WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library .ection: Cicconi, James W.: Files Archivist: dlb/bcb File Folder: -,N -boeeifti. Memos, 1984 [2 of 6] Date: 2/18/98 c tcr_...,.; OA 10792 ·········&~~fZ~.~~§········· 1. memo JW Cicconi to Michael K. Deaver re Presidential 3/26/84 Meeting with Kelly Alexander, Sr., 2p. 2. memo JW Cicconi to M. Deaver re Additional Information 3/28/84 on Kelly Alexander, Sr., lp. 3. memo JW Cicconi to M. Deaver re National Hispanic 4/12/84 Leadership Conference, 1p. RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Records Act· (44 U.S.C. 2204(a)] Freedom of Information Act. (5 U.S.C. 552(b)] P-1 National security classified information [(a)(1) of the PRA]. F· 1 National security classified information [(b)(1) of the FOIA]. P-2 Relating to appointment to Federal office [(a)(2) of the PRA]. F·2 Release could disclose internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the p.3 Release would violate a Federal staMe ((a)(3) of the PRA]. FOIA]. P-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information F-3 Release would violate a Federal statue [(b)(3) of the FOIA]. [(a)(4) of the PRA]. F-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information p.5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or [(b)(4) of the FOIA]. between such advisors ((a)(5) of the PRA]. F-6 Release would constitute a clea~y unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ((b)(6) of the P-6 Release would constiMe a clea~y unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ((a)(6) of FOIA]. the PRA]. F-7 Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIAJ. C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gilt F-8 Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of financial institutions [(b)(S) of the FOIA]. F-9 Release would disclose geological or geophysical information concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOIA]. \'ii iB WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection: Cicconi, James W.: Files Archivist: dlb/bcb File Folder: "JW €occini Memos, 1984 [2 of 6] Date: 2/18/98 Cict#n: .QA 101~· fJo>c 3 >>oo2uMENT } NO.AND TYPE:/ 1. memo "JW Cicconi to Michael K. Deaver re Presidential 3/26/84 PS Meeting with Kelly Alexander, Sr., 2p. 2. memo "JW Cicconi to M. Deaver re Additional Information 3/28/84 PS on Kelly Alexander, Sr., lp. 3. memo "JW Cicconi to M. Deaver re National Hispanic 4/12/84 PS Leadership Conference, lp. RESTRICTION CODES Presidential Rec:ords Act - [44 u.s.c. 2204(a)] Freedom of lnfonnation Act· [S U.S.C. 552(b)] p.1 National security classified information [(a)(1) of the PRA]. F-1 National security classified information [(b)(1) of the FOIA). P·2 Relating to appointment to Federal office ((a)(2) of the PRA]. F-2 Release could disclose internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the p.3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(a)(3) of the PRA]. FOIA]. P-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information F-3 Release would violate a Federal statue [(b)(3) of the FOIAJ [(a)(4) of the PRA]. F-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial information p.5 Release would disclose confidential advice between the President and his advisors. or [(b)(4) of the FOIA). between such advisors [(a)(5) of the PRA]. F-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal pnvacy [(b)(6) of the P-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(a)(6) of FOIA] the PRA). F-7 Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes ((b)(7) of the FOIA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donors deed of gift F-8 Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of financial instrtutions [(b)(8) of the FOIA]. F-9 Release would disclose geological or geophysical information concerning wells ((b)(9) of the FOIA). THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 21, 1984 MEMORANDUM FOR MICHAEL K. DEAVER FROM: JAMES W. CICCONI L,t-tl./' ( \ j SUBJECT: Auto Plant Dedication For your information: Yesterday, General Motors Chairman Roger Smith met with JAB and mentioned that two new GM auto plants are opening this year in St. Louis and Detroit. The plants, which will employ 6,000 workers, have not yet been dedicated (in a ceremonial sense), and Smith offered to hold off so that the President can dedicate one or both. The dedication(s) could be scheduled anytime between now and September. If there is any interest in this suggestion, Smith can pro­ vide further details. It might be a good event to combine blue-collar appeal with a theme of economic recovery. Thanks. cc: James A. Baker, III Margaret D. Tutwiler THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 21, 1984 MEMORANDUM FOR FAITH RYAN WHITTLESEY FROM: JAMES W. CICCON~ SUBJECT: Olympic Torch Delegation With regard to the delegation to bring the Olympic Torch from Greece (memo attached) , we have been informed that there will be no such delegation this year. In addition to problems with the Greeks over what they view as "commercialization of the Olympic flame," there were apparently other concerns which argued against sending a delegation. As I understand it, the flame will now be trans­ mitted by laser as was done at Montreal. By the way, I have been told that Mr. Andrew Athens, the per­ son you suggested, may have already traveled to Greece as part of the delegation that brought the Olympic Torch back for the 1980 Winter Games at Lake Placid. cc: John Herrington THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 19, 1984 MillOFANDUM FOR JAMES BAKER, CHIEF OF STAFF FRQ·1: FAITH WHITJ'LESEY, ASSISTJl...N'I' TO THE P:RFSIDENT FOE PU~LIC LIAISON SUJ3JEX::;'I': Delegation to Bring Olympic 'J.brch from Greece to the U.S. later this year, a delegation will be appointed to travel to Greece to reC',eive the 01ympic Torch and deliver it to the United States. I would like to recamnend that Mr. Andrew A. Athens, National Chairr;ian of the UrJ.ted Hellenic Arrerican Congress (UHAC) , be designated a irernber of this delegation. UHAC is an urrbrella organization which unites many ot the largest Greek American associations. Mr. Athens is respected and reloved by the Gn:.ek.. American carmuni ty. A longtime Republican and supp:;rter of the President, he has been especially helpful ir~ his public endcrserrent of the President' s response to the situation ir; Cyprus. cc: t-Iichael Deave.r J-ohn Herrington THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 23, 1984 MEMORANDUM FOR BUCK CHAPOTON FROM: JAMES W. CICCONI~ .._____) SUBJECT: Letter from Beryl Milburn The attached letter from Beryl Milburn concerns a tax ruling which apparently affects the University of Texas system. Jim Baker would appreciate it if you could respond to her letter directly, on his behalf, as you deem appropriate. Thank you. The Un i11ersir~y of Texas at Arlington The University of Texas Health Sciem.:e Center at Dallas The University a/Texas at A usrin The Univer.w y of Texas Medical Branch at Gafreston The Unil'ersi1_v a/Texas at Dallas The Uni11ersi1_110/Texas Health Science Cemerar /louston The Universir_v of Tex as al El Paso The University of Texas System Cancer Center The Unfrersil)' of Te:cas of lhe Permian Basin The University of Texas Health Science Center ar San .4 ntonio The University of Texas at San A ntonio The Universiry of Texas Health Center at Tyler The Uni11ersi1_y of Texas at Tyler The University of Texas Institute of Texan Cultures at San An1onio BOARD OF REGENTS of THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM 201 W. 7th Street Austin, Texas 78 701 Beryl Buckley Milburn 2606 Pecos March 14, 1984 Austin, Texas 78703 (512) 477-8384 The Honorable James A. Baker III Chief of Staff The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20400 Dear Jim: I want to bring you up to date on a problem that is of grave concern to The University of Texas System and the Texas A&M University System. As you know, the Texas Constitution allows us to issue tax-exempt bonds periodically up to 20 % of the value of the Permanent University Fund. We have done this regularly since 1959. In May , 1982, b e cause of an IRS action relating to a bond sale in another state, the tax-exempt status of PUF bonds was thrown into question. After considerable negotiations, a special IRS ruling was obtained in November, 1982, which permits us to issue tax-exempt PUF bonds if we a llocate presently-held lower-yield government securities, government agency securi­ ties, and corporate bonds to match the amount of all PUF bonds issued a fter May, 1978. While e xtremely h e lpful, the latitude allowed by this special ruling will be extinguished by approximately January, 1986 causing us to stop issuing tax-exempt bonds or to make additional investments in low-yield bonds, which we feel would violate the "prudent p e rson" fiduciary r e sponsibilities mandated by the State Constitution. We have bee n working with officials of the Treasury Departme nt to obtain a regulatory r e write which would allevi­ ate this situation. We understand now, however, that there is a possibility that this solution may not be available. The Honorable James A. Baker III March 14, 1984 Page 2 If regulatory relief is not available, there are two alternatives remaining.
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