1 *1 Sciiez1/ VOLUME 30, NUMBER 8 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, AUGUST S, 1961 PRICE TEN CENTS WALKER WILLIS Holdup Suspect's Leaders Of Strong Political 13131067 Organization Shocked And Their Third Child Dazed By Unexpected Shift The Big Switch that came late last Friday night, while most An unemployed bricklayer, Wil­ Memphians were deep in slumber, dealt a stunning and »hocking lie Grove, 23, of 1163 James, charg­ blow to the inner core of the Volunteer Citizens' Association, an ed with a string of robberies and the fatal shooting of a grocer, is organized civic and political group that grew out cf the 195? soon to be the father of another elections. child, he told arresting officers. The Volunteers had picked a successful young lowyer'Oiid He said he Is the father of two businessman, Atfy. A. W. Willis, Jr., for the Memphis Transit Au­ young children and that his thority post, and fought for him after Mayor Henry Loeb and the is In John Gaston Hospital local daily papers opposed Mr. Willis because he represents the peering a third child. Grove was arrested early NAACP in legal matters growing ouf of desegregation demon­ day morning at the corner of Kerr strations. and South Bellevue after police re­ Four Citv Commissioners felt that a Negro should be on the cognized his car as the one used ATTY. A. W. WILLIS, JR., who MTA. In a surprise move a week ago. last Tuesday, Commissioner as the get - away automobile in a A. MACEO WALKER, who was saw his victory over Mayor Hen­ Farris nominated Mr. Willis for the vacancy that would be created SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS - Mrs. G1. W. (Sue) Ish, tee. Others in the picture are Miss Yvonne Shaw, $500 robbery staged a few minutes named to MTA post after Atty. A. |3r., second from right, presents an all-expense earlier at Ham - Kirk Drive -In ry Loeb smashed to pieces. W. Willis, Jr. was dropped. when former Mayor Edmund Orgill shifted from MTA to Memphis extreme left, a senior, who received a scholar­ Gas, Light and Water Commission. Commissioners Farris, Dwyer, p, scholarship check for $233 to Miss Sarah Scott, Grocery at 1433 South Bellevue. ship from the medical auxiliary at the end of Moore and Armour voted for Atty. Willis. Mayor Loeb voted ” freshman at Ef H. Crymp of Nursing. Money Investigating officers said Grove her fourth quarter, and Mrs. Margie Whitney, against him. for the scholarship was provided by members admitted killing Wilbur R. Smith extreme right, a junior, who was presented a at the Peter Pan Pantry, 2637 Despite his election to the MTA, opposition continued to [of the Bluff City Medical'Auxiliary. Mrs, Ish is scholarship of $150 this year by the auxiliary. Broad on midnight of May 1. Pay Off Baptists’ | chairman of the auxiliary's scholarship commit- mount, spurred on by the Mayor, the dailies and the Memphis Grove said the shooting was ac­ and Shelby County Council of Civic Clubs. cidental, that he fired the pistol while scooping up money when he The Commfisfoners, Including the day evening by Commissions» heard the siren of a passing am­ Mayor, met Thursday and Friday, Armour. He was contacted again bulance. “I must have panicked,” McFerrin Blâmes and then came Friday night and later that night and Jit ^6 at this he said. ”1 thought it was a po­ the Big Switch. That’s when Willis The "Freedom Farm" near Mason, Tenn, is now owned out- , time that he agreed to resign his lice car.” was dumped. Mayor Loeb had won right by the Notional Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. , TAC post and consider the new of- Girl, 12, Raped; 3 After admitting to the fatal a victory. The Commissioners were fer. Fayette Troubles shooting, Grove implicated three The balance of $45,000 owed on the $60,000, 400-acre inI harmonv again. And, the inner He accepted Saturday and called other men in a string of 19 hold­ farm was paid Monday, according to Dr. A. E. Campbell, a core1 of the Volunteer Citizens’ As- on Mr. Willis to explain why. He . ups which netted nearly $5,000, po­ vice president of the convention and pastor of Columbus Bap- !sociation was in misery. explained that if he CWallter) dkl lice said. fist Church at 324 N. Decatur in Memphis. ( The Miayor still wanted a white not accept the MTA poet the pen Men Caught At Acting on information supplied by man on the MTA but he com­ toln would be given.to a whit Grove, police arrested Tommy Lee Here to conduct the final business was Dr. J. H. Jackson of | John McFerrin, leader of one of promised and helped his fellow man. Walker, 20, of 203 Bickford; his the two factions of the Fayette Chicago, III., national president of the convention, <Commissioners to select another cousin, Robert Lee Sylvester Walk­ The Oommi _ County Civic and Welfare League, / Rev. Mr. Campbel said Dr. Jackson was quite pleased with JNegro. They agreed on A. Maceo .Walker-for- wails switch Saturday, er, 18, of 863 North Third, and .Walker, president of the JTik was given a chance to get a lot off the progress of the farm. There are three former "lient Mi'' . declaring thaRedffleWWW- Dewey Davis, 20, of 526 North Hftate Bank, the Universal Life In­ his chest Sunday afternoon families living on the farm now. ™ lis had not been legally eiecteiJji»'■ Fourth. aad hg did just that. surance Co., and co-ohairtnan of cause Mr. Orgill was grill tatoSr Police officials said Grove and Dr. Campbell said,45 acres Is in cotton and "it is really F^¿ng.^W’^J the Volunteer Citizens’ Association. Tommy Walker would be charged his mta of f fee when.Mr, Résidants of North Memphis kwere upset and shocked upon », beautiful. It looks just like Delta cbtton." A reliable source said three Ne­ ca Speaks" program wit with murder in perpetration of a gro larders were considered as a nominated Tuesday aweekago. - teaming of a criminal attack by three men on a 12-y«ar-olcl Another 185 airçs i s in soy beans which will net a neat H. Murphy, Allen Yancey and Dr. robbery and robbery with deadly replacement for Mr. Willie - Mr. To say that the Big Swtteh Mt profit. the inner core of the VehnMs Rollis F. Price, the controversial girl. The girl was seized by the three hoodlums and carried to weapon and that Robert Walker Walker, A. A. Lattlng, a successful almost speechleu is to say Qte Mr. MCFerrin got wound up and the rear of 1191 N. Manassas where she was raped. The child and Davis would be charged with lawyer, and H. A. Gilliam, a vice least. They were dumbfounded. The «is hard to stop. armed robbery. president of Universal Life. was being criminally assaulted by one of the men when police executive committee of the vetaM- Among other thllga, be said:; Mr. Walker, who was appointed closed in on them. teers began drafting a stateeMM His greupfs railing money thru Call Meeting Of Workers In recently to the Traffic Advisory Patrolmen H. L. Watson and J. A. Dungan soid they were Commission, was contacted Fri- last Saturday and finally released contributions and loans to purchase It late Tuesday. • ' land which will be divided into lots sent to the scene of the crime after a neighbor heard the girl's V JOO Is Raised About Mr. Walker, thq drafted a and tamed over to "Tent City” in- screams and put. in a call to the police station, Registration-Vote Campaign the statement said “We are Mt hkbHants that they may build The arresting officers said they found two of the men hold­ happy about Mr. Walker accepting t$rfr own homes. ing the girl while the third man assaulted her. Workers in the current registration campaign under sponsor­ Sunday Riles For the position without first oontooUng There are three 'Tent City" For Bapl. School The three men were identified as Ervin Frank Roilins, 20, of ship of the Citizens Non-Partisan Registration Committee are urged our committee." Most of tjie statb* camps in Fayette County now, but The sum of $2,700 was raised ment was critical of Mayor Loeb. ■?< Um number of occupants has 703 Lyman; Lester Morgan, 18, of 1074 N. Manassas, and Willie Sunday near Eads, Tenn, for the to attend an important meeting tonight (Thursday) beginning at Atty. Willis released a stateinint. dwindled from IN to M. James Thomas, 20, of 1142 Smith. J. L. Campbell School of Relig­ 7:59 p.m. at Mt. Olive CME Cathedral, Linden and Lauderdale. Dr. Westbrook Saturday evening. He, too, rapped And that Fayette people are Rape charges were placed against Rollins and Morgan. ion at 40 S. Parkway. E„ accord­ capable of handling their own af­ Frank Kilpatrick, head of the the featured speaker. Another prominent Memphis doc­ Thomas was charged with assault with intent to commit rape. ing to Dr. A. E. Campbell, director (Continued on Page Fong) i*’",' faire organization, said every ward and tor was buried here this week. Dr. of the school. precinct leader has been request­ Winner of the door prize at the D. H. Westbrook, of 1115 Tully, was Dr. Price pointed out that a unit­ The occasion was an inter -de­ ed to notify his workers to make last meeting was Miss Ethel Reams laid to rest Sunday afternoon In Mt. ed group of organizations had done nominational meeting sponsored by available a report of the progress of 747 Hilton Street, Ward 29-2.
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