H6150 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 26, 2008 would not only be a fraud but which free from colonialism, one who has would never be allowed to take office or gov- has already led to the murder and strongly supported the need to provide ern. ‘‘Only God will remove me,’’ Mugabe de- abuse of many innocent people. the appropriate economic support so fiantly declared Monday. Robert Rotberg, a very distinguished Conditions in Zimbabwe, where more than we can seriously diminish poverty, as a 80 percent of adults are unemployed and scholar of Africa, wrote an article that great admirer of President Mbeki and nearly everyone is hungry; where there are was published in yesterday’s Boston his colleagues, I implore them to save startling shortages of staple corn, wheat and Globe. The headline is, ‘‘Who will have the good name of African democracy. bread, sugar, oil, milk, and gasoline; and the courage to save Zimbabwe?’’ And I understand the difficulty, and where brutality is always around the next He starts with a little history. He they certainly aren’t the ones perpe- corner are even more horrific today than writes, ‘‘After Idi Amin terrorized and trating this. But if the world, if Africa they were in Uganda in 1979, when Nyerere invaded. Famously, Mugabe told a BBC killed his own Ugandans throughout allows Mugabe to continue this terrible the 1970s, President Julius Nyerere of interviewer in 1999 that he was ‘‘no Idi reign of terror, it will be a source of Amin.’’ neighboring Tanzania finally sent his shame to us all. Mugabe’s men have also continued to use army across the border to end the may- WHO WILL HAVE THE COURAGE TO SAVE food as a political weapon, first stopping the hem and restore stability. Who will ZIMBABWE? supply of grain by international relief agen- cies and last week physically stealing relief now do the same for beleaguered (By Robert I. Rotberg) Zimbabwe? Who will remove despotic shipments to give to their own supporters. After Idi Amin terrorized and killed his Robert Mugabe from his besmirched Mugabe’s thugs have also harassed British own Ugandans throughout the 1970s, Presi- and American diplomats at roadblocks, in and exposed presidency?’’ dent Julius Nyerere of neighboring Tanzania He is not calling for an army to go one case threatening to burn them alive in finally sent his army across the border to their cars. in, although there is certainly far end the mayhem and restore stability. Who Zimbabwe’s inflation now exceeds 160,000 stronger justification for an army to go will now do the same for beleaguered percent a year. One U.S. dollar buys 4 mil- there than a lot of places armies have Zimbabwe? Who will remove despotic Robert lion Zimbabwe dollars at the unofficial been sent recently, but he has a pro- Mugabe from his besmirched and exposed street rate. Mugabe and his close associates gram which he believes could be help- presidency? exploit differences between official and unof- ful. But as he points out, it has to be Presidential contender Morgan ficial exchange rates to prosper while ordi- African nations that do this. Tsvangirai’s courageous decision to boycott nary Zimbabweans go hungry or are at- This is a situation given the colonial Zimbabwe’s runoff election on Friday—after tacked. Mugabe’s thugs broke up yet another opposi- Zimbabwe is in shambles. The United history where the United States and tion rally by swinging iron bars and sticks at States and Britain would doubtless like to Britain and France and others would potential Tsvangirai voters—compels the Af- act unilaterally, but dare not. Only Africans not have the moral authority to act. rican Union, the UN Security Council, and and the UN have unquestioned moral author- But Africans should. major powers finally to act. Tsvangirai said ity. Which African leaders will now emulate Madam Speaker, I led a congres- that he and his supporters were facing war, Nyerere’s profile of courage in Zimbabwe’s sional delegation to Africa in April, not an election, and they would ‘‘not be part dire time of need? and I was honored to be in the presence of that war.’’ Serious UN sanctions are a f of the current president of South Afri- first step. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ca, Thabo Mbeki, a man who was one of Second, since South Africa shows no appe- previous order of the House, the gen- tite for an intervention and Tanzania, Bot- the leaders in overturning one of the swana, Mozambique, and Zambia— tleman from California (Mr. CALVERT) worst oppressions we have seen, apart- Zimbabwe’s neighbors—are unlikely to act is recognized for 5 minutes. heid in South Africa. I was honored to militarily without South African agreement (Mr. CALVERT addressed the House. be in his presence. I was delighted an African stained Zimbabwe’s tyranny His remarks will appear hereafter in when he presented a very high honor should: demand that Friday’s poll be post- the Extensions of Remarks.) from South Africa to our colleague, the poned until Africans can patrol the country f gentlewoman from California (Ms. WA- and oversee a free and fair real election; de- PHARMACISTS FIRST LINE OF TERS). mand compulsory mediation by former UN But I have felt terrible disappoint- secretary general Kofi Annan, who pacified HEALTH CARE ment at President Mbeki’s passivity in Kenya earlier this year; denounce despotism The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a in Zimbabwe; and ban all Zimbabwean air- previous order of the House, the gen- the face of the terrible repudiation of craft from flying over neighboring airspaces, democracy by President Mugabe. I wish thus effectively keeping Mugabe and his tleman from Kansas (Mr. MORAN) is that President Mbeki would have un- henchmen bottled up inside their decaying recognized for 5 minutes. derstood the right of the people of country. Neighboring countries could also Mr. MORAN of Kansas. Madam Zimbabwe to receive the same kind of squeeze land-locked Zimbabwe’s electricity Speaker, pharmacies play a critical sympathy and help that many of us supplies and slow rail traffic. role in delivering health care in Amer- tried to extend to the people of South Time is short. Mugabe is clearly still in- ica. Local pharmacists are the first Africa when they were victimized. tent on ratifying his usurpation of power on line of defense in recognizing health Friday. Tsvangirai officially led Mugabe in I will include for the RECORD the ar- problems and providing medical advice. ticle by Mr. Rotberg making an argu- the initial presidential poll in March. In re- Unfortunately, it is becoming more and cent weeks Mugabe’s military have un- ment for an African initiative to pro- leashed a relentless wave of intimidation more difficult to find and retain phar- tect the people of Zimbabwe from the against Tsvangirai’s Movement for a Demo- macists who will practice in rural tyrant, the degenerating tyrant who so cratic Change and its supporters, killing 86, areas. With the impending retirement viciously oppresses them. maiming at least 10,000, and assaulting thou- of the baby boomer generation, this Mr. Rotberg closes with this: sands more. Tsvangirai was detained seven problem only becomes worse. It is esti- ‘‘Zimbabwe is in shambles. The United times before Sunday and his key deputy was mated that over the next 20 years, States and Britain would doubtless like imprisoned last week without trial on a there will be a shortage of 150,000 or to act unilaterally, but dare not. Only bogus treason charge. Yesterday, the house more pharmacists nationwide. Africans and the U.N. have unques- of another key deputy was trashed and his elderly relatives assaulted. We are already experiencing this tioned moral authority.’’ And he notes Unless Africa and the UN act coura- problem in Kansas. Seven counties in here that the former Secretary General geously, Mugabe will get away with his bra- our State do not even have one single Kofi Annan did a great job when Kenya zen attempt to cling brutally to power and pharmacist; and 30 other counties have had troubles and helped to pacify and impoverish his own people despite broad only one pharmacist in the county. restore democracy and stability to global contempt. During my time in Congress, I have Kenya. So he says, ‘‘Only Africa and Mugabe has also refused to summon Par- advocated for community pharmacies, the United Nations have unquestioned liament, which is dominated by the Move- and I currently co-chair the Congres- moral authority. Which African leaders ment for Democratic Change and was elected sional Community Pharmacy Caucus. overwhelmingly in March. As a result, many I was pleased that this week the will now emulate Nyerere’s profile of of Mugabe’s cabinet ministers and loyalist courage in Zimbabwe’s dire time of remain in office, drawing salaries, despite House chose to address several impor- need?’’ having lost their seats. Several times, tant issues related to the issue of phar- As one who has strongly supported Mugabe and close associates have publicly macists in H.R. 6331, the Medicare Im- the rights of the people of Africa to be declared that the Movement and Tsvangirai provement for Patients and Provider VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:50 Jun 27, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26JN7.128 H26JNPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with HOUSE June 26, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6151 Act. This legislation includes provi- b 1830 programs and severity of this disease is sions that community pharmacists The SPEAKER pro tempore.
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