STATE LIBRARY '<« <** <i ** o »~ o c r C « P. ►» •si »-3 *"V Connecticut Daily Campus L-. "? L Serving Storrs Since 1896 c: c. CJ Hb o O CHC VOL. LXIX, NO. 7 STORRS, CONNECTICUT MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. 1964 •—£ H-. c- K. 9 t— State GOP Rallies To Aid Opening Of New Library Addition ft r~ Book-Selling Conservatives H' ta Scheduled For End Of October 'A.' The Young Conservatives bat- with a letter last Thursday in- r tle against a University "sales forming him of the rule forbid- held space for some 200,000 not be Interrupted while this work: m policy" jumped Into the state- ding any "general sales appeal" BY SUE CRONIN volumes. Since there were only Is being done. ►< wide arena yesterday as the Re- within the Student Union. about 60,000 volumes at that time, When everything has been moved publican State Campaign Com- The group contends, however, The new library addition, be- It seemed there would be room out of the old building, work will mittee, headed by ex-state sen- that the r ule applies o nly to gun nearly twenty-two months for a great deal of expansion, begin on its renovation. During ator John Lupton, threw Its sup- sales for profit and since the ago, is expected to be ready for but McDonald estimates that this work the addition will hold port behind the campus group. books were being sold at cost use by the end of October. John there are how about 500,000 the burden of the library ser- A telegram signed by Lupton price they argued that no viola- P. McDonald, University Librar- books, periodicals, and bound vices. Upon completion of the was delivered to President Hom- tion was Involved. The Conser- ian, has announced that dedica- documents. old building, the two parts of er D. Babbldge urging a "re- vatives had been conducting sales tion ceremonies have been s ched- When the addition is completed the library will be coordinated consideration of this policy". since Monday In the HUB lobby. uled for October 16 with reno- Inside, and the furniture has all for even more efficient service. Lupton had read of the Conser- The books included "Where I vation of the old Wilbur Cross arrived, moving of the books and When the entire building, old vative's problem In Friday's ed- Stand" by Barry Goldwater, Library to begin shortly there- the rest of the library equip- and new. Is completed, the us- ition of the Daily Campus and met "Barry Goldwater Speaks Out after. ment will begin, and probably able space will have been more with Charles Sullivan, President On Issues" and "A Texan Looks McDonald said that delays due continue for two or three weeks. than doubled, since the usable of the campus organization, yes- at Lyndon". to construction problems and McDonald said that students space In the addition Is greater terday at his Newington head- slow deliveries of furniture and would be hired through the Stu- than that in the original build- quarters. equipment have kept the library dent Employment Office to move ing. Since the old building Is The text of the telegram Is Hartford Tutorial from opening earlier. A labor the books. If students are paid characterized by extremely high reprinted below: strike last spring put an extra for the work, McDonald feels t hat ceilings, much of Its cubic space "Understand University rules five weeks between the start of the library will be able to get is not usable. prohibit use of Student Union as Program In Third construction (December of 1962) the best qualified and most care- Many of the features In the new political headquarters If cam- and the opening. ful people for the job. The move addition are specifically for the paign materials are to be sold— The original Wilbur Cross Li- will be supervised by the li- comfort and convenience of stu- even though sold only at cost. Year Of Operation brary building, built In 1940, brary staff. Library service will dents. One of the most impres- Since our policy is to sell cam- The Hartford Tutorial Program sive features Is the new furni- paign materials at cost to all will begin its third year tonight Open Stacks ture. The furniture for the "•» party units, would respectively with a meeting in Commons 30 "browsing area" Is both modern urge reconsideration of the pol- at 7:30. All who wish to parti- and comfortable. This area will icy In this respect. If Student cipate in the Tutorial are asked be In the lobby directly beside Union not the appropriate place to attend. the front door. There will be to conduct a political headquart- The program was Initiated In current periodicals and books of ers will you authorize another the fall of 1962 by sixteen stu- current popular interest here far well located place for the pur- dents Interested In the relation students to look over, and it is pose. May we roll a trailer to of education to problems of civil intended to provide a convenient a central location on the cam- rights. Its membership has since place for students to spend time pus to serve as official GOP increased to about a hundred between classes. headquarters at UConn until Nov. tutors and a corresponding num- On the third floor will be a 4?" The telegram was signed ber of Hartford children. Es- special study lounge where smok- John Lupton, Director Republi- tablished In co-operation with ing will be allowed. can State Campaign Committee. Mrs. Pearl Flemlster of the There will be no large reading Sullivan commented that "We Independent Social Center, the room, but rather the emphasis didn't expect such fast response program is directed this year will be on individual study areas. but we are very happy that the by Kathy Clemens and Wes Seix- Placed throughout the regular Committee decided to act." He as; its steering committee con- book collection will be Individual stated that the State Committee sists of Malcolm Barlow, Sara- desks and chairs. Even the 1 arger was sending a press release of He Blsnovitch, Joan Carter, Lyn study areas will provide a cer- the affair to newspapers through- Miles, and Judy Stelnhardt. tain privacy for each student. out the state. For those who want to study Sullivan noted that In his con- Each Thursday evening the together, there are special study versation with Lupton Sunday af- tutors travel by bus to the Ar- Bookstore Sales Increase rooms equipped with blackboards ternoon the ex-senator remarked senal School In Hartford's North and sound-proofing. that he felt this was the first End, a slum district whose resi- Many students will find the typ- year In which books of the type dents are predominantly Negro. Despite Limited Facilities ing rooms convenient, both to being sold by the Young Con- North End schools are generally use library supplied typewriters servatives would be of great overcrowded, teachers over- BY FRANK MOLINSKI is two square feet per student, and their own portables. The importance In the presidential worked, and educational facili- UConn's bookstore is 50%under- typing rooms are also sound- campaign. ties poor; the dropout rate Is The book store reports a sales slze. Although our student body proofed to keep the noise from The Young Conservatives had disturbing other students. high. Tutors work on a one-to- Increase last week of from 11 to Is growing and the store had Special facilities for library contacted state Republican of- one basis with children from 20% over last year's figures. limited facilities, Mr. Zimmer ficials following University ac- these schools, offering individual staff meetings and for staff re- They had thirteen machines with sees no Immediate expansion laxation are also Included. tion prohibiting the group from guidance with a child's academic two girls on each one to push plans. selling Goldwater paperbacks and problems. The addition is air-conditioned through crowds averaging over In response to the question of throughout, and the lighting will pamphlets In the Student Union A tutorial program is an at- 600 students an hour, or almost what happens to the profits from Building. Mr. Donald McCul- be better than In the old building. tempt to meet deficiencies In the one customer per minute. this store, Mr. Zimmer replied On Friday, October 16, there lough, Co-ordlnator of Student public-school education o'f child- Mr. Raymond Zlmmer, book that all the profit goes Into the Activities, presented Sullivan will be a brief dedication cere- ren from slum and ghetto areas. store manager, said that the first Student Scholarship Fund. This mony for the new addition. At The child being tutored may gain week and a half of each semester Is in contrast to some colleges this time President Babbldge and not only Individual assistance comprises about 60% of the- which give direct discounts or Mr. McDonald will speak. Dr. Navy Recruiters with his schoolwork, but a sense stores total business. The store; dividends from the profits of Keyes D. Metcalf, Librarian of someone else's Interest and hires thirty temporary em- their book store. Emeritus at Harvard Univer- Setting Up Booth concern for his particular prob- ployees for this period to make sity, will give a brief address. lems and successes—especially maximum use of their facilities. WSGC Convocation Dr. Metcalf Is the former pres- Important for children from large If you have been one of the many ident of the American Library In Student Union families with little educational that have waited in line for Women's Student Government Is background.
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