THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL' ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, FEBRUARY 3, 1902. 11 THE sumpsit; appeal from District Court of 'lltl5i,.uwm..i..j'i BISHOP & CO., Honolulu. Hawaii Railway Co. Ltd. vs. Inter-Islan- d Bank of Hawaii FEBRUARY Telegraph Co. Ltd., assumpsit; ap- The BANKERS peal from District Court of Honolulu. LIMITED. A. Kunst vs. Charles Kamman, eject- ESTABLISHED IX 185S. ment. Jewel Stoves Incorporated under the Laws of the Kukuli Kauai . vs. Kindochi Okada, New England Territory ejectment. of HawalL Banking Department. TEBMOPEIS Gehring & Butzke vs. Chee Wo. as- sumpsit; appeal from District Court of p in departments Honolulu. Paid-U- Capital , Transact business all Bakery $600,000 of banking. Lewers & Cooke Ltd. vs. The Honolulu Jewel Stoves are made from the Reserve . 50,000 Collection's carefully attended to. Stock Yards Co. Ltd., assumpsit. higher grades Jennie K. Miles, vs. Annie Levy, ma- of iron, selected Is loaded up with Undivided Xxchange bought and sold. licious and chemically tested before Profits 163,000 prosecution, s melted. Grand and Petit John Stephenson vs. John De Greaves, . assumpsit. C. C Bitting vs. Vincent Fernandez, Test bars of each day's melt GOOD THINGS OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Commercial and Travelers' Letters of assumpsit; appeal from District Court of are made to insure uniform Credit Issued on of for strength of casting, and a most Charles M. Cooke . President the Bank California Juries Honolulu.- rigid inspection P. C. Jones and N. M. Rothschild & Sons, London. L. L. McCandless vs. Honolulu Planta- of work insures ALL THE TIME. Ylce President tion Co., ejectment. perfectly smooth and properly C. H. Cooke ruchiar Correspondents: The Bank of Califor- made castings. F. C. Atherton Assistant Cashier nia, Commercial Banking Co. of Syd- John Ii Estate Ltd. vs. The Territory ney, Ltd., London. of Hawaii, fishing rights. H. Waterhouse, F. W. Macfarlane. Bishop & Co. vs. H. L. Evans et a!., No stoves are sent out from the E. D..Tenney. J. A. McCandless and debt. factory until they are thoroughly C. H. Atherton. fire tested. Kaalauka vs. Waianae Company, eject- Scotch Short Bread; Cakes, all THE NEW COURT ment. We are not in a Drafts and cable transfers on China Frank Godfrey, trustee, et al.,vs. Helen business for sizes, prices and styles; Piea just and Japan through the Hongkong and al., day. but to build up what wiil Commercial Rowland et ejectment. be ' like your mother'used to make. and Savings De Shanghai Banking Corporation and Elizabeth K. Wilder vs. J. O. Carter et a continuous business for partments. Chartered Bank of India, Calendar al. ejectment. " ages to come; therefore we can- Cookies, Macaroons, Lady Fing- Australia and trustees, not afford to sell any stoves, China. Hawaiian Hardware Co. Ltd. vs. Ka-ma- lo ers, Cream Puffs. Sugar Co., assumpsit. bearing our name, which will Strict attention given to all Carrau & assump- not last for a great many years, Tons of Pure Candy from cheap With Three Judges Docket Can Green vs. Chun Hoy, and work as stoves should. branches of Banking. Interest allowed on term deposits sit. grade for children up to better at Victoria Ward vs. Territory of Hawaii, grades. 50c we the following rates per annum, viz: Soon be Cleared Judge fishing rights. In our house furnishing goods For can furnish Seven days' notice, at 2 per cent. department you will see samples you a box of Delicious Candies Judi Boltting Fort Street 3 Kapiolani Estate Ltd. vs. The Terri- thirty-fiv- e Three months, at per cent. Gear Will Preside. tory of Hawaii, fishing rights. of different Jewel worth a dollar elsewhere. Six months, at 3V per cent. stoves and ranges, from the little Iele (w) vs. George et al., four-hol- e Twelve months, at 4 per cent. Markham wood cook stove, up to quiet title. the large hotel range. Hawaii Land Co. Trust Department. Kahalepuna vs. L. L. McCandless, The February session of the Circuit quiet title. They are all made from the Act as trustees under mortgages. will be opened this morning by F. Lombard vs. A. M. Brown, dam- same material, con- LIMITED. Manage estates, personal. Court ages. and are real and Judge Gear, who will preside. Both structed under the very latest Don't Forget Collect rents and dividends. Frank Godfrey vs. John Kidwell, quiet principles of economy, durability Valuable papers, wills, bonds, etc., petit and grand juries are summoned title. and beauty. New England Bakery received for safe keeping. for today, though it Is hardly likely William H. Wright vs. John K. Gan- dall, assumpsit. We can show you hundreds of Capital Accountant Department. that the grand jury will be charged M. L. Smith vs. Honolulu Stock Yards testimonials from customers. Stock $100,000 Humphreys Co. Ltd., assumpsit. Auditors for corporations pri- before tomorrow. Judge J. O. No Capital, paid up S5S.0SO aid Carter et al, trustees, vs. Lulia If you require a range or stove, K More Dread vate firms. will hear the civil causes, while Gear (w), ejectment. with hot water coil, to be con Books examined and reported on. Judge Enterprise Mill Co. Ltd. rs. Emmett is toxtake up criminal work. May nected to your boiler, we have 0FTHt Statements of affairs prepared. et al., ejectment. competent help, can do sat- Trustees on bankrupt or insolvent es- Robinson will probably be sworn In as G. W. Hayselden vs. and ways Hawaiian Tram- isfactory work, under a. very Dental Chair OFFICERS: tates. third Judge soon after the arrival of Co. Ltd., trespass. nominal charge. Office, 924 street. Sister Kaaia-hu- a W. C. AchI Manager Bethel Hongkong Thursday, which is ex- Albertina, trustee, vs. J. President and the et al., ejectment. Do not wait until your old Vice-Preside- nt Savings Department. pected to bring his commission from 14 M. K. Nakulna JURY WAIVED stove is completely worn out and New York Dental Parlors President Roosevelt- - Judge Robinson CAUSES. worthless. J. Makalnal Deposits received and Interest allow jury-waive- Treasurer will probably In both the crim The new d causes fol- ed at 4 per cent per annum, in ac assist are as THE DENTAL SPECIALISTS. Enoch Johnson Secretary and regulation: inal and civil calendar, and with three, lows: We may be able to save you a cordance with rules once, by Jt your a J. Holt Auditor copies of which may be obtained on courts In operation at the docket Kealakaa vs. Kahaokamoku, quieting few dollars taking off All examinations are free. We will application. should soon be cleared. In reality the title. hands now, and supplying you In tell you In advance exactly what your present term is but Ah Hing place with one of our celebrated wiU calendar for the vs. Ah On, damages. Jewel stoves. work cost. Insurance Department. little longer than that of last term, and Schweitzer & Co. vs. C. J. Fishel, as- BOARD OF DIRECTORS: sumpsit. Agents for FIRE. MARINE. LIFE, as this is almost the first time "for If you feel that you, cannot af- PLATES Jonah Kumalae, S. SI- - Kanakanul, EMPLOYERS' LIA- nearly a year that more than one court Emmeluth & Co. Ltd. vs. B. F. White, pay we will Ii0 ACCIDENT and assumpsit: appeal from District Court ford to cash, make J. M. Kea. BILITY INSURANCE COMPANIES. has been in session here at the same of Honolulu. the terms very easy for you. Insurance office, 924 Bethel street. time, considerable work should be ac- W. vs. Ahon L. K. Kentwell, assump- Call on us convinced. complished. sit; appeal from District Court of Hono- and be The above company will buy, lease, lulu. " or sell lands in all parts of the Ha- THE JURIES. Antone P. We deliver our goods to all 3 osaa Morenha vs. Jose Mello parts of city and suburbs. waiian Islands, and also has houses In BSa Bid Below is given the list of jurors Pedro, assumpsit; appeal from District the the city of Honolulu for rent. which are summoned to appear at ten Court of Honolulu. Valley, Allan W. Judd vs. Young: Ping- - Deliveries to Manoa I GOLD CROWNS $5.0fl n o'clock this morning. assumpsit. et al.. Moanalua and Diamond Head are n composed fol- day. PORCELAIN CROWNS 6.00 The grand jury is as Akana vs. Kg Ling et al., assumpsit. made every other BRIDGE WORK. PER TOOTH .. 5.00 Specie S- - The YoMania 'Bant lows: N. Sachs, Robert C. A. Peter- H. G. Middleditch vs. Theresa Wilcox SET OF TEETH 5.00 son, William M. Minton, Samuel N. et al., 50 LIMITED. INDIVIDUAL assumpsit; appeal from District SILVER FILLING Kanaanui, Charles L. Wight. Alfred Court of Honolulu. Teeth extracted without pain. i! Hocking, Charles David, Louis A. Ros-ti- n. Crispino da Camara vs. John Machado, M II trespass; appeal We use the best materials teeth, John C. Lane, Charles W. Booth, from District Court of gold, etc., Is fullp ii w Tuch, Louis Honolulu. rubber, and all work Subscribed Capl'al - Ten ii Charles H. Brown, Carl guaranteed to be entirely satisfactory. 2t.C00.0C0 ii SAFES ea Myers, Charles S. Crispino, da Camara vs. Pedro Macha- Warren, Frederick do, trespass; appeal from District Court .W.Dimond&Co. Any work that should not prove satis Paid Up Capital - Yen 18.000.000 ii Ii Desky. Prince Cupid Kalanianaole. ui nonoiuiu. factory will be attended to free of i; ii John Gandall. John H. Wise, Samuel Crispino da Camara vs. Manuel G. charge. Reserved Fimd - Ten 8,510,000 : Kubey, William J. Coelho, Emmet May. Pedra, trespass; appeal from District LIMITED, All our Instruments are thoroughly i Fernandez, Joseph S.
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