CRF Listing of POLITICAL CONTRIBUTORS OF $5OO OR MORE IN '1969 Herbert E. Alexander and Caroline D. Jones Editors The Alexander Collection Item Number ÍY Donated by Herbert E. Alexander, 2008 CITIZENS' RESEARCH FOUNDATION / 245 Naçsau Street / Princeton, New lerrey 08540 Officers GUSTAVE L. LEVY Goldman, S¿chs and Company Chairman af the Boord: WtLLIAM H. VANDERBTLT J. IRWIN MILLER PTesidenI: ALEXANDER HEARD Cummins Engine Company Treosurer: wtLL¡AM w. woLBAcH MALCOLM MOOS Secretary: JEPTHA l-t. WADE University of Minnesota DiTectoT: HEREERT E, ALEXANDER ARTHUR H. MOTLEY Parade Publications, lnc. JAMES L. MURPHY Reynolds and Company Board of Trustees PAUL A. PORTER Arnold and Porter ARCH¡BALD S. ALEXANDER LEM(XNE SKINNER, IR. Bernardsville, New f ersey Ruder and Finn of Su Louis, lrrc. ST¡IISION BULLITT NEIL STAEBLER King Broadcasting CoÍpany StaeHer and Son IAilES rl. CLARK, lR- UALTER, N.THAYER CIT¡ZENS' llhitcom lnrcstÍænt Corpany tVhitr¡ey Co¡rununication Corporation wRESEARCH LOUIS G. COYAN DAVID B.TRUMAN FOUNDATION Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism Mount Holyoke College ,. EDWARD DAY WILLIAM H. VANDERBILT Sidley and Austin Wi I I iamstown, Massachusetts THOMAS D. F¡NNEY, JR, JEPTHA H. WADE Clifford, Warnke, Glass; Mcllwain and Finney Choate, Hall and Stewart STEPHEN K. GALPIN THEODORE H, WHITE General Electric Company Author MRS. KATHARINE GRAHAM WILLIAM W. WOLBACH The Washíngton Post Company Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company ALEXANDER HEARD JAMES C. WORTHY Vanderbilt University Cresap, McCormick and Paget MILTON KATZ PAUL ZIFFREN Harvard University Law School Tiffren and Ziffren Copyright @ 1971 by Citizcns' Research Foundation FOREWORD For some years the Citizens' Research Foundation has been using for research purposes the data on financial contributions to polit¡cal candidates that appear in public reports filed pursuant to federal and state statutes. The information has been used as source material for a series of studies of political finance prepared by political scientists and published by the Foundation. The data on contributions, along with other information on campaign funding, have been available for examination by interested persons at the Foundation's headquarters ¡n Princeton, New Jersey. Until now, the CRF information on political donations has not been disseminated in the form presented here. ln pursuit of its aim to give as comprehensive a picture of American political finance as possible, and to encourage others to do likewise, the Foundation is now publishing a Iisting of contríbutions made by individuals to candidates for public office or their committees in 1969, as shown in public records. lt is hoped that this publ¡cation will be of use to students of politicat finance. Compilations of this kínd have appeared before from time to t¡me. Congressional Quarterly for many years regularly published lists of political contributors of sums above a certain amount, drawn from public reports. Newspapers, magazines, and individual scholars have published less complete listings. Committees of Congress have issued reports which have included listings of individual givers, the most notable being that by the Senate Subcommittee on Privileges and Elections in 1956.-57. The Citizens' Research Foundation acknowledges the generosity of the Ford Foundation for the grant' that has made this publication possible. ALEXANDER HEARD SOURCES AND LIMITATIONS OF DATA This publication lists alphabetically those individuals who were reported to Again following the Gore Committee Report policy, this compilation does have made political contributions in single amounts of 9500 or more in 1969 not list contributions from labor or other organizations, nor does it show insofar as the Citizens' Research Foundation was able to ascertain this transfers of funds from one committee to another, or from a committee to a information from statements officially field with the Clerk of the House of candidate, or from a candidate to a committee. Contributions of $500 or Re presen tati ves. more from estates and business or professional firms are included, as they were in the Gore Report. Federal law requires that political organizations which operate in two or more For the listings that follow, it is important to bear in mind the exclusions: states file periodic statements of receipts and expenditures with the Secretary contributions of less than $500 from the given sources are not included, even of the Senate or the Clerk of the House of Representatives. These organiza- if several gifts in the aggregate might exceed $500, and contributionsfor the tions include national party, labor and other such committees in continuous primary contests of the House candidates in 1969 as well as any contribut¡ons operation and national committees specifically set up for Presidential or to intrastate committees and candidates for local or state offices were also Congressional general election campaigns. The Secretary of the Senate is the not included, if these receipts were not filed in Washington. This means that depository for reports of candidates for the office of Senator only, while the Congressional campaigns more fully reported at the state than at the federal Clerk of the House receives all national committee reports and statements of level-as many are-are not well represented in this compilation. Because of candidates for the House of Representatives in general or special elections, as these exclusions, many individuals who made contributions in small amounts well as all reports of receipts by incumbents both Senate and House in of in primaries or at state and local levels are not listed here, and some of those non-election years. ln addition, a few state and local politícal committees who are listed might well have contributed more than the compilation shows. voluntarily file with the Clerk of the House. As there were no Senatorial ,l969, Names, addresses and amounts are almost invariably given as reported. elections and only seven House contests for vacated seats all in Where obvious errors in spelling or addresses were reported, corrections were federally reported political contributions were filed with the Clerk the of made. However, it has not been feasible to make all corrections desirable for House. purposes of better identifying contributors, and in no case has information All expenditure and receipt reporrs filed with the Clerk of the House of been added. Mistakes in the filed reports in transcription, incorrect spelling of Representatives in 1969 werê systemarically examined and all contributions names and addresses, imperfect photocopies, and errors in key-punching in sums of $500 or more have been listed by name, address, date and amount, computer cards could be responsible for any inaccuracies in this compilation. as they were reported by filing candidates and committees. ln using the 9500 minimum figure and in the general format of this publication, the Citizens' Research Foundation has followed the precedent of the Gore Committee Report of 1957.1 11956 General Election Compaigns, Report to the Senate Comm¡ttee on Rules and Adm¡n¡stratlon, Subcommittee on Privileges and Elections, 85th Congress, l st Sess¡on (r 9s7). GUI DE TO DATA AND ABBREVIATION CODES The infsrmation contained in this listing is set out in the following format: c Commission last name of contributor, first name(s), middle name and/or title, and Mr., C Committee Mrs., Miss, or blank if not reported. Next is the street address, city and state CAL Califor:nia of the donor inSofar as this information was included in the public record. CAMP Campaign The next column shows the dollar amount of the contribution, followed by a CHRIST Christian classification of the recipient candidate or committee (Republican or Demo- crT Citizens cratic party, labor, business and professional, or miscellaneous). The recipient CLB Club candidate or c.on is listed next, and is followed by a three-digit number 'rittee COMM Communioations whic.h has been assigned to each separate candidate or comm¡ttee name. The CONG Congress (ional) next column shows the date on whioh the contribution was reported to have CONGL Congressional been made. The designation for month or day appears in cases for "50" CONSER Conservative which either no day or no date was reported or the contribution was reported CONSTL Constitutional to have boen made within an extens¡vé span of months. COUN Council ln order to save space, the recipient candidate and committee names have CRPTS Carpenters been abbreviated according to a code developed by the Citizens' Research CRUS Crusade Foundation. The code list below provides a key to all abbreviations used in D Democratic the publioation. DC Distriçt of Columbia Synbot Meanìng DEM Democratic (hyphen) (a space) DIN Dinner a, an DL Delegate and DNC Democratic Natiônal Comm¡ttee for ECON Economio of EFF Effective to ELECT Election A Arnerica ENG Engineers ACTN Association FIN Finance ACTN Action G Good ADVIS Advisory GOVT Government AM American(s) GP Group ASSOC Assoeiation H U"S. House of Representatives B Bencfieial H Hurnphrey BSTR Boosterr HþIH Hubert H. Humphrey BUSI Busines HM l-{umphrey-Muskie BSUMN Businèssmen IMP lmprovement INDUST lndustry RET Rstirement LEG Legislative RN Republican National LIVBL Livable s States MAR Marine SEN Senatorial NA Nixon-Agnew SL Selection NAT Nationalist SLNER Schulner NATL National ST Strpet NO North STR Structure OP Operations, Operators SW Steelworkers PAC Political Action Committee TENN Tennessee PAF Political Action
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