tears his It was a glorious death but a sad Von Versen will soon have retereuoM. It Bataiteuoubl. Ilifhul Umunici! fession, and left the pastorate to vol a break In his voice. He said that ono because a few minutes after the new signs with their new names Amer-ennl- y was l.e ever Vl y (v Y unteer for "Y" service abroad. He was the saddest thing that shell htnded, the Boche had been printed thereon. K. 13. Duddlng of New York wbhii on meant mudt. $ "Big BUI" Edwards' running mate lint: encountered, which 100,000 American convicts put to wort the famous Princeton football team of He hnd been a long time In France, In munition pinnts. 1800, which defeated both Hurvord and so death and suffering were no stran- Yale. At that time he was one of the gers to him. But when ho spoke of C.mvm't Tulcleu chill Tnnlr bj purlfting m. best-know- n they Matnrn Tltalltr unorir tni baseball men In collegiate the sergeant and tho private thnt tlohlni tha blood. Too oun oon (ml lu ainuik Hold Hffeok FrlMOki. Marines Igontlng Can't nlas, athletic circles. had found dead beside tbelr ninchlue in? gun his emotion. HOLABIRD, MD. Sullivan Is a member of the n he couldn't control KID" WILLIAMS IN RINQ AT CAMP sergeant and the We Getcha, Boy. Athletic club, In New York It seems that the and get some machine gun nests that William, the pxchamplon bantamweight boxer, recently gave an In a pocket Forget About "Kamerad" When "Can you swim, Siimmle?" asked thi "Kid" city, and from 1000 to 1012 he held the private hnd been caught were planted on a rocky ledge In a on the "iminly art of " at Camp Iloluhlrd, Md., for the In front Visiting uncle, as tho two were out foi exhibition American record for tho mile run, 4 :22. The Germans, In force, were They Chase Huns. large woods. benefit of soldier encamped there. of them. There was a bnrrirge behind a little walk together. Ho was a contestant from the United "About five o'clock they hlgh-bnllc- d Although appearing a trifle heavier than the 110 imunds required for a which made It Impossible for them to "Well, I'll tell you, uncle," said thi and-stll- States In the Olympic games at Athens nnd so did everybody else. At eight bantamweight he handled himself In great shape l possesses his prowess rejoin their company. So they stayed boy, with a knowing look. "It nil d and London. Pennsylvania Boy Gives Interesting o'clock they had taken all the machine ud form of lust year. and roughed It out, fought In a man- pends On whether I in around ma oi Work gun nests nnd, of course, they want- William was champion of his class for two years (1010-17- ), when he gave Dunbar made a national reputation ner that mado one proud to be of the Account of Thrilling the fellers." one of ed to chase the Huns out of tho woods Way to Pete Hermun. A great scrap was staged between the two early last as a bowler and Is regarded as same race. at Front topllners l. branch of sport and awny they went, the 'square year at New Orleans, when they fought for 20 rounds, the honors going to Pete the that Held Off Whole Company. He Is also an excellent billiard player. Williams, a heads' yelling 'kamerad,' but the ma WHY WOMEN DREAD liprmnn unon a referee's decision. After that Williams met and defeated When found them there was New Castle, Pa. Byrn they corps rines could not understand the word. Denny McNeill, llcnny Kaufman, Joe Lynch, Jimmy Murray and others, Dwlght Is a Yale graduate and In pile of empty several Inches New Castle boy with the medical shells hap- So the only Boche left In the woods OLD AGE his student dnys was coach for the high gun not a single In France, writes home of the around tho and now Is under the sod. After ridding Don't worry about old nite. Don't worn s team that university. Since re- penings on the front controlled by the AN INSTRUCTOR baseball at round of unexpended ammunition edge about being in other people's nay whet BILL JAMES promi- prior to June the woods of the Germans at the his collego days he has become mained. The two hnd held off a whole United States marines oil are gelling on in year. ii-c- you NEW CAMP "RABBIT 5 forgot nil of the woods where a lurge forco of you h nent In tennis circles. company of Boche machine gunners 28. He snys the marines odv in eood condition and ran u Boston Braves a old tl.iy h former 6tar Twlrler of about the word "kamerad" when they Bodies were located, we surrounded bale and hearty in your at yoi As "Y" directors In France for several hours. every will b Teaches Boys In Trenches The government ball athletic regiment of the enemy nnd finally suc- were when s kid. and one built a In boxing, enemy a bend chased the Germans. He writes: glad see you. to Throw Bombs. they will Instruct soldiers The had been around ceeded In defeating them after a hard to park at Camp Dewey for the CO must say this Is a much hotter The kidneys and bladder are the cauie football, tennis, bnsebull, running, In the road, a scant yards away, "I About 800 captured soldiers In training there, and here battle. Huns were of senile aftlictions. Keep thorn clean id hockey and other and hadn't "been able to advance be- spot than the other front, for The photograph show Bill James, the boys promptly named It siKrts. you can Imag- at this one place." m proper working conumon. urive ltn cause of the brisk fire of the lone !t Is open warfare and poisonous waates from the nyxtem mi former star twlrler of the Boston "Babbit park" In honor of Wal- they American gun manned by the scr-gen- nt ine what Is going on here when avoid uric acid accumulations. Take G0U Uraves, who is now playing with Uncle ter KAHANAMOKU A DUKE periodical Maranvllle. The grand WHY IS nnd the private. The sergeant put Americans In such a place. About MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capaulea Pain's giant and crack team of fighters. stand will seat 3,000 people and ly and you will find that the ytcm wii weeks ago, when the marines .
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