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E43H&25&4785&1493&3H890&EH8&327603& 3H0&:45=9&25=&23343<=09&81&8<7& G8<3HCO CL3./2%1,(/<(.*#()&/(^/70(+/3_L#3( K%,:(917=1,(8%,(582L71`%` aL70(4-(FMDO K SAUDI ARABIA AND COUNTERTERRORISM 2017 REPORT 01 — Overview Capturing the Men; Cutting off the Money and Changing the Mindset As the birthplace of Islam and home to the Two Holy Mosques, Saudi Arabia is an attractive strategic target of extremists who seek to redefne Islam for their own nihilistic purposes. To combat this threat, Saudi government offcials and religious scholars have condemned terrorist acts and aggressively sought to combat deviant ideologies. Defeating terrorism requires sound policies, concerted government efforts and international cooperation. Saudi Arabia is one of the leading nations in combatting terrorism and terror fnancing, and has been working closely with its allies to hunt down the men, cut off the money, and change the mindset that terror organizations create and rely on. Terrorism is an enormous challenge to the global community, and the terrorist threat that directly faces Saudi Arabia is multifaceted – from Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) on its southern border to the rise of Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL) to its north, in Iraq and Syria, to the clandestine activities of Al- Qaeda and Daesh in the Kingdom itself. Saudi Arabia has responded by taking frm action against terrorism and its extremist roots and embracing the roles of regional leader and committed global partner to combat terrorism. The Kingdom uses all the tools at its disposal: military action to roll back the territorial gains of terrorist organizations, aggressive action to counter terrorist fnancing, innovative efforts to challenge and eventually overcome the ideology, theology and messages that underlie terror organizations. 5 2017 REPORT SAUDI ARABIA AND COUNTERTERRORISM The Kingdom has enthusiastically joined the U.S.-led fght against Daesh. In February 2017, Foreign Minister Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir told a German newspaper that the Kingdom was “ready to send ground troops” to fght Daesh in Syria on the side of the United States, should the U.S. lead a coalition against the terrorism in that country. Saudi Arabia greatly values its strong alliance with Washington today. Few global partnerships are combating terrorism more effectively than the joint military and fnance tasks forces operated by the two countries. Saudi Arabia’s multifaceted approach "Saudi Arabia is one of to fghting terrorism is refected in the our closest partners on Kingdom’s: counterterrorism. I Have • Membership in the 68-nation strong Global Coalition to Counter ISIS; making worked very closely, 341 sorties in support of coalition especially [witH] Crown Prince airstrikes in Syria. • Creating in December 2015 a multi- MoHammad bin Naif, over nation Islamic Military Alliance against Terror; tHe last 15 years. And tHey • Co-chairmanship of the Counter ISIL are truly a good example Finance Group, along with the United States and Italy; of How foreign intelligence • Agreement with the UN in 2011 to launch the United Nations Counterterrorism services can work against Center; Saudi Arabia has pledged $110 tHese terrorist organizations. million to the center; • Imposition of sanctions on entities And Saudi Arabia faces a very that assist in terror fnancing, including joint designations with the U.S Treasury serious threat from terrorism." Department; • International intelligence sharing by the — Saudi Ministries of Defense and Interior; Former CIA Director John Brennan • Strengthening of local banking laws; Face the Nation • Far-ranging investigations into terror- September 11, 2016 funding networks; 6 !!!!!!!!!!"#$%&!#'#(&#!#)%!*+$),-',-''+'&".!!!!!!!!!!!/012!'-3+', h( C$1HV2/&,3( /,( 7/H17( =/,#0b#?H*1,:#( /B#$1.%/,3[( h( +%7%.1$0b.#H*,/7/:0( .$1,3<#$3( <$/=( !"#$%&$%&'#(&#$)#(%'&*(+(*&,-& .*#( A@9@( .*1.( H/,.$%8L.#( ./( j/%,.( '(..,.$%/&0123$&4.15$1&#1%& H/L,.#$.#$$/$%3=(#<</$.3[( (67(.$(89(3&%$89(&1'&*(1%'& h( 5$=0(1,2(9B#H%17(G/$H#3(.$1%,%,:(&%.*( .*#(5=#$%H1,(1,2(T$%.%3*(=%7%.1$%#3-(13( :;;;<&"#(.(&=(.(&/,.(& &#77( 13( 3#HL$%.0b.#H*,/7/:0( $#3#1$H*( 7(,7*(&>$**(3&-.,/&'(..,.$%/& 1,2( 2#"#7/B=#,.( 8#.&##,( 91L2%( $8&:;?@&$8&0123$&4.15$1&'#18& Arabia’s scientifc institutes and their %,.#$,1.%/,17(#_L%"17#,.3@ $8&'#(&7.(+$,2%&??&A(1.%& h( P=B7#=#,.1.%/,( /<( 1::$#33%"#( BL87%H( 9,/5$8(3<! education campaigns by offcial clerics %,(.*#(K%,:2/=(./(2%3H$#2%.(.#$$/$(:$/LB3( G%,H!%&-+##,#$IB&$JK+L&'()8M 1,2(H/,2#=,(.*#%$(1H.%"%.%#3[ -N+&$JI-$-O-+&P,#&+.,J,B$.I&!JK&"+!.+Q h( +/,%./$%,:( %.3( =/3_L#3( ./( B$#"#,.( R!IN$JG-,J&K. 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The effort must continue to be a collective one wholly dedicated to eradicating terrorist violence, extremism and radicalization in all its forms: cultural, political and religious. “From assisting the refugees who are being thrown out of Syria by the fighting there, supporting Jordan in taking care of those refugees; the energy supplies and other support they are giving to Egypt as they work through some really tough financial times ... It's very clear that Saudi Arabia is stepping up to its regional leadership role out here right now at a key time in terms of trying to restore stability in this key region of the world." U.S. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE JIM MATTIS APRIL 19, 2017 8 SAUDI ARABIA AND COUNTERTERRORISM 2017 REPORT "I believe that no two countries are working as closely in fighting terrorism, and in particular ISIS, as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States. This has been the case for a number of years. We are intensifying our efforts." FOREIGN MINISTER ADEL BIN AHMED AL-JUBEIR MARCH 23, 2017 "There is great unanimity around the effort to defeat ISIS – not just on the battlefield, but also off the battlefield and around the world." U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE REX TILLERSON MARCH 23, 2017 9 !"#$%&'()&*%%%%%%%%%%+,-./%,&,0/,%,1.%2)-1*'&*'&&)&/+3 I=?F;&32X?:;1E&D/:X23&A=92&=::2312F& T/:2&1A=0&5((&D/:2;@0&0=1;/0=Y3&;0& 1A2&Y=31&1</&E2=:3&D/:&;09/Y92T201&;0& !! 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