BEXLEO '52 H\ 1 *• ^>. 'r*- - -«~V U • _ * • __* A...,,. Senior Class Bexley, Ohio Two Editor TOM HOFHEIMER • ... ;- . -^ 'To strive, to seek, to find —and not to yield." Three Theme "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. Four Dedication "Wisdom and fortune combating together, If that the former dare hut what it can, No chance may shake it." Five Emerson D. Jarvis, Ph. D. Superintendent Emerson D. Jarvis has been head of the Bexley School System since January, 1948. He has won the admiration and respect of all who have worked with him. Dr. Jarvis is a graduate of Franklin College, Indiana, and Ohio State Universities. Dr. Jarvis comments: "All the world's a stage was never truer than today. Opportunities for learning about and understanding all people are increasing con­ stantly. Resulting responsibilities for critical judgment and constructive action create compelling forces for improvement in our ways of living. All the men and women merely flayers emphasize that each of us faces the task of discerning the importance of individual contributions to the general welfare of our nation and the individuals in it. The greatest fight for freedom is to clarify thinking processes, apply knowledge to the solution of problems, and act creatively in terms of convictions. Worshipping at the shrine of criticism is for the weak. To go forward is to live hy building—new things, new ideas, and new methods of working with people, so that results are longer lasting, fairer to all, and more effective in forwarding the cause of freedom, with restraint." Six Clyde W. Jones, M. A. Principal Clyde W. Jones has completed his first year as principal of Bexley High School. To each of us, the students, he has become an unforgettable friend. He has brought with him many new ideas and projects which he has instituted with the welfare of the student in mind. Mr. Jones is a graduate of Wilmington College and Ohio State University. He enjoys collecting and refinishing antiques, officiating at basket­ ball games, and playing a good game of golf. Mr. Jones states the following about the theme of this year's Bexleo: "The world as Shakespeare knew it was only a minor production as compared to the great drama unfolding in today's complex civilization. The citizens of Shakespeare's day were only bit players on a small stage made so by geographic and political restrictions. What they said, how they acted, was of little importance outside of their small sphere. Today's drama is being enacted on a stage made limitless by man's inventiveness and ingenuity. The challenge to modern education is that it must teach tolerance and understanding to enable the new players to portray success­ fully the role of world citizens, and so to preserve those things we now accept as our birthright." Seven ^jrcicultu PJ..»» wtof— Eight COre 8/W0M FRANC h OfAfl U I M IA taint SjH_i BBS "And tkis our life, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones and good in everything." =/_•.. Nine Mary Babcock, B.A. "For hear her but exampled by herself." Miss Babcock . teaches Latin and English . graduated from O. S. U., attended Harvard and Denison Universities . likes music, the theater, bridge, and enjoys traveling . dislikes narrow-mindedness and half-hearted students . often says: "Do you follow me?" . enjoys open minded discussions. Mary Bethel, M.A. "For she is worthy of thy sweet respect." Miss Bethel . graduated from Office Training School, and O. S. U. teaches shorthand and typing . likes to teach beginning typing classes . reading and sewing . dislikes snow and ice . "Oh! That 6 a. m. alarm" . pet peeve: the "Gum Brigade" . often says: "Let's try not to be careless." Russell Boring, M.S. teaches chemistry and biol­ "To hold as 'twere, the mirror ogy . hobby is teaching folk up to nature." recreation . square dance Mr. Boring . graduate of caller . good sense of humor O.S.U. and Capital University . sody pop. Frank Brown, M.A. "Manhood is melted into courtesies, valour into compliment." Mr. Brown . enjoys going to Canada during summers . graduate of O.S.U. pet peeve: lack of consideration of people . teaches math and arithmetic at junior high . likes teaching driving: thinks it of great importance today . family life: children, Beth Ann 5 and Rudy 8. Robert Duffey, M.A. "The place is dignified by the doer's deed." Mr. Duffey . teaches industrial arts and mechanical drawing . graduated from Miami and O.S.U. enjoys athletics . dislikes people who decide to do something and then don't put their best efforts forth . likes all kinds of food. Ten Ira Ferbraehe, M.A. "T'is no time to talk." Mr. Ferbraehe . teaches algebra and general science . attended Ohio Northern Llniversity and O.S.U. ... no particular pet peeve . enjoys hunting, fishing, and hiking in the woods. Albert Field, M.A. "As upright as the cedar." Mr. Field . graduate of O.S.U. enjoys his teaching and classwork . hobby is handicraft work . teaches social sciences . only pet peeve is himself. Lula Gallogly, M.A., M.S. music, and the theater . hobby "O how well she's read." is golf . often says: "Coopera­ Miss Gallogly . librarian . tion works both ways" . dis­ graduate of Western Reserve likes insincerity in people. University . likes travel, Charles Hoel, M.A. "Indeed, I was their tutor, to instruct them." Mr. Hoel . teaches biology and physics . graduate of Ohio Northern and O.S.U. hobby is gardening . often says: "By golly, you're in the wrong stall" . dislikes people who don't work. Ralph Howell, M.A. "He is as full of valor as of kindness; princely in both." Mr. Howell . graduated from Ohio University and O.S.U. teaches French and American history . annual vacation in Canada . outboard motor . muskie fishing . dislikes rush and hurry of modern living . pet peeve: people who are television crazy. Margaret Love, M.Sc. "Besides your cheer, you shall have sport." Miss Love . graduate of O.S.U. teaches health and physi­ cal education . likes fishing and golf . pet peeve: study- halls . often asks: "Did you take your shower?" and "How much monev does G.A.C. have now?" Reta McCormick, B.Sc. in Ed. "Let gentleness my strong enforcement be." Miss McCormick . teaches Latin and English . graduated from O.S.U. ... is a sponsor of the National Honor Society . favorite saying: "For lo the winter is over and gone" . com­ petes with Miss Babcock for best decorated room in the building. Trola McCurdy, M.A. uated from Ohio Northern and "For 'tis the mind that makes the O.S.U. likes to sew and body rich." make colored slides of places Miss McCurdy . Y-Teens where she has traveled . en­ joys lemon pie . dislikes to advisor . teaches English, hear girls scream. clothing, and foods . grad- William Matthews, M.A. "How well he's read, to reason against reading." Air. Matthews . teaches English, psychology, and journalism . graduated from the University of Toledo . has a past time of wheeling his son down Kenwick . enjoys writing and music . Torch and Bexleo advisor. Robert Myers, B.Sc. in Ed. "Here's my hand. And mine, with my heart int." Mr. Myers . teaches vocal music and theory . graduate of Muskingum College . enjoys a good game of golf . such a calm temperament! Twelve Russell Owen, B.A. "A rarer spirit did never steer humanity." Mr. Owen . graduate of O.S.U. teaches business training, bookkeeping, typing, and American history . swimming coach . assistant football and track coach . teaser . ardent sports fan. John Schacht, M.S. "Flow noble in reason." Mr. Schacht . teaches plane geometry, solid geometry, and trigonometry . graduate of Capital University and O.S.U. "Morning Clinics" . coaches Hi-Y basketball team . Hi-Y advisor . hobby is making a living . ambition: to have a push button automobile. Robert Schumann, M.A. and English . enjoys going "Speak the speech, I pray you, through super markets and read­ as I pronounced it to you, ing the labels . dislikes people trippingly on the tongue." who are not concerned with get­ Mr. Schumann . graduated ting the facts before sounding from Ohio Wesleyan University off . Goof-Offs . "Sky . teaches speech, dramatics, High." Lucille Selbach, M.A. "I will be the pattern of all patience." Miss Selbach . teaches junior and senior English . graduate of O.S.U. hobbies are movies, gardening, and housekeeping . enjoys spring. 1fc__. Carlton Smith, M.S. "Sport Royal." ,. «__. Mr. Smith . graduated from the University of Minnesota . teaches chemistry, physical education, and health . Camp Wigwasati . likes to travel . Skitter . golf . fishing . dislikes sauerkraut and bluffers. John Stanton, M.A. "If music be the food of love; play on." Mr. Stanton . teaches instrumental music . enjoys reading, television, and practicing . graduated from O.S.U. golf . band trips . pizza . coke cooler . "Coach" . A.S.P.C.B.D. ... Dr. I. M. Puffin. Dana Swinehart, M.A. "I dare do all that may become a man; who dares do more, is none." Mr. Swinehart . "Lefty" . graduate of Capital University and O.S.U. teaches global geography, physical education, and health . enjoys hunting, traveling, and farming . very friendlv . dislikes gum chewers. Benjamin Tenwalde, from Bowling Green University B.Sc. in Ed. likes sports, especially golf . teaches algebra and basic "Well spoken; with good accent math . assistant football coach and good discretion." . head baseball coach . pet Mr. Tenwalde . graduated peeve: shrieking cheers. Marion Thomas, M.A. "A counsellor and a dear." Miss Thomas .
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