o" - grf'lppnq5 rorlFloDg,Gglnglm S6?t,fituru6, Gleranannn 106 TAMIL NADU STATE ELECTION COMMISSION, Chennai- 600105. eir grfoor €b6!Ddt6r STATUTORY ORDER eqSssi*; gpuq ABSTRACT ELECTIONS- OrdinaryElections to UrbanLocal Bodies- October2011 - Kanniyakumari District- Contestedcandidates - Failedto lodgeaccounts of electionexpenses - Showcause notices issued- Failedto submitexplanation and accounts - Disqualification- Ordered. Dated,the lOthS"Pt.tnb"t 2013 Read: 1. S.O.No. 3gl2TlllTNSEC,EE, dated,the 15ft September2011. 2. S.O.No.38i2011/TNSECIEE, dated, the 15* September2011. 3. S.O.No.45l2011/TNSEC/ME1, dated, the 21" September2011. 4. From the District Election OfficerlDistrict Collector,Kanniyakumari District Lr.No.3507 9 120121 a:.4 dated22.1 | .2012' 5. Show CauseNotice issued in Tamil Nadu State Election Commission Rc.No.766 6 I 20 12 lME2, datedI 4.12.2012 6. This CommissionLr.No.766612012 ME2 dated23.4.2013 and21.6.2013. 7. From the District Election Officer/District Collector, Kanniyakumari District Lr.No. 335l4l20l2le*4 dated 7.6.2013, 25.6.2013 and 29.7.2013. ORDER: WHEREAS, in the Notification issued with the Statutory Order first read above, by invoking sub-rule (3) of the rule 116 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats,Third Grade Municipalities, Municipalities and Corporations (Elections) Rules, 2006, the Commission directedthat all the contesting candidatesin the elections listed therein shall lodge a true copy oftheir accountsofelection expenseskept by them or by their respectiveelection agent under sub-rule(1) of rule 116 of the said Rules with the officers mentionedtherein, within thirry days from the date of declaration of the result of the elections; 2. WHEREAS, in the Notification issuedwith the Statutory Order secondread above, this Commission prescribed a format for the said purpose by invoking sub-rule (2) of the rule 116of the saidRules; 3. WHEREAS, this Commission conducted ordinary elections to the urban local bodiesdurine October201 1 as notified in the StatutoryOrder third readabove; 4. WHEREAS, the District Election Offrcer/District Collector, Kanniyakumari District, in his letter fourth read above reported that 113 candidates contested in the said Ordinary Elections for various offrces failed to lodge copies of their account of election expensesas directedby this Commission; 5. WHEREAS, based on the report of the said District Election Officer/District Collector, Kanniyakumari, a show causenotice was issued in the referencefifth read above to eachof the 113 contestedcandidate, who failed to lodge a true copy of the accountof election expensesin the Ordinary Elections held during the month of October 2011, through the District Election OfficerlDistrict Collector, calling for explanation within 2l days of the receiptof the said notice, as to why action shouldnot be taken againsthim as per sub-section (2-A) of section49 of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920): 6. WHEREAS, on receipt of show cause notice 12 candtdateshave submitted their accounts directly to the Commission and the same have been forwarded to the District Election Officer in the reference sixth cited and informed to send his remarks along with the reportsof other candidates. 7. WHEREAS, the said District Election Officer,iDistrict Collector, in his letters seventh read above, has now reported that out ofthe said 113 contestedcandidates, 12 contestedcandidates lodged their accountsof election expensesalong with explanationand the remaining 101 contestedcandidates have neither submittedtheir explanationsnor lodged the accountof electionexpenses inspite of the show causenotices issued to them; and 8. WHEREAS, in view of the said report of the District Election Officer,District Collector, Tamil Nadu State Election Commissionis satisfiedthat 101 candidateslisted in column (3) of the Table below againstthe contestedelection mentionedin the corresponding entry in column (2) thereof, have failed to lodge their account of election expenses as required by or under the said Act and have no good reasonor justification for the failure. 9. NOW, THEREFORE, in exerciseof the powers conferredby sub-section(2-A) of section49 of the Tamil Nadu District MunicipalitiesAct, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920), the Tamil Nadu State Election Commission hereby declares that the candidates listed in column (3) of the Table below againstthe contestedelection mentioned in the corresponding entry in column (2) thereof, shall be disqualified, for being elected as a Chairman or a Councillor or a Ward Member for a period of three years from the date of this Order. THETABLE KANNIYAKUMARI DISTRICT Sl.No. Electioncontested Nameof the candidate (1) with address (21 (3) Thiru/TmUSelvi 1. NagercoilMunicipalitY P.lmmanuelRobinsen, MunicioalCouncillor 37,Kattayanvilai, WardNo. 1 Naoercoil. a L NagercoilMunicipality SundarVadivel, MunicipalCouncillor 34714,M.S. Road,KattaYanvilai, WardNo. 1 Naoercoil NagercoilMunicipality S.K.Kumar, MunicipalCouncillor 133, Gasavathipuram, Vettunimadam, WardNo.2 Naoercoil 4. NagercoilMunicipalitY A. Siva, MunicipalCouncillor 88/67Kamarajapuram, WardNo.2 Naoercoil 5 NagercoilMunicipalitY DuraiRaj, MunicipalCouncillor Parmarthaligampuram, WardNo.2 Vettunimadam 6 NagercoilMunicipality K. Saratha, MunicipalCouncillor I Mll, PerumalkovilTheru, Vettunimadam, WardNo.3 Naqercoil 7. NagercoilMunicipality Vijayarani, MunicipalCouncillor 64 A1, Pallivilai,Vettunimadam, WardNo.3 Naoercoil NagercoilMun icipalitY P.Chentamilkumarn, MunicipalCouncillor Vathiyarvilai, WardNo.5 Naqercoil I NagercoilMun icipalitY N. Narayanaperumal, MunicipalCouncillor B0A,Vathiyarvilai, Krishnankovil, WardNo.5 Naqercoil 10 NagercoilMunicipalitY S. Rajapandian, MunicipalCouncillor 104 B,Vathiyarvilai, Krishnankovil, WardNo.5 Naoercoil. 11 NagercoilMunicipalitY M. Anand, MunicipalCouncillor 79/33Yadhavar Melatheru, Krishnankovil, WardNo.6 Naoercoil 12. NagercoilMunicipalitY R.Sureshbabu, MunicipalCouncillor 331,Simoncolony, WardNo.6 Naoercoil 42 NagercoilMunicipality M.Manaka, MunicipalCouncillor 1136, Krishnankovrl, Aruguvilai, Puthutheru, WardNo.6 Naoercoil 14. NagercoilMuniciPalitY K. Mohan, MunicipalCouncillor 307,Melatherukarai, Krishnankovil, WardNo.6 Naoercoil 15. NagercoilMunicipality M. Raja, MunicipalCouncillor 72, Melatherukarai,Krishnankovil, WardNo.6 Naoercoil A T NagercoilMun icipality C. Saradha, MunicipalCouncillor ThruvalluvarTheru, WardNo.7 NagercoilMunicipality V. Sukertha, MunicipalCouncillor 10'1Chettikulam, Sampavar Theru, Kalugadi, WardNo.7 NagercoilMunicipality BalaAmutha, MunicioalCouncillor 561,Aruguvilai, Melatheru, Krishnankovil, WardNo.7 NagercoilMunicipality K. Vashala, MunicipalCouncillor 158, Aruguvilai, Krishnankovil, WardNo.7 NagercoilMunicipality G.Saravanan, MunicipalCouncillor 45 M.G.R.Nager, Arattuvilai, Krishnankovil, WardNo.8 NagercoilMunicipality A. Vengadash, MunicipalCouncillor 4-A, Barathartheru,Vadasery, WardNo.8 NagercoilMunicipality S.Velayudham MunicipalCouncillor 37- A, VellarVadakutheru, Vadasery, WardNo.8 Nagercoil NagercoilMunicipality K. Kumar, MunicipalCouncillor 22 B,V ellar Keezhatheru, Ozhuginasery, WardNo.9 24. NagercoilMunicipality M.S.Shagaya Antony, MunicipalCouncillor 9 G, ArattuvilaiRoad, Ozhuginasry, WardNo.9 25 NagercoilMunicipality K. Michealraj, MunicipalCouncillor 24 R.C.Barathar Theru, Menashipuram, WardNo. 9 25 NagercoilMunicipality N.Murugesan, MunicipalCouncillor 2/3Arattuvilai Road, Ozhuginasery, WardNo.9 27 NagercoilMunicipality A. Rajakumar, MunicipalCouncillor 183/N.A,Ozhuginasery, WardNo.9 N NagercoilMunicipality M. Shajela, MunicioalCouncillor 1917 3, Ottupuraitheru,Vadasery, WardNo.9 NagercoilMun icipality N. Mahalekshmi, MunicipalCouncillor 86 A, Thalavaitheru,Vadiveeswaram, WardNo. 10 NagercoilMunicipality M. Mahesh, MunicipalCouncillor 92, AsarimarSouth Street, Meenashipuram, WardNo. 11 NagercoilMunicipality Janarthanan, MunicipalCouncillor 3-A, Nagarajakovi,Cross Street 2no Thalam, WardNo. 11 Naoercoil. NagercoilMunicipality E. Chellaiya, MunicioalCouncillor Parasuraman,Perutheru, WardNo. 12 33. I NagercoilMunicipality S. Babu, MunicipalCouncillor 51,Kulathoor Colony, Edalakudy, WardNo. 12 NagercoilMunicipality Baskaran, MunicipalCouncillor 41120,Saisthri Nager, Edalakudy, '12 WardNo. NagercoilMunicipality S. Perumal, 35 MunicipalCouncillor 4171, Sabiyarkulam,Edalakudy, Kottar, WardNo. 12 NagercoilMunicipality R.Sorimuthu, MunicipalCouncillor 19 F.2,Arumugam Pilliyar Koviltheru, Kottar, WardNo. 15 il NagercoilMun icipality S. Muthuswamy, MunicioalCouncillor 4411131 A Vagaiyadi,Melarathaveethi, Kottar, WardNo. 15 NagercoilMunicipality M. Jagatheeskumar, MunicipalCouncillor 4411131 A Vagaiyadi,Melarathaveethi, Kottar, WardNo. 15 NagercoilMunicipality L.Suresh, MunicipalCouncillor 39-PattariyarKovil Theru, Edalakudy, Ward No. 16 Naoercoil NagercoilMunicipality Raveedaran, 40 MunicipalCouncillor 27 Asarimartheru,Edalakudy, '16 Ward No. NagercoilMunicipality A. Parimalam, A4 MunicipalCouncillor 171-D1,Pattariyar Sastha Nager, Edalakudy, Ward No. 17 rcoil NagercoilMunicipality A. HaseenaSalem, A' MunicipalCouncillor 83/68A, Parasuramantheru, Edalakudy, '18 Ward No. Nagercoil NagercoilMunicipality MunicipalCouncillor 9 Keezhasarakalvilai, Ward No. 19 rcoil NagercoilMunicipality A. MohammedPais, MunicioalCouncillor 2 A, Puthutheru,Edalakudy, Ward No. 19 NagercoilMunicipality M.A.Kathar, MunicipalCouncillor 3-60Ganthipuram, Parakkai, WardNo.20 NagercoilMunicipality S.Velmurugan, MunicipalCouncillor 4-2A. C.T.M.Puram, WardNo.20 NagercoilMunlcipality JohnpaulPushbaraja,
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