JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 104, NO. E8, PAGES 18,981–18,990, AUGUST 25, 1999 Lobate scarps and the Martian crustal dichotomy Thomas R. Watters Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, National Air and Space Museum Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Mark S. Robinson Department of Geological Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Abstract. Landforms reflecting crustal shortening are found in the ancient highlands of the eastern hemisphere of Mars. These structures, referred to as lobate scarps, are interpreted to be thrust faults. Lobate scarps occur near and are oriented roughly parallel to the Martian crustal dichotomy, a major geologic and topographic boundary that divides the heavily cratered highlands from the relatively smooth, featureless northern lowlands. The long- and short-wavelength topography of lobate scarps in the northern Terra Cimmeria–Amenthes region have been analyzed using photoclinometry, Earth-based radar altimetry, and Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter data. The measured relief of lobate scarps in this region ranges from ϳ110 to 1230 m, and they occur on gentle regional slopes that dip both toward and away from the dichotomy. Estimates of the horizontal shortening across the lobate scarps studied range from roughly 0.24 to 2.6 km (n ϭ 9), assuming fault plane dips of 25Њ. The displacement-length (D-L) relationships of thrust faults associated with the lobate scarps are consistent with those observed for terrestrial fault populations. The compressional strain in the heavily cratered highlands near the dichotomy, determined using the D-L data for the lobate scarps, is estimated to be ϳ0.17%. Topographic data indicate that the dichotomy in the northern Terra Cimmeria–Amenthes region has a distinct topographic signature. The spatial and temporal relationship of the lobate scarps to the boundary suggests that they are related to its formation, supporting models for a tectonic origin of the crustal dichotomy. 1. Introduction is longer than the moderate-scale scarps found in northern Terra Cimmeria (Figure 3). The lobate scarps in this region The highlands of Mars have landforms described as lobate are about 300 to 400 km southwest of the Martian crustal scarps that are generally one-sided, are often lobate, and occur dichotomy, a geologic boundary between the southern in linear or arcuate segments. They are morphologically heavily cratered highlands and the relatively featureless similar to lobate scarps observed on Mercury [Watters, 1993; northern lowlands. The orientations of the lobate scarps Watters et al., 1998]. The fact that many Martian and Mer- parallel that of the steep structural and/or erosional scarp curian lobate scarps clearly deform and offset crater floors that marks the crustal dichotomy (Figure 1). These lobate and walls supports the interpretation that these structures scarps are also radial to the Isidis basin, and it has been sug- are compressional tectonic features resulting from thrust gested that they are related to the formation of Isidis [Wich- faulting (Figures 1 and 2) [Strom et al., 1975; Cordell and man and Schultz, 1989]. The close proximity and parallel ori- Strom, 1977; Melosh and McKinnon, 1988; Watters, 1993; entation of the lobate scarps to the dichotomy boundary, Watters et al., 1998]. however, strongly suggest that they may be related to the for- Although the Tharsis dominated western hemisphere is the mation of the crustal dichotomy and may thus be significant in most prominent tectonic center on Mars, the eastern hemi- constraining models for its origin. sphere has also experienced major tectonic events. Lobate We present the results of a study of the short- and long- scarps in highland materials of the eastern hemisphere record wavelength topography of lobate scarps in the northern significant compressional deformation of some of the oldest Terra Cimmeria–Amenthes region through photoclinomet- terrain on Mars [see Tanaka, 1986] and account for ϳ18% ric analyses, Earth-based radar altimetry, and Mars Orbiter of the total cumulative length of compressional structures Laser Altimeter (MOLA) data. A kinematic model for the on the planet [Watters, 1993]. Martian lobate scarps, like the formation of lobate scarps that involves thrust faults is used analogous structures on Mercury, appear to occur on at least to estimate displacement and horizontal shortening. The two different length scales, here described as moderate and displacement-length (D-L) relations of the faults associated large scale. Examples are found in the heavily cratered high- with the lobate scarps is determined and compared to D-L lands of Amenthes and northern Terra Cimmeria (Figure data of terrestrial faults. The D-L data are also used to 1). Amenthes Rupes (Figure 2) is one of the best preserved estimate the compressional strain recorded by the lobate large-scale scarps on the planet. It exhibits greater relief and scarps in the highlands near the dichotomy. Finally, the rela- Copyright 1999 by the American Geophysical Union. tionship between the lobate scarps in the northern Terra Cim- Paper number 1998JE001007. meria–Amenthes region and the origin of the crustal dichot- 0148-0227/99/1998JE001007$09.00 omy is discussed. 18,981 18,982 WATTERS AND ROBINSON: LOBATE SCARPS AND THE DICHOTOMY Figure 1. Viking Orbiter mosaic of the northern Terra Cimmeria–Amenthes region of Mars. The steep scarp that marks the Martian crustal dichotomy between the southern heavily cratered highlands from the northern lowlands strikes NW-SE (right side of mosaic). The black boxes indicate the locations of lobate scarps shown in Figures 2 and 3. The white lines indicate the locations of Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) and Earth-based radar altimetry profiles shown in Figures 7, 8, and 10. The solid arrow indicates the location of the profile (lobate scarp H) shown in Figure 6. This mosaic was generated using images from NASA [1991]. 2. Background knowledge of the detailed topography of Mars [Smith et al., 2.1. Mars Orbiter Laser Altimetry 1998; Zuber et al., 1998]. MOLA determines the elevation of the surface within ϳ160-m footprints [Zuber et al., 1992]. The Early results from MOLA, an instrument on the Mars data have a maximum vertical resolution (precision) of ϳ30 Global Surveyor, have already greatly contributed to our Figure 3. Viking Orbiter mosaic of a region in northern Figure 2. Viking Orbiter mosaic of Amenthes Rupes, possi- Terra Cimmeria. The area is dominated by a series of moder- bly the largest thrust fault scarp on Mars, is over a kilometer ate-scale lobate scarps with orientations that roughly parallel high and over 400 km long. The line indicates the location of the trend of the crustal dichotomy boundary. Arrows indicate the photoclinometric profiles (A–AЈ) shown in Figure 9. The the locations of photoclinometric profiles shown in Figure 4, location of this mosaic is shown in Figure 1. This mosaic was and the location of this mosaic is shown in Figure 1. This generated using images from NASA [1991]. mosaic was generated using images from NASA [1991]. WATTERS AND ROBINSON: LOBATE SCARPS AND THE DICHOTOMY 18,983 cm, an absolute vertical accuracy of ϳ30 m, and along-track surements and photoclinometry in their study of the Olympus spatial resolution of 300 to 400 m [Smith et al., 1998]. The Mons caldera. across-track shot spacing obtained during the nominal map- ping mission will depend on the mapping orbit and will vary 3. Results with latitude [see Zuber et al., 1992]. Two of the available tracks of data cross the northern Terra Cimmeria–Amenthes 3.1. Topography region (Figure 1) [see Smith et al., 1998, Figure 1; Frey et al., Elevation profiles across seven moderate-scale scarps in 1998]. northern Terra Cimmeria and the large-scale scarp Amenthes Rupes were obtained using photoclinometry. Profile lengths 2.2. Earth-Based Radar Altimetry were selected to be the minimum necessary to span the full Another source of topography is Earth-based radar altim- width of the lobate scarp in order to reduce uncertainties etry [Roth et al., 1980; Downs et al., 1982]. The elevation of a introduced by albedo variations and image calibration errors point on the surface is derived within a footprint that varies in that scale with profile length. The SLV was chosen by exam- dimension with the geometry of the observation. The foot- ining pixels in prominent shadows cast by the walls of impact prints or resolution cells for Goldstone observations made craters near the scarps. The HDN was determined by taking during Mars oppositions that occurred between 1973 and 1982 the average of a 9 ϫ 9 array (81 pixels) of pixels located near [Roth et al., 1980; Downs et al., 1982; Simpson et al., 1993] are the profile endpoints where the surface was judged to be on average ϳ10 km wide (0.16Њ in longitude) and ϳ120 km roughly horizontal. An array of pixels is used in order to in- high (2.0Њ in latitude), an area of ϳ1200 km2 [see Downs et al., crease the signal-to-noise ratio (averaging reduces the effects 1982]. The vertical uncertainty in the radar altimetry for the of random and digitization noise and round off errors in cali- 1978 and 1980 oppositions ranges from 50 to 280 m (for indi- bration files). Our analysis of photoclinometric profiles across vidual points in Chryse and Amazonis Planitia) with an average lobate scarps in northern Terra Cimmeria reveals that a vari- of ϳ160 m [see Downs et al., 1982, Table 1]. Although these ation of Ϯ2 of the estimated HDN (which ranges from 775 to data are not sufficient to resolve the lobate scarps on Mars, the 923) does not significantly change the shape of the profiles or radar altimetry does resolve the large-scale, long-wavelength result in a change in the direction of slope of the scarp face topographic variations in the highlands associated with the (Figure 4).
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