1 V**r ■ ‘H' • t ) - ■ M' I k • ’ I I I f I ♦ -*.V’ VOL. L a, m . as3. MAM! i t i A iraun 10, M SI fduiTBiM n o n P f U C t AMERICAN WARSHIP Haey*i Sm ile B efore H ilii(i( W ent BIacfe>-«nd Blue MITERSONRAPS MEN’S CODE l i ^ R E O I I E RUSHED TO FUKIEN! W CAPITAL c m y ' - I STATE’S OFFIOA15 Fnaner Hartfiri Ihyor FORD IS STILL OUT icu i There u They Cap- HONOR MACDONALDI Siqs PdRici. and Crime MiBions of Workers Intni>- tare Cky — Jip Deitroj* YOHTHS MAROONED Are Bectaning Synony- osted in Preseqt Confer- ert Ako Sent to Scene. MoBoment Unveiled for the ON A ROCKY LEDGE! m ontTW e. once i t Wasiungton — Foochow, FukloB FrevlBeo. Chtata, T adier ef AmericanI A uf. SO.—(A P) — ABMtlOBa and (SUntop, Aug. SO.—(A P)—F or­ Thne Boys f t t n Been On Ante Magnate Sient — Japuoso wanhipo itouiod toward! ffifhwiye.’* mer Mayor Walter B. Batteribn this olty today to protaot national! toir' the Hartford Woman’s Rspub- cuff 400 Feet ffigk Since Jeknten Reports Two of thoM two oountrtM from an tai' Uoan Qub that "poUtioa and crime oraaalaf Rod monaea. Hertford, Aug. 80 — (AP) —I are becoming synonymoua under An a r!!ult of the Oommunlata* James H. MacDonald of- New Early Yefierday. Miion Persoas Hare AL the present regime” at Hartford. i !wlft Inourolon Into North Fuklon Haven, the state’s first highway and their capture of Teapinf. oommissioner and known aa the Batterson made hla statement number of American mlMlonaiie! yesterday aa the club met at ^ e ready Been Reemployod. "fath er a t American highways,” Adirondack Lodge, Lake Placid. fled here and other! in nearby Klen was honored by the etate today ln| home of. Mr. a id Mrs. John D. Kel­ nine were endanfered. two oeremonles largely attended. ley Beach Park. He added that N. Y., Aug. 80.—(AP)—Sandwlch- (A Waetdngton diepateh eald an State offlelela, road buildere, vn- the prsaent altuatloB denotes that n Water and oranges were lower­ W ashingtott. * Aug. 30.—(A P)—A American warahip had been ordered gtnaers and other friends of Con- Tammany Hall tactics have been ed over a dissy ollffslde/ today to delay until toe middle of next w ^ to proceed to Foochow. The ftm' neotlout’s "grand old man” of the I Who ”hooked” the "Klngfish”—end how ? That was toe burning qubstian when Huey Xiong, Louisiuia’e injected into munidpal affairs. boat! Tulsa and Sacramento were "Qean PoUttos” three boys, marooned on a narrow on toe master code intended to highways eaaembled in the hell of stormy Senator, arrived in Milwaukee from New York sporttog'a black eye. He got it, he leys, ledge of rook 400 feer hlgk dnee at Swatow and Hong Kong, onN a the Houie at the Capitol at 2 p. m. when he was "ganged” by three or four strangers at a chsrity Jsvue at the Sands Point (L. L) Bath Referring '’o reports that open blanket toe milliona of retail work­ ■hort steaming distance from warfare has developed between yesterday morning. ers over tot land was indicated to­ where speakers eulogised the______ mandub, I where he here is shown in a picture taken shortly before th^ mysterious battle. Left, to rlsht: The ufe-gtving package of food Foochow.) who senred the state as highway Miss Helen Mulrooney, Captain A. Williams, Mrs. Ai W ^ams, MTi; and Mrs. Gene Buck; Smator Long, speakeasies and 'avems licensed by day as Arthur D. Whiteside, a depu­ Japaneae Waroraft chief from 1886 to 1918., Mrs. Edward P. Mulrooney, Commissioner Mulrooney and Miss Elaine'Hyland. the state to dispense beer because dangled at toe end at a 1.000-foot Two Japanese destroyers and one ' * reported poL'ee laxity, ae assert­ rope from the top of the sheer rock ty administrUor of toe NRA,' {mto- Following this progrdm presided sented a revised voeion to retail­ cruiser were en route to protect the over by Highway Commlaeloner ed that unless those interested in side of toe wSD face mountain, and large Japanese colony and property good government are wining to was finally cauriit by the youths. ers representatlvea for oonsidera- John A. Macdonhld, a proceaeion of tion. " interests here. over 40 autos went to toe new aute work for the ‘‘restoration of clean Because of sharp rocks which Meanwhile, a dispatdi from Nan' poUtics’’ in'munidpal affairs, they threatened to sever toe rope, lo at­ W ork on' this wldespreading' wrage *hMig uid General Chiang Kai* park atop Avon mountain which INFANT IS KILLED bears the name of the first high­ WASHINGTON VOTES WET must take the consequencea. tem pt waa made bolint toe and work hour code has assumed Shek, leader of an anti-communist Anson Keeler, state oomptroUer. stranded youths to toe top of toe dominant importance at toe NRA, expeditionary force with headquar­ way ooxmnlsaioner. Iliere Gover­ nor Cross unveiled a monument wfa QKdce on the same program, badf-dome shaped mountain in toe where the other chiet topic today ters there, announced 100,000 Mexi­ BY NORWALK AUTD heart of toe Adlrondsck wilder­ was toe failure of Henry Ford to in­ can dollars would be paid for the dedicated to Mr. MacDonald. The announced that the welfare dtua- monument carrier a thsee-toot BY A MAJORITY OF 3 TO 1 tioB In the state is serious from a ness. dicate his attitu d e on- toe code em­ head of either Chu Teh or Mao A state pdiceman waa .dispatch­ bracing toe gigantic automobile in­ Chetung, the principal Communist medallion with Mr. MacDonald's financial standpoint. portrait in has relief. Welfare SItiiatiMi ed from toe reecue r"mp to Lake dustry. leaders. Plad^ 15 miles away, to obtain All foreigners were said to have Memorial Program Woman Backs Car From He asserted that $82J!00 Waa ap­ Hugh S. Jidmson, NRA oomman- The memorial program was apon- Only One District in State propriated lot the pauper account 500 feat more of heavy rope. Be­ dei, bad toe task of preparing a evacuatedLted Yenpj before the In- \ ROOSEVET ALLOWS cause of toe weljdit, toe rope was vaders entered aored by the Jesoea H. MacDonald in 1930, while in 190 it was neces­ report for President RoosevMt on Memorial Oommiaai<m w hirii assist­ Garage and Does Not See sary to assign 81.300,000 to the ac­ to be put in an airplane and drop­ what he knows as to v^y Fmxl has ed Governor Cross in ths unveiling Latest Retnnis Give count, an Increase of 1000 per cent ped to toe party oa toe mountain had nothing to say so far. Tlie B08810NARIBS SAIli GOLD EXP0RIAH0N top. Hankow; China, Aug. 80;,—(AP)— ceremonies. The oommlsston, creat­ tkeChiU. over toe 1930 appropriation. manufacturer has until September Sta^t American Pasaonist missloii- ed by the 1981 Legislature to pur­ R^eilistt 316,064 lo Speaking on state finances, Keel­ Heavy rope, toe rescuers believ­ 5 to act, to get a Blue Eagle. arlM who two memths ago chase land for a park and memorial er .arid toe future is uitoredlctable ed, would hoist toe boys safely past BetaUees’ Code , caught in warfare at TuaaMiow be­ in honor ef the man vdio started the tram the standpoint either a t ex- sharp rocks, particulariy a ledge The retaUers’ code wa.*! deecribed tween rebeia and provineial troops Connecticut highway system, are 13%359 fnr Retation. Bnt On^ K ild luridy- Norwalk. Aug. 80—(AP) — ’^wo peiMsq ee income, adding- toat ‘our Jutting opt from toe cliff several as altered in many reqiecta frton ware todtay reported safa James M. Whtttleeey of Morrta, deaths this morning in the Norwalk IppilgBS.IS UaUe to decrease fu rth er hundre feet above toe boym. previous drafts, but not drastically. A telegram received by Senator John F. Lynch of West rifteF .»ricea.” Three-Hour Trip The text was withheld. hoqpital increased to three the ttk. Trooper Harold Muller made a headquarteip here from ChlnsBe au­ Haven» Senator H. Sanford Osbom Seattle, Wash.. Aug. 30.—(AP)— M in ^ I r i Oii Bnflion of fatal accidents in this vidnitiy are advancing rapidly,” As toe group of executives rspi^ thorities at Hunp^dang, 50; miles of Redding, Motor Vehicles Cora- ,"Our costs of operating are three-hour trip out over the boul­ aenting toe Nation’s largest'retail south of Tuanchow, said thelAmerl- missiooer Michael A. Connor and Two thlrda of the 86 states needed yesterday afternoon and last nlgl tofr^BteSSslng instead of decreas- der-strewn tn ^ to Heart Lake and TtriB I to erase the 18th Amendment from eetabliiihmento began conaidaratiOa eans were still at Yuanchew after Commissioner .Macdonald, Mnd Renan Hwa Louis Bartollni, 48,. of 7 __ jQhttaeaed buslneas for Connec- Adiromteck jodga WKh'the request of toe new charter, which would itaw goveenment troc^B had osgtured oommission named the park atop I the Constitution were lined up to> street, Waterbury, a -Upemair eotaeexns means more tax in- for more rope. Die'J80-fbot.length chide druggists and grocers if tim the town and ousted rebels, who Avon iTOuntain as MacDonald Jge-|day, Washington following 33 the Connecticut Light A Pt f^ toe state, but as this ln-< could be attarlbed to the* lower end of toe nope already in lise;* be dMails can be worked out satisfaip-* fled toward- the Kweidww brader. others into the repeal cohimn. N<^: Washingti^. A ^. 8»>-^(AP).'— Company, who.
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