Schwinn® Cycling: 10 Minutes to Your Next 10 Rides /HW·VPDNHFODVVGHVLJQVXSHU-quick so you can get on the bike and deliver that knockout ride! Come learn a simple system for creating an endless cache of exciting cycling workouts that are easy to remember, a blast to coach and physiologically make good sense. Learn to create stages of work based on the Schwinn® Cycling intensity scale and ways to categorize your music for easy plug and play. Now watch, as that one great class becomes your next ten rides! Main Event Use Stages -Definition -Benefits to You -Benefits to Them Exercise Your Options -Repeat -Mirror -Shorten/Lengthen Create a System Music Fine-Tune Selection -Emotion over Terrain -Map-able or Atmosphere Create a System Mind/Body Interval Options Stock Up! -Evergreen AEROBIC ANAEROBIC -Magic Moments Interval Easy/Moderate Interval Easy/Anaerobic* Create a System Interval Easy/Hard Interval Mod/Anaerobic* Interval Moderate/Hard Interval Hard/Anaerobic* µ5HDO/LIHµRU&XVWRP5HFRYHU\ More« www.SchwinnEducation.com Stage Options: STEADY STATE 1. ´Threshold Buildµ §6:00 2. ´0RUHRQ7RSµ §7:00 3. ´%DVH%XLOGHUµ§7:00 Intensity Time Intensity Time Intensity Time Moderate 3:00 Easy 1:00 Easy 1:00 Hard 3:00 Moderate 1:00 Moderate 4:00 Hard 4:00 Hard 1:00 Anaerobic 1:00 Anaerobic 1:00 4. ´Progressive Buildµ §10:00 5. ´Peak Buildµ §13:00 Intensity Time Intensity Time Easy 1:00 Easy 1:00 Moderate 4:00 Moderate 3:00 Hard 4:00 Hard 2:00 Anaerobic 1:00 Anaerobic 1:00 Hard 2:00 Moderate 3:00 Easy 1:00 INTERVALS ´7RGD\·V%HVWµ§6:00 ´7KUHVKROG/DGGHUµ§8:00 ´6XLFLGH6SULQWVµ§10:00 Intensity Time Intensity/Time Intensity/Time Intensity Time Anaerobic :30 (1st half) (2nd half) Anaerobic :30 Easy Custom Mod :50 Hard :10 Mod: 30 Hard: 30 Anaerobic :45 Each rider chooses how many times Mod :45 Hard :15 Mod :25 Hard :35 Anaerobic 1:00 they want to anaerobic during a Mod :40 Hard :20 Mod :20 Hard :40 Anaerobic 1:15 6:00 period. Mod :35 Hard :25 Mod :15 Hard :45 Anaerobic 1:30 1:00 recovery after each anaerobic push. ´7KUHHRXWWD)RXUµ§12:00 ´$URXQGWKH7UDFNµ§20:00 Intensity Time Intensity Anaerobic 1:00 Hard 1:00 Easy 1:00 Anaerobic 1:00 Hard 2:00 Easy 2:00 Anaerobic 1:00 Hard 3:00 Easy 3:00 Anaerobic 1:00 Hard 4:00 Easy 4:00 Each rider chooses to do any 3 of Great way to end class, go straight the 4 available intervals. Custom into cool down! group recovery after each interval. Mind/Body ´Hit Listµ ² Evergreen: 1. You came to class today 2. Imagine someone you really 3. +HDUWKHZRUG´SRZHUµ for a reason. Get that goal want to impress is watching RU´VWUHQJWKµ´\HVµ clear in your mind right now. you do this work. What would ´SXVKµHWF LQ\RXUPLQG The work you do in here will you change? Sustain? Do and roll it over with each get you a long way toward more of? pedal stroke. achieving it! Or, create a personal mantra for this stage. 4. )LQGD´ULGLQJEXGG\µLQ 5. <RX·YHEHHQJLYHQDKHDG 6. Think of something class today. Commit to start on this hill. Your one goal indulgent to look forward holding each other is to finish in same position you to, (dessert, glass of wine, accountable to each doing started ² the lead. vacation, etc.,) ride this your best work. Check in stage in a way that proves between each set and stay you deserve it! connected throughout the ride. 7. You are riding with a 8. Imagine the person in your 9. Choose a universally group that is just a little too life with whom you are most known (or local) climb with IDVWIRU\RX,W·VWRRODWHWR competitive. If they beat you a spectacular view ² paint back out. You know if you to the end of this road WKH\·OO DSLFWXUHRIZKDW\RX·OOVHH can endure this kind of never let you forget it. DQGKRZ\RX·OOIHHOonce training it will make you fitter, Or, imagine the person in your you make it to the top. faster. Challenge yourself to life who needs the kind of move from the back of the positive energy you are SDFNWRWKHPLGGOH,ILW·VD generating. Ride this stretch of ´JRRGGD\µall the way to road for them. the front. 10. Imagine three people you know positioned along this road. Each is holding a sign for you to read as you go by. Who are the people? What does each sign say? Schwinn® Cycling : 10 Minutes to Your Next 10 Rides (2012) www.shannonfable.com ! ! Stage! / ! ! Music! RPM/ Terrain / Technique Intensity / Elapsed Time MPower/ Mind/ Body Total Time Dimensional Cueing ! ! ! ! ! ! 6-7!JK)'!J+(@7! ! "! &'()!*+,-!./0!1&2(345!67-8927!:-;(<=! C%DE%! 6-97-F!GH97! I9)5! %$%%! #$%%! LM)-2,-!N9)-!O9779P-! #$%%! ! ! >?92++@!AB!>#$%%B! ! ! N(P!J(37K2-! ! R!S(F@T7!U@+8!?5!L8@!672-@P7'!.S9FF5T)! \%DE%! 6-97-F!GH97! I9)5! %$%%! "$"E! "#$%!"&'()%*! !"##$%"&'"$($! V2++,-!?9P(3!R)H9@F!/HKM!:-;(<=!! \%DE%! /+;M+!GH97! ?+F-297-! "$"E! A$QQ! &25!7+!'+HF!:J?)!)7-9F5!9)!7'-! &'-!)^--F!+`!7'-!)+@P!()!7'-! >O'(7@-5!W+K)7+@B!>C$Q#B! C%DE%! 6-97-F!GH97! W92F! A$QQ! ]$QQ! 2-)()79@3-!3'9@P-)0! )H+8!^-2)+@!(@!7'-!392!5+K!aK)7! Q! DDDDDDD! 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[$""! 39@!5+K!2-93'!)(;(H92!8977)!`2+;! >GK@0B!>[$""B! @F 7+!794-!8(7'!5+K!7+!M-!)72+@P-2! ! ! ! 7'-!Q !8+24!)-7!j!)K(3(F-!)^2(@7)i! DDDDDD! ! +@!7'-!M934)(F-!7'9@!7'-!`2+@7i!! I9)5! %$%%! Q$A#! G(@-!N5!?-! ! L@!7'-!M934!)(F-c!39@!5+K!)795! >X@F5!V29;;-2B!>Q$A#B! 3+@)()7-@7!8(7'!5+K2!8977)!`2+;! ")7![!;(@i! ! ! ! ! ! ! :-3+,-25! ! A! N29,-!.X3+K)7(3=! @j9! L``!N(4-!! /S! %$%%! [$#\! ! ! [$#\! >RF(@9!?-@d-HB!>[$#\B! ! ! ! www.SchwinnEducation.com Join us on FACEBOOK! www.facebook.com/SchwinnIndoorCycling !.
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