Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1934 The olC lege News, 1934-02-21, Vol. 20, No. 14 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1934-02-21, Vol. 20, No. 14 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1934). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • '. • - t XX, No. BRYN MAWR AND WAYNE, PA., WEDNESDA'Y, FEBRUARY ::Oilyrhr;ht BRYN JolAWR ;.J PRICE CENTS Th 21, 1934 COLL .. ;oE NEWS 193-1 10 VOL. 14 e-·College • International Club Holds Shane Leslie Speaks CALENDAR Oxford Press Serves Miss King Discusses Thurs., Feb 22. Vi�nna Round Table Discussion i. Gertrude Stein's on• Authentic Swift Choir Boys will give 8 concert. Scholarly Interests Art The International Relations Club's • Goodhart Hall,. 8.20 P. M. Tick­ . ets on sale at the Publi­ round table diKcuslion of Latin 'Amer­ Disguised Handwriting Proven 8'tJ.! ·Foundation of Fine Printing Impressionists, <::ezanne, and cations Office. ica, held February in J-he Com· False by Recently Found Laid by Gifts of Jurn),s 1S Cubist, Sho", Parallel. Fri., Feb. 23. Class swim­ mon Room, was a high.1y successful � ·and Bishop Fell. to Her Writing Manu.scripts ming meet. Gym at 4.00 P. M. experiment. Sal, Feb. 24. Varsity bas­ Carmen Duany, '34, who was SWIFTIANA RE· EDITED ketball vs. Dre�el Institute­ BIBLES ARE FAMOUS re-­ TECHNIQUE IS ORIENTAL sponei61e lor planning the round ta­ first and second teams. -eymn. UThe Oxford Press has alway. Ie, opened the discussion with a In '�he Common Room, Thursday Shane Leslie, lpeaking In Goodhart at. 10.00' A. M. ) been something more than a commer· rier account of the International afternoon, Miss King gave an ilium· Wednesday evening', February 14, Sat., Feb. 24. PrelJt(ml\n b cial venture," said Dr. Herben, ill· Relations Clubs' Reg;onal Conference inating talk on Gertrude Stein and on the subjeet of recent studies in Show, Goodhart Hall t 8.30 ( traducing the exhibit of Oxford print­ on Pan.Americanism, which she- At­ French Painting, which was on Swiftiana, gave his attention more - P. M. Tickets on sale at the baaed ing in' the Deanery on Monday after·' tended in Washington last December, her rsonal recollections ot MilS particularly to a textual criticism of Publications Office. � noon, February 19. jilt .is and hall The following student! also gave Stein and on her wide reading in the the pieces in the Swift anthology Sun., Feb. 26. Mr. Edward been a great. institution for the serv· short reports on different aspccta of authoress' works, . • "written in Swift's .well·known dis­ M. M. Warburgt of the Museum ice of scholarship by the disaemina­ the Latin American question: Lucy guised hand." af Modern Art, will 8peak on M iSI King met Mias Stein fint in tion of hooks," Oxford's claim Fairbank, Margaret Simpson, Eliza· B�ause of this fiction concerning Th.& Artist in tlt.� orld Todal/. good New York through Mabel Weeks, and W to be the home of the first Eflglish beth Billgham, Elizabeth Bock, and Swift's handwriting the famous Dean Deanery at 6.00 P. M. Estelle Rumbotdt, the lICulptor. Miss printer ill unfortl)l1ately as faldc all Grace Meehan. is one of the worst-edited authors Sun., Feb. 26. Chapel. The Stein U!led to visit Miss King in .her the tradition maintained by Uniyer. in English literature. He signed his Rev. John W. Suter will speak. These repor,s emphasized the diffi· "penthouse" apartment on 67th sity College that it was founded by - letters, but never his poems. To Music Room at 7.30 P. M. cult topography of South AmeriC:l Street, cram herself out of the win· Allred the Great; but-the xford Itart from, then, the editor has only Mon., Feb. 26. Margaret O and the large Indian�l�ent in ,the dow to admire the vista of the river Pr.e!!s, if not the second after Caxton's . halt ot Gulliver', T,.aveu and half Ayer Barnes will mCt!t all those populaUon as reasons .lor th prob- and" the buildings, and finally settle nt Westminster, was among the carti­ o'f the Journal to Stella, deli.nitely in students interested in writing lems which the Latin republics are down to talking at length about "ny· cst in England. The colophon date on his hand, and available in the Brit­ in the Deanery at 4.30 P. M. racing today. Those countries with thing from art to lllychology. It was the manuscript of t ish Museum. The other halt ot the Tues., Feb. 27. Miss Rossa RujimUJ, On. he the leust Spanish blood are the least about this time that Gertrude Stein Creed has been shown by scholars to pl'Ogrellive. Transportation is still nnd her brother, passed much latter, a composite of gosaip, polities Cooley, Principal of the Penn Leo, R an error resulting from a typeset· and "gossamer love making," ie po,.· Normal Industrial and Agricul. hi! very primitive, although the new air· time abroad, where they oIten hap· ter's omission of one Roman numeral, sibly in some small cottage bureau. tural School, Frogmore, South lines are bringing out.lying districts pEned to meet Misl King. An inter· ten: it is, therefore. 1478 instead of The main task for the editor of Carolina, will speak in the into closer contact with the capitale, esting story is told of Miss Stein's l468, and not prior to Cuton. Swilt is the comprehension of his Deanery at 5.00 P. Tea at . so that trips which once required falling asleep on the ltepa of S1. John 1\1. months when mad(! canoe or mule Lateran in Siena, the day handwriting, and then the correct at­ 4.30 P. M. Please notify Polly The Oxford PreSl ,t first had no � beeause tribution of the poems in the Swift Barnitz if attending tea. more than a casual association with train now take �- a few hours. waa hot. and she was tired. From anthology, frequently In the hand­ Tues., Feb. 27. Mrs. Harold the UniYenity, al in· early days a In the post-war decade, Latiri there the scene shif� after a lapse writing of Swllt'a contemporaries. Thurlow will speak on Oppor- "sc.riptorium" was apt to be found America enjoyed a J:)rie! era of un· of aeveral yeau to Paris, where the The Swiftian manuscripts have had, lor Women in lndu.· near any intellectual centre. The precedented prosperity. American two had taken a studio. Mr, Stein r.hlJtiti�1I a remarkably romantic history. Laboratof'1·t!'. Common first Press went out of existence in banks practiclllly compelled the vari· was selling his fine collection of Jap­ trial. governmentl to accept loans. The anese prints In order to buy paint· When Swift died in 1745, all of his Room at 4.45 P. M. Ten at 1486, after nine years of publishing. ous depressi�n has, however, blocn pal" ings by the modern French-Reno,ir, books were lIPid: the six.vol�me 4.l6 P. M. Eltablished anew in 1507, it printed Faulkner edition of 1735 was aold to L for only fourteen months, at the end ticularly IK'vere in Latin Amerlcu. Cezanne, MatiSIC, and Picasso, Miss _____________--" , Lord Synge, it was lost, and reap­ I of which it was suppressed by Wol­ Since it wal impossible to keep up King did not see Mi88 Stein again peared only to be sold and lost again Miss Park Outlines Plans lIey. The present Oxford Presa wa� payments on the public debt and tn(> until just before the War, when ahe unlil Mr. Leslie recently discovered For Addition to Library rounded in ] 685, from which time to New York bank!! insisted on receiving enjoyed looking at new French paint.-­ it. The Chesterfleld fetters were also the present moment its tradition is their Interest, the only way to ,'(1. ing and learned to understand it a eventually sold, and passed down At Chapel on Thursday mornirog, unbroken. ... move the burdCIi of these obligation" littlc, with the aid of an intrOduction through the Shirley tamilYi these, Miss Park discuased plana for a new For the three hundred and rorty­ .....all revolution. to Picasso's dealer. During the War, The Pan-American movement. ini· Miss Stllin drove an ambulance in too, were for some time 10!lt to the Library wing and for a Pl'OI>oscd eight years of its existence the PrettI'S . world. In all the catalogues of print­ has the finest records of any publish­ tialed by the United States Govern· the SQuth of France, and "worked like change in the present Library stair· ment, has attempted to. foster loli- u dog," as she, herself, expressed it. ed booke in the Shirley library· there ing house in the world: we know case. The 160,000 books in the library, was no mention of the manuscript. ('vcry title published in those years darity and good·will between Amer· And the war·time experiences revcr­ Dr. Rosenbach, however, finally founn which grow in number yearly by ap· and for all of them, with few excep' icft and the other rcpublics of thll berate in her work.
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